Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


" , 438 reasomlb;Le,',t!o &Hume the -!pdDd ~rema1ned ,1i4Nb' the 80°': level 't6~ ,seT-eral w.o., , By Sep'l;e.m'ber~O, bottoll' ~ratures 'had ' , falleD' '0 ,680F. 'jf ( • 0: 1 ~ : . ~) ~;~~- j" .:~ " ~ :'llM,d:1sJlOlvec1 oxygen t~«n.ected 10. geliel!lll'the s.ea.son8il.' ", . ~re.n.d· ot .~~:ture. As.,':1nrprevious 81U11111er,s, the dissolve4F', oxygen, OQft'ten!t>otJ 1ii1e Qont~li area was oonaiste:ntlytheloww.-t'. on May; 'J14')'J::t,w~8;,9.,5 ppn.G7J!tlep' ocourrell e's:toltdy deorea:~'[~' a low of .5 ppni 1n la.te;:Jlt~, followed 'bJ ;t;rrreadlng of 5.6 .; ppm on September 20. Experimental are~s showed the same trend. In. areag;!::a:ndi II on I-~':3lrt)'t;ha diesolve4J',oitygen oontent wa!l lO'ppm.. d1pplng to 1.4 ppaq' f ,and remainlni!,tl IItt'OI,tnd 7. 4-7.8 ptml ~ as ;Late &S),Se:p.1A'emPer20.,~difJsolved: ooqg.en oontent ot ~) III, el1OWed,ol.o:.e:roorrela.ti1l)tl with tempeftture. On May 31 1~, was' 'l0. ppiili, Cdecreasing daMn'g'JJuly to 5.53~, and returnlng'bt septeml!1er. ~ to'?_, 2 P~'.::) DIn-a' appeared, :'0 be: no c;orre1a tUft' .: oflcUtYi!;eni contbt'wl'th' the1iappl1cation of tn., weed1cide.' . 'j!:. *~ \ "':':'~)(.:.·S~~ -" .liT ,;T f:. The pH read1ngs 1n all areas showed the same trend. The)" were highest 1n May and June, deoreased to a lower point by late JUl." aAd:.r$maltled at tl1'l1s1evel'8VeftOaa late as September. The .~rla1l1on8 ;oocurred betw •• n e.) ....7 ~20lj 'lhe pH of' the \(jon:-i' trolareawalJ oons1stentllYf.:1l0wer than all Iothe:rs, 7.8 - 7/l. i c, Exper1Dlental"areaawere e1tdl.l'~ to eaohother'andshow$d '1,.' ' va:riat1on •."beheena.3 ....,7~~4. ·No co:t'lrela1ll1on of pHwlth the" applioation Q.ttih.weed1ctd"'loan'b.dedUCJH~ , ',FCC ',~'. t- .~ . ~:;"! .::-!I"·r ~ "l"' j 'The:planltt6ri identll~JOt&nbe grOUP~ ae "in' prev10uli i ,.; " yea1'8: M~Ph1ceaelCh1~l*10ea.e; Pro micro-organisms revealed a faso1nating pioture of' the ohange oQ~t'~ngt~w1~n,,~he plank-Wtll pdpuJ.atfod'O!J1;htt liIaason p'ro~-:" re'ued'.: ': , I:D 'In bGth'e!Xp~Ii1ll1ental::andJ 'control aio_'.i large aqua tio vertebrate4,' 't'1eh, ,froge,' 'ahd:tur1l1es yij!'e ~serit1n -abun- , .. danoe atid (li1cvel y:l n:behavfb¥.;,'!' : Many adu1."t.fililh and large ". .t sohooliir Of'

Helisoma, Menetus, fhYSa andValvata; Peleoypoda (Sphaerium); Amphipoda (the scud ; Isopoda (Asellus); Insecta (larvae or nymphs of Mayfly, Damsel fly, Dragonfly, and Midge). The seasonal trend: ot populatlpn, W..s refleo,\;e

Helisoma, Menetus, fhYSa andValvata; Peleoypoda (Sphaerium);<br />

Amphipoda (the scud ; Isopoda (Asellus); Insecta (larvae or<br />

nymphs of Mayfly, Damsel fly, Dragonfly, and Midge). The<br />

seasonal trend: ot populatlpn, W..s refleo,\;e

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