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P0008<br />


JAVA - J2EE<br />

29 years old - 7 years of experience<br />

Business expert ise:<br />

Languages:<br />

Content management, Software editors<br />

Romanian (Native speaker), French (Advanced), Italian (Average), English<br />

(Average), Russian (Average)<br />

Educat ion<br />

2004 - 2008:<br />

Bachelor's Degree in Informatics and Computers. Faculty of Informatics and<br />

Microelectronics - Technical University, Moldova.<br />

Cont inuous development (Pent alog Evolut ion Program)<br />

Sep 2012:<br />

Jan 2012:<br />

Mar 2011 - Apr 2011:<br />

Mar 2011:<br />

Java Server Faces Self- training.<br />

Oracle Training.<br />

ʺOracle Basicsʺ Training.<br />

JSF/RichFaces Training.<br />

Comput er skills<br />

Net works and syst ems<br />

Languages<br />

Technologies<br />

Web t echnologies<br />

DBMS<br />

Environment of Development<br />

Applicat ion servers<br />

Test s Tools<br />

Mobilit y<br />

Windows, UNIX<br />

JAVA, JavaScript, PL/SQL, SQL, XML<br />

J2EE, Hibernate, Spring, Swing, EJB, JDBC, JPA, EhCache, Jboss<br />

SEAM, JMS, Mokito, QueryDSL<br />

JSF, RichFaces, Struts, Struts 2, GWT, CSS, HTML, jQuery, JSTL<br />

Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server<br />

Eclipse, Ant, Maven<br />

JBoss, Solr, Tomcat, Zookeeper<br />

JUnit, PowerMock<br />

J2ME<br />

Experience<br />

SPECIALIST IN OPEN SOURCE SOLUTIONS MANAGEMENT November 2013 - now Durat ion: 1 year 6<br />

mont hs<br />

CLIENT<br />

Offering award- winning software and consulting, our client is the partner of choice for open source software<br />

adoption, governance and management to enterprises of every size. They help their customers harness the<br />

power of open source technologies and methods for faster innovation, greater creativity and improved efficiency.<br />

www.p e ntalo g .co m


<strong>Pentalog</strong> has agreed to provide to the client a fully functional offshore development center (ODC) setup with a<br />

dedicated team of engineers. This team works with client engineers for the design, development, software<br />

programming, testing, configuration and integration, on an ongoing basis consistent with client’s instructions and<br />

the specifications. The developed web application allows the building of a knowledge base regarding open<br />

source information, as well as analysis of software IP and open source risk profiling on software components.<br />

Overall, it enhances the open source software management through better control of existing code, improvement<br />

strategies and continuous learning.<br />


JAVA 7, Spring, JPA2, JavaScript, BackBone.js, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, LESS, PostgreSQL<br />

TEAM SIZE: 9<br />


Developer within the back- end team.<br />

Analysis and est imat ion of the functional and technical evolutions.<br />

Writ ing the architecture and the detailed technical design.<br />

Development of functional and technical evolutions, according to detailed architecture and design.<br />

Carrying out t est s and solving bugs.<br />

Code reviewing every code change together with the team.<br />

Document ing guides and techniques.<br />

SKILLS<br />

Zookeeper 1.5.1, Solr 4.6.0, PostGreSQL 9.1, Querydsl 3.3.0, EhCache 2.6.8, Hibernate 4.2.0, Spring 3.2.7,<br />

JAVA 7<br />

DIVISION OF A MAIN TELECOM OPERATOR August 2013 - November 2013 Durat ion: 3 mont hs<br />

CLIENT<br />

Division of a main telecom operator established in the center of the Lille metropolis, the client is committed to an<br />

ambitious development dynamic, which nowadays places it among the most influential players specialized in<br />

new technologies, at a national and international scale, proposing to companies and individuals solutions which<br />

offer them secured access options, Internet presence and the possibility to maximize the exploitation of the<br />

available web resources.<br />


The <strong>Pentalog</strong> team is focused on providing two main types of activities: Third- Party Application Maintenance<br />

services provided in Moldova, which includes the corrective and upgrade maintenance on front- end side for<br />

several applications and on the client's backoffice applications, as well as Third- Party Application Acceptance<br />

services assured by the Vietnam team, involving testing and validation of some of the client's applications such<br />

as web, desktop and mobile applications. In addition, <strong>Pentalog</strong> ensures design, analysis and technical research<br />

services for our client.<br />


JAVA, Spring 2.5, Spring 3.2, JPA, Hibernate 3.x, Axis 1.4, CXF 2.3, SpringSecurity 3.1, JSF, RichFaces, JUnit,<br />

