Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


3~ own,.root.g~p~ ~f'!f.•. tl1e:p~_,p•..j. completaly-killedand.· ina matter of fQur or fiy. ~.r!lJ ~Qi. new ~,,*._rnande athlUi-. Other .pecie'i1&J'e . genera,Uy '.lower ia their neeet~o par.tilcola1fty thole that de'VIe'" fro!P:· ••• c:l.1.~l'~.II" .... ,i~colN,ts,;~'.pro.bl cm.Ob prop.rly. We CQaItmt o~r bru.h ~9#tl'ol.prmi ..,ily JO'~""'P.1telUl. area"'wedonotpaymllC~at. tentlon to~ru.b ,~•• whe,r•• ~tn."".J'••1lrlct.vl.iOlll_tlae vicinity of .i •• b or &;t r o!,d cr.oa,.,iQa.. qr ~~'II,\i'H,.uIQ 1:l:outlitut4," ~a~ d to etructurq_. bulldJDSIl. I w.nl;dl.,f,c:~••. boWcwtl""'d~the•• ,.:it"'i ..... a biMatet'.: ii" • " • l :-:!{~,;:..:, ',:~i~-< ..1",: t~:·r ·:-;:::lP.L Shortly af~r we tl'8J.ttUU.r,_ with .c;beznLi:.at,we ,made,our flrat.lWforts to control weed. and. gr~.'" 'f'\~A8~9~rnendedt.zftica1.~ ..Our first· :bleatment consisted of two balic ch.mica11. One wa. an average of four poundl of 78folfl~Di.ch1~o.propioni(); ~w..~ums.u.. .. tt.Jgal1011 of coocenttate solution. T~ot~r .wa. on.an."..~.,tbie.quWJd•• t._four. pounda'O( H.:' Dl&clUoroptut~oxyac.t~ac:.id peJ'l._~n. The •• ee .... l'ate mix .. we're '~.' 1utedin.~a~er: at~. I'aw, of lt~k~ ~d Ito 100 r•• ,.ctiv.ly:. and applie-cl1doag theri&ht.o~.waY;AAd·U1 ~rdS,\ .nr., , . . ·1iY'

control. At the end of the third year we omitted tr.atment between the ralls in one yard and regrowth becameve~y evident. wti thereby assume that Ithe sterllent prOpertysbollld be continlied each year htorder to maintain cOdtrol and, to date. we are following that practice. 1 do not want to imply that the material that we use is the only o~ that will produ~ip ~~sults - 1 only report what we have obtained. '.' 'C:'> ..u 387 .' ,. ..' .;'., . ,,' c·' T The'good ruultsthat we qbtained from use Of drY chemicals in yards led to furth~'r.,a~Pt.te..atlotl.,s •... · We' d., ~s,~.i:.l.bute,thll, marte .•. :r.;".ia,~. around signals", ,,~o.ne booths, relay-boxes a~d power ,wif~,~,macJ1ine •• b~ndlpgs. fuel tanks, ~~ beneathsor:ne bJi'idge structures.':!., also have distributed material ben8!~th, pole lines that are not a~ceUlbfe,flom track. 111" tli\s ease a small handf~; of material placed tna pn~at the 'ba•• of larger gro~~ will shortly remov,\tl\at problem; You are aware that sol1..,.terilent type n\&~er,ials are rather ~on~ selective and that' care ~ust be:exe~cised in their,~:~~o as not, to dama~: growth adjoining your properties,., However. we hare l.iand applled matel1ials without harming apple and peacli'trees that were leeil than fifty feet away. We have shared in:payi,~ claims af,ter~sing liquid ~.r~~h k~llers. but we l1ave had no claims resulting'tre>m dry chemicals. 1 mlghq~ention one intere!lt~.complaint that has resulted from our us.e; of dry chemic"ls and this was in the vicinity of our grl..in elevator in~~lt.tmore. Weed growth was rather lux\l:­ riant in thi* area and ra~sfoUl1,dBo~dharbor. The~o,wth was ellminateji. the rat population substantlally:?{creaeed, and thF,lI'mQVed further away for harbor, many of them off our property. I' . 1 have diverted from my,t'i.rfJ menUonof we:fld and grass control within thebeI'm s.ctlonalol1,g our lineol r;oad. Our initifJrm.thod of control w~s repeated the secondyea~ and ouroyerall results ~e still spotty, generia~ly good, 'but with discouraging effect lolponseveral a~~s. The following ye~r we added a thir~ cheJPic::al to our prev:iplol8 mix, namely,. Baron. 1 wanted to avoid use of any trade names, butthech.mical terms loriAis product are too "pauch. This was adde,1i at the rate of fOl.lf po,unds acid equly~1ent per gallon of concel1,­ trate and diluted at the rate of? 5,.,.,1l0ns of water~f This total combinatiqn produced milch be~ter results b4!t ~ appropriatiol1,~,..a. not sufficient to,4over the entire railr,oad a1)d we lost,onse. of 01&1' previo~ cQlltrol in these un~~.ated locations. ,The following year 1lVeJ;'~verted to our i,l:tial program but 1&8814 an aromatic 0\1 in ,s,o,me of pur le~JII. b;'o\lblesome are~,,, This oll was fortif~p with rather small quantities of pe~chorophenola1l4 of Z,4-D. We were able to hold the degree of control that we had developed but there was real room .for improvement .• ,Early in thi'p'~r we had an in~fl ..ting e~perience. I' .,., . ,,', " "j, ,'l ,- , One, of, the ~anufacturer. ,o!l;Iasic IlhemicaJ.f.;koew of our attempt~o maintain a planned contr,ol program." We were askefl.to set aside 80me ail'"a. of our most severe problems an,djc'ooperate with~~r research depart~nt in test appl~atioDofvarious produ

