Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


198 BFPlCTSOF SOIL rQTILITY ONS,PfAZINB.INJURJ.J'C),lflJUBRYPLANTS: PRELIMINARY"RESULTS 1" .,.. . 8.YJ. F. Abrens, D. V. Sweet, and J. R. Havis 2 Si.aill8 baa lIecOlM1qeful.lor weeel cOlltf:~l 1.n"ooely ornamentals., Conaicler.bJ.e~8l'~atiOD .1n pla1l¢j\.t~1.'J:'ADce baiJ"e,ffeporteel, however?iti,~~ll. in rate. of_.all1e .aDcI.tIIIOnapl~t- .pecie.. .So!). .t",e, is recopheel to~lu.nce ~~::i;:t~1i::~:i:~.;;t~~r,~~p~:;=~t.J=:i::~i~~t~e::u~:I"',~~o;y were planll8d Joillt17 b7workefa .t the COllD8ct'ic\it~&I\4.Ma.sachusetts .... IC,u1.. tural Exped_Dt Stations.' .... '~. " . . " .:.' : ,;;.. " ' MNrIRIALS ANDMBTHODI." .1 Tta ar"Dilou .. tdal ... ; eoDclucteel atWaltliiui.· Mes.achusetta, allcl't1le-: field test vas conducted at WIDd8Of:,COIU1ecticut.,; ':~~" GreeEs •• eri_atu: The so11 mix cOllllated of 2 puts of' ·ft .... ncl7' 10_;' 2 part1l.:aat1,Wl peat and 1 put baak sand. Dola-itic limestolle .a. addeel .t the rate of 1/2 cupful per bulhel. Fertiliser rates were. 0, 625, alld 1250 pounds of 8-16-16 fertiliser per &Cre, calculated 011 an area basil. SImaline rates were 0, 1, 2, .ael 4 ,_d. actual per .cre, ca1eu1at:ed 011 an u .. basbic:frOlD 411l'aoulu soU, _d f--.alation. the Illxt.es ruUU .. zoanci ai_d .. were tboroullll;y1llixH vith .ere placed, io wooden f·lat.,I foot x 2 feet x' 3 1__ s deep. Bachtr.at_at .aa replicated thre. tt.s. . cr.. j'J, PIve' plat. each' of tile followilll vare .at "zoe-root In each nat~' 1m! media .IiW!.. (rooted cutU~~) LlIYatrY! ibol&u! (rooted cuttl~) Tsu,a canadeyls (l-year seedUnaa) The pPert.llt was set u,on JuDe 22, 1961. ,Atthia t1llle cOlDP~d~e soil s&IIPles of. euhof the fertllher treatment_wete :tUblIlitted to the Mol''' quick test. . , So:l.1S&lllple. were al.o talulll on Auplt 1 fr_ the 2-pound rate of. silDadne. Followina ue the result. of the Au.,astl testl: Rate of rertllhatioll pH ~ .!!!!t P205 o 6.3 VL L M 625 6.2 L L MH 1250 6.0 MH L MH These qUick test me.sur"'et. show that existed durina ~h. perioel of ob"J:'Vatlon. ~o Soluble Salts (1-5) VL L K .sitterences . -r., o 2. 10 1contrlbution No. 1333 Massacllusetts AgdculturalIXper1lllent Station. 111 fertility levets 2Collnecticut Aaricultural Experimellt Statioll, Windsor J University of Massachusetts Field Station, Waltham (dece •• ed), and University of Haal.chua.tta. Ambe~8t. ~ap.~tively.

l!!!! Experiment A factorial experiment with 3 replications wa. conducted on a Merrimac sandy loam, part of which had not been fertiUzed fn eeveral yean. The soU was Umed in AprU 1961 to bring it up to a p8:,of about 6.0. A 10-6-4 fertilizer, with 50 percent of the nitrosen in or saDie form, was applied to the 9 ft. x 21 ft. plots at rates of 0, 333 or 1,000 Ibs. per acre and disked in. Three days later (April 18, 1961), three'to five plants of the followins types and ases were planted into the plots: 199 !!!2! cuspidata - once (2 yr.) and twice (5 yr.) transplanted Taxu. ~ Mcksi - once transplanted (2 yr.) I.!!!!! canadensis - twice (4 yr.) and three times (5-6 yr.)transplanted Ligustrum ovalafolium • once transplanted (2 yr.) Eu0nY!llUs radicans • once (2 yr.) transplanted Granular simazine was applied over the soil a¢ rates of 2, 4, and 8 pounds of active insredient per acre with a lawn spreader. Simazine applications were made either at 2 or 7 week. after transp1antins. Injury evaluations were made by three peraons on July 14 and srowthof'lome p1antB was measured in the fall. control plots not tr.ated with sima.iDe were hoed at 4- to 6-week intervals during the season and at the same time, elcaped weeds were removed from the simaztne treated plots. ' RESU~S ANDDISCUSSION Greenhouse Experiment Twoweeks after iniUatioD of the test, LiIU!trum began to exhibit, chlorosis in the no fertilizer treatments. By the -Irit of August markad differences in shoot growth and size and color of l.aves of Ligu.trum were seen. The plante without f ertUh.r had small,.chlQtotic leaves and weak .hoots. The plants in the mediulllfertility level lII!4ev1sorou. growth, , leave. were normal size and medium,to light green ia· color. The Ligu,tr, plants in the highfertl1ity level made vigorous growth, leaves were 1arae and dark green. Neither!!!2! nor ..I!!!S.! exhibited foliage difference. or growth response to the fertilizer IeVeIs. ' Characteristic I1madne injury symptomson L~lfl!trum were lOBSof . chlorophyll on leaf edges, deve10pins to browning oftha edges, and death of entire leaves in extr8118 injury •. RatiDgs of deareeOf injury were made on AugustlO. TberaUnss in Table 1 ,showthat the 8IIOUntof injury to Ligu.trum was markedlY influences by the fertility treatments. Tbe most striking influence of fertility 'levels was seen at the i-pound rate of simadnewhen s,tilvereinjury was exhibited at the lowest fertility and no injury at the highest fertility level. It was also.tnteresUns to note that one pound ofsimazine at low fertility gave comparable iafary to four pound. of 8imazine at high fertility. . I!!2!, and'Tsus, failed to exhibit injury symptom. from any of the treatments. '.

