Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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In addition to a review of field and laboratory research in progress<br />

with cooperators of industry, government, and adjOining states, the extension<br />

man must set the stage tor product recommendation and use within his areas Of<br />

responsibility, and coordinate the information to min1mize confusion. In<br />

addition, he calls attention to failures in field performance, new problems~<br />

and S1milar voids in our information that offer a beals for future research.<br />

He works closely with the county agricultural agenes on programs that meet<br />

safety standards and res idues tolerances. The extene ion spec ialist from the<br />

State colleges and universities has a great responsibility, and. his recolillllendations<br />

must be based on reliabJ,e research that is correctly interpreted, and<br />

is supported by industl'Y .in terms of' "-v"- i l ..h 1.. "'''''''n"'''ofo,, t7~. - ...... _ -- L"'_<br />

A broad area of responsibility considered :la1 many of the States and..<br />

elsewhere, is the effect of pesticide residues on flavor and other quality<br />

determining attributes of foods. With an increasing growth.in processed foods,<br />

the necessity for maintaining uniform high quality in the products is maIldatory<br />

in a canpetitive industry. l'obch work continues to be done in this 1mportant<br />

area by research scientists in food technology at the state experineat<br />

stations. S1milarly, the problems reach an1mal products like meats, egg.,<br />

milk, poultry, and the like, both in terms of possible harmful residues as<br />

well as effects on flavor and qUality. The use of antibiotics for mastitis<br />

control in dairy, cattle, for examp1.e, has had far reaching effects in terms<br />

of residues, because they affect marketability of the milk. Fortunately bioassays<br />

have been most helpful in residue determinations for several products<br />

that are used in mastitis control programs.<br />

A word of recognition should be given to several of the states in 1mich<br />

work has been 'done on the development of eccurate , streamlined analyticaJ.,<br />

methods for pesticides. One of the great break-throughs of recent months-has<br />

been the use of gas chromotography for certain residue determinations. ~~e<br />

speed of the method, plus its extreme precision, will provide research workers<br />

in the residue field with a much better understanding of residue levels Of'<br />

certain types of chemicals in or on commodities than was ever possible by other<br />

methods. A number of the systemic pesticides have yielded to the use of radioactive<br />

tracer research techniques in determining the metabolic products as<br />

well astba modeot action. Still other fields of residue research ha~benefited<br />

from bio-assay techniques, using both plants and an1mals as indicator<br />

mechanisms .<br />


The Cooperative Extension Service of the Land Grant institutions has<br />

been a great force in quickly dispensing available 1nf'ormation on the use of<br />

agricultural chemicals for specific problems and conditions to farmers and<br />

homeowners. The magnificent benefits received from their use, as well as the<br />

safety record with their use, attest to this point. The extension worker,<br />

whether a herbicide specialist, entomologist, plant pathologist or plant<br />

phys iologist, selects from the informat ion that research has available and<br />

recommends the products the.t have met with the regulatory procedures for safe<br />

use. Based upon his own judgement from field trials' as well as grower use,<br />

industry experience, and the like, he makea his recollllJlendations to suit his<br />

particular .. geographical areas and. problems. This is a great responsib-1l1ty,<br />

but is one that is being met by capable workers. throughout the country.<br />


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