Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


478 In general. the treatments applied before sMdi_ resulted in more':, injury to the &'Nss'el than did thole which were steeled first and then treated. This could be ~cted slnce most seminating seed are usually killed e.. 11y in the pres8ace of IIOst herbicid.s. Poor ItandS of SUIS in the treat aDd seed plots can be partially attributed to weather oonditions at the time of seeding. Abetter technique would have been to treat at different detes aad leed all plots at one time. .:L .. Under the oonditions prevailing tn these experiments • the .dipropalin ceused considuable injury to bent, fescue, and bl_srass seedlings. 'rbi' wal true ~n the pre-seeding aDd po.t-seeding appl~tions. As ~ndica~ by the data. t~ere W8I little eff.c~ o~ the other tr.~s on srass stands. . . .; ~ . ., ;:'. ,-. . . !'rom thes.studies it appears that seedins p-alSes are not advere1ey affected by the'more cllDIOnly weed·lJre __ rseac. et:llbp'a31 control treatll8llts if they are three weeks old 01'1101'8. On the otberUDd, s.&dins SOOD after application may not be sclv1sabl.~ . - ", ... .\

479 '!HEEFFECTOJ1"CERTAINPREEMEqNCE CHEMICALSONGRASS~ATION ANDSFlElllLINGRASSES "f),' 1 J. M. Mch, B. R. Flem1Bg, A. E. Dudeck ~ G. J., Shoop . The objectives of thj,s lJ:twiywere to de~m;ine the effect of several preemergence chemicals on seedlings of tht'ee major turfgrass species 'Whenapplied at varying intervals followiq Beeding, and their· effect on the germ1llation of tbeee: grasses 'WheneNded at varying intervals following applica tiona :.'} Mater:Lals ~ Methods This stud;r was conduo~~ at University~k, Pennsylvania on HagerstownsUt loam soU with a pH of 6.3 and med:lumlevels of avaUable phosp.orous and potash. Initiation of the study was delayed until la te spring due to inclement weather. The area was trea ted with hot methyl bromide at 1.2 pounds per 100 square feet in late May 1961, following root zone tillage, to eliminate any undClSired plants during the growing seaSal. Prior to ~J, seedbed prePQJlltian, 45 1bs. of 10-5-5 (70% ureaform and 30% act;tvated sludge ni~en) per M was applied. Turf was maintained at lilt height of clIt, throughout the season with all clippings removed. Irrigation was a:flllied for establishme~t and maintenance, however, the turf: was allowed t,,,..mowmoisture stress prior to maintexumce watering to a:llow any possib:J;, trea1ment effects to be expressed. Post-emergence Test. On June 20, 1961 cOnunOnKentucky bluegrass, creeping red fescue and Astoria bent mre"eded in individual 3 x 63 foot adjacent strips at 2, 4 and 1 pound p~ M, respectively. Three foot sod strips were placed parallel to eacl;l(series of seeded strips to facilitate mulch removal, irription, etc. ~:experimental design ""'s a triple replicated randomized block with trea1m~t dates, grass species, and chemical trea1ments the respective factors. Chemical trea1ments lIilI'f awlied in J,x9 foot strips perpendicular to the grass strips resu1~ in 3 x 3 foot 1a'eatments an each grass species. Treatments were madeqat 6, 38, 69 and 190 da,ys following seedimg. Preemergence Test. '1he'above chemicalt.reatments were applied at similar rates ana piOtSizes toa prepared seedbed on June 26. All plots were mulched w:1,th,first-cut fo~ge at approximate~ 100 pounds per M to assimilate a turf cover condition.nd to, preventllflJterial movement and exposure to light. The three grass species were Meded at 0, 32, 63 and' 93 1 Assistant Professor; Instruotor and Graduata J\.msistants, respectively. Agrono~ Department, Pennsy1vania State University.

478<br />

In general. the treatments applied before sMdi_ resulted in more':,<br />

injury to the &'Nss'el than did thole which were steeled first and then treated.<br />

This could be ~cted slnce most seminating seed are usually killed e.. 11y<br />

in the pres8ace of IIOst herbicid.s. Poor ItandS of SUIS in the treat aDd<br />

seed plots can be partially attributed to weather oonditions at the time of<br />

seeding. Abetter technique would have been to treat at different detes aad<br />

leed all plots at one time.<br />

.:L ..<br />

Under the oonditions prevailing tn these experiments • the .dipropalin<br />

ceused considuable injury to bent, fescue, and bl_srass seedlings. 'rbi'<br />

wal true ~n the pre-seeding aDd po.t-seeding appl~tions. As ~ndica~ by<br />

the data. t~ere W8I little eff.c~ o~ the other tr.~s on srass stands.<br />

. . .; ~ . ., ;:'. ,-. . .<br />

!'rom thes.studies it appears that seedins p-alSes are not advere1ey<br />

affected by the'more cllDIOnly weed·lJre __ rseac. et:llbp'a31 control treatll8llts<br />

if they are three weeks old 01'1101'8. On the otberUDd, s.&dins SOOD after<br />

application may not be sclv1sabl.~ . -<br />

", ...<br />


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