control. At the end of the third year we omitted tr.atment between the ralls<br />

in one yard and regrowth becameve~y evident. wti thereby assume that Ithe<br />

sterllent prOpertysbollld be continlied each year htorder to maintain cOdtrol<br />

and, to date. we are following that practice. 1 do not want to imply that the<br />

material that we use is the only o~ that will produ~ip ~~sults - 1 only report<br />

what we have obtained.<br />

'.'<br />

'C:'><br />

..u<br />

387<br />

.' ,. ..' .;'., . ,,' c·' T<br />

The'good ruultsthat we qbtained from use Of drY chemicals in yards<br />

led to furth~'r.,a~Pt.te..atlotl.,s •... · We' d., ~s,~.i:.l.bute,thll, marte .•. :r.;".ia,~. around signals", ,,~o.ne<br />

booths, relay-boxes a~d power ,wif~,~,macJ1ine •• b~ndlpgs. fuel tanks, ~~<br />

beneathsor:ne bJi'idge structures.':!., also have distributed material ben8!~th,<br />

pole lines that are not a~ceUlbfe,flom track. 111" tli\s ease a small handf~; of<br />

material placed tna pn~at the 'ba•• of larger gro~~ will shortly remov,\tl\at<br />

problem; You are aware that sol1..,.terilent type n\&~er,ials are rather ~on~<br />

selective and that' care ~ust be:exe~cised in their,~:~~o as not, to dama~:<br />

growth adjoining your properties,., However. we hare l.iand applled matel1ials<br />

without harming apple and peacli'trees that were leeil than fifty feet away. We<br />

have shared in:payi,~ claims af,ter~sing liquid ~.r~~h k~llers. but we l1ave had<br />

no claims resulting'tre>m dry chemicals. 1 mlghq~ention one intere!lt~.complaint<br />

that has resulted from our us.e; of dry chemic"ls and this was in the<br />

vicinity of our grl..in elevator in~~lt.tmore. <strong>Weed</strong> growth was rather lux\l:­<br />

riant in thi* area and ra~sfoUl1,dBo~dharbor. The~o,wth was ellminateji.<br />

the rat population substantlally:?{creaeed, and thF,lI'mQVed further away for<br />

harbor, many of them off our property. I'<br />

. 1 have diverted from my,t'i.rfJ menUonof we:fld and grass control within<br />

thebeI'm s.ctlonalol1,g our lineol r;oad. Our initifJrm.thod of control w~s<br />

repeated the secondyea~ and ouroyerall results ~e still spotty, generia~ly<br />

good, 'but with discouraging effect lolponseveral a~~s. The following ye~r we<br />

added a thir~ cheJPic::al to our prev:iplol8 mix, namely,. Baron. 1 wanted to avoid<br />

use of any trade names, butthech.mical terms loriAis product are too "pauch.<br />

This was adde,1i at the rate of fOl.lf po,unds acid equly~1ent per gallon of concel1,­<br />

trate and diluted at the rate of? 5,.,.,1l0ns of water~f This total combinatiqn<br />

produced milch be~ter results b4!t ~ appropriatiol1,~,..a. not sufficient to,4over<br />

the entire railr,oad a1)d we lost,onse. of 01&1' previo~ cQlltrol in these un~~.ated<br />

locations. ,The following year 1lVeJ;'~verted to our i,l:tial program but 1&8814 an<br />

aromatic 0\1 in ,s,o,me of pur le~JII. b;'o\lblesome are~,,, This oll was fortif~p<br />

with rather small quantities of pe~chorophenola1l4 of Z,4-D. We were able<br />

to hold the degree of control that we had developed but there was real room<br />

.for improvement .• ,Early in thi'p'~r we had an in~fl ..ting e~perience.<br />

I' .,., . ,,', " "j, ,'l ,- ,<br />

One, of, the ~anufacturer. ,o!l;Iasic IlhemicaJ.f.;koew of our attempt~o<br />

maintain a planned contr,ol program." We were askefl.to set aside 80me ail'"a.<br />

of our most severe problems an,djc'ooperate with~~r research depart~nt in<br />

test appl~atioDofvarious produ

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