and Koror State Public Law No. K5-89-98, which renamed the RIUA the "Koror Rock Islands Management and Preservation Act") • This amendment establishes a higher Rock Islands Use Fee in the amount of $25.00, to remove the Ongeim'l Tketau Jellyfish Lake on Mecherechar Island (hereafter referred to as "Jellyfish Lake") from the Tourist Activity Areas and create a separate Jellyfish Lake Permit in the amount of $35.00 which would include all the areas covered by the Rock Island Use Permit, to establish restrictions on the use of Jellyfish Lake and prohibitions on the use of other Rock Islands lakes that contain jellyfish, and to establish penalties for violations. • Beginning April 1, 2007, the fee for a "Rock Island Use Permit" increased to $25.00. Jellyfish Lake will no longer be included in the areas open to tourists covered by this permit. If tourists wish to visit Jellyfish Lake they must purchase a "Jellyfish Lake Permit" for $35.00. The Jellyfish Lake Permit includes all areas covered by the Rock Island Use Permit, plus Jellyfish Lake. Permits are valid for ten days from the date of purchase and are not transferable. No permit is necessary for children under the age of six. Palauans and resident aliens may continue to enjoy the Rock Islands and Jellyfish Lake just as they do now. Tour operators and their employees (as well as Palauan citizens and resident aliens) are prohibited from accompanying or transporting any tourist to a non-Tourist Activity Area and from accompanying or transporting any tourist, without the appropriate permit, to a Tourist Activity Area or Jellyfish Lake. It is unlawful to forge or alter a permit. Any person found violating this Act will be charged with a misdemeanor and may be sentenced, upon conviction, to a fine of up to $100.00 and/or ninety days in jail. Each person without a valid permit will be considered a separate offense. The Governor may refuse to sell permits to any person or tour operator who has violated the provisions of this Act. Tour Operators are required to post a notice at their operating site that contains the following language:"NOTICE: ALL TOURISTS ARE REQUIRED TO PURCHASE A PERMIT AND PAY A USER FEE OF $25.00 BEFORE THEY WILL BE PERMITTED TO ENJOY THE WATERS AND ISLANDS OF KOROR. A SEPARATE PERMIT AND THE PAYMENT OF A $35.00 FEE IS REQUIRED TO ENTER JELLYFISH LAKE. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BEEN ISSUED A VALID PERMIT FROM YOUR TOUR OPERATOR. THE PERMIT MUST BE IN YOUR POSSESSION OR CONTROL AT ALL TIMES." The new permits and fee requirements take effect April 1, 2007. The following prohibitions are in effect now: Jellyfish Lake Prohibitions:It is unlawful to remove, capture, or possess any marine life, to wear gloves, or to bring in any living or non-living organisms. Prohibition Against Entry to Other Marine Lakes that Contain Jellyfish: It is unlawful to come within 200 feet of any other marine lake that contains jellyfish. This applies to all persons, including Palauans. This amendment also establishes that only the Governor has the authority to waive permits for diplomatic, educational, and other officials, and guests. • Koror State Public Law K6-113-2000 effective as of approximately August 31, 2000, and titled the “Year 2000 Rock Islands Management and Conservation Act,” consolidates prior laws pertaining to the recreational use of the Rock Islands (defined as all islands, including land and beaches, within the territorial jurisdiction of the State of Koror, but excluding Malakal, Arakebesang, Ngerur Island, Koror mainland and any other small islets or islands joined to Malakal, Arakebesang or Koror mainland by causeway or bridge) in an attempt to manage the Rock Islands and surrounding water resources. The law establishes the following “Tourist Activity Areas”: the jellyfish lake on Macharchar Island, including the designated pathway thereupon; the island of Babelomekang; the island of Youlomekang; the beach area 144

of Ngchelobel; the island of Ngeanges; the island of Ngermeaus; the island of Ngchus; Ngeremdiu and the Ngeremdiu Todai Trail (German Lighthouse); the islands of Ulong; the beach area of Ngeroblobang; and Bkulotuut. All portions of the Rock Islands except the Tourist Activity Areas are for the exclusive use of Palauan citizens and resident aliens (defined as any person who is not a Palauan citizen but resides in Palau). Tourists may not enter, visit, stay or remain on any Rock Island or portion thereof if it is not part of the Tourist Activity Area, and all citizens and resident aliens are prohibited from accompanying or transporting any tourist into any non- Tourist Activity Area. Tourist may use the waters of the State of Koror for diving, snorkeling, fishing and other recreational uses. However, tourists using the waters of Koror or visiting the designated tourist areas in the Rock Islands must purchase a Rock Island use permit and must have it in their possession while in the Rock Islands. The Rock Island use permit costs $15.00, is valid for seven (7) days, is nontransferable and must be kept on the person of the tourist at all times. Tourists must also acquire a fishing permit, as required by law. It is unlawful for any boat operator to transport tourists using the waters of Koror for recreational purposes who are not in possession of a Rock Island use permit, however tourists, while in direct, non-stop transit through the waters of Koror State to a destination outside Koror State boundaries and who do not engage in the referenced activities are exempt. It is also unlawful for any boat operator to transport tourists without a Rock Island use permit to the designated tourist areas in the Rock Islands. Tour operators may be authorized by the Governor to sell permits to their customers after submitted a detailed application to the Governor for such right and privilege. Tour operators must maintain a detailed accounting with respect to permits sold, including the tourist’s name and address, the serial number of the permit, the date of issuance and Koror State receipt number. Tour operators shall submit their accounts to the Koror State Finance Office within fifteen days after the end of each quarter, by April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15. Tour operators are required to inform tourists of the restrictions of this act and must post a notice as specifically set forth in the act. Any attempt by a tour operator to prohibit, refuse or cause delay in allowing the Koror State Finance Office to audit the operator’s records shall be a violation under the law; the right and privilege to sell permits may be revoked. The Paramount Chief Ibedul or his designee in the Koror State House of Traditional Leaders may exempt official guests from the requirements of this act in writing, upon application. Upon conviction, violators shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and pay a fine in the amount of $50.00 for the first offense. For the second offense, violators shall pay a fine of $75.00 and may be imprisoned for not more than three (3) days, and for a third or subsequent offense, violators shall pay a fine of $100.00 and shall be imprisoned for not less than three (3) days and not more than ninety (90) days. The law also lists the purposes of the permit fees, and states that not less than fifty percent (50%) of the fees will be applied to the costs of various items, including (among other things) maintenance and protection of dive sites, acquisition and installation of mooring buoys, monitoring purposes and other expenses associated with the protection and preservation of the Rock Islands. The law automatically terminates upon the passage of a Comprehensive Management Act for the Rock Islands. NGEDERRAK REEF MPA • Koror State Public Law No. K6-119-2001 This Koror State Public Law, effective as of approximately January 10, 2001, enacts a moratorium upon fishing and taking of any marine flora or fauna on or in the reef area commonly known as “Ngederrak” and prohibits motorized watercraft from traveling over the referenced reef area for a 145

