DARK PEAK NEWS Summer 2012 - Dark Peak Fell Runners

DARK PEAK NEWS Summer 2012 - Dark Peak Fell Runners

DARK PEAK NEWS Summer 2012 - Dark Peak Fell Runners


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<strong>DARK</strong> <strong>PEAK</strong> <strong>NEWS</strong><br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

• <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> Ltd? – why we may have to rethink<br />

how the club is organised<br />

• Clued up – how the legendary calendar box<br />

drove you all mad for a year<br />

• Big bang – and a lucky let off for B***t L*****y!<br />

• Long, cold, wet – the low-down on Totley Tunnel

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 2<br />

In this edition»<br />

est. 1976<br />

www.dpfr.org.uk<br />

President: Eric Mitchell<br />

Chairman<br />

Tom Westgate<br />

Stumperlowe Hall Rd<br />

Sheffield<br />

S10 3QT<br />

0114 263 0632<br />

chairman@dpfr.org.uk<br />

Treasurer<br />

Tim Hawley<br />

Jasmine Cottage<br />

Main Road<br />

Dungworth<br />

Sheffield<br />

S6 6HF<br />

0114 285 1633<br />

treasurer@dpfr.org.uk<br />

Clothing and Eqpt.<br />

Richard Hakes<br />

454A Loxley Road<br />

Loxley<br />

Sheffield<br />

S6 6RS<br />

0114 233 9912<br />

kit@dpfr.org.uk<br />

Women’s Captain<br />

Kirsty Bryan-Jones<br />

2, Sunnybank Cottages,<br />

Jaggers Lane,<br />

Hathersage,<br />

S32 1AZ<br />

01433 650213<br />

ladies@dpfr.org.uk<br />

Secretary<br />

Rob Moore<br />

2 Kerwen Close<br />

Dore<br />

Sheffield<br />

S17 3DF<br />

07766 520741<br />

secretary@dpfr.org.uk<br />

Membership<br />

Ann Watmore<br />

26 Robertson Drive<br />

Sheffield<br />

S6 5DY<br />

0114 233 8383<br />

memsec@dpfr.org.uk<br />

Men’s Captain<br />

Rob Little<br />

Flat F<br />

91 School Road<br />

Sheffield<br />

S10 1GJ<br />

07791 283861<br />

men@dpfr.org.uk<br />

Website<br />

John Dalton<br />

1, Cannon Fields<br />

Hathersage<br />

Derbyshire<br />

S32 1AG<br />

01433 659523<br />

webmaster@dpfr.org.uk<br />


<strong>Fell</strong> running has been shaken by the death of Brian<br />

Belfield in the Buttermere Sailbeck race. In the wake of<br />

the tragedy, <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> officials are asking whether the<br />

club is adequately protected from legal liability should<br />

things go wrong.<br />

News, page 4<br />


We did so well with the Edale Skyline this year that the<br />

FRA have asked us to put it on as a championship race<br />

next time. A feather in the cap of new race coordinator<br />

Ian Fitzpatrick, though he’s too modest to say it.<br />

Skyline report, page 20<br />



A cross dressing gem<br />

from David Arundale takes<br />

the Jura in the caption<br />

competition, as Kirsty and<br />

Nicky take centre stage for the<br />

next round of the contest.<br />

Caption competition, page 10<br />

delve to fourteen<br />

and there you will find the Calendar Box mysteries to<br />

puzzle your mind.<br />

The year of the box, page 14<br />


Yes, it’s nearly time for the annual <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> Festival of<br />

Alcoholism and Irresponsible Parenting, also known as<br />

the Thornbridge weekend. Full details in the flyer from<br />

Kirsty and Simon.<br />

Page 46<br />

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News<br />

David Holmes<br />

615, Loxley Road,<br />

Loxley,<br />

Sheffield,<br />

S6 6RR<br />

0114 234 4186<br />


<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 3<br />

The bit at the front<br />

Paddy Buckley 2 David Holmes 0<br />

AS I TYPE this I’m licking my wounds after a second abortive attempt at the Paddy Buckley<br />

Round. Things were going so well for the first 20 hours and then everything fell apart between<br />

Cnicht and Bryn Banog. To go so quickly from moving strongly to being a shuffling wreck is<br />

humbling and brings home just how much this relentless round demands. I really respect those<br />

like Willy Kitchen who have toughed it out and got round inside 24 hours. He did it despite an<br />

absolute drenching on the last leg over the Snowdon range, (perhaps better than the absolute<br />

tongue-lashing he would have got from Nicky if he’d considered packing in at that stage).<br />

You can read Willy’s tale on page 32. Others who’ve defied the lousy weather to achieve long<br />

distance successes include Dave Lockwood and Alan Yates on the Joss Naylor, and Keith<br />

Holmes, Mike Nolan and the victorious <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> women’s team on the Bob Graham. As<br />

I write, Nicky Spinks is shortly to attempt the women’s individual speed record for the Bob<br />

Graham and the rain is finally forecast to ease. Let’s hope the sun shines for her in every sense.<br />

Safety first<br />

That Paddy attempt has left me both physical and mental scars. I have a neat three-inch line<br />

where I gashed the leg on steel mesh hanging off a Snowdonian stile. Lower down are two<br />

gouge scars where I ripped my shin in a rock hole below the Rocking Stones. <strong>Fell</strong> running may<br />

not be as dangerous as some outdoor activities but it is certainly hazardous and those hazards<br />

can become serious if we don’t treat them with respect. Was I doing that when I went out alone<br />

on Derwent Edge in freezing rain and gales with thin tights, an ultralight OMM top and a<br />

flimsy pair of gloves? I think I knew the answer as I sat behind a wall on the verge of exposure<br />

with hands so cold I couldn’t even retie my shoe laces. On the news pages of this edition,<br />

and in the chairman’s notes, are thoughts about the awful tragedy that befell the Buttermere<br />

Sailbeck race this year. We don’t yet know exactly what happened to Brian Belfield, so we<br />

should not rush to judgement. But I put my hands up and say that there for the grace of God.<br />

Our new chairman Tom Westgate is now asking the club to begin a debate about the standards<br />

we set for protecting ourselves and others. No doubt more will follow on this in the next<br />

edition of <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News. Tom, Mark Harvey and others have tried to lead on safety since<br />

that dreadful fright we had a few years ago when Ruth Batty glissaded off a craggy drop during<br />

a snowbound Warts run. Have their efforts always been treated with the respect and seriousness<br />

that they deserve?<br />

Thanks<br />

To everybody who has made this bumper edition of <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News possible. Particularly<br />

to club captains Kirsty and Rob for their upbeat accounts of what you’ve all been doing. And<br />

especially to Tim Mackey, who has toiled tirelessly to make the mag look so good. The mag<br />

will now settle into a cycle of twice-yearly publication in summer and winter. The next one<br />

is due in December. First come, first served if you want to get your material published. Dave<br />

Lockwood has already set the lead...<br />


<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 4<br />

News<br />

Lake District tragedy<br />

Sunday 29th April <strong>2012</strong> will be recorded as a sad day in the history of UK fell running, after<br />

a 63-year-old man took part in the Buttermere Sailbeck race in the Lake District and failed<br />

to return from the hills alive. Mountain rescue volunteers located Brian Belfield’s body some<br />

distance from the race route early the next morning after he failed to return to his hotel room<br />

in Keswick. He appeared to have strayed from his intended course in severe weather and poor<br />

visibility.<br />

It is too early to say what lessons, if any, are to be learned from the tragedy. The cause of<br />

death will be determined by a coroner after an inquest hearing, meaning the full weight of<br />

judicial process will be brought to bear in examining what happened. In the difficult interim<br />

period, The <strong>Fell</strong> <strong>Runners</strong> Association has offered its support to Brian’s family, (he was a<br />

longstanding member), and to <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> members Mike and Hazel Robinson, who organised<br />

the race, (see chairman’s notes, page 7).<br />

This is the fifth death in competitive hill running since its emergence as a mass participation<br />

sport in the 1970’s. Given the numbers taking part this accident rate is arguably quite low, but<br />

the latest tragedy has inevitably concentrated thoughts on the need to maximise safety<br />

standards, and to protect race organisers against potentially crippling legal bills should things<br />

go wrong. The FRA has reissued its standing advice to race organisers regarding the wording<br />

of disclaimers. It has also reminded all competitors that they must ensure they know the rules<br />

of the sport and that they understand the risks they run when they take part in a race. The rules,<br />

and the wording of the standard disclaimer, can be found on pages 13 to 17 of the FRA<br />

Calendar.<br />

With this in mind – and without in any way wishing to prejudge what happened at<br />

Buttermere – <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> club officers have been discussing whether the club is structured in a<br />

way that provides adequate protection from legal liability. Secondly, and perhaps more<br />

importantly, they have been asking whether we do all we can to ensure that people taking part<br />

in club events understand the hazards involved and their personal responsibilities. This second<br />

point will be the subject of ongoing discussion, based on the continuing principle of individual<br />

responsibility and a minimalist approach to rules and regulation.<br />

On the first point, club secretary Rob Moore has commissioned an opinion from one of his<br />

legal colleagues at Taylor and Emmett. The note from associate solicitor Peter Crawford can be<br />

found on the <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> website (www.dpfr.org.uk). It makes it clear that the club’s current<br />

status as an unincorporated association leaves officers and event organisers at risk of personal<br />

liability for injury or damage should things go wrong. It suggests two possible options for<br />

change: becoming a company limited by guarantee, or becoming a mutual society. Both would<br />

involve substantial changes to the club’s legal status, but club officers are exploring how we<br />

could achieve this without visibly affecting the way we actually run the club. Any cost<br />

implications appear to be limited although it is likely the club accounts will have to be audited<br />

by an outside party.

