Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


186 It is suggested( tblJ •. ttt4.2.kU'reql.lenoY'with whioh oombina tions of he~bioides oontrol annual weeds signiticantly better than the more etfeotive oomponent alone results trom tailure to oOllJbine' hM'bioidesth&t'8re: ~ompbll'um.rr orc' beoau8~f' &ne or the other oomponent maT:not1 have b'een a1bt>11eclat· appopil" time tor maximum etteot1vene~"8"iOitl beoause one or the componeM'8 giveaadequate" ­ oontrol of both annual broadleat weeds and annual grasses -- , as sum1ng·that" ade~ua teco'ntlt:o~ omy not neo~ll.lr 11)' .a lwa tl mean., , 100% oontro;l .. " '.c l ' .I'. ' "- . ","; :·~r.~ .1,:',; ,;')1 (' :';--; , .~'.• r. Table 1. Herbib1de8;Used.in lti:>t.s:toes. '-; \', l.~ . Atrametr~e ,;'" .,'~;:,:~;mero&pt~:-4:~'(eth:11Uli~~ ~Jl, SOP1"opYi.m1n0l:~· Ca-sQt'on: ;. '2.~lbh1ol'obeni'~itri1e,' !' :"j • r-v ; ' . , . Dalapon 2,2-dichloroprop10nic aoid .0' Diphenamid N,N-d1methy1-diphe~y1acetamide, ! D1uron ;.3".(3,4-dioh'lol-o)hetl'yl) "'l·.l"'d1m.t~U1'ea DNBP 4,6-dini tro-o-secoadal"Y butlyll'lieilel' , DUP"ont326 3.-.O.. ,4-diOh.l,O.r.o.,p, h.e,nYl)..-1-meth,01t Y-).-l!1ethY1W'ea Fa~one ' "t):'1&"(2,4-dich.1el'oph.en~~yetih"11~o~h1te . Niagara 5778( 4,6-d1ni tro-2-see-iObutylllhenyl acetate . .' . '..': PrOIlHttl'1Ue ,'2-;meth)'J.meroapt-o"4,6-b1S ( 1Boptt(1)7~a!il!.no) "1-tr1u1n~ S1mazin ' f2'-:-ohli:>l'o-4,6-M. s'h~htla~JnoJ ~8"til':lUil1~ ,..•. ,J, " . Solen " .. 11"O-\3hlol'o-4-llifiitHylphEln,1 )..~iilj,t~11-pen.tanamid.F '.. Tr1etazine'" ,2-Chlbl'O-4-d1ethtlammo-6-&t, ~t1~m.tnO"I-tl"~~Z1n.e ,':, ..•..; Zytron ;:~ ,:;1i~~~:~:~;?l'Oph~1l) ~~~met~tf,tl80P~OP!lPhOSPh~~,~... ; '-:L(";' < .';. ~ \,i , .r.;h, , ,.J ,_ EM ==appl1edf,ab":elrJergenoe"PL = appl1$d'wtP-plant1n.g. : j Rank 011 ='iJsElntiallyo(Ulplete contro1,c1d.;f"!annual weeds; Rank 0/)·2'= l-owest contt"ol.' ' • " . . ~. " "-'.' ,.~ .-~ .~of. ,.... I, Beoause, or'spaoeUm1tati6h.'a'1nthbp.,p~ S'ignit1cance aJ:ft:~l'

187 Table 2. Potato YIelds Following Application of Various Combina tions of' Herbicides, B100k I. Rank Annual Broadlear Acre rate of herbioide grass ,'weed (ao ti v~ ~edien~J,._.. ~__ ..!2.!:!~.2=.i!U.!~~_...'::.:::~~=--....J::.:=:':~:':' Bushels/aore control ',control 4.5# DNBP EM 467.3a 20 17 4.5# DNBP+ 3# Atrametryne EM 463.8ab 7 15 3# Dupont 326 + 3# Prometryne EM 437.0ab 5 1 3# Dupont 326 + 2# Diphenamid 80W EM 432.7ab 6 1 4.5# DNBP+ 10# Zytron EM 425.5ab 15 1 4.5# DNBP+ 2# Diphenamid 80w EM 422.7ab 1 3# Dupont 326 EM 422.$ab 1 3# Dupont 326 + 10# Zytron EM 421.7ab 1 4.5# DNBP+ 2.22# Dalapon EM 421.3ab 1 3# Dupont 326 + 3# Trietazine EM 4# Solan + 2# Diphenamid 80W EM 3# Dupont 326 + 3# A.tI'8metryne 4.5# DNBP+ 3# Prometryne 4# Solan + 3# Trietazine 4.5# DNBP+ 3# Trietazine 405# DNBP+ 0.6# Diuron 4# Solan 3# Trietazine + 2# Diphenamid 80W 3# Trietuine + 3# Prometryne 8# Niagara 5778 + 2# Diphenamid 80w 3# Trietazine + 1# Simazin 3# Tr1etszine 3# Tr1etszine + EM EM EM EM EM EM 8# Niagara 5778 PL 3# Tr1etazine + 10# Zytron PL 3# Prometryne PL 3# Atrametryne PL 1# Casoron PL 2# D1phenamid 80W PL 8# NIagara 5778 PL 8# Niagara 5778 + 10# Zytron PL 10# Zytron PL Untreated 414.8abo 409.7abo 409.2abo 406.2abcd 393,9abade 385.5abcde 377 .2abcde 357.5abade.f PL 355.7 bade.f PL 310.8 PL 296.8 PL 295.8 PL 263.3 257.8 255-3 252.8 229.8 186.5 170.5 159.3 149.3 112.5 73,8 cde.fg de.fg e.fg .fgh .fgh .fgh .fgh ghi h1j hijk hijk ijkjkk l~ 3 9 2 14 1 10 17 8 12 18 22 24 16 29 32 31 27 23 25 28 21 26 19 30 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 , ... 16 19 22 21 20 23 18 24 2$ ~A 30 29 26 31 32

