Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


1i! l~ , .' . . " ot!!tf~l!hem1.cals: Falone at 4 !bs. per acre ~ good earl)' control'. P'1 '., grasses and bro&!heated weeds 8;ta1lloca~ions. Pc)1,1~ heav .rains,~,t; 22-24, thill rat.e was not auf'ficient in 80IIIe cases. " . .- . . ". ~ Zytron at 7.; lbs. per aore looked pranisingtor crabgrass control earl¥ ' ' in the season but this rate was not suffioient later~' . GOodcontrol of 'crhh':' grass was obtained with 10 and 15 lb. rates in 1960~ . Tested at one looation, granular formUlations .~ Eptam and Stautter R-1607 applied at 4lbs. aotive pera,oJ;'lJ-&a'" 1Ocx1and vel'tSOod control respe9tlvely~ ot grasses when the granules werll cultivated int.o.tbe IOU soon (20m:l.nuteeJ-· atter application. Control was not as 100d where cultivation occurred1::letore rather than atter application. Fairly goOd control ot lambsquarter and'~ed was obtaine4. v., /.' a coU:~'W:/~=~ie~p~:t~~:rw~: rt~cnUtt~i: ~~a~th d potatoes at several location6j rates ot CDAA(Randcae)were also compare small plots at tllO locationa • . Better orabarus and be.i'n:Ja1'dgrass oontrol ... ··obt&:!nedwith 4 Jha. ODAA per ac;l'e than with t.he3 lbe. rat. in IIIC8toases, tol.1ow1ng leachins oo~Dne . ~ Auguat. .. . . Dalapon at ; lbe. active per acre gave cona:ft1erably better control ot crabgrass and bari:G'Vd grass than the 4 lb. rate. Falone at4 lba. per acre sav.-·sood control ot. sruMa and broacllAt,ed weeds early in the sea60n but th1a rate .wasnot ntftc1ent 11Mer conUtiollls' favorable for leaching. Eptam.aM. stautter

181 CONTROLOF ANNUALWEEDSIN pOTATOES M.F. Trevett, H.J. MUl'phy, and Robert Littlefield Y Introdulllt ion This paper is a report on the effectiveness of the herbicides listed in Table 1 on the control of annual broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in potatoes. Comparisons were made between herbicides applied singly, Block II,and between various combinations of herbicides, Block· I. Com1:lination treatments were applied to. dete~mine the likelihood of aomplementaryactibn that would either increa.se percent total weed oontrol or lengthen the period of effective weed oontrol. . Procedure Two blocks of Katahdin potatoes were planted in a sandy lQ8m soil in late May, 1961. Block I was planted 22 May, Block II was :planted 26 May. .Seed pieces were spaced 12 inches apart in ro~s 42 inches apart. "Planting" treatments were applied 24 May in Block I and 29 May in Block II, two and three days after planting. Emergence treatments were applied when about 5%of the plants had emerged: 12 June in Block I, ahd 13 June in Bloo,k II. Treatments were replicated six times in randomized blocks .of single row plots paired with untreated plots. Herbicides were applied with one pass of a small plot spraye.r at 40 pounds pressure and 50 gallons per acre volume. Potatoeswel'e hilled three times. The final hill was 24 inches wide at the base, 10 inches high, and 6 inches wide at the top. . The principal broadleatweeds were: Wild Rutabaga (Brassic, rapa Li), Red-root Pigweed (Amaranthus l'etrotlexusL.), Lambsquarters Pigweed (ChenopodiUll1 album t.), Ragwe,ed {Ambrosia artem1s11!gUj. L. h andsmal'tweed (POlY~OaUll! pensYlvanicum L.). The annua! gl'asses pl'esent we.re: Barny-ar Grass· (EOhlnochloa Cl'USgatp L.) and Foxtail (Seteria viridis L.). 'Weed counts and~ ra ngs were made- approximately twelve weeks atte.r treatments. 11 Associate Agronomists, and Technical Assistant, respectively, Agronomy Dep8r~ent, Maine Agl'icultural Experiment Station, Univel'sity of Maine, Orono, Maine.

181<br />


M.F. Trevett, H.J. MUl'phy, and Robert Littlefield Y<br />

Introdulllt<br />

ion<br />

This paper is a report on the effectiveness of the herbicides<br />

listed in Table 1 on the control of annual broadleaf weeds and<br />

annual grasses in potatoes. Comparisons were made between herbicides<br />

applied singly, Block II,and between various combinations<br />

of herbicides, Block· I. Com1:lination treatments were applied to.<br />

dete~mine the likelihood of aomplementaryactibn that would either<br />

increa.se percent total weed oontrol or lengthen the period of<br />

effective weed oontrol. .<br />

Procedure<br />

Two blocks of Katahdin potatoes were planted in a sandy lQ8m<br />

soil in late May, 1961. Block I was planted 22 May, Block II was<br />

:planted 26 May. .Seed pieces were spaced 12 inches apart in ro~s<br />

42 inches apart. "Planting" treatments were applied 24 May in<br />

Block I and 29 May in Block II, two and three days after planting.<br />

Emergence treatments were applied when about 5%of the plants had<br />

emerged: 12 June in Block I, ahd 13 June in Bloo,k II.<br />

Treatments were replicated six times in randomized blocks .of<br />

single row plots paired with untreated plots. Herbicides were<br />

applied with one pass of a small plot spraye.r at 40 pounds pressure<br />

and 50 gallons per acre volume. Potatoeswel'e hilled three times.<br />

The final hill was 24 inches wide at the base, 10 inches high, and<br />

6 inches wide at the top. .<br />

The principal broadleatweeds were: Wild Rutabaga (Brassic,<br />

rapa Li), Red-root Pigweed (Amaranthus l'etrotlexusL.), Lambsquarters<br />

Pigweed (ChenopodiUll1 album t.), Ragwe,ed {Ambrosia<br />

artem1s11!gUj. L. h andsmal'tweed (POlY~OaUll! pensYlvanicum L.).<br />

The annua! gl'asses pl'esent we.re: Barny-ar Grass· (EOhlnochloa Cl'USgatp<br />

L.) and Foxtail (Seteria viridis L.). '<strong>Weed</strong> counts and~<br />

ra ngs were made- approximately twelve weeks atte.r treatments.<br />

11 Associate Agronomists, and Technical Assistant, respectively,<br />

Agronomy Dep8r~ent, Maine Agl'icultural Experiment Station,<br />

Univel'sity of Maine, Orono, Maine.

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