Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


248 ...../ CONTROLOFANNUALWEEDSIItc'cARRarSWITHSOLAN,ZYTRON,AMlBEN, . " DIPHENAM~~: ANDPROMETft~, . t • • ·'~.~!i~ .• .: . 'M.I~i'~l'e.,.ttari4"RObe1"t Lit'ti.:ti~id1:;' '. 'J Hl.;< • ..·:).C~>·, This papel' .i.a a... 1'e pol't ... Qn ...• t.he ette~.t1...y~ .. ' ... as.rv. ot the,he~.~g:~.dU 'Uated in TaN.':llon:th.ci)n.~Ol ot annUd',J)i6~~eat' we~d' ~'l annual gl'assell .h1'Cazll'oth' . ..' I :.\:i'l~ Pl'ocedure . ';"iJd "~ , ",'1 Long Chantanay oal'l'otls ',tere planted 'in". loam so11 12 .rune, . 1961, ,and wel'e eventually thtnned to tWl?inqhea. Tl'eatmenta._l'e. l'ep11oated .... A'·ta .. 111'a .tlandom1zedbio~~ b.t 'e1ngle-l'owp];Q,ia pail'ed with untl'eated plotll. Spl'aya weite app:u.ed with' one pa',', ot a small plot 8pl'.yel'at 40 pounda pl'es.sW'ean4 ,0 $dlon4.;~ .' aore volume. ,.i"blc1d ..awff'~ 'aJ)pl:led to 1i:l~f'rent lle1"if)aot, p~ota at 'plan t.ing(12 June) Ie t the "oCtt)'ledona.ry stage (26 Ju-ne),~n~"at the tl'ue letit stage (j July).·" '. ,. . The pl'~oipal bl'oadleat weeds wel'e: Wild Rutabaga (Bl'assl08 a L.), L"ambsqual'tel'a (Chenopodium~ L.), and Spurl'Y el' ula a ven is L.). The annual gl'asae. p1'8aent wel'e: Foxtail Se 81' a v.), and Barnyal'd gl'aa8 (Eohinoohola 01'uafalll L.). Weed ooun 8 an 1"atings were 1I18deten weeka atte1" tl'eatmen • Results Hand weeded plots, and plots l'eoeiving 4 pounds ot Solan pel" aOl'e eithel' at the cotyledonal'y atage 01' at the tl'ue lear stage or cal'l'~ts, and 2 01"4 pounds or Pl'ometl'yne applied at planting, pl'oduced s18J1irlcantly highe1" rields ot cut-ott cal'l'ota than all othel' tl'eatments except 4 and 6 pounds or Amiben applledat planting, Table 2. Highest numel'ioal yielda wel'e pl'oduced in hand weeded plot., and in plot, l'eceiving 4 pounds or Solan at the cotyledonal'y ste! .. 11 Associate agl'onomlst and technioal assiatant, Agl'onOMYDepa1"tment, Maine Agl'ioultural Experiment Station, Uhive1"sity ot Maine, 01'0no, Maine.

Tl'eatments ghing un.811~!8facto%'yy~.eids inoluded: planting application of 6 pounds of Solan pel' aCl'e, 10 pounds of Zytl'on, 4 pounds of Diphenamid, and 4 pounds of Diphenamid plus 4 pounds 0t Aml08l'1,Table 2. ';, '"1· I 249 ,. I, .:" '_~ :.' ;'.~ '1 (1 " ,,', '.! ',; ;~: . Low fields wel'e aa.8oe1ated eithei'w1tb, !'1~adequate w~e'dJcbntl'ol ol.'wi~h n..l'Ucipe.· indu~811c; nop injW'y'. ~ LM

Tl'eatments ghing un.811~!8facto%'yy~.eids inoluded: planting<br />

application of 6 pounds of Solan pel' aCl'e, 10 pounds of Zytl'on,<br />

4 pounds of Diphenamid, and 4 pounds of Diphenamid plus 4 pounds<br />

0t Aml08l'1,Table 2. ';, '"1· I<br />

249<br />

,. I, .:" '_~ :.' ;'.~ '1 (1 " ,,', '.! ',; ;~: .<br />

Low fields wel'e aa.8oe1ated eithei'w1tb, !'1~adequate w~e'dJcbntl'ol<br />

ol.'wi~h n..l'Ucipe.· indu~811c; nop injW'y'. ~ LM

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