Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


188 Table 3. Potato Yie1da Following Planting and Emel'genoe Applioations of Val'ipua Hel'bloldes,:B1ock II. Rank Annual Annual Acre l'ate of herblolde Bushels per sPa as bl'oad1eat' (aoUve ms£edlent) aore oontro1 weed eontl'ol 6# Solan 1liM .512.7a 8 1 2# Prometryne EM .503..5a 10 1 3# Dupont 326 EM .500.7a 1 1 6# Niagal'a .5778 8M 490 •.5a 18 1 4.5# DNBP+ 2.22# Da1apon EM 489 •.5a 16 1 4# Solan EM 48.5.)a 9 1 3# Tl'letazlne PL 480.7a 22 1 4# Atl'ametl'yrle EM 472.3ab 7 1 3# Niagal'a 5778 EM ij67•.5abc 2.5 1 4#Pl'ome tl'yne PL 464.6abc 13 17 4# Dupont 326 EM ij61.8abc 1 4#~l'ome tl'yn e EM 461.5abc .~ 1 9# Nlagal'a .5778 PL 461.0abo 28 19 i# Atl'ametl'1J1~ PIt 460.0abo 6 18 #Nlagal'a 5178 PL 4.56.2abo 21 23 5# Dupont 32 EM 4.51•.5abe 3 1 2# Dupont 326J EM 'li50.8abe 2 1 4 •.5# DNBP EM, .433..5abe . 27 1 9# Niagal'a .5778 J!ltII !.j.27.0abo 14 1 2# Atl'ametl'yn$ PL 413.7abed 19 22 2# Atl'ametryne EM· 1j.12•.5abcd 11 1 2# Prometryne . PL 377.7 bede 20 4$ Dlphenamld .5OW PL 374. bode 17 3 Niagara .5778 PL 370. A ode 30 20 4# Dlphenamld-5OW PL .369.0 cde 12 25 2# Dlphenamld.8OW PL ·.325.7 def 1.5 27 Untreated 322.8 def 24 32 i# Falone EM 318.8 der 33. 30 # Falone EM 318•.5 der 26 21 1# Guol'on PL . 309.7 ef 32 29 2# Dlphenamld-5

Residue analysis of potatoes treated withtrietazine for weed control. l C. E. Olney, R."S. Bell and T. W. Kerr2 The compoundtrietazine, 2-chlor0-4-diethylamino-6-ethylamino-s-triazine, is a new herbicide being tested for the control of annual grasses and other weeds in potato fields. The present investigation was undertaken to determine whether measurable amounts of this herbicide would accumulate in potato tubers following applications in the field. The tubers analyzed were obtained from an experiment on herbicidal weed control reported by Bell et al (1) elsewhere in this journal. The potatoes were planted in late April, 1961 using four randomly replicated plots per treatment. While both the Delus and Kennebec varieties were exposed to the treatments, residue data were obtained from the latter variety only. The treatments and the amounts of trietazine (active ingredient) applied as sprays and the occasions when tuber samples were taken for residue analysis are presented in table 1. The pre-emergence treatment was made on May16, the posthilling on June 27, and the vines-down on August 15. Harvest of the potatoes was September 27 and 28. On each of the 4 sampling dates, 4 pounds of potatoes were obtained at random from each of the 4 replicates. These were then halved lengthwise and the halves diced into half-inch cubes, from which a representative 200 gram sample was taken. After homogenizing in a blender, each sample was tumbled with chloroform and filtered through anhydrous sodium SUlfate. The extracts were stored at 25Of. for future analysis. The analytical method was supplied by the Geigy Chemical Company(2). It is based m the conversion of trietazine to hydroxytrietazine by acid hydrolysis Table 1. Residues of trietazine in potato tubers following application in various treatments. Kingston, R.I. 1961. Treatment Active toxicant Pre-emergent 3 Pre-emergent plus post-hilling 3 + 2 Post-hilling 3 Post-hilling plUS vines down 3 + 2 and the determination of the latter by its line technique. Residue (p.p.m.) in tubers on dates indi,atedl 189

188<br />

Table 3. Potato Yie1da Following Planting and Emel'genoe<br />

Applioations of Val'ipua Hel'bloldes,:B1ock II.<br />

Rank<br />

Annual Annual<br />

Acre l'ate of herblolde Bushels per sPa as bl'oad1eat'<br />

(aoUve ms£edlent) aore oontro1 weed eontl'ol<br />

6# Solan 1liM .512.7a 8 1<br />

2# Prometryne EM .503..5a 10 1<br />

3# Dupont 326 EM .500.7a 1 1<br />

6# Niagal'a .5778 8M 490 •.5a 18 1<br />

4.5# DNBP+ 2.22# Da1apon EM 489 •.5a 16 1<br />

4# Solan EM 48.5.)a 9 1<br />

3# Tl'letazlne PL 480.7a 22 1<br />

4# Atl'ametl'yrle EM 472.3ab 7 1<br />

3# Niagal'a 5778 EM ij67•.5abc 2.5 1<br />

4#Pl'ome tl'yne PL 464.6abc 13 17<br />

4# Dupont 326 EM ij61.8abc<br />

1<br />

4#~l'ome tl'yn e EM 461.5abc .~<br />

1<br />

9# Nlagal'a .5778 PL 461.0abo 28 19<br />

i# Atl'ametl'1J1~ PIt 460.0abo 6 18<br />

#Nlagal'a 5178 PL 4.56.2abo 21 23<br />

5# Dupont 32 EM 4.51•.5abe 3 1<br />

2# Dupont 326J EM 'li50.8abe 2 1<br />

4 •.5# DNBP EM, .433..5abe . 27 1<br />

9# Niagal'a .5778 J!ltII !.j.27.0abo 14 1<br />

2# Atl'ametl'yn$ PL 413.7abed 19 22<br />

2# Atl'ametryne EM· 1j.12•.5abcd 11 1<br />

2# Prometryne . PL 377.7 bede 20<br />

4$ Dlphenamld .5OW PL 374. bode 17<br />

3 Niagara .5778 PL 370. A ode 30 20<br />

4# Dlphenamld-5OW PL .369.0 cde 12 25<br />

2# Dlphenamld.8OW PL ·.325.7 def 1.5 27<br />

Untreated 322.8 def 24 32<br />

i# Falone EM 318.8 der 33. 30<br />

# Falone EM 318•.5 der 26 21<br />

1# Guol'on PL . 309.7 ef 32 29<br />

2# Dlphenamld-5

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