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 5<br />

It is the committee’s understanding that neither of the options would affect the day to day<br />

running of the club, and indeed most people would not notice any change whatsoever. But<br />

before going any further, the club is now canvassing opinions and thoughts from other clubs<br />

that have faced the same issues, and from the FRA.<br />

Club chairman Tom Westgate is now inviting all club members to have a say, with a view to<br />

achieving a consensus option that could be taken to an extraordinary general meeting later this<br />

year.<br />

“The Rucksack Club and several mountaineering clubs have gone down this avenue,” said<br />

Tom.<br />

“As a club with a minimalist ethos, this is not an easy option and we want opinions and<br />

views from across the club, especially the long standing members and officials. We have<br />

already been discussing the issue with a few of you. In most instances the structure of the club<br />

would remain entirely unchanged.”<br />

“If the committee wants to take it forward, and at this early stage it seems likely, then as a<br />

club we will all get a chance to both discuss it and no doubt vote for it or against. To help move<br />

things along we now invite all club members to respond to me or any committee member.<br />

From there we will put forward a recommendation to be approved or otherwise at the EGM.”<br />

All change for club champs<br />

THE CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS and club dinner are both moving to new venues this year.<br />

The race will start at 10am on Saturday November 10th, at or near the Dog and Partridge<br />

pub on the Woodhead Pass, GR SE178012. This year’s race coordinator Andy Harmer is still<br />

recceing his options, and has yet to decide whether to start from the pub car park or possibly<br />

further up the road at the road junction by Windleden Edge. Drinks will definitely be in the<br />

pub afterwards. For those of you don’t know it, it has a fine selection of real ales and food and<br />

has been a regular in the Camra Good Beer Guide for many years. If you want to chalk up a<br />

good time the man not to impress is Lewis Ashton, who has taken over handicapping duties<br />

from Roy Small. The dinner will be at Abbeydale Golf Club on Twentywell Lane in Dore.<br />

According to its website, this is “a great place to play golf and relax afterwards”. Clubs at the<br />

ready! Still needed is a volunteer to organise the dinner and handle bookings - chat to club<br />

chairman Tom Westgate if you think you can help. Entertainment to be confirmed but there<br />

are rumours circulating of a DIY dance band featuring club members and to be coordinated by<br />

Dave Markham.<br />

Whisky-a-go-go as Thornbridge gets into gear<br />

AT THE END of August the sun will shine, the birds will sing and <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> <strong>Fell</strong> <strong>Runners</strong><br />

will again descend on the Thornbridge outdoor centre for a long weekend of pleasure and sin.<br />

Organisers Kirsty Bryan-Jones and Simon Patton are building on last year’s alcohol-fuelled<br />

theme with the promise of a “beer and whisky tasting quiz” as a prelude to the traditional<br />

Saturday evening barbecue, (with beer provided by the club), and on a more genteel note cake<br />

and cava in the afternoon. There’ll also be races for both juniors and seniors, and a possible<br />

repeat of last year’s spectacular cyclo cross race. Plenty for the kids, maintaining the traditional<br />

family theme, (they always manage to look after themselves despite their parents’ inebriation).<br />

Cost is £10 per-adult per-night and £5 per-night for the kids. Full details in the ad on page 46.

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 6<br />

New chairman and treasurer take office<br />

LONG-SERVING chairman and treasurer Paul Sanderson and Lynn Bland both stood down at<br />

the agm in May to resounding thanks for everything they have contributed to the club during<br />

their years in office. Stepping up to the plate are Tom Westgate as chairman and Tim Hawley<br />

as treasurer. The meeting also heard that Helen Elmore has now volunteered to be deputy<br />

women’s captain, helping Kirsty to keep our team in top form and fighting fettle.<br />

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> women smash Bob Graham record<br />

KIRSTY AND HELEN were certainly cracking the whip in the Lakes at the end of June when<br />

a <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> women’s team took nearly three hours off the 21hr 48min record for the ‘Billy<br />

Bland Challenge’ established by Helm Hill last year. Our team of 13 did the 62 mile Bob<br />

Graham route from Moot Hall to Moot Hall in 18hrs 51mins, also establishing section records<br />

for legs two, three, four and five. Not bad when you consider they set off in foul conditions<br />

and experienced persistent wind, rain and hail on the way round. We hope to carry a full report<br />

in the winter edition of <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News, (that time of year being more consistent with their<br />

experience on the hills). Congratulations to all involved.<br />

The club’s “official” <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> weekend was abandoned after it became apparent the<br />

runners would be swimming across the valley from Threlkeld to Clough Head. The scheduled<br />

attempt on Friday 22nd June coincided with severe weather warnings that suggested safety<br />

could be at risk and runners would have little chance of completing. Keith Holmes scrambled<br />

an ad hoc attempt 24 hours later with a scratch team of supporters and managed to get round in<br />

23hrs 27mins in conditions that were still quite foul. The debris and flood-marks on the way<br />

round confirmed that it would have been impossible just a day earlier.<br />

Keith’s success came fast off the back of his breeze round the Joss Naylor Challenge in late<br />

May. Dave Lockwood and Alan Yates have also chalked up 24hr Joss successes, (more in the<br />

next <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News), and Mike Nolan completed a 23hr 43min BG in difficult conditions<br />

just before <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News went to print. Congratulations to Willy Kitchen, who became the<br />

first <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong>er for some time to do a sub-24 Paddy Buckley, getting round in 23hrs 39mins<br />

despite a drenching on the final Snowdon leg. The less said about the editor’s attempt a few<br />

weeks later, the better. Apologies if we’ve left anyone out of this long distance round-up; if so,<br />

get in touch with the editor and we’ll make amends in December.<br />

John Dalton gets a new mac<br />

WELL, STRICTLY speaking that should be a new Mac, but Apple being all lower-case-cool<br />

we can probably bend the grammatical rules to facilitate a corny headline. The club committee<br />

has sanctioned spending of about £2,000 on a Macbook for the club webmeister. It’s a highspec<br />

and robust machine that will ease John’s workload. It also means the whole website will<br />

be in one place, making it easier to pass it on to somebody else if, as John says, “I pop my<br />

clogs half way up a mountain”. The computer will also be used to calculate Skyline results in<br />

real time and will be available to help the running of other club events.

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 7<br />

Access guidance<br />

BOB BERZINS has produced a detailed guide to our rights and responsibilities when using<br />

access land in the <strong>Peak</strong> District. It follows one or two misunderstandings in this year’s Odin<br />

Mine race that resulted in a farmer complaining that runners had trespassed on his land and<br />

climbed over field boundaries. Bob’s guidelines can be found on a new set of ‘Access’ pages in<br />

the members’ area of the <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> website.<br />

Your moors, your ideas<br />

THIS WAS the title of a series of workshops run by the National Trust back in the spring to<br />

ask for suggestions about the running of their High <strong>Peak</strong> Moors estate, (which includes Kinder<br />

and huge swathes of the Bleaklow, Alport and Howden Moors areas). A small group of club<br />

members went along to one of the workshops, where the grouse shooting community was also<br />

heavily represented. The <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> members were eager to play down suggestions that people<br />

running across the moors with head torches pose a significant risk of disturbance to birds and<br />

wildlife. The Trust says it has received nearly 1,000 comments, both through the meetings and<br />

through its website. It will consult on a draft Master Plan in September, but in the meantime<br />

has posted initial reactions to the comments at: http://www.high-peak-moors.co.uk/files/Your%20<br />

Moors%20Your%20Ideas%20Workshops%20-%20NT%20responses.pdf The draft comments<br />

suggest access for fell runners will remain “same” so it looks as though our views have been<br />

heeded.<br />

Club hut gets a<br />

spruce-up<br />

OUR BELOVED club hut at Tha<br />

Sportsmen is looking a good deal<br />

tidier after Roy Small and Tom<br />

Westgate decided to chuck the<br />

festering old sofas and chairs in<br />

a skip and get club “handymen”<br />

Rob Cole and Roger Baumeister<br />

in to install bespoke benching and<br />

clothing hooks. “Reaction to the<br />

benching seems to be favourable,<br />

not surprising given the quality<br />

of the work and our newly found<br />

tidiness – thanks to all those<br />

involved,” said Tom.<br />

Chase checks out the facilities<br />

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> gets national radio exposure<br />

ANY CONNECTION between the erudite Dr Stephen Martin who was heard on Radio 4 last<br />

month talking about the parasitic varroa mite and our own plain-talking Steve Martin? Good to<br />

know that <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong>’s intellectual firepower is getting the recognition it deserves.

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 8<br />

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> <strong>Fell</strong> <strong>Runners</strong> contact details update June <strong>2012</strong><br />

New members<br />

Forename Surname Telephone Address<br />

Ben Coales 01246 460 984 10 Coniston House, Spinner Croft, Chesterfield, S40 2DG<br />

Steve Dean 01332 342246 8 Bank View Road, Darley Abbey, Derby, DE22 1EJ<br />

Mick Edwards 01283 537055 21 Bretlands Way, Stapenhill, Burton-on-Trent , DE15 9SH<br />

Graham Gagg 07710899974 710 Spring Bank West, Hull, , HU3 6LH<br />

Ian Gibson 0114 2801839 71 Ridgehill Avenue, Intake, Sheffield, S12 2GN<br />

Ben Howarth 0114 2556284 44 Southview Crescent, Sheffield, , S7 1DH<br />

Livia Hull 07969282639 39 Glossop Row, Oughtibridge, Sheffield, S35 0GH<br />

Nigel Jeff 01433 659229 1 Old Post Office Row, Bamford, Hope Valley, S33 0DY<br />

Bob Johnston 0114 2663577 48 High Storrs Road, Sheffield, , S11 7LE<br />

Sue Kirkbride 01433 659229 1 Old Post Office Row, Bamford, Hope Valley, S33 0DY<br />

Heather Marshall 01433 659836 4 Greenhead Cottages, Ashopton Rd, Bamford,<br />

Hope Valley, S33 0DB<br />

Dan Middlemas 01947605030 21 <strong>Summer</strong>field Lane, Stainsacre, Whitby, YO22 4NU<br />

Tim Rippon 07800 820380 7a Garden Street, Sheffield, , S1 4BJ<br />

Christopher Vardy 01142305741 36 Ringstead Avenue, Sheffield, , S10 5SN<br />

Wayne West 01246 556634 100 Calow Lane, Chesterfield, Derbys, S41 0AX<br />

Richard Wheeler 07920772164 217 Heavygate Road, Sheffield, , S10 1PH<br />

Change of address<br />

Jo Armistead 07812 365915 2 Townend Farm, Whitby Road, Easington, TS13 4NE<br />

Chris Armit 07855638241 29 Falaise Way, Hilton, Derby, Derbys, DE65 5JT<br />

Rob Cole 07967365677 3 Edgedale Road, Sheffield, S7 2BQ<br />

Rachel Findlay-Robinson 07914884262 12 St Ann’s Green, Leeds, LS4 2SD<br />

Rhys Findlay-Robinson 07976 721622 YHA Buttermere, Buttermere, Cockermouth, Cumbria,<br />

CA13 9XA<br />

Callum Gilhooley 0751 080 2693 5 Blair Castle Stables, Blair Atholl, Perthshire , PH18 5TL<br />

Andrew Howard 0034610598345 12 Firthwood Ave, Coal Aston, Dronfield, Derbys, S18 3BQ<br />

Mark Gray 0114 2352653 8 Woodholm Road, Sheffield, S11 9HT<br />

Tim Hawley 0114 2851633 Jasmine Cottage, Main Road, Dungworth, Sheffield,<br />

S6 6HF<br />

Don Jenkins 07985 941700 33 Batworth Drive, Sheffield, , S5 8XW<br />

Alan Jones Modrejce 13, 5216 Most Na Soci, SLOVENIJA<br />

Paul Pycroft 07949 153653 17 Station Road, Walkeringham, Doncaster, DN10 4JL<br />

Ed Richardson 01433 639260 10 Dewrwent Avenue, Grindleford, Hope Valley, Derbyshire,<br />

