Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


184 ~: Solan has cOIltl'!?+lec1'annual: .b~p"dleaf weeds u eff.!)t1ve1y UJ?NBF,but hal ~~t, cons1stlently controlled annual grass better tlian ONBP; Solan has .been safely llP!i:lie4po.t-~lMlrl$l~e at a 6 pound nte; annual weed control 118s bnn· .... t1sfaotory follOWing post-emergeno~ IlPpllcation,U'",.eeds had not developed mGre than one or two true leaTe. and if .annual gras.es "Ilr. less than one-half inch ,tall •. , :.' ,.". ¥-

185 S\:U!U!1fryand ConclWtlon No hel'blclde or COO1blll.'tlon of herblc.!des tested gave s1gnificantly higher yields of K.tahdin' potato •• than the stand8!"d treatment of 4.$ pounds DNSFper acre appo.i.ed at'emergenoe. Herbicides that did not diffeZ' s1gniUoantly in etfecton yIeld from 4.$ pounds DNBP included planting applications ot'3 pounds Trietazine, 4 pounds Prometryne, 6 and 9 pounds Niagara 5778, 4 pounds AtrametZ'yne and emeZ'gence application of 4 and 6 pounds Solan, 2 and 4 pounds Prometryne, 2, 3,4, '$ pounds Dupont lZ~, , , 3,~6, 9 pounds Niagara $778, and 4 pounds A~!"ametryne. Combinations of her bIoi des that did ni5tCiHfer sigriitioiiDtly in effec t ,on yield from 4.$; pounds DNBP,inoluded emergenoe applioations ot m1xtUl'es of Duponlf')26 and' Frome'~!"tne or Diphena1l11d-or Atrametpyne or Zyt!"otl or Tll'1etazine, mi:lct~s, of DNBPand ,A,b-rjllI1etryne. or Zytron or Diphenall1id or Dalapon or Proll1etryne or Trietazine or DiUl'on, and mlxAiures Solen &I!ld'Diph41A#imidor Trlet$1" zine. Yields and annual wee,d pootrol tended\to be signifioantly lower when heavy rains fpllowed ,pplloation. Herbloidee giving slgnj,t~cantly lowe~:;a~ue.l broadleaf weed control than 4.$ pounds ])NBP'wp.en heavyrs~s' did npt follow applios tion inClllded, ,emergence ~PP1,".Lea tionOf, 4,po,~ds Falone and planting applioation of 1 pound Pllsoron, 2 and 't pounds Diphenall1id, and 2 pounds Prom~tryne. Herbl~~des giving signifioantly lower annual broadleat weeQ.control whe~.nelivy rains followed applioation included plaritingapplica tionof 3 pounds FrPJ!l.etryne ,-a mixture Qf 8 pounds NiagaI'a $778 and 10 pounds Zytron, ) pounds Atrametryne, 1 pound Casoron. 8 pounds Niagara $778, 2 pounds Diphenamid, and 10 'pounds Zytron. ---- ,--" . ' He rbioides giVing signifioantly highe!!, annual grass oootI'ol than 4.5 pounds DNBPwhen heavy rains did not follow applioation included planting appllcatiQq of 2 pounds ~ipb.enamid, 2 or 4 po~ds Prometryne, ,.~, and 4 pounds.'\t,Pametryne. -4,tJ1d 6 pounde Solan, ar..d 2, 3, 4. and $ pounds Dupont 326. H~rbioi~@s giving sign1fi~,ntly higher annual grass contrbl than 4.5 pounds DNBPwhen heavy I'ains followedal?R+:lrcation included e,lI1~J:'genoesp.p.1-1(lat1on of 3 pounds Dupont 326,.l1liXtUl'es of Dupont 326 and A-:t"Ill8~l:'yne or Diphencdd 01' Prometryne ,o~ZytI'on or TI'iee~azine and amix,ture of DNBP and Atrametryne. ' , , " The most promising new ,herbioides tes~.d in 1961 are Dllpont 326 for either planting or emeI'gence application and Solan for either emerg~oe or earlYP~l!I,t-emergenoe application.

