Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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148<br />

SpinaCh wasplanted withan8-row 0~.-c1al seeder,1nd'1­<br />

vidual rowlB.,&paced12 inohea':apa%'t{ on A~t 30, September 2,<br />

and Septemper 5, giving plantings of 1, 4, and 7 days after herbioidal<br />

applloaUons, respectively. Eaoh pkn,ting consisted of<br />

two or thr~e drill strips aoross the plots. Brior to eaoh plant·,·<br />

ing, the area was reworked with a Meeker harrow in one direoticn<br />

aoross the plots., After _ch;planting;an_~valent o.f t-1nch of<br />

rain was applied to tbe area:- ,'seeded..<br />

<strong>Weed</strong>~on'troJ;,and crop~njury rat1ng3',~ made on sep~<br />

28 and Ootbber '18' using the fl.-cale 0 to' 10~~re 0 • no eft.c~~.<br />

10 lit stand Or vigor reduced leO per oent,.'!';:. ':.r: •<br />

.j.<br />

Result..-and D1.souss1!>ft':<br />

. , .,; .. c.; ,<br />

In ta'Ples 1, 2, and 3 ..a:re: presenteds~riflls of weed oo».t1'Ol<br />

and spinaDb 1nJ1.Wf for the. plantings madEt:L-.;4, and 7 days, ~peoti'Vely.<br />

atterapplioatlonaoithe th.ree f~~tions of. Til~.<br />

From these data it oan be seen that the planting made soon<br />

after herb~oidal appliaat~on8 was relatively safe for spinaoh and<br />

that bette*, than adequate 'weecroontrol. resuJ.t.e. d.. It 1s als.o evident<br />

that 9V.drall weed eont~iJ; was 1mprove~': 'ldth oorresponding<br />

deoreases ..in' spinach injury, ,Jgy. delayins sp.~qh planting. ..~<br />

was espeo'1~lly~true for the two exper1me.pta-kf,QI'II\ulat1ons wi~,the<br />

hydrooarboi'loarr1ers. Therecwas a slight ~;tlease in broadl.,.;ved<br />

weed cont~lw1th the lower·nJ;te of oo~o!al Tll~ in th8)p;la.nting<br />

made '7 days aft.erappl1cation. , There .W4. a similar· trend: with<br />

regard tograsB .;control ,; ~4tr i this was-:~ot signifioant.<br />

The experimental formulations were Sl1~h~lysuperior t~,~~meroial<br />

Tillam with regard to weed oontrol and orop safety. The<br />

formu1ati~ 'Containing thena~hthenio hYdr9~~bon fraotion was<br />

slightly m9re effeotive and se,fer than the,iforlnulation Qont!-1n1l;1g<br />

the paraffinio hydrooltXlbon,fract10n., ... ' ";~' ..<br />

Allf~rmulations of Til~ exh1bited~sidual herb101~j[:~<br />

actiy1tyof long duration •. -Tbiswas mar. j)~l'lounoed for thepsses<br />

than for the broadleavedweeds •.. Gelierally",the two experim~~l<br />

fOrmulati~8 effected slight:ly longeracti~1ty than oamm.rcial·T11­<br />

lam.' Agai~. the toJ;'ttlulat10lt' containing the" paphthenio 1'raot1on was<br />

slightly nt.t'esuper10r to' the.:f'ormulation·'W:1th the paraffini~oarrier.<br />

.-+<br />

'. '. ~ -: .-.

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