Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


lA•• i.tant Prof ••• or of Ornam.nt.l Horticultur., Coll.ge of Agricultur., The 'D , a 11- _ ,r- _ 'D_.1. 'Da._ ••• 1 •••• 'lI!l 218 Pre.Planting Herbicid. Appli.ation. for Weed Control in Petunia Plantlna' ., maiko Rar~kli .:~~j", i In the 1960 tr1all two chemicall, CalOron .Dd BPTCg.v. highly proaiilns' re.1ilu'., pr.-plaM ... rbidd •• '01' 'pet.... 'pl.aUng.. The two chMtC&l. wrel'.coatlnaell t.il te.t. in 1961itijei:1lerwitb neY cba8tca1a thought to b. promi.ing for the ... ding of thia crop. r. Th• .,.._DC .... OODClUcCHon a 1I8gec.COilnf'IUt 10. IOU. 'lbe .0U was rotoUll.d •• val'al tiM. to a d.pth of 5 to 6 inches prior to treetIMnC.',IIt.·plote were, loa'.qua". f •• tin·'autlo-Th. pl'.-plant herblcid •• WH .ppUed at t ..... d1ft.rant, raCe.cos.th.1'with • unUM'H check'~ 'Th. tr ..... nU .. r. "pUcatH thr •• t •• -in a .pUt plot d.d ... , . ':.~ ... f Th. h.rbicide. uaed: C&.oron (lIi.gara) ••••• ppli.d .t th. r.t. of 2, 4 .nd 8 pound. of .ctive ingr.di.nt per acre. A lallon of e.ch .olution ... applied to e.ch plot. ,BPTe (St.uff.r) - we. appli.d at the r.te. of 2\, 5, .nd 10 pouDd. of .ctiv. ingredient per .cre. Th. concentr.t. w••• ixed with • .ufficient amount of w.t.r to make • g.llon of .ixture, which we. applied to e.ch plot. 1l-1607 (St.uffer) - w.. .ppli.d at the ... r.t.. .nd the ... unn.r •• BPTC. Till.. (Stauff.r) - w.. applied at the ... r.te. and conc.ntration •• !PTC and 1l-1607. Vorlex (Morton) - a 100'%.active •• t.dal we. appli.d at the rat.a of ~, \ and 1 quart per 100 .quare fe.t. Th. Vorlex ... inject.d into the IOU .ith a '.laUD. 100 lnjectioDl .. re made per plot at a .p.cing of 12 lochea by 12 inche •• The h.rbicide. were applied on June 1, 1961. All of the plot. except tho .. tre.ted with Vorlex were rototilled to a d.pth of 2-3 inches after applicatlon. All plot. war. h.avily watered aft.r treacaent. On the day of treatment, the air tepper.tur .... in the 80'. and the .oil temper.tur. at 6 inch •• depth .a. 60°'. The varlety grown wa. Sllv.r Medal, an '1 hybrid multiflora .ingl. petunia. Blibt plantl were traDlpl.nted into aach plot on each of th. dat •• following tr.atalent: one d.y, two d.y., four day., on.... k, two .... ,

219 Table 1. Effect of pre-p1anthelfbicides on veed~v.1ence. Treated JaM 1, 1961. Active WeedPrevalence'" Herbicide Rate Ju1v 05 1961 AWl:.22. 1961 Casoron 0 7.33 10.00 211A 1.67 8.33 " 411A 1.33 4.00 I' alIA 1.00 2.00 EPTC 0 7.00 J.'';; 6.67 , 2%,#lA 4.33 1.33 o5IIA 2.67 6.00 ' lOIIA 2.33 7.67 R-1607 0 8.67 10.00 : 2W/A 6.33 9.61 "/A 1.00 5.33 I 10#/A 1.00 1.67 TU1am 0 8.00 10.00 21t11A 7.67 8.67 511A 5.00 8.00 10#/A 2.33 5.67 , ' , Vor1ex 0 8.00 10.00 \ Qt./100 sq. ft. 8.33 10.00 • Qt./100 sq. ft. 8.33 9.67 1 Qt./100 sq. ft. 4.67 9.33 " '" 1. No Weeds 10 • 10~ WeedCoverage ');' !

lA•• i.tant Prof ••• or of Ornam.nt.l Horticultur., Coll.ge of Agricultur., The<br />

'D , a 11- _ ,r- _ 'D_.1. 'Da._ ••• 1 •••• 'lI!l<br />

218<br />

Pre.Planting Herbicid. Appli.ation. for <strong>Weed</strong> Control<br />

in Petunia Plantlna'<br />

., maiko Rar~kli .:~~j", i<br />

In the 1960 tr1all two chemicall, CalOron .Dd BPTCg.v. highly<br />

proaiilns' re.1ilu'., pr.-plaM ... rbidd •• '01' 'pet.... 'pl.aUng.. The<br />

two chMtC&l. wrel'.coatlnaell t.il te.t. in 1961itijei:1lerwitb neY cba8tca1a<br />

thought to b. promi.ing for the ... ding of thia crop.<br />

r.<br />

Th• .,.._DC .... OODClUcCHon a 1I8gec.COilnf'IUt 10. IOU. 'lbe<br />

.0U was rotoUll.d •• val'al tiM. to a d.pth of 5 to 6 inches prior to<br />

treetIMnC.',IIt.·plote were, loa'.qua". f •• tin·'autlo-Th. pl'.-plant<br />

herblcid •• WH .ppUed at t ..... d1ft.rant, raCe.cos.th.1'with • unUM'H<br />

check'~ 'Th. tr ..... nU .. r. "pUcatH thr •• t •• -in a .pUt plot d.d ...<br />

, . ':.~ ... f<br />

Th. h.rbicide. uaed:<br />

C&.oron (lIi.gara) ••••• ppli.d .t th. r.t. of 2, 4 .nd 8 pound.<br />

of .ctive ingr.di.nt per acre. A lallon of e.ch .olution<br />

... applied to e.ch plot.<br />

,BPTe (St.uff.r) - we. appli.d at the r.te. of 2\, 5, .nd 10 pouDd.<br />

of .ctiv. ingredient per .cre. Th. concentr.t. w••• ixed<br />

with • .ufficient amount of w.t.r to make • g.llon of<br />

.ixture, which we. applied to e.ch plot.<br />

1l-1607 (St.uffer) - w.. .ppli.d at the ... r.t.. .nd the ...<br />

unn.r •• BPTC.<br />

Till.. (Stauff.r) - w.. applied at the ... r.te. and conc.ntration<br />

•• !PTC and 1l-1607.<br />

Vorlex (Morton) - a 100'%.active •• t.dal we. appli.d at the rat.a<br />

of ~, \ and 1 quart per 100 .quare fe.t. Th. Vorlex ...<br />

inject.d into the IOU .ith a '.laUD. 100 lnjectioDl .. re<br />

made per plot at a .p.cing of 12 lochea by 12 inche ••<br />

The h.rbicide. were applied on June 1, 1961. All of the plot. except<br />

tho .. tre.ted with Vorlex were rototilled to a d.pth of 2-3 inches after<br />

applicatlon. All plot. war. h.avily watered aft.r treacaent. On the day of<br />

treatment, the air tepper.tur .... in the 80'. and the .oil temper.tur.<br />

at 6 inch •• depth .a. 60°'.<br />

The varlety grown wa. Sllv.r Medal, an '1 hybrid multiflora .ingl.<br />

petunia. Blibt plantl were traDlpl.nted into aach plot on each of th.<br />

dat •• following tr.atalent: one d.y, two d.y., four day., on.... k, two .... ,

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