185<br />

S\:U!U!1fryand<br />

ConclWtlon<br />

No hel'blclde or COO1blll.'tlon of herblc.!des tested gave s1gnificantly<br />

higher yields of K.tahdin' potato •• than the stand8!"d<br />

treatment of 4.$ pounds DNSFper acre appo.i.ed at'emergenoe.<br />

Herbicides that did not diffeZ' s1gniUoantly in etfecton<br />

yIeld from 4.$ pounds DNBP included planting applications ot'3<br />

pounds Trietazine, 4 pounds Prometryne, 6 and 9 pounds Niagara 5778,<br />

4 pounds AtrametZ'yne and emeZ'gence application of 4 and 6 pounds<br />

Solan, 2 and 4 pounds Prometryne, 2, 3,4, '$ pounds Dupont lZ~, , ,<br />

3,~6, 9 pounds Niagara $778, and 4 pounds A~!"ametryne.<br />

Combinations of her bIoi des that did ni5tCiHfer sigriitioiiDtly<br />

in effec t ,on yield from 4.$; pounds DNBP,inoluded emergenoe applioations<br />

ot m1xtUl'es of Duponlf')26 and' Frome'~!"tne or Diphena1l11d-or<br />

Atrametpyne or Zyt!"otl or Tll'1etazine, mi:lct~s, of DNBPand ,A,b-rjllI1etryne.<br />

or Zytron or Diphenall1id or Dalapon or Proll1etryne or<br />

Trietazine or DiUl'on, and mlxAiures Solen &I!ld'Diph41A#imidor Trlet$1"<br />

zine.<br />

Yields and annual wee,d pootrol tended\to be signifioantly lower<br />

when heavy rains fpllowed ,pplloation.<br />

Herbloidee giving slgnj,t~cantly lowe~:;a~ue.l broadleaf weed<br />

control than 4.$ pounds ])NBP'wp.en heavyrs~s' did npt follow applios<br />

tion inClllded, ,emergence ~PP1,".Lea tionOf, 4,po,~ds Falone and planting<br />

applioation of 1 pound Pllsoron, 2 and 't pounds Diphenall1id, and<br />

2 pounds Prom~tryne. Herbl~~des giving signifioantly lower annual<br />

broadleat weeQ.control whe~.nelivy rains followed applioation included<br />

plaritingapplica tionof 3 pounds FrPJ!l.etryne ,-a mixture Qf 8<br />

pounds NiagaI'a $778 and 10 pounds Zytron, ) pounds Atrametryne, 1<br />

pound Casoron. 8 pounds Niagara $778, 2 pounds Diphenamid, and 10<br />

'pounds Zytron. ---- ,--" . '<br />

He rbioides giVing signifioantly highe!!, annual grass oootI'ol<br />

than 4.5 pounds DNBPwhen heavy rains did not follow applioation<br />

included planting appllcatiQq of 2 pounds ~ipb.enamid, 2 or 4 po~ds<br />

Prometryne, ,.~, and 4 pounds.'\t,Pametryne. -4,tJ1d 6 pounde Solan, ar..d<br />

2, 3, 4. and $ pounds Dupont 326. H~rbioi~@s giving sign1fi~,ntly<br />

higher annual grass contrbl than 4.5 pounds DNBPwhen heavy I'ains<br />

followedal?R+:lrcation included e,lI1~J:'genoesp.p.1-1(lat1on of 3 pounds<br />

Dupont 326,.l1liXtUl'es of Dupont 326 and A-:t"Ill8~l:'yne or Diphencdd 01'<br />

Prometryne ,o~ZytI'on or TI'iee~azine and amix,ture of DNBP and<br />

Atrametryne. ' , , "<br />

The most promising new ,herbioides tes~.d in 1961 are Dllpont<br />

326 for either planting or emeI'gence application and Solan for<br />

either emerg~oe or earlYP~l!I,t-emergenoe application.

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