DBUnit, Unitils, JBehave, MySQL 5.0.x, Maven, Dozer, JAXB, Drools, JBoss 4.x GA, PHP 5.x, Symfony2,<br />

Symfony 1.4, HTML, CSS, PHPUnit, Doctrine 2, jQuery, Doctrine, Jenkins, Hudson, Apache, Redmine,<br />

www.p e ntalo g .co m

ReferTest, Device Anywhere<br />

TEAM SIZE: 11<br />


Developer.<br />

Analysis and est imat ion of the functional and technical evolutions.<br />

Writ ing the application code in accordance with the established architecture and the detailed technical<br />

design.<br />

Development of the new application functionalities and specifications.<br />

Maint enance of the existing functionality.<br />

Design and implement at ion of unit tests.<br />

Communicat ion with the client on technical subjects.<br />

Carrying out functional tests.<br />

SKILLS<br />

JAVA, JBoss 4.x GA, Dozer, Maven, MySQL 5.0.x, Unitils, DBUnit, JUnit, JAXB, CXF 2.3, Axis 1.4, Hibernate<br />

3.x, JPA, Spring 2.5<br />

MAJOR PLAYER IN THE ENERGY SECTOR March 2013 - July 2013 Durat ion: 4 mont hs<br />

CLIENT<br />

Leading actor in electrical engineering, information and communication systems and related services, our client<br />

participates in projects relating to industrial and tertiary electrical installations, energy networks, public lighting,<br />

transport and telecommunications infrastructures, global security, energy production, information systems and<br />

outsourcing.<br />


<strong>Pentalog</strong> provided to its client a dedicated team, working in parallel on the development and maintenance of<br />

several projects:<br />

- a multi- site security IP telecommunication system designed for the largest French companies. The system<br />

consists of: telephone panels with big color display screen, an Asterisk server whose core has been adapted to<br />

secure the calls and a web administration interface (developed in Java) connected to a database.<br />

- a global web interface enabling the collection, processing and intelligent presentation of the data as well as of<br />

the alerts sent by various sub- systems (video, security information, alerts sent by different pieces of equipment,<br />

or any other type of information).<br />


JAVA 7, PostgreSQL, MySQL, WinForms, Spring, JSF, Hibernate, PJSIP, Visual Studio 2012, SipekSDK, .NET<br />

4.0, C#, PrimeFaces, Tomcat 7, Nginx, Apache, CentOS, Linux HA, Hudson<br />

TEAM SIZE: 7<br />


Developer.<br />

Development of new features for the application according to the project specifications.<br />

Solution analysis.<br />

Test ing of the developed features.<br />

Maint enance of the application so as to ensure its functioning according to the quality standards.<br />

www.p e ntalo g .co m

Maint enance of the application so as to ensure its functioning according to the quality standards.<br />

SKILLS<br />

MySQL, Hibernate, Spring, PrimeFaces, JSF 2, JAVA<br />


2013 Durat ion: 6 mont hs<br />

CLIENT<br />

Our client is a company specialized in the development of SaaS (multi- tenant) applications in the legal and<br />

governance field, providing custom Internet solutions for the optimization of the company's contracts.<br />


Since July 2012, <strong>Pentalog</strong> is in charge of the development of an enterprise group management application. It<br />

allows users to define the group's companies, the actors, the organizational structure and all the connections<br />

established among these actors. Starting from November 2012, the client entrusted the team with the<br />

development of a powerful customizable system for managing and generating delegations within the group.<br />


