Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


144 All Jva1_Uoll of Cheaaicab U.ed Porthe WMdi. of Tomato.s. I ' I Char1•• J. Noll 1 W.ed c~tro1 i. the ~aateat limiting factor ~a ~uc~.afu1 8I'oving of dir.ct 8eed~d tomatoe.. Mechanical ~iD8 i. inacleql.1&taand hand weediDl too expeaei,e. :Ulltil good chemical we.dinS i. de"lo~.cl the growing of direct 8e~td. tCl\lllltoa.in PellD8ylvania will b. limited in acre.g •• The we, ding of trall.p1aated tomatoes by m.cbaaicei1 means is not ae difficult br..~e. ~fadequate c'bemi•. 1 ... ding could be delve10p.d it could ~ed\IC.prodrtiOD· co.t •• i PRQCBDURE In the! direct .eaded tomato exp.r~ent the se8ctbad wa. pr.pared May 24. soil iDcorp4n'.tlon treatIHllts vere applied and rotqti1!1.d into the sol1 May 25. 'l'h. tomM:o variety l'irebiLll, was leaded tliat :s.e day. Th. preem.rs.nce tt:atmeat8 were appli" 4 days after .eedins and late pra-emergence treatments re applied 11 day. after .eeding. O~ S~lall plot received aa additional ptlioatlon 41 day8 iIL.fter ... ding. Indtvietual plots "er.1:; f •• t 1001 and 3 ~.et Wide. Tr.... nts were randombed fon.ach of 6 blocks. The ch_call ".re applied with a 8ID&11sprayer over tbe ~ for a width of 12 iDehes. 'l'h~ plot. wore cultivated. An estimate of weed control wa. made August 14 o~ a ba.is of 1 to 10; 1 being mo.t de.irable and 10 being 1ea.t dea1rab1e. ,N9 barv .. t record. ware taken. In th.ltran.P1anted tOlll&toe. the 88111evarie.t y 'wa~ g::otm. The seedbed wee preparels June 5, the 1011 incorporation trea~•• maet. June 6 and the tOlllllto.. tr.~p1aat.d June 7. Po.t-p1anting treatlHnti. were mad. 5 and 22 day. aft.r~.r .... Planting. with th.. n08•• 1 of the. sP\'ay.r dir.ct1y over th. tomato p1a 8. Individual p10ta .... 20 feet 10111:ancl S feet wide and con­ .i.ted of 1, "lant •• ach. !reatil,eDta vere rand4'mi~ediD each of 6 blocks. The p1~ta were cultivated. An e.timate of WMd oontro1 vea made AUluat 14 on a baa~a of 1 to 10. Tometoe. vere harve.ted ,twtce, August 22 and september 1~.; 0Il1y marketable fruits were harvested • . . RESULTS i The w~ control re.u1ts in the direct .eeded :to.to experiment i8 pre- .eat.d iD tlible 1. Although the Triazine compound. g.-ve the b.at weed control, they grut1~ raduoed the atand of tomatoea. The Dl'Ph$amid plots had f_ weeela, tha lot • .receiVing 9 lb ••. p.r acre were reJ.aUYely free of weed. throughout he growing ... aon. '!'ba only other tre~t that gave any amouat 1 . . ' A•• oeiate trofe.sor of Olericultura, D.partment o~ HQrticu1ture, College of Agricultur and Bxperiment Station, Penn.yhaa!a ~atie Unlveralty, University Park, PallD y1vallJ.a. :

of weed eoneee I without inj ury 'to .t(llll8toes was in the TU1am treated plot •• Although no yield reoords were ta~.n it was thousht tha~ yields in the best plots would have been good. The results ln the transp1ant.a tomato exper~ ls presented in table 2. All chemicals B1gnificant1y increased weed control as compared to the untreated check. The best weed C0l1tro1 wes in plots treated with Diphen-, amid at 6 and 9 1bs. per acre, Stam P-34 at 6 1bl. per acre, Prometryne at 3 1bs. per acre, Casoron at 4%lb•• per acre and Tl11e. at 6 1bs. per acre. 145 Only two harvests were made and only ripe marketole fruit taken for record. Plots treated with Dlphenamid at 9 1bs. per acre and Tl11am at 4". 1bs. per acre had a significant l~rease in yield as compared to the untreated check,plot. The yleld from'the plots treated with the chemical Stam P-34 at 6 lbs • per aCre appro~hed B1gn1fiC8ftee. OONCL1!SION In the direct seeded tomato ezpertment, it 100ke at this ttme that chemicals .cou1d replace other mathods of weed control in the plant row. If this is 't~ue, direct seeding of Cpmatoes is a possibility in Pennly1­ vania. The beltareatments wereDlpbenemid at 6 and 9 lbs. per acre in a pre-emergence application and Ti11am at 6 1bl. per acre in a pre-planting loi1 incorporation treatment. " I In the transplanted tomato experiment, the outstanding chemicals were Dipbenamid in the post-plantiPi treatment. Ti11~ ~n the pre-p1aneing soil incorporation treatment and Stam P-34 in the delayed post-planting treatment.