198<br />



8.YJ. F. Abrens, D. V. Sweet, and J. R. Havis 2<br />

Si.aill8 baa lIecOlM1qeful.lor weeel cOlltf:~l 1.n"ooely ornamentals.,<br />

Conaicler.bJ.e~8l'~atiOD .1n pla1l¢j\.t~1.'J:'ADce baiJ"e,ffeporteel, however?iti,~~ll. in<br />

rate. of_.all1e .aDcI.tIIIOnapl~t- .pecie.. .So!). .t",e, is recopheel to~lu.nce<br />

~~::i;:t~1i::~:i:~.;;t~~r,~~p~:;=~t.J=:i::~i~~t~e::u~:I"',~~o;y<br />

were planll8d Joillt17 b7workefa .t the COllD8ct'ic\it~&I\4.Ma.sachusetts .... IC,u1..<br />

tural Exped_Dt Stations.' .... '~. " . .<br />

" .:.' : ,;;.. " '<br />


Tta ar"Dilou .. tdal ... ; eoDclucteel atWaltliiui.· Mes.achusetta, allcl't1le-:<br />

field test vas conducted at WIDd8Of:,COIU1ecticut.,; ':~~"<br />

GreeEs •• eri_atu:<br />

The so11 mix cOllllated of 2 puts of' ·ft .... ncl7' 10_;' 2 part1l.:aat1,Wl<br />

peat and 1 put baak sand. Dola-itic limestolle .a. addeel .t the rate of<br />

1/2 cupful per bulhel. Fertiliser rates were. 0, 625, alld 1250 pounds of<br />

8-16-16 fertiliser per &Cre, calculated 011 an area basil. SImaline rates<br />

were 0, 1, 2, .ael 4 ,_d. actual per .cre, ca1eu1at:ed 011 an u .. basbic:frOlD<br />

411l'aoulu<br />

soU, _d<br />

f--.alation.<br />

the Illxt.es<br />

ruUU .. zoanci ai_d .. were tboroullll;y1llixH vith<br />

.ere placed, io wooden f·lat.,I foot x 2 feet x' 3 1__ s<br />

deep. Bachtr.at_at .aa replicated thre. tt.s. . cr..<br />

j'J,<br />

PIve' plat. each' of tile followilll vare .at "zoe-root In each nat~'<br />

1m! media .IiW!.. (rooted cutU~~)<br />

LlIYatrY! ibol&u! (rooted cuttl~)<br />

Tsu,a canadeyls (l-year seedUnaa)<br />

The pPert.llt was set u,on JuDe 22, 1961. ,Atthia t1llle cOlDP~d~e soil<br />

s&IIPles of. euhof the fertllher treatment_wete :tUblIlitted to the Mol''' quick<br />

test. .<br />

, So:l.1S&lllple. were al.o talulll on Auplt 1 fr_ the 2-pound rate of.<br />

silDadne. Followina ue the result. of the Au.,astl testl:<br />

Rate of rertllhatioll pH ~ .!!!!t P205<br />

o 6.3 VL L M<br />

625 6.2 L L MH<br />

1250 6.0 MH L MH<br />

These qUick test me.sur"'et. show that<br />

existed durina ~h. perioel of ob"J:'Vatlon.<br />

~o Soluble Salts (1-5)<br />

VL<br />

L<br />

K<br />

.sitterences<br />

. -r.,<br />

o<br />

2.<br />

10<br />

1contrlbution No. 1333 Massacllusetts AgdculturalIXper1lllent Station.<br />

111 fertility levets<br />

2Collnecticut Aaricultural Experimellt Statioll, Windsor J University of<br />

Massachusetts Field Station, Waltham (dece •• ed), and University of<br />

Haal.chua.tta. Ambe~8t. ~ap.~tively.

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