S32 2HB<br />

Ronnie Staton 077914 71532 20 Bacon Street, Gainsborough, Lincs, DN21 1DQ<br />

James Twohig 07781 5630010 110 Upper Valley Road, Sheffield, S8 9HE<br />

Richard Wren +61 7 3113 3073 Unit 5, 9 Baird Street, Windsor, QLD 4030, AUSTRALIA

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 9<br />

From the Chairman<br />

The chains of office have been handed over. I am not sure how I find myself here but I am<br />

happy to put the spade work in.<br />

Firstly I, and no the doubt the whole club, would like to thank Paul and Lynn for their<br />

sterling work. They did so much for the club and we thank them.<br />

Unfortunately I feel impelled to offer some thoughts on the sad death of Brian Belfield at the<br />

recent Buttermere Sailbeck race. To quote from Graham Breeze of the FRA:<br />

“Brian’s death is a tragedy for his family and friends and the sympathies of all fell runners<br />

will be with them. The Sailbeck Race is organised by Mike and Hazel Robinson. As we all know<br />

they are experienced competitors and race organisers but they now face what everyone who<br />

has ever been associated with race organisation prays they will never have to endure. Of<br />

course our first thoughts should be for those who grieve for Brian Belfield but our sport can<br />

only exist because of people like Mike and Hazel, and they deserve all the support we fell<br />

runners can give them.”<br />

As most of you know, Mike is a long standing member of <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> who has consistently<br />

raced with Hazel at the sharp end from their Kendal home. It is reassuring to know that, as the<br />

national umbrella organisation, the FRA is providing Mike with advice and support. Paul<br />

Sanderson and I have also spoken to him. <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> has more FRA members than any other<br />

club, but at times like this I feel we should encourage even more members to join – at £12<br />

per-year is this too much to ask?<br />

As you may have read on page four, the tragedy has prompted the <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> committee to<br />

reflect on the club structure and how we organise our runs and races. We all cherish the<br />

informality of our low-key events, but they now attract many more people than they once did.<br />

Are we are doing all we can to run them safely, and to prevent the organisers being liable<br />

should anything go wrong? We need a broad range of views on these difficult questions, so do<br />

please take the opportunity to chat to committee members about your opinions<br />

On happier ground, as I settle into the role I’ve been taking soundings about our many<br />

recent achievements.* Taking last year’s national championships we had Judith, Lloyd and<br />

Mick first or there and thereabouts in their respective categories, the MV40 team was second<br />

and the MV50 team first. In the FRA relays the men’s A team was first, the B team eighth,<br />

MV40 team second, MV50 first and the women’s team fourth. Nicky Spinks took the 24-hour<br />

Lakes summits record and generally sets long distance standards for the rest of us to follow<br />

with ever more records in her sights no matter what life throws at her. We compete in numbers<br />

and quality in the Lakes races and recently had 21 runners at Jura. We have club events that I<br />

think stand up against the best ‘official’ races. And what about our other “<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> BG<br />

Machine” - the flying team who have just taken three hours off the women’s 24 hour Billy<br />

Bland Challenge record? Details via Ian Fitzpatrick’s iPhone-crafted blog on our incomparable<br />

website, (thanks, John). We are in a good place.<br />

Tom<br />

*And I apologise immediately to anyone I’ve unwittingly left out of this brief overview!

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 10<br />

Caption competition<br />

This time we give the<br />

stage to two of the<br />

club’s record-breaking<br />

women runners:<br />

women’s captain<br />

Kirsty-Bryan Jones<br />

can be seen leaving the<br />

scene as her partner,<br />

long distance legend<br />

Nicky Spicks, stays<br />

apparently rooted to the<br />

spot. What was going<br />

on? That’s for you to<br />

decide...<br />

Hmmm... maybe<br />

this one was a little<br />

too esoteric? Fewer<br />

comments than usual<br />

and less smut, which<br />

was surprising given the potential<br />

references to cross dressing and<br />

kinky sex, (maybe <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong><br />

members like it straight?). Still<br />

some gems though. The runner<br />

up came from Rachel Findlay-<br />

Robinson: “What do you mean, you<br />

were joking about the model scouts<br />

turning up today?” The winner,<br />

taking ten out of ten for ingenuity, is<br />

David Arundale: “I think I can win<br />

it! If you give me each of your cups<br />

and those stockings, I can enter as a<br />

woman”. Jura on its way.

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 11<br />

The questionnaire<br />

Stuart<br />

Hale<br />

How old are you?<br />

47 years-young<br />

How did you<br />

start fell running?<br />

Unfortunately I used to live down south.<br />

Fortunately, the <strong>Peak</strong> District was less than<br />

a couple of hours drive away. So back in<br />

my twenties I started to plan a trip up here<br />

every month to six weeks. I started running<br />

on the fells, initially on paths and trails before<br />

discovering the joys of heather bashing,<br />

grough scrambling, tussock hopping and<br />

finally peat-bog baths! My first fell race was<br />

over at Longnor. Being from the ‘flat lands’ me<br />

and my club mates had the proverbial taken<br />

out of us something rotten until my best mate<br />

ran the locals ragged and finished in the top<br />

three!! That was the benefit of trail running on<br />

freshly ploughed clay-infested fields!<br />

When did you join <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong>? Not sure –<br />

2005 or 2006?<br />

Why did you join <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong>? Because<br />

Debbie told me to! Say no more…<br />

How many miles a week do you run?<br />

Erghhh… I dunno? As part of the knee rehab<br />

I did do a weekly count-up and was hitting<br />

the 30 mark. Seriously, though, who cares?<br />

The more time on the fells the better, slowly or<br />

faster.<br />

Admit it, what’s your current weight? Too<br />

heavy. Setting up Accelerate and two knee<br />

ops put paid to training and then I couldn’t<br />

find a cure for Deb’s mum’s cooking, beer and<br />

cheese sarnies.<br />

What’s your top training tip? Remember<br />

to recovery train – and that means slowly! Put<br />

the strength in to get the speed out and don’t<br />

ignore good technique.<br />

What’s your favourite race? Not sure… I<br />

love the local races with a country fair or similar<br />

attached. Then there is the OMM… Not that<br />

I am racing too much these days. Still getting<br />

the knee sorted and when I do I’ll be looking at<br />

ultras. I really like the look of the Ultra Tour of<br />

the <strong>Peak</strong> District.<br />

What’s been your best moment in fell<br />

running so far? Sunset on Derwent Edge,<br />

one January evening. Clear and frosty, with<br />

colours that you just couldn’t have improved<br />

with Photoshop.<br />

And the worst? Being told I needed a second<br />

knee operation. I was told that running might<br />

have to go on hold for longer, and that if the<br />

news was bad after the op then running may<br />

be a no-no altogether. So far, so good though.<br />

I’m back on the fells, albeit one step at a<br />

time…<br />

What shoes do you use? I am lucky in that<br />

I get to try loads of shoes out and I have a<br />

cupboard full of pre-production samples,<br />

shoes on wear-test and those I have been<br />

given to try. I still prefer New Balance 101’s,<br />

Minimus Trail and Mizuno Wave Harrier. The<br />

new Saucony Trail Kinvara is also looking to<br />

become a trail favourite as well.<br />

And how do you get your socks clean?<br />

Step 1: Shake off the worst of the peat-bog.<br />

Step 2: Soak for half an hour in boiling water<br />

and bleach.<br />

Step 3: Rinse and scrub with oven cleaner.<br />

Step 4: Rinse and then wash by hand, rinsing<br />

again.<br />

Step 5: Throw them away.<br />

Step 6: Buy a new pair from my favourite<br />

running shop Accelerate – www.accelerateuk.<br />

com, 629, Attercliffe Road, Sheffield, S9 3RD.<br />

No one said I couldn’t blatantly advertise here,<br />

did they?

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 12<br />

Features<br />

A word in your shell-like<br />

Ian Winterburn’s fascinating piece about moorland military history provoked a lot of interest<br />

when it appeared in the last edition of <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News. Since then there have been some<br />

equally fascinating new developments. Ian takes up the story…<br />

Is it dangerous?<br />

Do you remember me talking in the last<br />

piece about the old Catenary Defences near<br />

Midhope reservoir? These were long steel<br />

cables strung between huge concrete bases to<br />

prevent the Germans flying low enough to do<br />

a reciprocal ‘Dam Busters’ job on the local<br />

reservoirs. Since writing the piece I have had<br />

a good nosy round and have found the bases<br />

and weights of the original defences. Nearby<br />

are the remains of an old truck that sank in to<br />

the moors and was stripped down, possibly<br />

an Austin. This prompted further trips which<br />

have brought up two bunkers, a tank wash<br />

and lots of tank tracks.<br />

After the heavy rain in April I went for a<br />

run and took a<br />

short straight line over a new bit of moor.<br />

Within a few minutes I’d found two new<br />

shells and some pieces of others. I took some<br />

pictures and noted the grid refs before I went<br />

on my way. I sent the photos of the shells<br />

and grid ref off to be checked out and they<br />

came back as ‘safe’. A friend in the rescue<br />

team went out to have a look at the shells I’d<br />

found and in the process discovered two<br />

more, one of which looked potentially

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 13<br />

dangerous. He couldn’t find one of mine so I<br />

went to recover it and found yet another!<br />

Now we had five new shells in just over a<br />

week. These were mainly 75mm AP, two of<br />

which look potentially unstable.<br />

Just recently I had a call from a Penistone<br />

Footpath Runner who shall remain nameless<br />

to protect him from his foolishness. Brent<br />

(whoops!) was on his way up Cut Gate. The<br />

conversation went something like this:<br />

“Hi Ian I’ve just found a shell on Cut Gate.<br />

I’m just ringing to get an opinion”<br />

“Well, without seeing it, it’s impossible to<br />

comment but, as long as the base has a clean<br />

hole in it, it’s probably safe but I’d leave it<br />

alone and we’ll check it out.”<br />

“Oh! I’m walking up Cut Gate with it!<br />

The hole is in the front though with a thread!”<br />

“Ah…….. Right. OK. Take it off the path<br />

now and put it down carefully, very<br />

carefully… Mark it so that you can find it<br />

again. Then move away. Quite far away. And<br />

don’t hang about.”<br />

Later we went up to check it out. It didn’t<br />

take us long to realise that this was an 18<br />

pounder about 40 cm long, with the front<br />

cone missing and a ‘mechanism’ inside. We<br />

quickly took pictures then left it well alone<br />

and well off the path.<br />

Skip forward two more days. The Royal<br />

Engineers were flown in by the police. After<br />

inspecting the shell they were apparently<br />

quite excited/concerned. This was the real<br />

deal; full of high explosives. The fuse was<br />

live and could go any second. I think they<br />

were quite stunned to hear someone had<br />

incredibly carried it for 10 minutes and that<br />

they were still alive.<br />

Not long afterwards they used a small<br />

charge to trip the fuse. Result… a sizeable<br />

new crater just off the path that clearly<br />

demonstrates the destructive power of these<br />

festering relics.<br />

So just a reminder: this is the third shell, at<br />

least, found in the last five years that has been<br />

high-explosive or a shrapnel shell. If you find<br />

one, mark it and make a note of the grid ref<br />

but DO NOT TOUCH! Whatever you do<br />


SHELLS. You may not be as lucky as our<br />

very lucky anonymous runner.<br />

Pictures of all the recent finds are available<br />

in the album ‘Hills around the Langsett<br />

Shooting range’, which you’ll find at https://<br />

www.facebook.com/OutdoorNavigation<br />

Ian<br />

...only when it blows up!