of Ngchelobel; the island of Ngeanges; the island of Ngermeaus; the island of<br />

Ngchus; Ngeremdiu and the Ngeremdiu Todai Trail (German Lighthouse); the<br />

islands of Ulong; the beach area of Ngeroblobang; and Bkulotuut. All portions of the<br />

Rock Islands except the Tourist Activity Areas are for the exclusive use of Palauan<br />

citizens and resident aliens (defined as any person who is not a Palauan citizen but<br />

resides in Palau). Tourists may not enter, visit, stay or remain on any Rock Island or<br />

portion thereof if it is not part of the Tourist Activity Area, and all citizens and resident<br />

aliens are prohibited from accompanying or transporting any tourist into any non-<br />

Tourist Activity Area. Tourist may use the waters of the State of Koror for diving,<br />

snorkeling, fishing and other recreational uses. However, tourists using the waters of<br />

Koror or visiting the designated tourist areas in the Rock Islands must purchase a<br />

Rock Island use permit and must have it in their possession while in the Rock<br />

Islands. The Rock Island use permit costs $15.00, is valid for seven (7) days, is<br />

nontransferable and must be kept on the person of the tourist at all times. Tourists<br />

must also acquire a fishing permit, as required by law. It is unlawful for any boat<br />

operator to transport tourists using the waters of Koror for recreational purposes who<br />

are not in possession of a Rock Island use permit, however tourists, while in direct,<br />

non-stop transit through the waters of Koror State to a destination outside Koror<br />

State boundaries and who do not engage in the referenced activities are exempt. It<br />

is also unlawful for any boat operator to transport tourists without a Rock Island use<br />

permit to the designated tourist areas in the Rock Islands. Tour operators may be<br />

authorized by the Governor to sell permits to their customers after submitted a<br />

detailed application to the Governor for such right and privilege. Tour operators must<br />

maintain a detailed accounting with respect to permits sold, including the tourist’s<br />

name and address, the serial number of the permit, the date of issuance and Koror<br />

State receipt number. Tour operators shall submit their accounts to the Koror State<br />

Finance Office within fifteen days after the end of each quarter, by April 15, July 15,<br />

October 15, and January 15. Tour operators are required to inform tourists of the<br />

restrictions of this act and must post a notice as specifically set forth in the act. Any<br />

attempt by a tour operator to prohibit, refuse or cause delay in allowing the Koror<br />

State Finance Office to audit the operator’s records shall be a violation under the<br />

law; the right and privilege to sell permits may be revoked. The Paramount Chief<br />

Ibedul or his designee in the Koror State House of Traditional Leaders may exempt<br />

official guests from the requirements of this act in writing, upon application. Upon<br />

conviction, violators shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and pay a fine in the amount of<br />

$50.00 for the first offense. For the second offense, violators shall pay a fine of<br />

$75.00 and may be imprisoned for not more than three (3) days, and for a third or<br />

subsequent offense, violators shall pay a fine of $100.00 and shall be imprisoned for<br />

not less than three (3) days and not more than ninety (90) days. The law also lists<br />

the purposes of the permit fees, and states that not less than fifty percent (50%) of<br />

the fees will be applied to the costs of various items, including (among other things)<br />

maintenance and protection of dive sites, acquisition and installation of mooring<br />

buoys, monitoring purposes and other expenses associated with the protection and<br />

preservation of the Rock Islands. The law automatically terminates upon the passage<br />

of a Comprehensive Management Act for the Rock Islands.<br />


• Koror State Public Law No. K6-119-2001 This Koror State Public Law, effective as<br />

of approximately January 10, 2001, enacts a moratorium upon fishing and taking of<br />

any marine flora or fauna on or in the reef area commonly known as “Ngederrak” and<br />

prohibits motorized watercraft from traveling over the referenced reef area for a<br />


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