144<br />

All Jva1_Uoll of Cheaaicab U.ed Porthe WMdi. of Tomato.s.<br />

I '<br />

I Char1•• J. Noll 1<br />

W.ed c~tro1 i. the ~aateat limiting factor ~a ~uc~.afu1 8I'oving of<br />

dir.ct 8eed~d tomatoe.. Mechanical ~iD8 i. inacleql.1&taand hand weediDl<br />

too expeaei,e. :Ulltil good chemical we.dinS i. de"lo~.cl the growing of<br />

direct 8e~td. tCl\lllltoa.in PellD8ylvania will b. limited in acre.g ••<br />

The we, ding of trall.p1aated tomatoes by m.cbaaicei1 means is not ae<br />

difficult br..~e. ~fadequate c'bemi•. 1 ... ding could be delve10p.d it could<br />

~ed\IC.prodrtiOD· co.t ••<br />

i<br />


In the! direct .eaded tomato exp.r~ent the se8ctbad wa. pr.pared May 24.<br />

soil iDcorp4n'.tlon treatIHllts vere applied and rotqti1!1.d into the sol1<br />

May 25. 'l'h. tomM:o variety l'irebiLll, was leaded tliat :s.e day. Th. preem.rs.nce<br />

tt:atmeat8 were appli" 4 days after .eedins and late pra-emergence<br />

treatments re applied 11 day. after .eeding. O~ S~lall plot received aa<br />

additional ptlioatlon 41 day8 iIL.fter ... ding. Indtvietual plots "er.1:; f •• t<br />

1001 and 3 ~.et Wide. Tr.... nts were randombed fon.ach of 6 blocks. The<br />

ch_call ".re applied with a 8ID&11sprayer over tbe ~ for a width of 12<br />

iDehes. 'l'h~ plot. wore cultivated. An estimate of weed control wa. made<br />

August 14 o~ a ba.is of 1 to 10; 1 being mo.t de.irable and 10 being 1ea.t<br />

dea1rab1e. ,N9 barv .. t record. ware taken.<br />

In th.ltran.P1anted tOlll&toe. the 88111evarie.t y 'wa~ g::otm. The seedbed<br />

wee preparels June 5, the 1011 incorporation trea~•• maet. June 6 and the<br />

tOlllllto.. tr.~p1aat.d June 7. Po.t-p1anting treatlHnti. were mad. 5 and 22<br />

day. aft.r~.r .... Planting. with th.. n08•• 1 of the. sP\'ay.r dir.ct1y over th.<br />

tomato p1a 8. Individual p10ta .... 20 feet 10111:ancl S feet wide and con­<br />

.i.ted of 1, "lant •• ach. !reatil,eDta vere rand4'mi~ediD each of 6 blocks.<br />

The p1~ta were cultivated. An e.timate of WMd oontro1 vea made AUluat<br />

14 on a baa~a of 1 to 10. Tometoe. vere harve.ted ,twtce, August 22 and<br />

september 1~.; 0Il1y marketable fruits were harvested •<br />

. . RESULTS<br />

i<br />

The w~ control re.u1ts in the direct .eeded :to.to experiment i8 pre-<br />

.eat.d iD tlible 1. Although the Triazine compound. g.-ve the b.at weed control,<br />

they grut1~ raduoed the atand of tomatoea. The Dl'Ph$amid plots had f_<br />

weeela, tha lot • .receiVing 9 lb ••. p.r acre were reJ.aUYely free of weed.<br />

throughout he growing ... aon. '!'ba only other tre~t that gave any amouat<br />

1 . . '<br />

A•• oeiate trofe.sor of Olericultura, D.partment o~ HQrticu1ture, College of<br />

Agricultur and Bxperiment Station, Penn.yhaa!a ~atie Unlveralty, University<br />

Park, PallD y1vallJ.a. :

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