Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


OuBaVATl. ~Cl{:J)IS'DlDoTtclr:ijQ~.~'.1U wA'1'BIIHIUOIL ... . ~.IAY• .1961'to'. ; Jolw.~. Steew)/ V~ 0. Stot:ta. V ~!=1.' R. GU1.tJ' , ~\.. '1 . 1'ba 1aY¥101l of the uppa' a. ky ftIiOIl 'r Bur.. 1ao .. tamilfoU 10 .... Gu~r R1~ ill 1954. e.1Cbau1b• 'PllICflJlllll'''' c:ollacted 10 the did DOt bacaaa eppanDt U1ltU ~ 'l t".. cll.oz,." at; .. beacI of t:ba Ba,. dv .. 10 1902 u.4 tbe plat bad"'" .. tabU ..bed .. eM l'otellUC Rivu at lau, 'f.Dce 1933!/. B,. late 1959. tr ........ ta of • pl ....t .. re fOWld dl"Uti ... over .much of the 1&7.ao.d.... baa had baccaa ... 1ubed wherever QVUOD­ _Il~l co11dltlou .... Vt1lfact:ol:1. Ss.aee flOla. tr .... DtI CD .Ul'Vlve 1" ,.UD1tie. of 20 pptloil(BeaveQ, 1960). tldal ~ta could cany UviDI plao.tl 1oto the &a.haI' portlOlll of lIlO.t •• tu&r£N; of Cba8apaakeBa,.. Bvr.. f.u. .. tand.lfoU c10•• 1ylte •.-l.......ve watena11foU 2 1OPbr U \III exalbescep'. wb1cb 11 fouucl nf.Dcf.,.U,. 11l al.ci... ...... '1'be 4i ereDCeI 10 eppeuace betwau tbaae two .pacle. ere for _ II08t pert relative. Leaflet .epellta OIl the upper portiou of the •• __ 11,. DUllbel' lII01'e t:ba 12 In Bur.. l .... watena11foll .. fewe tban ll) ill the utlve speele •• Inte~leaflet .pace. In Bur.. lao. wtena11foll .\1&117 &l'e .maUel' t:ba tho.. 11l the utlve .pecte.. III addltion. leaneClt of Bur.. ta .. tulIIl1. foll often &l'e lDOI'ecurved. 1bue two ch&I'eoteri.adc. slve tb. l.af of J/ '.tuxeat W11dl:l.fe Re.e&l'cb ceuC&l', Laurel, Mar,.lad. U. S. Fl.b tad WUdUfe Service, Jl Kal'1l ao.d Game u.el IIl1u.4 rub OOIIII1. .. iOD, Pf.e:tIIUoollobertsoo Project W.30-R. ~li8. Mar,.luel. J/ tafonatioo supplied by OorcloDI. SlIlitb, t. ...... Valley AuthorU,.. !J./ hu.cl. H. Uhler, UDpUbll1beclreports. il "t. P&l'ta pel' tbouaao.d.

443 Eurasian. wa~lfoil a W8t.f~~ appearauce. ,,"ter buds ~ seeds ,of the neUve s~c1es geaerally v.' twice as 1&1'8'1,.'thDse of Eurasian _tel:­ mil foil. Both apecies. grow~t..i.n. alkaline waee.cbabit8ts •. Eurasian watermil€oil, hQWeVer., is the, "~7,sp.C1es of KYIjOpbtllum known to grow iD coa\lt,1 ~e.l;. ofapPl'ecf.q~.:,~lia1ty. It 'pnchaoes vigorous growth in waters of sa~1D:I.tyup to ~O ;pp(;aad caa grow li&Ulf8her saliD! ties ' , (Bu ••• 1960). ' Theobjectins of these 'Objectives ,

OuBaVATl. ~Cl{:J)IS'DlDoTtclr:ijQ~.~'.1U wA'1'BIIHIUOIL ...<br />

. ~.IAY• .1961'to'. ;<br />

Jolw.~. Steew)/ V~ 0. Stot:ta. V ~!=1.' R. GU1.tJ'<br />

, ~\.. '1 .<br />

1'ba 1aY¥101l of the uppa' a. ky ftIiOIl 'r Bur.. 1ao .. tamilfoU<br />

10 .... Gu~r R1~<br />

ill 1954. e.1Cbau1b• 'PllICflJlllll'''' c:ollacted 10 the<br />

did DOt bacaaa eppanDt U1ltU ~ 'l t".. cll.oz,."<br />

at; .. beacI of t:ba Ba,.<br />

dv .. 10 1902 u.4 tbe plat bad"'" .. tabU ..bed .. eM l'otellUC Rivu at<br />

lau, 'f.Dce 1933!/. B,. late 1959. tr ........ ta of • pl ....t .. re fOWld dl"Uti ...<br />

over .much of the 1&7.ao.d.... baa had baccaa ... 1ubed wherever QVUOD­<br />

_Il~l co11dltlou .... Vt1lfact:ol:1. Ss.aee flOla. tr .... DtI CD .Ul'Vlve<br />

1" ,.UD1tie. of 20 pptloil(BeaveQ, 1960). tldal ~ta could cany UviDI<br />

plao.tl 1oto the &a.haI' portlOlll of lIlO.t •• tu&r£N; of Cba8apaakeBa,..<br />

Bvr.. f.u. .. tand.lfoU c10•• 1ylte •.-l.......ve watena11foU 2 1OPbr U \III<br />

exalbescep'. wb1cb 11 fouucl nf.Dcf.,.U,. 11l al.ci... ...... '1'be 4i ereDCeI<br />

10 eppeuace betwau tbaae two .pacle. ere for _ II08t pert relative.<br />

Leaflet .epellta OIl the upper portiou of the •• __ 11,. DUllbel' lII01'e<br />

t:ba 12 In Bur.. l .... watena11foll .. fewe tban ll) ill the utlve speele ••<br />

Inte~leaflet .pace. In Bur.. lao. wtena11foll .\1&117 &l'e .maUel' t:ba<br />

tho.. 11l the utlve .pecte.. III addltion. leaneClt of Bur.. ta .. tulIIl1.<br />

foll often &l'e lDOI'ecurved. 1bue two ch&I'eoteri.adc. slve tb. l.af of<br />

J/ '.tuxeat W11dl:l.fe Re.e&l'cb ceuC&l',<br />

Laurel,<br />

Mar,.lad.<br />

U. S. Fl.b tad WUdUfe Service,<br />

Jl Kal'1l ao.d Game u.el IIl1u.4 rub OOIIII1. .. iOD, Pf.e:tIIUoollobertsoo Project<br />

W.30-R. ~li8. Mar,.luel.<br />

J/ tafonatioo supplied by OorcloDI. SlIlitb, t. ...... Valley AuthorU,..<br />

!J./ hu.cl. H. Uhler, UDpUbll1beclreports.<br />

il "t. P&l'ta pel' tbouaao.d.

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