Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


, '; , "~ ,j i, !p1ot1e'~ OGnsll1ted·pr:l.mari~;' ,'lhe,weed. spectra in the 349S9-1960, tellt of crabgrass~,,~1ene' and lambsqu8rtera, lohich'were:tl"ecerded aeparatelt, and of commonchickweed, red sorrel, ragweed, smartweed, pigweed and horsenettle, which 'Wlill'e.lpmpedtogether, in the ,miscellaneous' oolUllln'oif."the table which foUQWs, ain.Oe,these were minor compared with theevual11feed popUlati()ns~ 1 Ragwee~J,emaZ'twe.d and('l;1l~Z!8enettJ.e were riotfouzid ''to''tie..IUElrieptible, at 'least to the' rates"O'f ~G$'HAL herbieideus8d ,in these·test,,, i.' Intermediate to v~able control. of, p!gI«led."was obtained in ,the tests.iJ:)atallhown in Table ! are[·r fromrtoe BQst~niv,plots. d [ ,:', " DACTHAL Form. w-50 G-1.5F G-l.5s :1,'::r'": .'1.. ,TABLE I . "jj"

209 TABLEII Average Weed Cont~l ExhibitedbtiilACTHAL Formulations Applied on Ilex crenat&convexa Percent WeedrControl DACTHAL RatEi Cr'a\)grass Purslane taiilbsqutrs. MiscellaneG\is Form.' lbActive/A 7/6 EZ5 7/8 8(5 7/]':8/5 7/8 .8t:> W-50 5 100 100 98 96 94 100 48 52 10 100 100 100 100 98 95 46 .j? 15 100 100 100 100 99 100 42 "46' G-l.5F 10 100 ).(10 100 100 95 99 53 ,746 15 100 98 100 100 92 100 36 ::4"'5 G-5 5 97 94 99 99 90 92 36 38 10 100 99 100 100 93 96 36 41 15 98 98 100 96 91 94 47 50 Weeds!ft 2 of Check Plots 4 6 . 2 3 1 3 1 2 Treatments applied 10/23/59 and 6/10/60 Crabgrass, purslane and l~squarter s were the, predominant weeds in these plots. Ragweed, commonchi,ckweed and grape frQm,pomace are included in the miscellaneous column. Good weed control was secured in these plots throughout late fall. The effectiveness of the two treatments could be observed in the long period of weed control and a sharp delixwationwas observed in the fall 'between them, and the unt.reabedcnecks , createdby' the germination and ' invasion of Poa annua at the extremities of the plots. The absence of Poa ~ in the tra'iited areas strongly suggested effectllve control of this Weed. The results reported from P31'thenocissus tr1cu!!pidata and ~convexa plots are' typical for all thE; herbaceous and woodY or~entals under test during 1959--1960. " As can be seen from the list of ornamentals which tolerated treatments with DACTHALherbicide, plant response is quite favorable. However, duri,r\lL 1960 seven herbaceous species exhibited some degree of plvtotoxicity as shMl in ~l'able III.

, '; , "~ ,j i,<br />

!p1ot1e'~ OGnsll1ted·pr:l.mari~;'<br />

,'lhe,weed. spectra in the 349S9-1960, tellt<br />

of crabgrass~,,~1ene' and lambsqu8rtera, lohich'were:tl"ecerded aeparatelt, and<br />

of commonchickweed, red sorrel, ragweed, smartweed, pigweed and horsenettle,<br />

which 'Wlill'e.lpmpedtogether, in the ,miscellaneous' oolUllln'oif."the table which<br />

foUQWs, ain.Oe,these were minor compared with theevual11feed popUlati()ns~ 1<br />

Ragwee~J,emaZ'twe.d and('l;1l~Z!8enettJ.e were riotfouzid ''to''tie..IUElrieptible, at 'least<br />

to the' rates"O'f ~G$'HAL herbieideus8d ,in these·test,,, i.' Intermediate to v~able<br />

control. of, p!gI«led."was obtained in ,the tests.iJ:)atallhown in Table ! are[·r<br />

fromrtoe BQst~niv,plots. d [ ,:', "<br />


Form.<br />

w-50<br />

G-1.5F<br />

G-l.5s<br />

:1,'::r'": .'1..<br />

,TABLE I<br />

. "jj"

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