JAVA 1.7, Jboss SEAM 2.1, IceFaces 1.8, Hibernate, Oracle 11g, Jboss AS7, Eclipse Juno, SVN, Maven,<br />

Redmine<br />

TEAM SIZE: 4<br />


Developer.<br />

Development of the functional and the technical evolutions.<br />

Writ ing of the application code in accordance with the established architecture and the detailed technical<br />

design.<br />

Development of new application functionalities and specifications.<br />

SKILLS<br />

JAVA, Oracle 11g, Oracle 10g, IceFaces 1.8, Hibernate 3.5, Jboss AS7, Jboss 4.2, Jboss SEAM 2.1<br />

PAINT MANUFACTURER May 2012 - August 2012 Durat ion: 3 mont hs<br />

CLIENT<br />

The client is the largest global paints and coatings company and a major producer of specialty chemicals.<br />


Development of a back- end solution of a web application for a leader in paints and coatings industry. The<br />

project aims to build an online platform that will allow users to simulate their decoration project, applying colors<br />

and textures to the walls. The user can also share it on different social networks.<br />


JAVA 6, J2EE, Spring, Maven, MySQL, EhCache, Hibernate, JMS, JAXB, JAX- RS, Jmeter, Mockito, JUnit<br />

TEAM SIZE: 5<br />


www.p e ntalo g .co m

Developer.<br />

Analysis and est imat ion of the functional and technical evolutions.<br />

Carrying out the functional and the technical evolutions.<br />

Carrying out tests and solving bugs.<br />

Writ ing of the application code in accordance with the established architecture and the detailed technical<br />

design.<br />

Development of new application functionalities and specifications.<br />

Management of the design documents according to the client specifications.<br />

Est imat ion of the workload for the use cases.<br />

SKILLS<br />

Maven, MySQL, Mokito, JUnit, JAVA, Spring, JAX- RS, JAXB, JMS, JPA, EhCache, Bean Validation<br />

ACTICALL March 2009 - April 2012 Durat ion: 3 years 1 mont h<br />

CLIENT<br />

Major player on the customer relationship management market, the Acticall group, founded in 1996, has an<br />

overall offer which consists in outsourcing multi- channel CRM platforms in incoming and outgoing flows.<br />


Web and IP telephony application development as well as corrective and evolutive maintenance ensured by<br />

<strong>Pentalog</strong>'s dedicated JAVA development teams.<br />


Oracle 10g, JAVA, MVC, Apache POI, Struts, Struts 2, Spring, JSF, RichFaces, Hibernate, JBoss, Windows,<br />

PL/SQL, FOP, docx4j<br />

TEAM SIZE: 5<br />


Engineer - Developer.<br />

Part icipat ion in t he development of several project s:<br />

- FORMATION, a web application, the carrier and training management for all the employees of Acticall.<br />

- Maintenance of several existing applications with the same architecture.<br />

- Knowledge sharing database application with functionalities like forum, document management etc.<br />

- Grille d'écoute, a web application for calls quality checking.<br />

- Maintenance of several existing applications with the same architecture.<br />

- PAB, concerning the maintenance of a contract knowledge database of bank card users.<br />

- Migration of the existent projects to the new JBoss 5.1.0 and Java 6 based platform.<br />

Development of modules.<br />

In charge of carrying out unit tests.<br />

- Application for the management of the annual interviews and bi- annual balance of the Acticall group employees.<br />

Development of modules.<br />

Management of the domain objects.<br />

In charge of carrying out unit tests.<br />

www.p e ntalo g .co m

- Call statistics and cost calculation application.<br />

Design and development of an asynchronous module for capturing data from an Avaya server.<br />

Development of a module related to data decoding and report writing.<br />

Development of modules.<br />

Management of the domain objects.<br />

In charge of carrying out unit tests.<br />

- Complete CRM web application for the management of products and relations between suppliers and final<br />

customers.<br />

Development of modules.<br />

Management of the domain objects.<br />

In charge of carrying out unit tests.<br />

- Maintenance of a project concerning an application for expense report management and an MS Access<br />

application for administration management.<br />

- Web application for land owners management, a CRM application with many call scripts.<br />

