Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


2 wera infested with alluatic .. adticaDd, 395,020 .cree.to. infestad with b.nk weeds. Total estilllated losses of water caused by ... ds in 1957 was 1,966,068 acre-f.at. This watar'.a. v.1u.d .t $3,626,742 at tha farmer'. h.adgat •• nd h.d .n estimat.d nat productive v.1ue of $39,321,360. The coat of oth.r d..... ,jb' the we.d .... $2.112,422.; Til. ',&Iotabco.t of we.dcODtro1 on irr1aaUoD s,st .. in the 17 West.mStat .. 1* 1957 •• s'$8;113;297. '0ftf.s· cost &dduto"th.lo .... ·fr,omweed. brought tha 'total.'&1UIO&1co.tof .... _ we.tern.lrrLgat1onaod drdn ... a,.t:em. tonead, $JO .Ulloo. Incf:deItli.U}'; the •• tilllated lo .... pr.ventecl by.the .xpenditure " .• ,,113,297 for: '*IIJ.iIW' ·.ndb.nk weed coat.-oJi J.n US7 '.8$15,860.026, .neo'· ... in' of $7,746,7·2";: This was a. 'U!e~l. ~.l',r:.tlII'a Oft the Natiaa ' •. i,llW8tl1ent 1a r .... n:h, extansion, .~ .~thereffOL"t. c!u.eted toward the d~Opment and u••. ot improved method. of controlling wad. in the irrigation and draina ... y.~' of tha West. No equall,'~ahen.lv.and, ~liabla data .r&·,available on tha extent'of aquatic,an4, INrg1nal .. ed probl ••• , tha 10.. es c.u'" by t~,. anel the ~t · and C08ta of.con~ol 1n oth.r parte,of·the United 8.tate8. However, 11'....... tary ,infonllU;1on,1nc1ll:&ce. that' "u-.1:ic wed probl __ ,ai:'eju.t a. critiCal '£11 other ~rt. of·thecountrya •. ill ,tll1eWe.t. It was .. twated ' in' 1947 (5)" tllat tbeZ'. Tiler. SOO.OOQacreS of LouiaJ1ana w.terway .. anclwat1and. iftfe.tecl wi.' wat.~hyac1nth .~alU.a.torweed. P1gure. suppLi.d, bptbe U. S. Arw,y,c.,..of Engineer. (3)sh9W. that over, $511l1111/.onwas 'pa1lt.eeau-oll1ng waterhyaciath. in.Louisiana, Pl~jda, .and Al.~.•~et1Men 1905 .lId ,11155.' The inh.tat1Gif'ln ·Louisi-. ba.be., I'educed aboutJJ.O''P'rcent to 2S0.GOOaere. eccording ItO' C reCeDt .atilllltea." , . ;,-' The Central and Swthern 110dela Flood Ccm-Crol;Diatr ict ba. a De tWork~ of SOOlll118. of ~ulec.n.h f. 1Ib1chthe 8II"u..i.l~cb.it...of aqu.Uc .e.clt control exc.ede "50.000. In .del1U.on, about' $30,000" 11. .,.Rt ennually fOlt'­ aquatic weed control 1n the ... 11er irrigation and drainage ditche •• ervina 15,570 .quarelllUuof agricultutal land in soutb ..... n:noru.. c ~ .'I One way to e.tilDat. the potedia1 .qu.t1c'wead.~ 'prob1a.in tbaUnited'" State. i. to det.rmine the extent of different aquatic area. in which weed problems could o~ur. PerUnen~.:'d.~ onth.t qu•• t~~tm·fr.tl!e 1949 or 1954 Agricultural Censu•• nd the 1961 Statistical A~str.ct of the United State. are suauriled lll'table 1. .,. . . j"""" . " ".: ., ~ In an attelllPt to obtaill ufo_tion on the axteatof ,,,.ed prob1ema.iD th .. e aquatic. ~as .nc! on the •• teat of control PIl0p'aliI.; _ thode ,uMd ,',.ef co.tI of· cOllt1lo1.a questionnaiJ:e'!tlype, surv.y ".s iaittated in Septellbe~ "lM1. Queat1onnaire. on,the prob1-eIll,in .•Iam pond., drU"",,41tcb!lls. and 1rdallltl.OD c.n.1e weI'. sent to all SO State Agricultural Expert.ent Station. and que.t1onnair .. on ,inland uturaJ,,·lia .... nd wat.ervay."uelar,tiflcial illpoad­ .. nte stoehed. witb' fish were ·se.'·,tO,J'f:.h.nd a-·rcc-l.a1on. or Con.aryat1on DePM'_ftte In all 54' atate.. . "'; i -; aepl tes rece1vecl frOll 38SUta Ixper1ment Statf:Ont .nd 31· PUh and 0­ C~.s1on. iDcllca,ta that vel'" Uttl. definite inf .... Uan laav.Uabl. oai aquatic area. in central and .astern region. of a type that wa. obt.ln~ct~~... irrigation and drainage sy.te •• in tha West. However, the 13 complete .nd .,.,"_A__'_" ....4l._ IP "_-* ,,0 .......... _ ... _A ..... _ ,'Ill ~_.t.a!lll. .. _ -A

Complete reports from 12 Nor~heastern, Northcentral, and Southern State Fish and Came'COIIIIDissionsindicate that the diffe""t ,.types of Ilquatic~eds cons,titute pro!>1emsmUchmore'freCfUehtly:Lnmar".' and artif1c~al f.mpoqnd­ _ft .... ""Aft fn nAf"ur .. l1 ..Iu!A and Itt!'eams. This i. ".... ciallytrue ofroo,ted 13 iftcomplete"rtports from Pish 'and Game Commi"iGlt.;providevaluab1e ilnfcmution. "Host of ttielnformatlcm:'OiI P8'l'centagesofqGal:tc areasoccupted 'by prOblem'wee4s"were based on 'eltt_tea by aquaUe fllNd ':apedalisu and ,Call be con!,ideredtbe iDost ~eli.ble l"afcmut:loil' 'neWava1:til1Jle ~ Only a very fev 'of, thl!l ilpecidist:i .ttemptl!ld to •• t:Uiite,tlfelllOnet.rt

Complete reports from 12 Nor~heastern, Northcentral, and Southern State<br />

Fish and Came'COIIIIDissionsindicate that the diffe""t ,.types of Ilquatic~eds<br />

cons,titute pro!>1emsmUchmore'freCfUehtly:Lnmar".' and artif1c~al f.mpoqnd­<br />

_ft .... ""Aft fn nAf"ur .. l1 ..Iu!A and Itt!'eams. This i. ".... ciallytrue ofroo,ted<br />

13 iftcomplete"rtports from Pish 'and Game Commi"iGlt.;providevaluab1e ilnfcmution.<br />

"Host of ttielnformatlcm:'OiI P8'l'centagesofqGal:tc areasoccupted 'by<br />

prOblem'wee4s"were based on 'eltt_tea by aquaUe fllNd ':apedalisu and ,Call be<br />

con!,ideredtbe iDost ~eli.ble l"afcmut:loil' 'neWava1:til1Jle ~ Only a very fev 'of,<br />

thl!l ilpecidist:i .ttemptl!ld to •• t:Uiite,tlfelllOnet.rt

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