Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


240 immediately. The weights are given in 'rf!.ble 1 anq.',liIhowno consistent trend nor statistic~ valid difference even at the 5~ level. under these circumstances the plots ~ be regarded as having a tria:tS.ne content lower than that plVtotox1c to nursery crops tested. 'rable 1. Green weight in grams of 10 red kidney belln,.plants at first flower stage following' June planting in, con'jlrol plots and in treated plots. 5>.11 Type cat ion S011 tl'eatment No. of 'plots ,Rotot1lled Control Eptam Simazine Atrazine Mean weight SNt'ace, 16 888 214.25 246.13 233.75 215·00 224.69. 204.56 220.12 248.75 206.50 216.95 . S1mazine and ll.trazine, have. given .good,control ,9f established stands of Agropyrbn repens. Reinfestat10n, howeVer, fol;l.ows unless sCllleadditional control measures are maintained. Spot spra;ying,aultivation, plowing or weeding ma;y be sel.ected but pro3.0nged residueJ.ac4onis not adeqUate to prevent re-estab1ishment of some weeds and release of' others from a minor to a dominant position. Hedge bindweed, Convolvulus a.i'd' was present in. mi~ilmOUntsp1n"1959 but eJ.1 plots showed some '6, :wee in autumn 1961 -­ 7~ of eJ.l the plots rated 5 or,more on a sceJ.e oto through 9. Grass stand was eJ.so rated on stand density. Agr'?PY3'0nrepens, was present to 50~ or more in rototilled plots. ' 'rab1e 2. Stand of perennieJ. grasses present at the close of the third seasonatter a s.1ngle &?plication O,f atrazine, and sima.zine based on rating 0-6to1:&1 for 3 repl1ca:tes' and duplicate ratings (hence 6 x 3 x 2 = 36maximum). ' Rate Not .rotot1lled 1959 04 ~ototilled ." Herbicide lbs. AlA 1959-61 ,960only 1959 & !§O0 Control 0 27 18 18 17 Atrazine 5 26 22 23 17 10 30 24 22 13 EPtalll 5 30 20 21 20 l~ 28 23 17 18 S1ms.zine 5 20 15 20 13 1:0 2; 11 19 12 ,-~, '

Rototilling was done in June·' SO that the 1959 and 1960 data represents re-establishment over the period June 1960 to November 1961. In the fall of 1959 three months after treatnumt little Agropyron repens was present in the plots receiving simazine or atrazine. This was true also in November 1961 following June 1961 rototilling. Summary In a Dunkirk' silty c1B¥ 101$ simazine and atraZine applied on the SUI"­ face at 5 poundS or at 10 pounds' of active ingredient per acre are effective in controlling Agr0J2.:'Lr.cnr~pens'antt'seedling wceds'ror one and possibly 'biro growing seasons. Ro'';;otiJling 2- 3 times at the closE! of the second aeason largely reduces any herbicidal value and permits nomal growth of red kidney beans during the sensi.tive juvdhileleaf' stage on through to flowering stage. Normal growth of all indicator plants tested is taken to indicate that the soil is free of herbicidal leveis Of the herbicide applied. Incorporation of simazine or atrazine at the tfm~ of application increases the initial efficiency of the herbicidala.ctibh.It is ljJ~ely that incorporation assures placement within the soil. and minimizes loss through run off or ' spreading to adjacent plots. ao~dtilling once a year in present tests appears to be as effective as herbicidal appEcatj,on used once in a three y'ear period. Weed control value is lost and phytotoxic effect to indicator plants was not evident after the second year following application. :References Pridhem, A. M. S. Crop, voed !Uld.~oi1 aspects of sil'nazine, atrazine and' other herbicides in greenhouse and field tests. Proc. 14th Almual Meeting N.E. Weed Control conr , 142-147. 1960. • -----a~:t~r~a~z~i·ne Weed control. and residual effects applied to. sod prior to planting of simazine and of nursery stock. Proc. 15th Annual MeetiDg R.E. Weed Control Conf. 174-176. 1961.

240<br />

immediately. The weights are given in 'rf!.ble 1 anq.',liIhowno consistent trend<br />

nor statistic~ valid difference even at the 5~ level. under these circumstances<br />

the plots ~ be regarded as having a tria:tS.ne content lower than<br />

that plVtotox1c to nursery crops tested.<br />

'rable 1. Green weight in grams of 10 red kidney belln,.plants at first<br />

flower stage following' June planting in, con'jlrol plots and in<br />

treated plots.<br />

5>.11<br />

Type cat ion<br />

S011 tl'eatment No. of 'plots<br />

,Rotot1lled<br />

Control<br />

Eptam<br />

Simazine<br />

Atrazine<br />

Mean weight<br />

SNt'ace,<br />

16<br />

888<br />

214.25<br />

246.13<br />

233.75<br />

215·00<br />

224.69.<br />

204.56<br />

220.12<br />

248.75<br />

206.50<br />

216.95<br />

. S1mazine and ll.trazine, have. given .good,control ,9f established stands of<br />

Agropyrbn repens. Reinfestat10n, howeVer, fol;l.ows unless sCllleadditional<br />

control measures are maintained. Spot spra;ying,aultivation, plowing or<br />

weeding ma;y be sel.ected but pro3.0nged residueJ.ac4onis not adeqUate to<br />

prevent re-estab1ishment of some weeds and release of' others from a minor to<br />

a dominant position. Hedge bindweed, Convolvulus a.i'd' was present in.<br />

mi~ilmOUntsp1n"1959 but eJ.1 plots showed some '6, :wee in autumn 1961 -­<br />

7~ of eJ.l the plots rated 5 or,more on a sceJ.e oto through 9. Grass stand<br />

was eJ.so rated on stand density. Agr'?PY3'0nrepens, was present to 50~ or<br />

more in rototilled plots. '<br />

'rab1e 2. Stand of perennieJ. grasses present at the close of the third<br />

seasonatter a s.1ngle &?plication O,f atrazine, and sima.zine<br />

based on rating 0-6to1:&1 for 3 repl1ca:tes' and duplicate<br />

ratings (hence 6 x 3 x 2 = 36maximum). '<br />

Rate<br />

Not .rotot1lled<br />

1959 04<br />

~ototilled ."<br />

Herbicide lbs. AlA 1959-61 ,960only 1959 & !§O0<br />

Control 0 27 18 18 17<br />

Atrazine 5 26 22 23 17<br />

10 30 24 22 13<br />

EPtalll 5 30 20 21 20<br />

l~ 28 23 17 18<br />

S1ms.zine 5 20 15 20 13<br />

1:0 2; 11 19 12<br />

,-~, '

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