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There is no participation of traditional leaders in the national legislature (OEK).<br />

In contrast to the national government, the state governments are constitutionally<br />

mandated to follow both “democratic principles” and “traditions of Palau,” and chiefly<br />

power is consequently much greater at the state level. Nearly all the state governments<br />

integrate titled leaders into their executive and/or legislative branches.<br />

The amount of real authority granted to such leaders, however, varies widely among the<br />

states. In the executive branches, for example, three states give complete decisionmaking<br />

power to their chiefs or high chief. At the other extreme, six states include no<br />

participation of traditional leaders in their executive branches. The remaining seven<br />

states have opted for an intermediate participation level by their chiefs, giving them<br />

limited decision making power or merely advisory functions. This range of power is<br />

similar in the states’ legislative branches. The legislature of two states contains only<br />

titled leaders. Seven have a mix of elected and titled members. One has two houses –<br />

one elected and one titled. The remaining six states have legislatures that are entirely<br />

elected.<br />

1.2.2 Governance in Koror<br />

Koror State is the center for economy and commercial infrastructure for the nation and is<br />

the host of about ninety percent of Palau’s tourism related activities that is concentrated<br />

around the Rock Islands – Southern Lagoon Area. It is important to understand the<br />

governance that constructs the laws and government of Koror.<br />

The primary responsibility for the administration of Koror State is vested in the Governor,<br />

who is voted in office every four years. The Governor’s duties include enforcing the laws<br />

of Koror State. The legislative branch of government consists of representatives elected<br />

by each of Koror’s twelve hamlets and five members elected at large. The legislature<br />

enacts laws and has the power to levy and collect taxes. The House of Traditional<br />

Leaders (HOTL), consisting of Ngarameketii (absolute chiefs representing the four main<br />

hamlets of Koror) and Rubekul kledeu (chiefs representing the other seven hamlets of<br />

Koror) is the supreme authority of Koror State for all matters relating to traditional law.<br />

The HOTL advises the Governor on matters relating to traditional law and may propose<br />

bills to the Legislature.<br />

The Koror State seal features three bai, representing the House of Traditional Leaders,<br />

the Governor and the Legislature. The Rock Islands Southern Lagoon Area is a<br />

successful example of a state resource that has been governed and actively managed<br />

under both traditional and constitutional law.<br />

The Rock Islands – Southern Lagoon Area is owned by Koror State and regulated by the<br />

Koror State Government, who have appointed the Koror State Public Lands Authority<br />

and the Koror State Planning and Zoning Commission to oversee all land and designate<br />

land use and zoning, respectively. The Koror State Department of Conservation and<br />

Law Enforcement is responsible for day-to-day management and coordination of<br />

activities within the Rock Islands Southern Lagoon Management Area (referred as<br />

Management Area) as well as enforcing all State laws. (please see Environmental<br />

Regulations for details).<br />

The Traditional Leaders had always taken responsibility for the Management Area, but<br />

they have recognized in recent years that the increasingly intensive and varied use of<br />

the area has resulted in greater and more complex challenges for management.<br />


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