Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


170 Yie.s of U.S. #1 Delus potatoes ranged from3~a, bushels to 491 bushels per acre; and those of Kennebec',fran 508 to 646bu~helS per acre. The variability of the individual yields was such that no statistically significant differences between treatments ~' ,found. Th, sPCIP'11:1c gravity of the Kennebec potatoes averaged 1.078 and,the,Delus 1.083~:' Procedure Post-hilling and layby herbicide applications, 1961 These tests were randomized in blocks which alternated with the pre-emergent blocks. They were planted ,at the same time ancf:Ileaeived the same fertilization and managementexcept that they were CUltivated on May31, June 6, 16, and 20, with preliminary hilling on June 26 and final hilling on June 30. Ladysthumband ragweed were eliminated from the tops of the hills by the cultivating process. The field was overseeded with millets but the heavy fOliage cover and dry weather minimized the stand. The post-hilling herbicide sprays were applied June 26 with a calibrated sprayer at 'the rate of 40 gallons to the acre. The granular materials were weighed out individually and mixed with sand befo" spreading by hand. A few plots received vine-down applications on August 15. The vines were green and leafy but had opened up enough so herbicides COuldreach the soil. Trietazine spray prod~ced a little yellowing on the older leaves but this effect disappeared within two week$. Results The materials used, stands of weeds and yields of U.S. #1 Kennebecand Delus potatoes are shown in table 3. The yieldS of Kennebecs ranged from 500 bushels per acre where the double application of t1'ietazine was used to 631 on the falone plots. The controls averaged 590 bushels. The maximumand minimum yields of Oelu6 potatoes were 481 and 341 bushels per acre for these same two treatments, respectively. The check plots of Delus produced 438 bushels per acre. Unfortunately, the variation within blocks was such that significance could not be established at the 5%level. It is suspected, however, that the lowest average yields obtained from the combined application of trietazine at layby and vine-down is in part due to the heavy application of this herbicide. Whentubers of the, Kennebecvariety were dug in ~9ust for trietazine analysi~, smaller potatoes than in the check plots were found. ~ext season it is planned to' harvest potatoes at several periods to see whether the post-hilling spray retards tuber development. The weed stand was rather light. Proper CUltivation in June produced a nearly weedfree area. Ladysthumb(Polygonvmgersicaria) and some of the annual millets were present. '" The data in table 3 show that granular falone, alanap, zytron, eptam, dalapon, and amiben were effective in reducing the stand of annual grasses. Falone spray and trietazine spray were also effective. Repeating'the application of falone or trietazine at vine-down was no more effective than the post-h~lling treatment alone. The repeat application of

Table 3. Post-hilling weed control experiments with Kennebec and Delus potatoes (R.I. 1961). Active toxicant Ib/A U.S. #1 Weedrating* Vines BulA Ladys- Annual Material Layby down Kennebec Delus thumb 9/26/61 grasses Falone 4 631 481 7.2 9.3 Falone 4 4 629 440 8.1 9.5 Falone (gran. ) 4 554 421 7.7 :9.0 Falone (gran.) 4 4 514 406 7.4 9.1 Alanap (gran.) 4 458 391 6.0 9.0 Dalapon (gran.) 5 505 428 5.8 8.5 Zytron 5 598 445 5.0 8.6 Zytron 8 589 416 5.3 8.6 Zytron (gran.) 8 621 461 5.6 9.1 Eptam (gran.) 5 571 445 6.6 8.7 Eptam (gran.) 5 4 550 428 9.0 9.6 Trietazine 3 506 405 9.0 9.2 Trietazine 3 2 500 341 9.4 9.5 Amiben (gran.) 5 593 465 8.6 9.5 No chemical** 590 438 6.3 7.8 *low numbers = poor control, 10 = no weeds **regular cultivation eptam seemed somewhat more effective in reducing the stand of ladysthumb. Where eptam was used at post-hilling and vine-down the plots were nearly free of this pest. Falone retarded the growth of ladysthumb while the other "grass" herbicides did not materially effect it. Trietazine prevents the development of this weed rather well. Summary The grass herbicides, such as falone or alanap at 4 Ib/A, eptam, dalapon or alanap at 5 Ib/A and zytron at 8 Ib/A reduced the stands of grasses without altering the yields of U.S. #1 potatoes. Dalapon and zytron at 5 Ib/A did not appear quite as effective as the others during 1961. Repeat applications of falone or trietazine at vine-down did not increase the effectiveness this year. A repeat application of granular eptam was more effective than one application. Trietazine is an effective herbicide for annual weeds. Its effect on the rate of development of potato tubers needs further· investigation. Literature Cited 1. Bell, R. S. and Erling Larssen. 1960. Pre-emergent and post-hilling weed control tests with Katahdin potatoes, 1958-59. NEWCC, pp. 201-206. 2. Ilnicki, R. D., J. C. Campbell, T. T. Tisdell and H. A. Collins. 1961. Progress report on lay-by weed control in potatoes. NEWCC, p. 55. 3. Trevett, M. F., H. J. Murphyand Wm.Gardner. 1960. NEWCC, pp. 207-213. 171

