Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


410 w.r.~J~s,·'X4,Pi;.[~vgt..~~.c,.aq,'to·lIII1ce .. :AU, :DOt'WJ4:)M.£"'~t.J4s~~.>c_.~"2Jr.4, J!!It~;t=-d,a _tt,tldok ore8Dl"!~~ ,~_. "ttlt1lfl4.IS',~",,,,,,, i,t·.IICIt:1'ftQ.VDt,:q,\ -.:.. ag1ta.4'2,,'"4c,,-~ I, 'Lat!

411 RESULTS ireatmentettect was dete1"Jld.JJtdby measuriDg'l2,3concentric circul..­ plots ear~ in september the yee atter sprq.i%1g. tow 1:xt'UBhwas measured on .COl_acre plots (radius 3.72 teet), high brUBhbn .005 acre plots (radius 8.33 teet), and trees on:.~.acre plots (Mdius 26.3 teet). The plots 1ieI'e mechanically locatedbyconpass andpa(fbg; . The first .two matching test. were made in JlaSftohusetts in a white pille-hudwood stem less than tCll"V teet tall. b majCll" hardwood speo!es present were ~e;y b1roh and red lI8P1e with SOJlle oa1t.aDd shrubs like blueoberry and hucklel;lerl7. The hard1llOCldswere for the'lIOSt part taller and ~e vigorous than the pine.' . , Twopounds 2, 4, ' ...T in 4.' gallons ot No. I ruel oil per acre was'· matohedagainst two pounds 2, 4, 5-T in 4.' gallomi: of water. As shown'b. Table 2, the water JIlixture prove4to be less etfecUve than the matching:1,,:11 JIlixture and was less eftective than 8Zl;Yother herbiCide mixture testel!. • Twenty-eight per cent ot the low brush on Test 1 showed no damage (Table 2). This \Uldamagedvegetation was huok1eberry and blue1Jerr;v'. The undamaged :J,ow brush in Test 6 was maleberry and1aurel. Huclde1:«"rY, blueberry, malebe1'1'Y, and la\l1'el (all ericaceous shrubs) proved resistant::1n every test where they ooourred. In all tests control o1'hard\1lOCldsin the: tree olass (2" DBH_up) was not as good as control of the ;Lesser vegetatioD; Jmly ot these trees were beyond the eftective height range at the machines ,.ed. In dense stands Ithe lower branohes of trees were ldJ.1ed, but the tope 1JIIK'oeleftintact, bee_a spread Of the mist was checked on hitting the bottm ot the tree orO\UlB. IA second spraying would do more daJDageor probably kS1l the tree it it ere :'less than thirty feet tall. \. İ The second set ot matching tests was conduete4·f~in:New Hampshire so'1lhat the sensitivity ot red spruce and balsam fir tOthe:herbicides could be judged. Tests we:t'econduetel! in stands w:I:thpille, hemlock,'Jred spruce, and balsaDlfir JIlixed with hardwoods whioh were general~ overt~the softwoods. ~ of the trees Vlere less than forty feet tall. < .I • Test 3, too pounds 2, 4, ' ..T :I.n 4.5 gallonsot No.' 2 diesel oil was matched ag~t Test 4, two pounds 2, 4, 5-T in on8'!gallon of No. 1 tuel bl1 and 3.5 gallons of water per acre. Here againthelllittture with straight o~ . as a carrier was substantially superior to that oon'llWting part water (1'&1'1e2). On the other hand, the mixt\l1'e with the oil-water oarrier, Test 4, gave '. better control than the mixture 1I:I.thstraight water; as the oarrier, Test '2. It is probably safe ..to say the JIIOre oil there 1s. 1:11' the' JIlixture, the better is the hardwoodoontrol. Somedamage to cOZlifers waS observed on all t.he!test areas. JOOst I" damage tooon:l.fers was observed on Test 3, the area''ti:re&ted with the diee.1 oil mixt\l1'e. Six small suppressed pine were foum'iaad:on the plots taken in this area. This damage probably occurred, beoause diesel oil, being less .i;; I) .