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 14<br />

The year of the box<br />

The roving calendar box was born out of beer, stupidity and running. Probably in that order.<br />

During 2009 both Neil and I had been embroiled in a bet to visit the Kinder Ammo Box 24<br />

times during the year. This soon became tiresome, but the tomfoolery created the idea of the<br />

roving calendar box. Each month there would be a new location somewhere within the <strong>Dark</strong><br />

<strong>Peak</strong>, with potential forays into the White <strong>Peak</strong>, and we would provide clues for the box in<br />

various guises. This is the story…<br />

January – Kinder, top of Fairbrook<br />

Where better to start than Kinder Scout, home of the mass trespass and a celebration of the<br />

very fact that we’re allowed to rove over the moors? Saying that, I’m not sure we quite thought<br />

through the perils of a run up Kinder on New Year’s Day morning. We managed to get there<br />

despite the hangovers, and selected a site just below the edge tucked in amongst the boulders.<br />

Once the box was placed, Dave Tait helped us to spread the word through Carshare with a<br />

photo clue and we sat back to see if anyone would even bother to visit.<br />

Oh, what had we done? The first visitors were a raiding party from Pennine, with tales of a<br />

night run over from the wrong side. They must have fallen upon the box though, as their lack<br />

of navigational prowess was laid bare when they claimed via email that the box was in fact in<br />

the wrong place. It wasn’t. We hear that our Pennine friends have since signed up for the next<br />

navigation course.<br />

Soon <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong>ers came from far and wide, leaving behind a wide range of sweet treats, a<br />

welcome trend which would continue throughout the year!<br />

During the night of 31st January we donned headtorches and hot-footed it up to Fairbrook<br />

from the Snake Inn. This was a good run out in the dark, the wintry weather made the book all<br />

soggy, but it was still readable and it revealed that over 100 people had visited during the<br />

month. Buoyed by this enjoyable read, we headed over to…<br />

February – Wet feet and Headstone<br />

Bank<br />

The grid reference in the book throughout January directed<br />

the box hunters closer to home to the Rivelin Valley and a<br />

footbridge North East of Rivelin Dams. Rather than leaving<br />

a simple grid reference for March’s location, we created a<br />

‘ransom note’ and pinned it underneath the bridge.<br />

‘Your journey must continue up Headstone Bank. Pass a<br />

new gate, then very soon look in boulder field. Find a cave<br />

and reach deep deep inside…’<br />

With the location so close to home, people came from far<br />

and wide to visit and the box had its first family visitors, (the<br />

Colliers and the Phipps).<br />

The clue to March’s location was devilishly written in

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 15<br />

Morse code; the thought of people translating the dots and dashes was too hard to resist. It<br />

would appear that Anne and Russell Beresford are fluent in Morse code, having amazingly<br />

solved the clue without the use of t’internet.<br />

March - The Metal Birds, Brusten Croft Ridge and wet feet<br />

After collecting the box from the ‘cave’ on Headstone Bank we drove to Bar Dyke above<br />

Agden reservoir for what turned out to be a long run in the dark, out to the final box location,<br />

then across the heather for a few miles to the wreckage of the Stirling LJ628, 1654 Heavy<br />

Conversion Unit, which wasn’t easy to find by headlight. Running back to the car we scared<br />

many a rabbit and grouse as we ran through their patch, but after a long run out we headed<br />

straight to the chippy.<br />

A month later arriving back at the box we spotted Tim Tett floundering in the heather on his<br />

third attempt at Brusten Croft Ridge. Only after following us did he finally sign in. As we ran<br />

back down to the car at Bar Dyke, we came across Rob Cole and Alistair coming the other way<br />

for a second visit, so we allowed them to “sign in” especially as they were leaving whisky in<br />

the box. Earlier in the month Rob had embarked on a monumental five hour round trip from<br />

King’s Tree starting at 9pm, such was the draw of the now mythical Roving Calendar Box!<br />

April – Isolated tree, White Edge<br />

By this point in the year either Pete or I would send each other an email<br />

on the last day of the month reading something like the following:<br />

‘Ey up, erm…. we need to move the box, any ideas?’ So April came<br />

around and May’s clue wasn’t quite sorted out. However we managed to<br />

hide our ineptitude within the following clue:<br />

‘Some trigs come and go in the <strong>Summer</strong> of 1991. Then wait for 15th<br />

April’<br />

By this time of the year we no longer had to don our headtorches for<br />

relocating the box, and so as we made our way to the isolated tree near<br />

White Edge the evening was still light enough, just. Although perhaps we<br />

could have done with a daylight trip as messages from the box hunters reported many a<br />

sighting of the <strong>Peak</strong> District’s wildlife, including snakes and a herd of deer.<br />

We disguised information within the clue and published on the internet. And through doing<br />

so we pulled off, perhaps, the finest clue of the year. An Indiana Jones inspired cut-out that led<br />

to a grid reference, via the literary archives of www.dpfr.org.uk.<br />

May – ‘Little Switzerland’ or Abney Clough<br />

When we started all this we didn’t think through the fact that we might not actually be<br />

available to move the box at the end of each month. So at the beginning of May Neil was in<br />

Majorca and I further afield in California. We didn’t move the box until May 4th, when Neil<br />

had to place the box all by himself. Nobody seemed to mind though. Some welcomed the extra<br />

thinking. In fact May’s clue foxed some people so much that they never found the box! To<br />

my knowledge this was also the only month of the year that the Wednesday night run found<br />

the box. It was a fine evening’s run over to Abney from Grindleford Station, where a total of

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 16<br />

10 <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> members enjoyed the micro-landscape of Little Switzerland, including hunting<br />

around the many hill tops. It has to be said though some of us were a little late in arriving back<br />

for the AGM that evening.<br />

June – Red Brook<br />

Half way and a toughie?!, I sat smugly with the clue I’d made up for June:<br />

‘The box at Easter lay near an edge, now you’ll find it at a site with a different hue. It has<br />

views of a divided city, similar in colours to Sheffield, although you’ll need to follow the<br />

champions half way up to find the box. As with a lot of locations you may get your feet wet.’<br />

MSL+495<br />

Especially satisfying because Neil couldn’t work it out and he would have been looking in<br />

the second spring on the Kinder Springs race! Once I’d corrected him we set off for the best<br />

box move so far, (although it also demonstrated that we didn’t always put the most thought into<br />

the next month’s location).<br />

It was a fair old trip to Barber Booth from Abney Clough and that was before the running<br />

had even started. En route to Red Brook we took in the ammo box/letterbox at Swine’s Back<br />

before dropping down to MSL + 495, placing the box and then enjoying a fun scramble back<br />

up a dry Red Brook. It seemed rude not to visit our old friend by signing in at The Kinder<br />

Ammo Box before a dash toward the car in the now fading light.<br />

July – Grinah Stones, Bleaklow<br />

This month Pete picked the location, (a<br />

distinctive boulder just below Grinah<br />

Stones), and then went on holiday, (not<br />

for the first time!).<br />

So that meant I had to move the box<br />

from Red Brook to Grinah all on my tod.<br />

However, I had a ball in the baking heat<br />

with a run over from the Snake to collect<br />

the box, then a drive round and run up<br />

from Howden to drop it off at Grinah.<br />

This was definitely one of the more<br />

remote spots that the box visited and I<br />

remember sitting on top of that boulder<br />

for a couple of minutes in the still and<br />

warm evening air just taking it all in.<br />

Grinah Stones and a dog

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 17<br />

August – The Tower, Alport Castles<br />

The summer holidays seemed to have thinned the calendar box hunting crowd. We didn’t hang<br />

around in getting up to The Tower at Alport Castles; this was such a stunning location and<br />

somewhere you’d hardly ever pass by let alone actually climb to the top.<br />

Approaching the Castles there was a figure perched on the edge’s steep bank. It turned out<br />

to be Willy Kitchen who had come over from Fairholmes on a lovely sunny last minute box<br />

trip.<br />

On taking the box to September’s location we lamented the fact that any sweets and whisky<br />

left in the box had been gobbled up.<br />

Jim Fulton in his ‘Linford Christie’s’ at Alport Castles<br />

September – Bamford Edge<br />

This had to be one of the shortest journeys from a road - only about a kilometre or so but we<br />

chose it as it was an area we’d not really visited. And it made geographical sense to stop by<br />

Bamford Edge on the way to the Sportsman for a cheeky pint where we had to make one of<br />

many denials about where we’d been for a run that evening.

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 18<br />

October - Featherbed Top and Sandy Heys trig<br />

As October rolled around Neil disappeared to China, so the box move was a worrying prospect<br />

as Neil normally navigates, (usually with some success!). The October heat wave provided<br />

great running conditions and I enjoyed quite a long run in the end from the Snake Pass over to<br />

Sandy Heys to place the box, and then back via Featherbed top to place the clue re-directing<br />

the box hunters.<br />

Numbers seemed to have dwindled this month – even Ian Winterburn’s name was missing<br />

from the book. Only a few brave souls could now claim to have found the box every month.<br />

November – Three Ships and Flask Edge<br />

Pretty slap dash organisation on my behalf this month, but we managed to cobble together a<br />

‘clue’ which was flawless.<br />

‘At number 9 in the race you certainly need to put the boot in, It’s all in a good cause<br />

though so make sure you enjoy the scenery here before you taste victory at the finish, there may<br />

as always be a strong link to the water……..’<br />

Winter was instantly sprung upon us with the clocks going back, so we were treated to a<br />

night run up to Wellington Monument and the Three Ships. We hid the clue amongst a pile of<br />

well placed logs just behind the victory stone. Then a further clue…<br />

‘Whilst thinking of the hustle and bustle you’ve left behind, now would be a great time to<br />

return for a hot drink from the flask you’ve carried with you. Probably a good place to lean<br />

would be a salty gatepost (or two).’<br />

….off to Flask Edge and the gate posts, this one of the more straightforward months. We’d<br />

placed the box in record time so went off for a run around Blacka.<br />

Perhaps my complex clue was too complex for the calendar box hunters. After 11 months<br />

we had to - for the first time - publish a further clue. The onset of winter had obviously affected<br />

the capacity of the box hunters’ minds to reason and think logically.<br />

December – The 12 Days of Christmas<br />

The roving calendar box had to go out with a bang, so for the final month we thought we<br />

should celebrate with a Christmas theme – The 12 Days of Christmas. As ever we didn’t think<br />

this through. Some of the clues were easy to think up, but they got slightly more tenuous as<br />

we planned to direct the box hunters back to Tha Sportsmen. Mike Browell had taken over the<br />

mantle of first visit for the last few months and as a result had a few problems with some of the<br />

clues that we (Pete) had laid. The Maids weren’t found to be milking at Robin Hood’s Cave.<br />

