Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


406 SUMIIARY or SBYlRALAQttATBOL ,'fUATllBBtS IN NEWJBRSEYWATER by R. L. LINDABERRY PENNSALT alBllICALS CORPORATION 'This disCus.ion deals with a summary of some results of cOIIlIIlercial appliCation. on .eveHJ. different lakes within potable . 'i· wetersbed areas in. Northern New Jersey. 1'I* Jrrol l.o\\t' ;DI · are the result.e, ob.ervations-:·. . I. COZy LAKE - CoDdlUons: ~ tetal lake area is 30 acres with a maximum depth td tt teet and .. j avera.e of 4 feet, with a total of 100 acre feet. The illejor .... d .pecies was Najas mlnor, wlth minor species ceratophyllum.6Jljo, Potamogeton criapu., Nuphar sp., Blcdea canadenai., green filamentous algae. Application: An application wa. lIIade on llay 22, 1961, by Roy Younger, Conaul t inc Biolccists Inc., Philadelphia, Penn.ylvania, on Cozy Lake. The lake waa drawn dOWll6 lnches. OI1e appllcation waa made of 227 ,allons of AQUATIOLfor a total concentration of 2 ppm. Resuit.r Excell.n~10Il11l0:l. of .U ·'.xcept Elodea and al,ae. In mid-Septe.ber Najas minor had commenced to regrOW il1 ... 11 patches.· Elodea canaden.~':"!!I!~"1Itar~.d.totake' .. over one end of the lake. other species were not present. An alr .. ·.~trol t".t_Dt:!~f,':9,,5 ppm euso wa... de to control 4 algae bloolll. II. Condi tiona: The total lake area is 18 acres with a D18ximumdepth,oflO:r.et .anIL_e-liverage depth of 7.5 feet. Tbs major weed speciea was Potamoreton cr1spus, with acattered Myriophyllum sp. and Blodea sp •• Application: Two treatments were applied as follows: OI1eon June 13, 1961, to the north dde of the lake and the other on June 23, 1961, to the aouth side of the lake by W. C. Hall, Chemtree Corporation, Rarriman, New York. The lake was drawn down 12 inches, and a total of 225 gallona waa applied in a aplit application of 112 gallons for a 1.5 ppm treatment (in treated area), with onehalf of the lake being treated each time.

407 , '.". '.·',',~'l~rL,i;'. "\" , ,', ,.'~;':P;1 Results: Effective •• d' 'cootrol. was obtlftbed for the season. Ob!,&~""#CJ.IIilI aD4 comiten~,!p:.~1lerqU811tY,~.~ .,.d&byf\1chard .' E., ·~:r)1 '~"',icVa11ey W~~,.COlllllli•• l0G ,l4il:td,•. Falls,. NEtwJers~y 'I t ' . as fo1~: o. [! ' . i" . :-~ ,.'i:.,.r-., ' " ,.... .~ , ,. ;,.l,." "An ef~ective ~Jt~p was obtat,~.~thout ,l" .pp~~nt iDcreasej,n;~, water odor,d.,. ,to, the use of AQUATROL.The increa.e in odor when ltct'id Occur \Vas due primarily todecayillg .vegetation. , I ~ , .,IiO~ ~ ",urther indic8;t~1f:!S were that mi~~~~plc organisms I,. , were Jl.4led initial~t'. ~ the use of ~, and this in ,t""D 1011~ed by an,~usincrease~ t~. water i bacteria. however, q~~tebahnce ap~ecl to have .been ,re"ained in about 1Q'J11J1~ to 2 we.les af~~r treatment." . . "&.w:tie,ns: Total l,~'.~ea is 140 aczij' "lth an 896 acre. f~i vo~" "i,th ~ average ~P~li.:pf 6.4 f.et •. ~ .. jor weed specie.,!' was fo.t~ton c~ispus ,with, aliae patches ~~entthrougho,u~ t~ I?' lake prior to treatment. . .' " " ','._" d," '. ,:-L.~I ')'7" .'C . "" " ,,,:' < .4.,L ;:,: ;,:Ape11eeti,oJl,:" A sincle~l:LcaUon wu 948 ~onJuly 10, l.~l",:t~l..; -by;.Ro,VoQlllrer,COnsul t~).1~~Oiists Inc. ,. ,~~de1Phia, PeIlJ1~~~""1 n, vaDU!Gp~ylD8 3:45 ga110&\8 '~, AQUATHOL to ¥~.cres at a CODCjJJl-.'· . 1;ratiPn',of .~ ppm in the;t~a;~~ area. ,':} ..' . ·-V·',, '. v.. ,~.~; " .,', -)21:.1'3 .: 1,~.~1t.r ,~..CODtrO; #l"bieved was90l ~h,.a limited alllo~t ~~.t-~-l'-p"th, b7,:-:id-Septe~Ft, .: The en:tirela~ .was .treated with to: control~bloODl.. 't, ,O.5pP1D,CuSo.. y;: .IV..,MIg!:'@OI1S- .~ Various other lakes In New Jersey OUt81~oi watershed areas , -relt~a~cI:: "loth very ~cl,~.ults when "l'PM-Jca~10Ds were me,de alfa1~>t~, ~ds speciUe4;:oo the label ancl*recommended ratea., This,c~IDci.desvery well.~the results ob~d in the rest of . the l1n-ited state. and cana~..; ~'.; .:'

