Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society

Vol. 16—1962 - NorthEastern Weed Science Society


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10<br />

In most Of the states, regulatory activities peJ,"ta~ing tq agriculture<br />

in the broad senae ot the term, haw remained' sepe.ril1le tram the educational<br />

programs referred to above. But I wo\Udhaste~ to ~ 1;hat these programs<br />

have needed close cooperationtrom· the educatiOl1al 1Datltutions, and, for the<br />

most part, have received it.<br />

It is worth noting that government and industry are consumers of trained<br />

personnel that are a product of the teaching and research programs of our<br />

colleges and universities. Thus, an important part of the state's contribution<br />

to the, problems we have under c0l:lSideration is its ability to provide t:rlL1ned<br />

men and womento conduct the work. Wehave been assisted in recent years, in<br />

support ot the graduate train1ll6pr08rams particularly by industrial grant.,<br />

and foundation support. The launching of the ~us.si~ sputnik a few yeqS,,!P80<br />

bt'ought into sharp tocus the need fbr support of badc :!i'8search and develOpment<br />

in the, sciences in the United States. For example, the great growtl:l.,et<br />

dollar support tor the plant sciences by federal and pr:\.vate foundations during<br />

the past five years :La giv1ll6 the universities, bo'j;h state and privately .up~<br />

ported, unparalle.led opportunities for expansion of flmdamental research ~<br />

all areas at a level never before 'known. It hasbrousbt into greater proql1­<br />

nence postdoctoral train1ll6 in specialized areasofsc~nce in all parts9~<br />

the world, which shoUld reflect in increased productivity among scientis~<br />

in the days ehead. The teamwork of'modern scientistll in attack1ll6 problems<br />

with equipment and inStrumentation that promote progress continue to 8.IIlS$8<br />

the uninformed. In spite of theloDS history of sc~ncEl in the world, it<br />

is est1lliated that of all scientists 'Whoever lived, 90 per cent are alive<br />

todayl With our current rate ot development, knowleaBe is doubling avery 10<br />

years. It has been amply demonstrated that ideas kriOwnopol1tical 'bo~ias.<br />

Our phenomenal developments in communication and travel have made us a functional<br />

part of the world cOllllDUnity,wherever we IlU!¥be. WeIDUstkeep abz1east<br />

ottha work ot scientists in all lands. .,<br />


One of the 1mportant phases ot any research prolram that seeks to a...elo.p<br />

a herbicide, iDfJecticide, fungicide or other agricUltural chemical or foOlS<br />

additive is determining whether a residue of the chemical remains in or on<br />

the raw agricultural commodity or the processed pr~~t, and if it does, .:<br />

evaluat1ll6 its toxicity to man and other warm~blood8dau1ma.ll!i. Broader concerns<br />

with residues eXist; for instance, the accWlll1lation of these produots in<br />

the soil, the metabolism of the C~unds by plants 9r 8D1mals in the eaN Of<br />

systemic pesticides, and the like.'<br />

From the viewpoint of rese,arch ,.in the deve,i9~t of new compounds, the<br />

maJor' oontributibnain the field Of esricultural,cbP1cals have come from 1D~<br />

dustry and thetederal laboratories. ' Much of the ~ in this fUndamenta.;La-ea<br />

of chemical research will of necessity cont1n\le to ~me from industry, w:\.tb<br />

occasional' eOl:ltribu't1onsfrom~edei'1!Il and sta'\;e sta~1QJU!' The production aDd.<br />

sale ot 88Z'icUJ.tural ehemicals 18 ¥ustry's businlllY, and likely w1l1ao<br />

relllli1b. Once selected chemical compoundSare thr.oujh pr1maryscreen1ll6 azd<br />

areavallable for 1Secoridary scrEi'enil:ikand deve;Lopmentai resear~h, the sta1les<br />

tra4.itionally have provided IDUchhelp. For several ~sfollOW1ll6the' un..<br />

veiling ot2,4"b in 1945 a cona1dE!table 8lIIOuntot t~ld. testing was neceHa1"1,<br />

to catchup with grower demands tor usage. The :r;oece:l1ttreDdof this research

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