Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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30<br />

One approach would appear to be by the use of'labeled auxins. satya<br />

we now have techniques available for homogenizing,tnd differentially centrifuging<br />

out the intact organolles of.a cell" theoretJ:cally at least we could<br />

feed a labeled auxin to a plant eeJ.l and after spjlDning out. eacib. component<br />

of the cell we could count each .fraction to see 'Nha'e theradioactivityi'S'<br />

localized. I ,shall return to /fame experiments on this subject later. This<br />

technique is tricky in that the homogenization procedure may" in fact" cause<br />

the removal of labeled auxin frama particular organelle or, conversely" may<br />

artifactually cause its adsorpt1onon to an organelle to which it is not<br />

normally attached. '<br />

Perhaps a better technique would be histochemic4l autoradiography.,<br />

This technique has been of great utility for the m~clil&1" cytologist,S±noe<br />

it has permitted him to localize nucleic acids in the cell with great precision.<br />

Unfortunately the plant.growth hormone is present in the cell in,<br />

such low concentrations that this technique cannot ~e.employed. In 'factI<br />

do not know of anY work along these lines which hasi1yielded useful data4,:or<br />

the plant physiologist.<br />

I would like now to describe some experiments performed several years<br />

ago in collaboration with Dr. Ravingar Kaur and later with Drs. Satishand<br />

Nirmala Maheshwari. We decided to 'at!:llck the probJ,em of the .localization.a!<br />

auxin action in the cell by feeding C 4 carboxyl-labelled 2,,4-D to th61iJ:OWing<br />

cells of the pea plant and then atter hamoget4zat.ion and, differential<br />

centrifugation of the cell, counting each of the f,ractione. Since both ,<br />

the fractionation scheme and the basic results have. alreacl,y been pUblishecl."<br />

I will summarize them only briefly here. After the ,first homogenization<br />

we found that the cell walls and unbroken tissue fr~ents, which deposited<br />

at lowest speeds, contained a, si¢ficant number of counts. These however.,<br />

were readily removed by regrinding ,and rewashing.' We concluded that, in<br />

reality, the wall did not contain f:$.rmly bound 2,4-i:l. Other particulate ,<br />

fractions, such as the chloroplasts, mitochondria and ~crosomcs containe~<br />

smaller activity, which was very readily removed by gentlo washing and<br />

recentrifugation. In fact, the results of many such experiments convinced<br />

us that the great bulk of the labeled 2,4-D fed to tbe plant cell does not<br />

attach to any particulate fraction but remainsint~final centrifugal<br />

supernatant'fluid after homogeni~ation and centr1~uistion. This means<br />

that it is either in the vacuole cr' dn the clear Ils'\;ructureless ll fraction,'<br />

of the cytoplasm. ' '<br />

In order to see whether the 2,4-D 10calized1n.this way might poss1l:>ly<br />

be attached to a macromolecule, such as protein, weatt~pted both dialysi,<br />

experiments and coagulation of proteins. The dialysis experiments told us<br />

that,the labelled 2,4-Dpassed readily out of the bag, ~lthough not SO<br />

rapidly as similar material not 'in contact With pro~~in. All in all, ,the l<br />

data indicated no firm binding ot aUXin to protein..~he precipit.:ation<br />

experilnents, also, showed some small activity onthe,;coagulatedproteins."<br />

but whether this occurs in vivo or in vitro is hard to tell. ,What intore"ted<br />

us most was the finding that auxin'markedlY depresse,r:i t~e heat coagula'billty<br />

of the proteins in this phase. In fact in certaih~eriments the coagulability<br />

is so altered that there is no protein precipitate at all in the<br />

experimental (auxin treated) series, but/the control (auxin free) series<br />


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