407<br />

, '.". '.·',',~'l~rL,i;'. "\" , ,', ,.'~;':P;1<br />

Results: Effective •• d' 'cootrol. was obtlftbed for the season.<br />

Ob!,&~""#CJ.IIilI aD4 comiten~,!p:.~1lerqU811tY,~.~ .,.d&byf\1chard .'<br />

E., ·~:r)1 '~"',icVa11ey W~~,.COlllllli•• l0G ,l4il:td,•. Falls,. NEtwJers~y 'I t '<br />

. as fo1~: o. [! ' . i"<br />

. :-~ ,.'i:.,.r-., ' " ,....<br />

.~ , ,. ;,.l,."<br />

"An ef~ective ~Jt~p was obtat,~.~thout ,l"<br />

.pp~~nt iDcreasej,n;~, water odor,d.,. ,to, the use of<br />

AQUATROL.The increa.e in odor when ltct'id Occur \Vas<br />

due primarily todecayillg .vegetation.<br />

, I ~ , .,IiO~ ~<br />

",urther indic8;t~1f:!S were that mi~~~~plc organisms I,.<br />

, were Jl.4led initial~t'. ~ the use of ~, and this in<br />

,t""D 1011~ed by an,~usincrease~ t~. water<br />

i bacteria. however, q~~tebahnce ap~ecl to have .been<br />

,re"ained in about 1Q'J11J1~ to 2 we.les af~~r treatment." .<br />

. "&.w:tie,ns: Total l,~'.~ea is 140 aczij' "lth an 896 acre. f~i<br />

vo~" "i,th ~ average ~P~li.:pf 6.4 f.et •. ~ .. jor weed specie.,!'<br />

was fo.t~ton c~ispus ,with, aliae patches ~~entthrougho,u~ t~ I?'<br />

lake prior to treatment. .<br />

.' " " ','._" d," '. ,:-L.~I ')'7" .'C . "" " ,,,:' < .4.,L<br />

;:,: ;,:Ape11eeti,oJl,:" A sincle~l:LcaUon wu 948 ~onJuly 10, l.~l",:t~l..;<br />

-by;.Ro,VoQlllrer,COnsul t~).1~~Oiists Inc. ,. ,~~de1Phia, PeIlJ1~~~""1 n,<br />

vaDU!Gp~ylD8 3:45 ga110&\8 '~, AQUATHOL to ¥~.cres at a CODCjJJl-.'· .<br />

1;ratiPn',of .~ ppm in the;t~a;~~ area. ,':} ..'<br />

. ·-V·',, '. v.. ,~.~; " .,', -)21:.1'3<br />

.: 1,~.~1t.r ,~..CODtrO; #l"bieved was90l ~h,.a limited alllo~t<br />

~~.t-~-l'-p"th, b7,:-:id-Septe~Ft, .: The en:tirela~ .was .treated with<br />

to: control~bloODl.. 't,<br />

,O.5pP1D,CuSo..<br />

y;:<br />

.IV..,MIg!:'@OI1S- .~<br />

Various other lakes In New Jersey OUt81~oi watershed areas<br />

, -relt~a~cI:: "loth very ~cl,~.ults when "l'PM-Jca~10Ds were me,de<br />

alfa1~>t~, ~ds speciUe4;:oo the label ancl*recommended ratea.,<br />

This,c~IDci.desvery well.~the results ob~d in the rest of .<br />

the l1n-ited state. and cana~..;<br />

~'.;<br />


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