Some snow in early December also made things tricky but a total of 10 people completed<br />

the month….<br />

The partridge in a pear tree started things off at Houndkirk Hill followed by the Doves<br />

drinking from the lords water at God’s Spring then our first and last bi-lingual clue ‘Le coin<br />

des plantations Canning Dame, s’il vous plaît’ on the way to the three calling birds who<br />

requested a hard Bovril at the Ox Stones. There was no gold, ring or otherwise, to be found at<br />

Burbage Mines, however we believe by sheer coincidence six geese were in fact laying at<br />

Burbage Bridge for the duration of December.<br />

The intrepid box hunters then visited Callow Bank, before heading to ‘Where the outlaw

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 19<br />

once lived’ at Robin Hood’s Cave. Although the clue wasn’t to be found at the cave - whether<br />

this was missing, removed by a helpful litter picker or put in the wrong place we will never<br />

know.<br />

For the next day of Christmas the very fact that eight maids would be milking at the same<br />

time seemed to us a form of madness or insanity. Foolishnes or perhaps folly struck us as apt<br />

words. Yes, that’s right the maid’s had nice boots. Boot’s Folly, also known as Sugworth<br />

Tower, which foxed some box hunters and delayed their visit to the cemetery at Rod Moor. On<br />

putting out the Rod Moor clue we encountered a rather angry local resident who wasn’t ‘best<br />

pleased’ that we were running on a public footpath after dark; he clearly wasn’t a waaaart.<br />

From Rod Moor the lords were leaping, although hopefully not from the top of our very own<br />

Easter Island or the Headstone as it’s otherwise known. The penultimate clue headed further<br />

down the Rivelin Valley to another famous landmark, (well famous to those who are au fait<br />

with the Rivelin Landmarks race - the 11 pipers piping were playing a ditty at the hard-to-findamongst-the<br />

brambles Wyming Brook Knoll. This clue is still there next to the old t-shirt - yes<br />

that’s still there - on the now quite big Pine sapling.)<br />

Even if you, dear reader, weren’t fortunate enough to take part in the December finale you<br />

may be able to guess the direction of the 12th Day of Christmas and final clue. The box was<br />

tucked under the corner of our club hut, complete with whisky and sweet stash right under your<br />

noses.<br />

The roving calendar box was a farcical, yet great idea befitting of the many races / runs and<br />

ideas that <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> have had in the past. We’re very impressed to see that 170 different<br />

people and dogs visited the box throughout 2011 and hope that everyone one of you enjoyed<br />

the variety of locations you visited and got lost at during the year. We briefly considered the<br />

idea of continuing the box for another year but dropped it quite quickly, as it was becoming<br />

increasing difficult to think of new locations and clues.<br />

However the box may appear in some guise in the future. Mike Browell very kindly gave us<br />

a bottle of whisky in appreciation of the roving calendar box, the location of which will<br />

become clear to you some time soon.....<br />

Roving Calendar Box 2011 Stats:<br />

No fewer than 170 people (and dogs) took part at least once during the year.<br />

In total the Calendar Box was visited 438 times, wherever it lay.<br />

Completers: Jo Armistead, Andy Butler (Pennine), Rob Cole, Mike Browell, Harvey.<br />

Special mentions<br />

Lewis Ashton - most visits during the year with 15, but missed out on June!<br />

Ian Winterburn - 13 visits, but not one each month.<br />

Tim Tett – most failures to find the box.<br />

Youngest visit - Orla Lynch aged one. Although not everyone declared their age, we wouldn’t<br />

like to speculate on the oldest visitor!<br />

Pete Hodges, Neil Northrop

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 20<br />

Skyline report<br />

I’m writing this, (very late, sorry Dave), on an<br />

iPhone whilst bivvying under a tarp during a<br />

three-day mountain bike trip round the Lake<br />

District. It’s fair to say the views have not<br />

been that good and the rain has been, at times,<br />

biblical.<br />

I must say it seems a long time ago now<br />

that we enjoyed that lovely early spring day.<br />

From my perspective as first time race<br />

organiser, I was happy to see a clear day. It<br />

was unseasonably hot though and the runners<br />

were maybe less keen.<br />

A race of this size and complexity takes<br />

many, many people to make it work and<br />

fortunately there are many cogs in the <strong>Dark</strong><br />

<strong>Peak</strong> machine who have been doing their<br />

‘Skyline jobs’ for years now. I was happy to<br />

volunteer to take on the organisation because I<br />

knew that because of this machine the race<br />

largely runs itself! I managed to prove this<br />

when, as the runners started to arrive, I was<br />

sitting down and tucking in to a Kev Saville<br />

full-cooked breakfast.<br />

I didn’t get a lot of information from Andy,<br />

the previous race organiser, and Jim and Chris<br />

had understandably not kept much from their<br />

time. So in some ways it was like starting from<br />

scratch. Getting permission for the race was<br />

made easier than it could have been by Shane,<br />

a very helpful National Trust chief warden<br />

with a common sense, can-do attitude. Also<br />

very helpful were Tammy Shirley at the <strong>Peak</strong><br />

Park Authority and Jenny Campbell at Natural<br />

England, (who worryingly had never heard of<br />

the race before). I spent a long time speaking<br />

to local land owners too and I think that next<br />

year, (and future races), should be much easier<br />

to sort.<br />

There were some changes that I wanted to<br />

make, such as accepting substitutions. In the<br />

end we ‘swapped’ 45 people, so I think this<br />

change was clearly well received. I also<br />

checked one race on everyone’s entry form. It<br />

was interesting to see that not everyone is<br />

truthful about their experience! All this meant<br />

extra work but I think it was worth it,<br />

(especially as I charged £5 to sub, with the<br />

money going straight to Edale Mountain<br />

Rescue). I also hired radios for each<br />

checkpoint and a repeater to boost the signal.<br />

This worked well and we had good<br />

communications, especially over the tricky<br />

west end of the route where things are more<br />

likely to go wrong.<br />

Having been on kit check in past years I<br />

was keen to make sure people went through

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 21<br />

this before getting their race numbers. This<br />

made sure nobody sneaked past us unchecked,<br />

but it did cause a bit of confusion. Maybe next<br />

year we need someone loud to shout out<br />

instructions as people enter the hall, (Ian W,<br />

are you reading this? Ed).<br />

Debs and Stu at Accelerate sponsored the<br />

prizes, provided the numbers and brought<br />

along their mobile shop on race day. We had<br />

local meat and other goodies from Watson’s<br />

Farm Shop in Hope. Our own Rob Cole’s<br />

Sheffield Sustainable Kitchens gave some<br />

hand-made chopping boards.<br />

I was relieved that Dave Taylor was still<br />

keen to coordinate marshals as it’s a big job.<br />

Equally glad that he’s said he will do it again<br />

next year!<br />

Which brings us on to next year...<br />

For those of you who haven’t heard , the<br />

FRA have asked if we can run the skins as a<br />

championship race next year.<br />

I asked around the club elders and was glad<br />

that people were overwhelmingly in favour of<br />

going for it. There are several reasons why I<br />

think we should do so. Firstly, we do pretty<br />

well in the championships every year as it is,<br />

so a bit of home advantage won’t hurt!<br />

But mainly, a fell running club with over<br />

400 members should be able to organise a<br />

championship race every five or six years.<br />

Lastly, the FRA are showing a great deal of<br />

trust in the <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> machine - it’s not easy<br />

to arrange a complex long race and being<br />

asked is a compliment to everyone involved.<br />

The only downside to this will be that we’ll<br />

need even more manpower than usual and<br />

everyone in the club will still want to run! But<br />

I’m sure we can rely on people to be sensible<br />

and think about how best they can further the<br />

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> cause. Many will make a huge<br />

contribution by volunteering to help, (and it’s<br />

never too early to put your name forward!).<br />

Others will of course make an equally<br />

significant contribution by chalking up a good<br />

few championship points for us in the race. I’ll<br />

leave it at that for now and look forward to<br />

The boy Yates being chased by a<br />

Newcastle Utd supporter<br />

getting lots of early offers of help. If you have<br />

your diary handy you may want to get the date<br />

in now: Sunday, 24 March, 2013, 10.30am.<br />

Thanks go to everyone who helped this<br />

year, but especially to:<br />

• Helen Elmore for helping before, during<br />

and after. And of course for volunteering<br />

me for this whole thing in the first place.<br />

• Ian Winterburn for sourcing the radios.<br />

• Les and Pete for sorting registration, as they<br />

have for many years now.<br />

• Kev Saville, Executive Chef.<br />

• Lynn Bland and Ann Watmore for<br />

producing staggering amounts of cake, so<br />

much in fact that we actually had some left!<br />

• Andrew Critchlow for letting us use his<br />

fields for parking, and general advice about<br />

all things Edale.<br />

• John Dalton for his efforts with the results,<br />

using his ‘homemade’ software - this is so<br />

good that next year when there is an<br />

internet link in the hall the results can go<br />

online in real time.<br />

• Club legend Roger Baumeister for<br />

presenting the prizes.<br />

Ian Fitzpatrick

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 22<br />

A brief history of things we run<br />

past - part 6<br />

Totley Tunnel<br />

Just next to Grindleford Café at the bottom<br />

of Padley Gorge is Totley Tunnel‘s western<br />

portal with Grindleford station a stone’s<br />

throw just the other side of the bridge.<br />

Construction began in September 1888<br />

and when the two ends of the tunnel met in<br />

October 1892 they were 4.5” out horizontally<br />

and 2.25” vertically. Engineers built three<br />

brick siting towers along the line of the tunnel<br />

and to keep it straight a line was laid out on<br />

the ground and to keep it level weighted<br />

wires of known length were lowered down<br />

shafts.<br />

Keeping the tunnel ventilated was a<br />

problem due to the difficulty siting airshafts<br />

because of the depth of the tunnel and<br />

because the Duke of Rutland didn’t want<br />

them on his grouse moors. Four permanent<br />

shafts were sunk in the first mile at the Totley<br />

end and a turbine powered by Burbage Brook<br />

was used to pump air into the Padley end.<br />

Water was another problem particularly in<br />

June 1889 when 26,000 gallons was being<br />

pumped away every hour. Workers were<br />

described as having the power of Moses<br />

because every time they struck a rock water<br />

sprang from it. At one stage a raft was used to<br />

get men to their work. Tallow candles stuck<br />

to their caps or mounted on the walls<br />

provided lighting.<br />

Diseases such as smallpox, typhoid,<br />

diphtheria and scarlet fever took their toll and<br />

often deaths would not be recorded, as<br />

navvies were considered expendable.<br />

The nature of the largely itinerant<br />

workforce inevitably led to problems with<br />

drunkenness, poaching and gambling in<br />

Totley, which increased the crime rate<br />

dramatically keeping police and the courts<br />

busy. The workers needed some respite from<br />

the hard work and poor conditions - drink, a<br />

bet, and a fight.<br />

The tunnel was opened in August 1893 –<br />

the date above the entrance, the occasion<br />

celebrated with a garlanded steam engine<br />

taking dignitaries through on an inspection<br />

trip. Goods traffic started between Sheffield<br />

and Manchester early in 1894 and regular<br />

passenger services started three months later<br />

in June.<br />

In 2010 the track was re-laid and the<br />

problems of ventilation re-occurred. Running<br />

down Padley Gorge one Tuesday we<br />

wondered about the noise which got louder<br />

and louder as we headed down towards<br />

Grindleford. Its source was the enormous<br />

stack of fans at the tunnel portal. They<br />

installed a new shaft from a large natural<br />

cavern near the middle of the tunnel called<br />

“The Cathedral” to aid ventilation.<br />

At 3.54 miles it is still the longest<br />

non-electrified wholly under-land rail tunnel<br />

in the UK. They need to keep amending that<br />

description to it keep at number one.<br />

Mike Arundale

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 23<br />

Burbage <strong>Fell</strong> Race – 8 May <strong>2012</strong><br />

Thanks again to Natural England and<br />

the National Trust who kindly allowed<br />

another record field of runners to enjoy a<br />

cool evening with some dark clouds that<br />

threatened rain but thankfully never delivered<br />

it. The <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> club gazebo thus remained<br />