411<br />


ireatmentettect was dete1"Jld.JJtdby measuriDg'l2,3concentric circul..­<br />

plots ear~ in september the yee atter sprq.i%1g. tow 1:xt'UBhwas measured<br />

on .COl_acre plots (radius 3.72 teet), high brUBhbn .005 acre plots<br />

(radius 8.33 teet), and trees on:.~.acre plots (Mdius 26.3 teet). The<br />

plots 1ieI'e mechanically locatedbyconpass andpa(fbg; .<br />

The first .two matching test. were made in JlaSftohusetts in a white<br />

pille-hudwood stem less than tCll"V teet tall. b majCll" hardwood speo!es<br />

present were ~e;y b1roh and red lI8P1e with SOJlle oa1t.aDd shrubs like blueoberry<br />

and hucklel;lerl7. The hard1llOCldswere for the'lIOSt part taller and ~e<br />

vigorous than the pine.' .<br />

,<br />

Twopounds 2, 4, ' ...T in 4.' gallons ot No. I ruel oil per acre was'·<br />

matohedagainst two pounds 2, 4, 5-T in 4.' gallomi: of water. As shown'b.<br />

Table 2, the water JIlixture prove4to be less etfecUve than the matching:1,,:11<br />

JIlixture and was less eftective than 8Zl;Yother herbiCide mixture testel!. •<br />

Twenty-eight per cent ot the low brush on Test 1 showed no damage (Table 2).<br />

This \Uldamagedvegetation was huok1eberry and blue1Jerr;v'. The undamaged :J,ow<br />

brush in Test 6 was maleberry and1aurel. Huclde1:«"rY, blueberry, malebe1'1'Y,<br />

and la\l1'el (all ericaceous shrubs) proved resistant::1n every test where they<br />

ooourred. In all tests control o1'hard\1lOCldsin the: tree olass (2" DBH_up)<br />

was not as good as control of the ;Lesser vegetatioD; Jmly ot these trees were<br />

beyond the eftective height range at the machines ,.ed. In dense stands Ithe<br />

lower branohes of trees were ldJ.1ed, but the tope 1JIIK'oeleftintact, bee_a<br />

spread Of the mist was checked on hitting the bottm ot the tree orO\UlB. IA<br />

second spraying would do more daJDageor probably kS1l the tree it it ere :'less<br />

than thirty feet tall. \.<br />

İ<br />

The second set ot matching tests was conduete4·f~in:New Hampshire so'1lhat<br />

the sensitivity ot red spruce and balsam fir tOthe:herbicides could be judged.<br />

Tests we:t'econduetel! in stands w:I:thpille, hemlock,'Jred spruce, and balsaDlfir<br />

JIlixed with hardwoods whioh were general~ overt~the softwoods. ~ of<br />

the trees Vlere less than forty feet tall. < .I •<br />

Test 3, too pounds 2, 4, ' ..T :I.n 4.5 gallonsot No.' 2 diesel oil was<br />

matched ag~t Test 4, two pounds 2, 4, 5-T in on8'!gallon of No. 1 tuel bl1<br />

and 3.5 gallons of water per acre. Here againthelllittture with straight o~ .<br />

as a carrier was substantially superior to that oon'llWting part water (1'&1'1e2).<br />

On the other hand, the mixt\l1'e with the oil-water oarrier, Test 4, gave '.<br />

better control than the mixture 1I:I.thstraight water; as the oarrier, Test '2.<br />

It is probably safe ..to say the JIIOre oil there 1s. 1:11' the' JIlixture, the better<br />

is the hardwoodoontrol.<br />

Somedamage to cOZlifers waS observed on all t.he!test areas. JOOst I"<br />

damage tooon:l.fers was observed on Test 3, the area''ti:re&ted with the diee.1<br />

oil mixt\l1'e. Six small suppressed pine were foum'iaad:on the plots taken<br />

in this area. This damage probably occurred, beoause diesel oil, being less<br />

.i;;<br />

I) .

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