170<br />

Yie.s of U.S. #1 Delus potatoes ranged from3~a, bushels to 491 bushels<br />

per acre; and those of Kennebec',fran 508 to 646bu~helS per acre. The variability<br />

of the individual yields was such that no statistically significant<br />

differences between treatments ~' ,found. Th, sPCIP'11:1c gravity of the Kennebec<br />

potatoes averaged 1.078 and,the,Delus 1.083~:'<br />

Procedure<br />

Post-hilling and layby herbicide applications, 1961<br />

These tests were randomized in blocks which alternated with the pre-emergent<br />

blocks. They were planted ,at the same time ancf:Ileaeived the same fertilization<br />

and managementexcept that they were CUltivated on May31, June 6, 16,<br />

and 20, with preliminary hilling on June 26 and final hilling on June 30.<br />

Ladysthumband ragweed were eliminated from the tops of the hills by the cultivating<br />

process. The field was overseeded with millets but the heavy fOliage<br />

cover and dry weather minimized the stand.<br />

The post-hilling herbicide sprays were applied June 26 with a calibrated<br />

sprayer at 'the rate of 40 gallons to the acre. The granular materials were<br />

weighed out individually and mixed with sand befo" spreading by hand. A few<br />

plots received vine-down applications on August 15. The vines were green and<br />

leafy but had opened up enough so herbicides COuldreach the soil. Trietazine<br />

spray prod~ced a little yellowing on the older leaves but this effect disappeared<br />

within two week$.<br />

Results<br />

The materials used, stands of weeds and yields of U.S. #1 Kennebecand<br />

Delus potatoes are shown in table 3. The yieldS of Kennebecs ranged from 500<br />

bushels per acre where the double application of t1'ietazine was used to 631 on<br />

the falone plots. The controls averaged 590 bushels. The maximumand minimum<br />

yields of Oelu6 potatoes were 481 and 341 bushels per acre for these same two<br />

treatments, respectively. The check plots of Delus produced 438 bushels per<br />

acre. Unfortunately, the variation within blocks was such that significance<br />

could not be established at the 5%level. It is suspected, however, that the<br />

lowest average yields obtained from the combined application of trietazine at<br />

layby and vine-down is in part due to the heavy application of this herbicide.<br />

Whentubers of the, Kennebecvariety were dug in ~9ust for trietazine analysi~,<br />

smaller potatoes than in the check plots were found. ~ext season it is<br />

planned to' harvest potatoes at several periods to see whether the post-hilling<br />

spray retards tuber development.<br />

The weed stand was rather light. Proper CUltivation in June produced a<br />

nearly weedfree area. Ladysthumb(Polygonvmgersicaria) and some of the<br />

annual millets were present. '"<br />

The data in table 3 show that granular falone, alanap, zytron, eptam,<br />

dalapon, and amiben were effective in reducing the stand of annual grasses.<br />

Falone spray and trietazine spray were also effective.<br />

Repeating'the application of falone or trietazine at vine-down was no more<br />

effective than the post-h~lling treatment alone. The repeat application of

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