Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


382 Chemlcal.control ofMUlad .vegetation: ,oniSlIo\J1.der Areas of Main ',Track.:,: ,;,'" ,,'.;, ; B"f ,':''''~':lo 'I.'" Our'purpose l;leJle'tato ~I:ItJDr retard,tbe .illlJwtbof all vegetation in an area extending eight to ten feet from the ballut border. Thi .. treatment should be desiined to improve tbe appearance of the railroad and maintaiJll track ,drmnap Dy'preventing 'e'licr~meDtof veg."UIdrltnto ballast. . :~;'l,'l";. :', .,.-, "Ie ~'l ,·;"t.~lr;·-r..: '. ::?:i Unfortunately we know of nos'ingle chfimi'deflWMch wiU effectlvety , control ~he wide spectrum of vegetation found in shwlder areas. Varioul chemicumixtul'e.Sha ... been u.. asiftthout .ueceJ.'~IW''ri'a.onable cost. MOlt of thea.mixCaru·'COI1t"ht,acoti&R:tJknler'to redu'e.'ieg.tation to a. pre..;.~rJence state. a iJoil',ete.Uaftt tG,contt'df ;Haies and, millit 'ah'uals and ,a hormone' " matelJ'lcl 'to let '~oodt' pliante aad 'Il\oO*.'alea'ts. ' ;,0 b" , . r: ' " We, hav.;I1iJ~:coatact iimrla10n sbouldeil'-lt14~"'bul: satisfactory . resultl r84uiN ,UpOcJ'th.e. appU~hl peT Year t~~;8nt'''areae and the, t.~t~( coat :applied t~ cOJnPanble'to tbat'/6f i a.good co~bl~~ti tteatment whiC~:~~n give lealOll cofttre1~th' onlnlplftfc.ar~n. ,,' ~,.i ; >''', .' " ~~.' :', \' ,',I " '{d J.~,!),;.' ,~;t:,etC'.~).' .. I.", We have also tried"eyli&A4l\C'ldl'llil"s :whlcb'\fb'generally more etf~~'. tive than contact killers. but which do not give a lO~ J.li'~' even with two applications per year.,,- .. ,. Here again we'a1'e in'nee:a'b'fsomethinS~IW;:'l chemicalor mbf,~r~" of chemicall which will p'i'ovidetCbm:~lete control of )ihoulder vegetation at a COlt of $ZO per acre or leu would be mOlt desir~b1eJ . . .' ;.: ;' _.~::' .";',r' t:,' ·.i > -~ 1., \' WeedContl'ol ¢ on TrackandiShoulderA.rea~'~ Branch dH l L! ,Y' Lines . OU; purpouhel'e 'i8 t(H~.td growth or!r.ii\lc~ population of ~~~d.' in the track ItructUl"e and on shoulder,S over a totalwidtb of 16 to ZOfeet. Syltemic and i chemicai;~c;;:~:~~:ot:;>~~~;~:~:~:t:~:; ·:~lt~~s:a;:r·i~~:t:':::.~n we have beentestini weed control ,cn,e~ical~ sin,,,~~,ll~~LO~r proceclure is :a~~~i~~I~:l::~~:~l:~a~J~~':a~~ ;:;.:I1:r;~:!~~~~I::~:·1a;::~~:,'

areas under service conditionsa~ various poiute o!W,the system. Those which perform satisfactorily here are usually approved for general use. Conclusion .~ Vegetation problems f.. ~~ ~y railroads ar".generally well kno_ to suppliers andmanufac~uren of",e~4 control chemil;al.. The ever increUiug number of weed control chemiclf.\8 ,nd comp.ounds on the market are evidence of their interest iu solving the •• pr,4>blem8. Use of iJDproved applicatiol1: techniques a.nd moreeconomical.elective use of a~.ilab1e chemicals will: help us to reduce our costs, b\lt~e,ultimate in we~ and brush control wUI not be achieved on the Pennsylva"aiaRailroad until ~w.r cost, more unive!'­ sally effective chemicals are available for use on a large scale. I·

areas under service conditionsa~ various poiute o!W,the system. Those which<br />

perform satisfactorily here are usually approved for general use.<br />

Conclusion<br />

.~<br />

Vegetation problems f.. ~~ ~y railroads ar".generally well kno_ to<br />

suppliers andmanufac~uren of",e~4 control chemil;al.. The ever increUiug<br />

number of weed control chemiclf.\8 ,nd comp.ounds on the market are evidence<br />

of their interest iu solving the •• pr,4>blem8. Use of iJDproved applicatiol1:<br />

techniques a.nd moreeconomical.elective use of a~.ilab1e chemicals will:<br />

help us to reduce our costs, b\lt~e,ultimate in we~ and brush control wUI<br />

not be achieved on the Pennsylva"aiaRailroad until ~w.r cost, more unive!'­<br />

sally effective chemicals are available for use on a large scale.<br />

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