Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


364 data thatEAP4031 was 4.., t1mee moreaica". than R-1856 6~ , ,J or lOG,on,soybeans and J:1ma!beans.' The:1'brD\ulatlon EAP 4030 was silllll.:larly' more actlwt! tllan the erhul.sti'i:able concentrate: on the granular preparatlon on l1ma b~b'ut there was riof]; dlfference on soybeans. jJ': ;!' '''qi::' ll'heseaetivefoI'JI'IU1a't1ons, conta1n:Lal.i:paraffinlc hydrO';':, .. carbon asoairr1ers, wera.characterlzed'! aa.'fb8v1bg greaterre&ldualactiV1ty and they tet8:lned their heJ4>1cldal poten~y Uhf' Di'ore tha.n t~o months on soybeans. The same results wouldbeantidlpated bh lima beans had additional weed control notes been made. ,:,. It ls' .interesting ·tOo'note that incoJoporation had no effect onan1",'o:f theformu~ationsandth.tun1flcorporated EAP 4031 was slightly superior to the incorporated treatmenO' notWithstanding that this difference may not be statistically signifioant ~"! ;, '1' '} InJury to ,soybeans wab h1sherwjithi lIAP,:4031thanwi thiaily other formulation butth18d1njurywal! .1a1Je~;outgrowri. ' .. These data indicat.e .tha'tbroad.%'ut~:ty tor R-1856 i', possible and that its use may not be limited to grassy weed situationd. - , :f. 'Cl" " br!. ;:} ....:..,Cj The errectso:f the Vat-1ous formulllt:OClrlltof EPTe on ct'op. response and weed ·contrO'1JaN'summarized r,hr 81t'rawb.erries:;c: corn, and soybeans in tables 3, 4, and5;'T~tre'epectively; ").(: '. Fowmula't1ons. EAP 4001-·:and"EAP4002; -P.@n1t;a1ningaparaffime hUdrocar1:Jori as acarr:1er, ,.ffected\ gtl!ea"ter in! tialweetf. control' Wtlthdecreased inJUf'\v to\,stra",~ transplants than' ' commercial E,ptam 6E. These two experlmental preparations were comparable to the granular preparation but less injury was produced.:' ' ' ') b r:i. , In1't1al; activity of'EA~4001andEAac#OO2 wasorily -lJ.) , slightl,. beeter,than the :ciODlAerolal,fomUllafttons on soybean., . but their;aotlv1t.yperslst.ecS~ longer.' c.r.,lnju%W was less on both corn and soybeans with the experimental .formulationB).-.l.l"" including also EAP 4000 and EAP 4005, on both incorporated and unincorporated test Jllb~,~' ' -:3 i Generally, incorporating theformulattcms effeotedgreater weed: controJ.;jhowever, ldth(.EAP 4001 bn'BbybJansthere wa.s no a

Table 1. The Effects ofS8veral formulat:llons of t-butyldi-n-propylthio~carbamate (R-1856) on weed control and baby lima besn injury. Thaxter baby lima beans planted andtormulations appl:ied June 2. Weed control and crop injury ravings made July 7, 1961. * \# Weed control l Treatment Rate, Br;oadleaved Graa.es Crop Injury2 Ib./A weeds R-1856. E.C. 4 ~.8 3.3 1.3 6 1.3 5.3 2.0 R-1856. lOG 4 1.0 4.7 2.0 6 1.7 5.7 5.7 EAP40303 4 10.0 9.:0 7.3 6 10.0 9.6 7.8 EAP4031 4 4 9.8 9-.:.4 5.7 6 9.9 9.4 1.0 * Average of three replications. 1 Based on scale 0 to 10; 0 no effect I '10 reduced 100%. stand/vigor 2 Based on scale 0 to 10; 0 = no effect •. 10 = complete kill,. 3 R-1856 dissolved in a select hydrocarbon fraction above C18 and containing a slow-breaking emulsifier system. 4 a-1856 dissolved in a seleot hydrocarbon fraction above C18 and containing a fast-breaking emulsifier system. 365

Table 1. The Effects ofS8veral formulat:llons of t-butyldi-n-propylthio~carbamate<br />

(R-1856) on weed control<br />

and baby lima besn injury. Thaxter baby lima<br />

beans planted andtormulations appl:ied June 2.<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> control and crop injury ravings made<br />

July 7, 1961. *<br />

\#<br />

<strong>Weed</strong> control l<br />

Treatment Rate, Br;oadleaved Graa.es Crop Injury2<br />

Ib./A weeds<br />

R-1856. E.C. 4 ~.8 3.3 1.3<br />

6 1.3 5.3 2.0<br />

R-1856. lOG 4 1.0 4.7 2.0<br />

6 1.7 5.7 5.7<br />

EAP40303 4 10.0 9.:0 7.3<br />

6 10.0 9.6 7.8<br />

EAP4031 4 4 9.8 9-.:.4 5.7<br />

6 9.9 9.4 1.0<br />

* Average of three replications.<br />

1 Based on scale 0 to 10; 0 no effect I '10<br />

reduced 100%.<br />

stand/vigor<br />

2 Based on scale 0 to 10; 0 = no effect •. 10 = complete kill,.<br />

3 R-1856 dissolved in a select hydrocarbon fraction above C18<br />

and containing a slow-breaking emulsifier system.<br />

4 a-1856 dissolved in a seleot hydrocarbon fraction above C18<br />

and containing a fast-breaking emulsifier system.<br />


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