186<br />

It is suggested( tblJ •. ttt4.2.kU'reql.lenoY'with whioh oombina tions<br />

of he~bioides oontrol annual weeds signiticantly better than the<br />

more etfeotive oomponent alone results trom tailure to oOllJbine'<br />

hM'bioidesth&t'8re: ~ompbll'um.rr orc' beoau8~f' &ne or the other<br />

oomponent maT:not1 have b'een a1bt>11eclat· appopil" time tor maximum<br />

etteot1vene~"8"iOitl beoause one or the componeM'8 giveaadequate" ­<br />

oontrol of both annual broadleat weeds and annual grasses -- ,<br />

as sum1ng·that" ade~ua teco'ntlt:o~ omy not neo~ll.lr 11)' .a lwa tl mean., ,<br />

100% oontro;l .. " '.c l ' .I'. ' "-<br />

. ","; :·~r.~ .1,:',; ,;')1 (' :';--; , .~'.• r.<br />

Table 1. Herbib1de8;Used.in lti:>t.s:toes.<br />

'-; \', l.~ .<br />

Atrametr~e ,;'" .,'~;:,:~;mero&pt~:-4:~'(eth:11Uli~~ ~Jl, SOP1"opYi.m1n0l:~·<br />

Ca-sQt'on: ;. '2.~lbh1ol'obeni'~itri1e,' !' :"j • r-v ; ' . , .<br />

Dalapon 2,2-dichloroprop10nic aoid .0'<br />

Diphenamid N,N-d1methy1-diphe~y1acetamide, !<br />

D1uron ;.3".(3,4-dioh'lol-o)hetl'yl) "'l·.l"'d1m.t~U1'ea<br />

DNBP 4,6-dini tro-o-secoadal"Y butlyll'lieilel' ,<br />

DUP"ont326 3.-.O.. ,4-diOh.l,O.r.o.,p, h.e,nYl)..-1-meth,01t Y-).-l!1ethY1W'ea<br />

Fa~one ' "t):'1&"(2,4-dich.1el'oph.en~~yetih"11~o~h1te .<br />

Niagara 5778( 4,6-d1ni tro-2-see-iObutylllhenyl acetate . .' . '..':<br />

PrOIlHttl'1Ue ,'2-;meth)'J.meroapt-o"4,6-b1S ( 1Boptt(1)7~a!il!.no) "1-tr1u1n~<br />

S1mazin ' f2'-:-ohli:>l'o-4,6-M. s'h~htla~JnoJ ~8"til':lUil1~ ,..•. ,J, " .<br />

Solen " .. 11"O-\3hlol'o-4-llifiitHylphEln,1 )..~iilj,t~11-pen.tanamid.F '..<br />

Tr1etazine'" ,2-Chlbl'O-4-d1ethtlammo-6-&t, ~t1~m.tnO"I-tl"~~Z1n.e ,':, ..•..;<br />

Zytron ;:~ ,:;1i~~~:~:~;?l'Oph~1l) ~~~met~tf,tl80P~OP!lPhOSPh~~,~...<br />

; '-:L(";' < .';. ~ \,i ,<br />

.r.;h, ,<br />

,.J<br />

,_<br />

EM ==appl1edf,ab":elrJergenoe"PL = appl1$d'wtP-plant1n.g. : j<br />

Rank 011 ='iJsElntiallyo(Ulplete contro1,c1d.;f"!annual weeds;<br />

Rank 0/)·2'= l-owest contt"ol.' ' • "<br />

. . ~. " "-'.' ,.~ .-~ .~of.<br />

,.... I,<br />

Beoause, or'spaoeUm1tati6h.'a'1nthbp.,p~ S'ignit1cance aJ:ft:~l'<br />

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