secure in the van whilst a fantastic variety of<br />

runners hurtled themselves around a course<br />

this year described as boggy in places but<br />

generally fast. The race was again kindly<br />

sponsored by Accelerate as part of the local<br />

GritStone Series. It was a very competitive<br />

race, culminating in Rob Little taking a great<br />

first win just ahead of Neil Northrop. Helen<br />

Elmore won the women’s race, chalking up<br />

an impressive three wins in a row. Also a<br />

mention for young Tom Saville whose top<br />

ten placing confirms his potential. A fantastic<br />

number of folk helped this year including<br />

multiple past winner Stuart Bond who was<br />

out marshalling the route. It was great seeing<br />

so many people enjoying<br />

themselves before,<br />

during and after<br />

the event. Special thanks to our registering,<br />

finish and results helpers for managing a very<br />

hectic and at times animated event, all done<br />

with courtesy and humour.<br />

The race continues to grow in popularity<br />

and this year we warmly welcomed fell<br />

runners from Newbury and also Sweden.<br />

Next year will be the twentieth edition!<br />

At this year’s start line, we took a moment<br />

to remember <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> runner Stu<br />

Learmouth who sadly passed away in April.<br />

Stu’s last race was Burbage 2010 so it was<br />

fitting that we were able to send a sizeable<br />

cheque to Cancer Research in his honour<br />

Finally there wasn’t much of a sunset to<br />

report this year, but there were several<br />

unsubstantiated woodcock sightings. After a<br />

few contemplative pints of Black Sheep the<br />

evening’s proceedings were finally over. With<br />

continuing gratitude to Wayne at the Fox for<br />

again letting us take over his pub for the<br />

night.<br />

Roy Gibson

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 24<br />

Team captains’ reports<br />

Women’s report<br />

There have been two races so far in <strong>2012</strong> for<br />

each championship out of six for the English,<br />

(four to count), and four for the British, (three<br />

to count).<br />

Helen Elmore started her first year as a<br />

V40 in flying form finishing seventh woman<br />

and first LV40 in a strong field in the first<br />

English Championship race of the season,<br />

Lad’s Leap. Liz Batt also performed well<br />

with eleventh overall and first LV45, finishing<br />

six seconds ahead of Tracey Greenway. At the<br />

younger end of the field Rachel Findlay-<br />

Robinson completed the course 90 seconds<br />

down on the first U23 finisher.<br />

Coledale was the second race of the season<br />

and being a counter in both championships<br />

attracted a very large field. The women’s race<br />

started before the men’s which made<br />

interesting spectating as you ran, getting<br />

pulled along as the men went past, (though it<br />

must have been frustrating for them when the<br />

path was narrow, necessitating some<br />

interesting overtaking manoeuvres!). Lauren<br />

Jeska, (Todmorden), won the women’s race<br />

with an impressive run. <strong>Runners</strong> from two<br />

Scottish clubs took second and third - Sarah<br />

O’Neil (Hunters Bog Trotters) and Catriona<br />

Buchanan (Ochil). Seeing Catriona made me<br />

feel old- I can remember her as a toddler<br />

playing on my Mum’s piano with her four<br />

sisters! The <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> women were out in<br />

force too with Judith Jepson leading the team<br />

home in 12th, (second LV45), with Liz just<br />

behind in 13th. Helen followed in 19th,<br />

(seventh LV40), with Nicky Spinks on the<br />

recovery to fitness in 34th, myself in 58th,<br />

Donna Claridge 67th and Rachel 104th. A<br />

great race - thanks to Hazel and Mike<br />

Robinson for organising and to the <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong><br />

marshals on the course especially the<br />

infamous ‘marshalling kids’, (Mia and<br />

Eddie), who were a welcome site on the last<br />

top!<br />

The second British race was Slieve<br />

Bearnagh in the Mourne Mountains in<br />

Northern Ireland. The Mournes are well<br />

worth a visit with steep climbs, rocky<br />

outcrops, impressive walls and views over the<br />

Irish Sea not to mention the craich after the<br />

race. This was classified as a short race but by<br />

all accounts was tough and not that short,<br />

being won in just over an hour by Angela<br />

Mudge from Carnethy. Helen’s number ‘7’<br />

was up again with a seventh position in the<br />

seniors and third LV40, (Angela was first<br />

LV40 and Anna Bartlett second LV40).<br />

So the scores on the doors after the first<br />

two races:<br />

In the English Champs the senior is being<br />

led by Lauren with Liz seventh, Helen ninth,<br />

Judith 20th, (one race), and Nicky 38th, (one<br />

race). In the LV40 the scoring changes, with<br />

Helen second, Liz third, Judith 10th, (one<br />

race), and Nicky 19th, (one race). The LV40<br />

is being led by Jo Waites, (Calder Valley)<br />

with two second positions so Helen has the<br />

advantage if she can drop her Coledale score,<br />

though watch out for Anna Bartlett with one<br />

first as well. In the LV45 Liz is equal first<br />

with Sally Newman (Calder Valley), each<br />

having a first and third position! Also in<br />

contention are Judith and Tracey Greenway<br />

who each have a second after only running<br />

one race.<br />

In the British, Helen is lying sixth in the<br />

senior and second in the LV40 behind Anna<br />

Bartlett of Mercia. Also in the LV40 Judith is<br />

lying eighth, Liz tenth and Nicky 23rd after<br />

only one race. In the U23, Rachel is currently<br />

lying fourth.<br />

So a great start for the ladies with six races

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 25<br />

still to come. Some tough, classic long races<br />

are next with the Great Lakes in June,<br />

Arrochar Alps in July then Borrowdale in<br />

August. Just what we <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> girls love -<br />

looking forward to some great results!<br />

Kirsty<br />

Hot off the press… Update from Helen<br />

following the Great Lakes Race:<br />

The Great Lakes Race truly lived up to<br />

its name. As I travelled up looking at the<br />

rain I wondered guiltily whether it might<br />

be cancelled, but no such luck. A rousing<br />

speech from the race organiser Ian Barnes<br />

and a pause to double-check the minimum<br />

kit requirements in my ruc sac and we were<br />

off. My aim was to get round, not drown and<br />

not get lost, so after Slight Side I stuck in a<br />

group even though I felt I could have gone a<br />

bit faster - there was no way I was going to<br />

face the clag, driving rain and river crossings<br />

alone! After Keith Holmes, Christine<br />

Howard and myself, (combined weight about<br />

one normal person!), just got ourselves safely<br />

across the first river it was definitely team<br />

work and safety in numbers for the next one.<br />

Keith had done extensive recces which really<br />

paid off - especially his line off Blisco and so<br />

I got back in 4hrs 27mins – finished eleventh<br />

and seventh vet but really just delighted to<br />

finish in one piece.<br />

At the sharp end of the women’s race those<br />

with more navigational expertise, greater<br />

experience of Lake District AL’s and<br />

generally just being hard women of the fells<br />

did brilliantly to claim the open and vet team<br />

prizes. Liz Batt finished a fantastic fifth and<br />

second vet, Judith Jepson sixth and third<br />

vet, Nicky seventh and fourth vet. Lauren<br />

Jeska claimed another win, and I think also<br />

the women’s record in 3hrs 28mins. Also<br />

all credit to Rachel Findlay-Robinson who<br />

navigated herself round pretty much alone<br />

from Bowfell, making considerable and very<br />

sensible diversions to cross rivers alone. Her<br />

brother Rhys was waiting for her at the end.<br />

He assured me he wasn’t worried and said<br />

that he knew she could look after herself. I<br />

think in the end that is far more important<br />

than times and championship points. Anyway,<br />

roll on Moel Wnion and Weasdale which are<br />

the sort of races this <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> Lady loves!<br />

Helen Elmore<br />

Men’s report<br />

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> men have made a really good start<br />

to the season with lots of excellent results. If<br />

you haven’t yet heard of these I feel it’s good<br />

to know the calibre and range of athletes<br />

we have in the club, and if you already<br />

have, well, ignore me and continue training<br />

and ‘rehydrating’. I apologise if I miss<br />

highlighting people’s performances which<br />

they personally think are worthy - I would be<br />

writing all day if I tried to cover everything!<br />

But this doesn’t mean that <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong>ers who<br />

are completing races and breaking their own<br />

personal records are less important. So, on to<br />

the results from championship races.<br />

The first championship race of this year<br />

was the English Champs short race from<br />

Crowden (Lads Leap), which gave us a fast<br />

but boggy bit of moorland to enjoy. The race<br />

brought out nearly all the top runners in the<br />

country so it was a brilliant result for the<br />

senior men to win the team prize: Lloyd third,<br />

Rob Baker seventh, myself 16th, Oli Johnson<br />

21st and Neil Northrop 38th. The guys<br />

seemed to find it especially pleasing to beat<br />

Pudsey and Bramley by just one point! (so<br />

thanks Neil for a fast descent). I was just<br />

thankful it wasn’t one point difference the<br />

other way. Just shows how every second can<br />

really count. <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> V40s also ran really<br />

