Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


108 Ch.. ical Weeding of On1"n. GrownaD Hinera1 SoUa. , 1 Charlea J • Noll A1thClughmoltt onion. in' tha,..-"th.'at 'are grown "o~lIUCk .0Ua, a conaiderable acre ... i. grown on mineral aoi1s. The'co.t of hand we.dinS hlab' thaltlh.re ,used it l1111it. the ~.... ,Proeluct:l.on colt. ,c could be reduc.d and _cr.ege incr ... ecllf adequat."c_iAla1 weediq were developed. '!'bi. y.ar. experiment il a continuation of work ltarted a nUlllber of ye.n .10. onions 1. .0. The onion ~ad.ty Sweet Spanilh... a.ecl.d tbill ayth •••• db.d was pUpared. The pr.· ... rl.nce treatment. were applied 1 'day after'a.eding, the emergence treatment. 14 dayl aft.r ••• ding and the po.t-emergence treatm.nt. 17, 21 or 22 dayl after seeding. Individual plot. were 28 feet long and 2 feet wide. Treatmenta were randomized in each of 8 block •• The chemical I were appli'dwith a ~all .prayer ov.r the row for a width of 12 inches. Cultivation controlled the weedl between the rows. An e.tt.8te of weed control was made July 24 on a ba.il of 1 to 10, 1 being moat deairab1e and 10 leaat delirable. Onions were harvested September 25. USULTS Th. relu1ts 1"1- prelll11ted in table 1. All chemieah except Exp. R I:I.gnifi~"nt1y iocreaaed weed control as compared to the untreated check. The belt weeded plotl were treated with Prometryne, Diph.namid and Dactha1 and Ipazine at their higbest rate. Manytreabuents wignificantly reduced the stand of plants. Only two treatmenta had a stand sizn:l.ficantly greater than the untreated ch.ck plot. Th.a. treatments were Dacthal and CIPC. A a1S· nificant increa.e in yi.1d was obtained where Dactha1 and eIPC had been appUed a. compared to all other treatlllents. CQHCLUSION Taking into con.ideration weed control, stand of plants and yield the be.t treatlllenta in this exper1lllent for weeding onion. were Dacthal appUed in a pre·emergence application and eIPe applied at t1llle of onion emergence. lAssociate Profeasor of 01ericulture, Deparbuent of Horticulture, College of Agriculture and Bxper1lllent Station, Pennsylvania State Univeraity, Univeraity Park, Pennay1vania.

Table 1. Weed control: stand of plants and weight of onions under chemical herbicide treatments. AVERAGE PERPLOT Active Rate '*'Weed Wt. of Per Acre AppU.c4tion Days control Stand of OOione Cheaical lb •• ·f. SeedinlZ ~11.10) Plants lb •• '.. Nothing -- -- 9.4 61 1.8 Dacthal W-50R 8 Pre- .... rgence 1 4.0 112 9.4 It It '. 16 1 2..3 104 11.9 It 24 . It 1 1.8 120 11.0 It Exp R 8 1 9.5 37 1.5 It " 16 1 11).0 51 1.4 " 24 It 1 9.6 45 1.5 Zytron 10 11 1 ~~3 83 5.S " 15 It 1 5.3 55 4.8 Diphenamid 6 It 1 1.3 10 1.0 It 9 It 1 1.1 2 .1 U-4S13 2 " 1 3.5 I 67 3.9 " 3 It 1 3.3 58 ~.S Atratone 2 It 1 4.4 27 :~8 CIPC 4 Emergence 14 4'.4 116 7.7 " 6 " 14 3.1 141 11.2 Randox T 6 It 14 5.4 81 4.6 It 9 It 14 5.9 71 4.8 I KOCN· 12 " 14 7..0 68 2.3 It 18 It 14 7.•1 45 2.•1 Atratone 2 POlt-emergence 22 J.9 50 S~8 Prometryne 2 " 21 2.•0 8 .9 It 3 " 21 1.1 3 .3 It 4 It 21 1.3 6 . ~.s lpadne 2 " 21 4.3 22 1.7 It 3 It 21 2.6 25 1.8 It " 4 21 2.0 5 .9 It Casoron 17 B.S 37 1.7 It 17 1~0 33 1.7 " ~ Least significant difference 5% 1% *Weed Control 1-10: 1 Perfect WeedControl 10 Full WeedGrowth 1~3 1.7 31 40 2~3 3~0

108<br />

Ch.. ical <strong>Weed</strong>ing of On1"n. GrownaD Hinera1 SoUa.<br />

, 1<br />

Charlea J • Noll<br />

A1thClughmoltt onion. in' tha,..-"th.'at 'are grown "o~lIUCk .0Ua, a<br />

conaiderable acre ... i. grown on mineral aoi1s. The'co.t of hand we.dinS<br />

hlab' thaltlh.re ,used it l1111it. the ~.... ,Proeluct:l.on colt. ,c<br />

could be reduc.d and _cr.ege incr ... ecllf adequat."c_iAla1 weediq were<br />

developed. '!'bi. y.ar. experiment il a continuation of work ltarted a<br />

nUlllber of ye.n .10.<br />

onions 1. .0.<br />

The onion ~ad.ty Sweet Spanilh... a.ecl.d tbill ayth •••• db.d was pUpared.<br />

The pr.· ... rl.nce treatment. were applied 1 'day after'a.eding, the<br />

emergence treatment. 14 dayl aft.r ••• ding and the po.t-emergence treatm.nt.<br />

17, 21 or 22 dayl after seeding. Individual plot. were 28 feet long and 2<br />

feet wide. Treatmenta were randomized in each of 8 block ••<br />

The chemical I were appli'dwith a ~all .prayer ov.r the row for a width<br />

of 12 inches. Cultivation controlled the weedl between the rows. An e.tt.8te<br />

of weed control was made July 24 on a ba.il of 1 to 10, 1 being moat deairab1e<br />

and 10 leaat delirable. Onions were harvested September 25.<br />

USULTS<br />

Th. relu1ts 1"1- prelll11ted in table 1. All chemieah except Exp. R I:I.gnifi~"nt1y<br />

iocreaaed weed control as compared to the untreated check. The<br />

belt weeded plotl were treated with Prometryne, Diph.namid and Dactha1 and<br />

Ipazine at their higbest rate. Manytreabuents wignificantly reduced the<br />

stand of plants. Only two treatmenta had a stand sizn:l.ficantly greater than<br />

the untreated ch.ck plot. Th.a. treatments were Dacthal and CIPC. A a1S·<br />

nificant increa.e in yi.1d was obtained where Dactha1 and eIPC had been<br />

appUed a. compared to all other treatlllents.<br />


Taking into con.ideration weed control, stand of plants and yield the<br />

be.t treatlllenta in this exper1lllent for weeding onion. were Dacthal appUed in<br />

a pre·emergence application and eIPe applied at t1llle of onion emergence.<br />

lAssociate Profeasor of 01ericulture, Deparbuent of Horticulture, College of<br />

Agriculture and Bxper1lllent Station, Pennsylvania State Univeraity, Univeraity<br />

Park, Pennay1vania.

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