Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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J:n Oswego at the. latter two times of applicationcmc at 4 or 6 pounds gave<br />

better· eontrol of purslane than did CDAAat s:l.m1J.e.i'mea. Combinations of--these<br />

two chemicals·at 3+3or 4+4 gave fair purslane control.<br />

CIPC was generally inadequate in weed control at bOth locations regardless<br />

of rate or timing. For some unexplained reason CIPC even performed poorly in<br />

control of purslane. For purslane control CDAA+CIPCgave better performance<br />

than either compound·used alone. CDAM-TCBC (Randmt-T) at either 4 or 6 pounds<br />

gave excellent weed control at both locations at au times of application.<br />

Purslane control was virtually complete at all times.<br />

At harvest. CDAA+TCBC plots treated at the third stage were nearly devoid of<br />

all weed species • However• an occasiOnal weed did apar. Growth was .slijbt<br />

and weed foliage ·exhibited hormone-like symptoms. whioh indicates a longre!dual<br />

from the TOBeportion. it should be noted again tha't' TCBCis automatically .<br />

added at the rate of 10 and 15 pounds when 4 or 6 poUl!idsof CDAAequivalen:tiis<br />

applied from the cODllllercial combination. t'1henever a chemical exhibits season<br />

long activity there is inherent danger it may carry over and cause damage to the<br />

succeeding crop if it is susceptible. Most vegetable crops including pot8toe's<br />

fall in the susceptible class.<br />

Su.ry<br />

and Conclusions<br />

Tests were conducted on seeded onions at two muck soU locations using-'<br />

various chemical treatments. at different rates. combirlations and times oftr'eatment.<br />

Rainfall and soU at these two locations differed markedly.<br />

R,eD.1:ts.indicate that combinations of CDAA+TCBC give excellent control of<br />

purs1ane and otber weed species over·a long period of time with only one aW1icati<br />

.....<br />

Whenapplied in the early stage of onion growth. CDAAapplications if 1'01­<br />

lowed by heavy rains caused severe crop damage.<br />

Whenapplied 1mmediately a:f'ter planting or in the crook stage CDEC.if<br />

followed by rainfall gave crop inJury.<br />

CIPC used alone faUed 1;0 give adequate weed control resardless of rate.<br />

timing or rainfall.<br />

CIPC+CDAAcombinations performed much like CDAAalone. with respect to crop<br />

response. but '<strong>Weed</strong>control in general and control of purslane in particular<br />

was IIlOreeffective with the combinat1lm than with CDAAalone.

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