well to finish as third team with support for<br />

continued on page 28

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 26<br />

The piccy in<br />

Warts on a whisky stop<br />

You can always get a drink if you know where to look

the middle<br />

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 27

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 28<br />

Lloyd from John Hunt in 62nd and Mike<br />

Robinson in 17th, which just shows how<br />

strongly contested this race was.<br />

The second English Champs race also saw<br />

another very highly competitive field for the<br />

Coledale Horseshoe, excellently organised by<br />

Mike Robinson, (and Hazel). A real tough<br />

climb up Grisedale Pike, but Mike wouldn’t<br />

have it any other way would he! Rob Baker<br />

again was mixing with the best to finish sixth,<br />

with Lloyd next in seventh. Rhys battled<br />

round really well to finish 18th and I managed<br />

to hold off Oli in a ‘sprint’ finish as we ended<br />

up 26th and 27th respectively. Unfortunately<br />

the strength in depth, (and age), of<br />

Borrowdale meant their senior men narrowly<br />

beat us into second place. But we are getting<br />

close! The V40s team was also second with a<br />

very good return to running from Jon Morgan<br />

after his winter skiing to finish 33rd, with<br />

Dave Taylor in 58th and John Hunt 60th,<br />

which just shows the strength of that field.<br />

After these first two races the senior men<br />

are currently leading the English Champs<br />

team race. It will be very tough, but it would<br />

be amazing if we could still be there at the<br />

end of the season.<br />

The first British Champs race has also<br />

taken place: the short Slieve Bearnagh ,<br />

(though with a slightly extended finish to<br />

previous years). Lloyd again was our top<br />

runner, finishing fourth. He was supported by<br />

Jon in 22nd, Dave Taylor 32nd, Matt Hulley<br />

41st and Mick Stenton 43rd. I think this<br />

meant we were third team. Hopefully Matt<br />

and Mick will be particularly pleased to have<br />

made the top 50 and got some points for the<br />

individual championship too. I have also<br />

heard reports of unusual dress being worn<br />

that night. Nothing to do with a few Guinness<br />

of course!<br />

As well as the championship races, <strong>Dark</strong><br />

<strong>Peak</strong>ers have also been at other big events.<br />

Notably we were first open and first V40 team<br />

at the Yorkshire Three <strong>Peak</strong>s race. Rob Baker<br />

seemed to clean up here finishing third in<br />

2hrs 59mins, also winning the Yorkshire<br />

county title and being highest placed<br />

newcomer. John Rocke also had an excellent<br />

race finishing ninth in 3hrs 5mins, (maybe<br />

time to do a few more mountain races, eh<br />

John!) and so also won the prize for first<br />

under 25. The open team was completed by<br />

Oli in 12th and Jon 19th. John Hunt ran a<br />

good even race as usual to finish 21st and a<br />

good steady run from Mike Nolan (58th)<br />

sealed the V40s the booze. Also<br />

congratulations to Tom Beasant and Andy<br />

Thake for good steady runs.<br />

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> also dominated this year’s Jura<br />

race on what was a bit of a hot day. Loving<br />

the rock was Es Tresider who was only<br />

narrowly beaten by Rob Jebb. The team prize<br />

was secured thanks to Rob in sixth and Jon in<br />

10th. Neil had also a good run to finish in<br />

3hrs 49mins, and some fast road running<br />

from Simon Patton ensured he finished just<br />

under the magical four hours too, (24th<br />

place). I believe we also won the team prize<br />

at the Old County Tops race, a big<br />

achievement as I think this award is<br />

calculated by adding each pair’s race time<br />

together not their race position.<br />

There was also a team at the Coniston fell<br />

race, and although Borrowdale won the race<br />

award we did more than our best to keep up<br />

with them in the bar that evening. Who<br />

would’ve thought a champion Borrowdale<br />

runner actually likes drinking rubbish<br />

commercial cider! And in a slightly different,<br />

and utterly silly event, Rhys and Wil Spain<br />

survived three days in a small boat sailing<br />

between Jura, Mull and Arran with a little bit<br />

of running thrown in too to finish on the<br />

second boat in the Scottish Islands <strong>Peak</strong>s<br />

Race. I do jest; there is actually a LOT of<br />

rough running in this event, so a very good<br />

effort, lads!<br />

As you can see, lots of people have been<br />

having great success at big races. We’ve also

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 29<br />

been the top team at many local races this<br />

year, including The Trigger, Wolf’s Pit, Herod<br />

Farm, Tiger’s Todger, Burbage<br />

(unsurprisingly) and Totley Moor. Thanks to<br />

everyone who runs in champs races and<br />

travels and wears the brown vest. It is not<br />

always just our top five counters who matter;<br />

it’s always good to have back up runners and<br />

supporters. So if you feel like a day out<br />

please feel free to come along and support,<br />

especially at the long races which are coming<br />

up this summer. Could I also ask people<br />

travelling to the Lakes and further afield if<br />

they would be prepared to give others a lift?<br />

If you are able to do this you can spread the<br />

word by contacting me, or probably more<br />

usefully you can email Dave Tait or post on<br />

Dave’s excellent Carshare page on the club<br />

website. I appreciate that people do have<br />

personal commitments but if you want to<br />

keep fuel costs down I am sure people would<br />

be willing to contribute. And it can be fun<br />

too. So onward to the next set of races: may<br />

we remain equally, if not more, successful!<br />

Keep up the good work<br />

Rob<br />

STOP PRESS: English Champs, Great<br />

Lakes, 16 June. In wet conditions, (yes, it<br />

has been raining a lot!), swollen rivers and<br />

36 yrs on the bog . . .<br />

. . . 6 months in arrears<br />

wet rock certainly made the Great Lakes<br />

run a great challenge this year, even more<br />

so than this challenging route would be in<br />

the dry. But DPFR were not deterred: Lloyd<br />

finished an excellent third; Rhys was an<br />

absolutely quality fifth with some good lines<br />

keeping him in the lead at one point. Very<br />

able back-up came from the reliable Matt<br />

Hulley in 32nd and John Hunt in 42nd, both<br />

‘enjoying’ long races. Special mention must<br />

also go to Dave Sykes who was the club’s<br />

fifth counter in 44th place. I think this was<br />

his first time scoring in our champs team –<br />

congratulations! He was just ahead of Jon<br />

Morgan and Mick Stenton, who unfortunately<br />

missed individual champs points by one<br />

place. However, I think it was one of those<br />

races where just getting round was a BIG<br />

achievement. Specific reports on this race are<br />

on the website, with for once John wishing<br />

how he was a few stone heavier! I have<br />

also heard stories of adventure and heroism<br />

from Jon Coe, Gavin and Si Patton, and<br />

many others have their own stories to tell<br />

undoubtedly. I believe we were second team,<br />

which is a great effort and actually leaves<br />

me wondering a bit “if only…”. It seems<br />

Borrowdale were there to be beaten. Just<br />

shows the standards we have set ourselves.<br />

On now to the Borrowdale race then; good<br />

luck to all <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong>ers who take part.<br />

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> subs are due<br />

every year! Make sure you<br />

are not one of the 140 listed<br />

members who could be<br />

named and shamed in the<br />

next issue by sending any<br />

outstanding subs to the<br />

membership secretary.<br />

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> subs are due every year!<br />

Make sure you are not one of the 140<br />

listed members who could be named<br />

and shamed in the next issue by<br />

sending any outstanding subs to the

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 30<br />

Been there, done that<br />

The Wasdale factor<br />

It’s a great big glacial scar, a monumental cleft between the hulking masses of Scafell and<br />

Yewbarrow. Even for an experienced fell walker, getting between the two tops is a challenge.<br />

For Bob Graham contenders, the crossing of Wasdale can be enough to break hearts and minds.<br />

Here, Alice Robson and Carl Betts reflect on this formidable physical and psychological barrier.<br />