Development of modules.<br />

Management of the domain objects.<br />

In charge of carrying out unit tests.<br />

- Maintenance of an application for the billing of telematic banking services.<br />

SKILLS<br />

JavaScript, JDBC, JMS, Oracle, Struts, JSF, RichFaces, PL/SQL, jQuery, HTML, CSS, JBoss, Struts 2, Spring,<br />

Hibernate, JAVA<br />

PENTALOG HIGH TECH 2010 - 2011 Durat ion: 1 year<br />


In charge of carrying out the trainee coaching for several trainees:<br />

- RoadMaps writing;<br />

- daily progress monitoring;<br />

- code review;<br />

- reporting.<br />

SKILLS<br />

CSS, Struts 2, JSP / Servlets, jQuery, Hibernate, JDBC, JAVA<br />

PENTALOG HIGH TECH 2010 - 2011 Durat ion: 1 year<br />


Developer.<br />

Part icipat ion in the estimations of several projects for BlackBerry.<br />

Part icipat ion in brain- stormings.<br />

Ident if icat ion and est imat ion of tasks.<br />

www.p e ntalo g .co m

Development of Proofs of Concepts.<br />

SKILLS<br />

Eclipse, J2ME<br />

LABEO Oct ober 2008 - February 2009 Durat ion: 4 mont hs<br />


Developer.<br />

Part icipat ion in the development of the new version of a web software. It allows the technical description of real<br />

estate after its building and the management of movable property, allocation of rooms, buildings.<br />

Development of the portal interface.<br />

Development of the functional part of the server.<br />

SKILLS<br />

GWT, Spring, Hibernate<br />

ACTICALL July 2008 - Oct ober 2008 Durat ion: 3 mont hs<br />

CLIENT<br />

Major player on the customer relationship management market, the Acticall group, founded in 1996, has an<br />

overall offer which consists in outsourcing multi- channel CRM platforms in incoming and outgoing flows.<br />


Web and IP telephony application development as well as corrective and evolutive maintenance ensured by<br />

<strong>Pentalog</strong>'s dedicated JAVA development teams.<br />


Oracle 10g, JAVA, MVC, Apache POI, Struts, Struts 2, Spring, JSF, RichFaces, Hibernate, JBoss, Windows,<br />

PL/SQL, FOP, docx4j<br />

TEAM SIZE: 5<br />


Test er.<br />

Part icipat ion in t he development of a billing application that assures the data management and the<br />

generation of attached files and vouchers. It is composed of 2 parts: the IHM and the attachments and vouchers<br />

creation batch.<br />

Writ ing of test cases.<br />

Carrying out functional tests.<br />

Report ing of bugs to the development team.<br />

Writ ing of test reports.<br />

SKILLS<br />

-<br />

TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MOLDOVA March 2008 - June 2008 Durat ion: 3 mont hs<br />

www.p e ntalo g .co m


Degree project .<br />

Development of an application for limited mobile devises that allows a company’s portfolio management. The<br />

application is designed for Financial Investments Companies that already have an online transaction system to<br />

which the developed application will be connected.<br />

SKILLS<br />

J2EE, J2ME, JAVA<br />

IT SERVICES COMPANY April 2007 - May 2008 Durat ion: 1 year 1 mont h<br />


Developer within an Italian company.<br />

Part icipat ion in the development of an accounting management application.<br />

Implement at ion of use cases for data base motors management.<br />

Development of new features.<br />

Carrying out the project maintenance.<br />

SKILLS<br />

xDoclet, J2EE, EJB, Struts, JAVA<br />

IT SERVICES COMPANY February 2007 - March 2008 Durat ion: 1 year 1 mont h<br />


Developer.<br />

Part icipat ion in t he development of “Folium” project, a documents management system, very flexible, and<br />

easily configurable in any public administration institution.<br />

Implement at ion of the i18N technology for the project’s translation in other languages: Romanian, Russian.<br />

Development of the NSIS installation system (Nulsoft System Installer).<br />

SKILLS<br />

xDoclet, J2EE, EJB, Struts, JAVA<br />

www.p e ntalo g .co m

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