Wet, cold, legs aching. Sergeant Man,<br />

Thunacar Knott, Harrison Stickle, Pike O’<br />

Stickle. Mmmm… definitely tired now.<br />

Bowfell. Mmmm... not feeling too good. Now<br />

it’s snowing, (I’m sure it’s May!). Getting<br />

pretty cold. Esk Pike. Not moving very well.<br />

Still snowing. Very wobbly. I’m dressed in<br />

every bit of kit I have. Double hat, double<br />

gloves, Werther’s Originals frantically being<br />

sucked. Great End, Ill Crag and Broad Crag<br />

form a blur. Not good!!<br />

Losing time. Must have lost too much<br />

time. Scafell Pike. Losing time, not going to<br />

make it up. Broken! Lords Rake, then<br />

battering my support team with rocks as we<br />

labour up the loose West Wall traverse.<br />

Scafell. Then the descent... Oh dear, I thought<br />

going up was bad. Ouch ouch ouch ouch. It’s<br />

a long way down Scafell!! The cloud begins<br />

to lift and there it is, one of the most glorious<br />

views of the Lake District: the magnificent<br />

Wasdale valley! What a breathtaking place,<br />

what an inspiring sight, what a beautiful<br />

view... what a very big hill that Yewbarrow<br />

looks!<br />

How am I going to get up that?? There is<br />

no chance I am getting up that, not one tiny<br />

chance!! That’s it; it’s over, I’m losing time,<br />

I’m not going to be able to go faster. I am just<br />

going to continue to lose time. It’s over, no<br />

way am I going up Yewbarrow. No chance.<br />

I’m not strong enough, I’m not good enough.<br />

Wasdale.<br />

“Well done”, “Looking good”, “Doing<br />

really well”, “ Looking strong”. What are all<br />

these people talking about? I’m broken. I’m<br />

totally and utterly broken. I’m stopping - they<br />

know that, right?? Shoes off, socks off,<br />

trousers off. “Should we change your pants?”.<br />

NO - I’m stopping!! Dry trousers on, dry<br />

socks on, new shoes on. “Drink this”. “Eat<br />

this”. “You’ve got 10 minutes and then you<br />

should set off before you stiffen up”.<br />

Hang on. I’m not carrying on. There is no<br />

way I am getting up Yewbarrow, so why are<br />

these people not asking me whether I even<br />

want to carry on? Don’t my views count? But<br />

they do, and I do as I’m told, and before I<br />

know it I seem by some strange Act of God to<br />

have climbed up Yewbarrow and to be<br />

standing at the top of it. They’re showing a<br />

strange form of affection, but through their<br />

loving insistence these friends of mine seem<br />

to have to have talked me to the top of a<br />

mountain. Now, where’s Red Pike?<br />

Alice<br />

Wasdale is one of Britain’s treasures. At the<br />

end of the torturous leg three of the Bob<br />

Graham Round, Wasdale is both heaven<br />

and hell. Leg three could be viewed as the<br />

hardest leg of the BG for many reasons – it’s<br />

long, it’s hilly and it’s only halfway. If you’ve<br />

had good weather and you’re going well,

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 31<br />

congrats! If you’re like the rest of us who’ve<br />

had gash weather, a motivation level of a<br />

dying dog, joints feeling like an old knacker,<br />

guts exploding from both ends, and feet<br />

feeling like they’ve just been battered with<br />

a hammer and finished off with a file then<br />

join the proper BG club, because for the vast<br />

majority of the BG its all about taking part<br />

in an utter suffer fest, (am I selling this well<br />

enough?).<br />

Dropping into Wasdale you’re in a pathetic<br />

state, devoid of energy, sore, cold, hungry and<br />

an emotional disaster area. You sit down and<br />

you think you’re done. It is at this moment a<br />

group of heavenly like angels, (though a little<br />

grubby looking), descend upon you. When<br />

you’re in such a physical and emotional mess,<br />

sympathy does nothing for you. The support<br />

team obviously know this philosophy and<br />

don’t give you any! Instead, before you can<br />

say “I can’t do it” in a whimpering voice, you<br />

are attacked from all angles and before you<br />

know it you have your feet dried and<br />

powdered, clean socks, (better than anything<br />

in the world!), fresh shoes (better than<br />

anything in the universe!) dry clothes, a brew<br />

and food. Within minutes you’ve gone from a<br />

crying mess, to a new man/woman and are<br />

promptly booted out of Wasdale with a new<br />

lease of life that you could never imagine<br />

possible.<br />

The rest of the route is much less<br />

demanding, other than maybe your knee<br />

giving up and you to have to resort to the<br />

time-honoured gaffer tape method of<br />

treatment. Without the amazing team effort<br />

many BG’s would fall flat on their arse, but<br />

instead amazing personal achievements are<br />

accomplished. If you’re a BG hopeful, bear in<br />

mind your support team at Wasdale can<br />

potentially make or break your attempt. Don’t<br />

question what they are doing to you. Accept<br />

it, and when you complete your BG pat them<br />

on the back. They are the heroes of the<br />

attempts. We mere contenders should be<br />

eternally grateful for their support.<br />

Carl<br />

Footnote: Alice recovered from her ordeal to<br />

finish the round with time to spare in 23hrs<br />

30mins despite hostile weather on legs two<br />

and three. She was ably supported by Lynn<br />

Bland, Kirsty Bryan Jones and Simon Patton,<br />

Janet and Mike McIver, Lucy Weigand and<br />

Ruth Batty.<br />

“Did I ever<br />

tell you how<br />

much I hate<br />

Yewbarrow”<br />

Mark, Ian<br />

and Roy<br />

face the<br />


<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 32<br />

Paddy Buckley – Willy tells all<br />

I’m a firm believer that we make our own<br />

luck and, in similar vein, we get the support<br />

we deserve; so I trust you’ll forgive the<br />

implied conceit when I say that my luck on<br />

my recent Paddy held pretty well, whilst my<br />

support, both on and off the hill, was simply<br />

magnificent.<br />

I suppose, despite everything, most people<br />

who successfully complete the BG at least<br />

consider the possibility of reprising that<br />

fantastic experience on the Paddy. If like me,<br />

though, their natural home is somewhere near<br />

the middle of the field, then they should also<br />

know that the Paddy is very likely near the<br />

limits of their capabilities. This was certainly<br />

the conclusion I reached three hours into the<br />

hot first day of my initial look at the route on<br />

a three-day recce in August 2010. All<br />

thoughts of going in 2011 were quickly<br />

revised – this challenge required a year spent<br />

getting quicker and, more importantly, getting<br />

to know the route intimately, if I was to give<br />

myself a decent chance of success.<br />

A swift second day’s run over a very<br />

claggy Snowdon leg in pursuit of Iain<br />

Ridgeway, and a tour of the Llanberis<br />

quarries with Sarah Ridgeway the following<br />

morning, also suggested to me though that the<br />

pace and the terrain weren’t entirely beyond<br />

my capabilities. I returned to Sheffield<br />

resolved to spend the winter working on my<br />

pace via the Winter Mondays Series, and to<br />

do as many of the Lakeland Classics in 2011<br />

as I could, whilst enjoying my running as<br />

much as possible.<br />

Butch Cassidy and the<br />

Sundance Kid<br />

And so it was, nearly two years later, that<br />

I found myself blasting up through the<br />

Llanberis quarries, with Bob ‘Butch’ Johnston<br />

and Jim ‘Sundance’ Paxman in hot pursuit.<br />

The forecast promised what I always knew<br />

would, for me, be the essential ingredient<br />

of any successful round – a dry crossing of<br />

the Glyders – but it also suggested wetter<br />

weather towards the end of the round. It felt<br />

good, therefore, to be five minutes up at the<br />

first top, striding out into a blotchy dawn,<br />

and strangely reassuring too to know by Y<br />

Garn that I’d already dropped Jim, somewhat<br />

effortlessly, whilst still climbing well within<br />

myself. We were greeted by a few sheep<br />

on Glyder Fawr; Tryfan was spectacularly<br />

silhouetted black against a stunning sunrise,<br />

but there was no time to look around. The<br />

Glyders were bone-dry but for a very faint<br />

grassy dew, our lines were bang on, and<br />

it was only when I felt the first twinges of<br />

cramp in my calf near the bottom of the<br />

Bristly Ridge screes that I had any cause for<br />

concern.<br />

On the lower slopes of Tryfan, a handful<br />

of rather fine goats glanced up, though<br />

possibly not to admire the best line up that<br />

particular monster that I’ve managed all year.<br />

And, notwithstanding a couple more twinges<br />

of cramp, and one small unintended rock step<br />

in the west gulley, we descended in good<br />

order and perfect sunlight to the changeover<br />

with twelve minutes in hand. In fact – so<br />

much more civilised than the BG – I was<br />

straight into the toilets for a handy sit down<br />

and my essential morning constitutional. A<br />

quick change of top and into shorts, a slurp of<br />

tea, and off up Pen yr Ole Wen with bacon<br />

sarnie in hand.<br />

Butch and Thelma<br />

The Carneddau leg felt like the archetypal<br />

road trip. Aside from discussion of some<br />

unsavoury storage strategies for bacon

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 33<br />

sarnies, it went like a dream, with immaculate<br />

support from Helen ‘Thelma’ Elmore and<br />

Bob. The sun shone and we comfortably<br />

doubled our advantage over the leg with<br />

barely a single footfall wrong. I even<br />

managed to run in to Capel without once<br />

looking up at Siabod, almost thirty minutes<br />

up on schedule.<br />

The Oddfellows<br />

The ascent through the woods on the lower<br />

slopes of Siabod occasioned a couple of<br />

unexpected occurrences. First, (I think),<br />

Steve Martin falling like a stone off the track<br />

behind me, and then my first rather copious<br />

vomit of the round – a matter of some<br />

concern since I’d never puked on a long day<br />

out previously, but one which I put down to<br />

the incompatibility of Lucozade raspberry<br />

sports drink, bacon sandwich, and M&S<br />

probiotic smoothie. Whatever the cause, and<br />

with the assistance of Jim’s poles for the first<br />

time, we were still on schedule at the summit<br />

of Siabod, and the rest of the leg passed<br />

reasonably comfortably.<br />

Paul Fauset did sterling work as our front<br />

runner and bog finder in chief, whilst Steve,<br />

generally unimpressed by the roughness of<br />

the terrain, demonstrated unfailing nav skills<br />

– if an overly developed wartin’ sense for a<br />

heathery line on our approach to Cerrig<br />

Cochion, where we picked up a dump of<br />

supplies, courtesy of Dave Holmes. I suspect<br />

I was fairly quiet at this point in the round,<br />

concentrating on getting as much food down<br />

as I could manage, and idly tuning in and out<br />

of the sometimes surreal conversations that<br />

my companions – the plumber, the venture<br />

capitalist and the entymologist – kept up<br />

throughout. With Roy Gibson and Paul in the<br />

saddle, cheerful banter was of course pretty<br />

much guaranteed, but the coup de grace was<br />

undoubtedly Steve’s, with his description of<br />

the carnivorous bog-plant Butterwort, and its<br />

potential application for clearing up<br />

abandoned PB contenders.<br />

I made just a couple of minor navigational<br />

slips on the lines up to and down from Alt<br />

Fawr, costing us no more than a couple of<br />

minutes each, so was generally very pleased<br />

to swing into sight of the Bwlch Cwmorthin<br />

quarries with virtually the whole of our time<br />

advantage in hand. And somehow, Roy and<br />

Steve had even managed to feed me the<br />

whole of Dave H’s orange-topped chocolate<br />

flapjack, so there was plenty of energy left in<br />

the tank too.<br />

The Usual Suspects<br />

It was good to share the next leg with Lewis<br />

Ashton and Ruth Batty, friends from several<br />

recces of yore. Lewis’ leg began a little more<br />

strenuously than he might have liked, being<br />

called back by Paul halfway up Foel Ddu to<br />

retrieve my forgotten poles. Thereafter the leg<br />

passed without incident, indeed we made up<br />

a minute or two on almost every split, with<br />

only a couple of minutes lost when we missed<br />

the opportunity to short-circuit the first of the<br />

zags up to Moelwyn Mawr. Ruth and Lewis<br />

kept hard on my heels throughout, and I even<br />

had time to remember some of the pleasant,<br />

albeit sometimes rather weathery, days I’d<br />

already enjoyed on these hills with Lewis,<br />

Rob Cole, Rich Bradbury and Glen Borrell<br />

over the past winter.<br />

I still felt strong on the climb up Cnicht,<br />

where we were met again by Paul and Roy.<br />

Dropping left to the all-important rocky<br />

chute, we were shown the way by Paul’s<br />

newly converted running moll, Stephanie,<br />

who I had patronised horribly the night before<br />

and who had also been subject to David<br />

McGuinness and Carl Betts skinny dipping<br />

that morning; the ease with which she<br />

bounded down the ridge to our left as I took<br />

us on the plodders’ grassy line was, as a<br />

result, all the more impressive – or perhaps

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 34<br />

she was she just keeping a safe distance? Be<br />

that as it may, the rocky track to the<br />

changeover, unpleasant at the best of times,<br />

passed with only the occasional twinge of<br />

cramp, the weather remained set fair, (though<br />

the forecast for worse to come had not<br />

changed), and all-in-all the long descent to<br />

Bwlchgwernog was probably the most<br />

enjoyable section of the round, comparable<br />

with the descent off Scafell I’d enjoyed in the<br />

company of Simons B & P, Kirsty and Helen,<br />

two years before.<br />

The Three Amigos<br />

A spot of chafing necessitated a quick<br />

change of undergarments at the road stop,<br />

as well as a change of socks. As with every<br />

other changeover, Carl eased the transition<br />

expertly, and in the company of Messrs<br />

Harvey, Holmes and McGuinness, we were<br />

soon off up the road and headed for Banog.<br />

I was cheerful enough on the road section<br />

and up through the woods, but somewhere<br />

just beyond the decaying farm buildings of<br />

Oerddwr-uchaf my first real low of the round<br />

began to creep up on me. I knew I probably<br />

wasn’t eating quite enough, and that the<br />

weather, as forecast, was on its relentless<br />

way. I had hoped to get over the rocky section<br />

at the end of the Nantlle ridge before the<br />

rain set in, but this was looking increasingly<br />

unlikely, and the lines we took off Banog<br />

and up Hebog were subtly different enough<br />

to nag at the back of my mind, though I<br />

knew there was probably no more than a<br />

minute in them. Worse still, my calves were<br />

continuing to give me some grief on the steep<br />

and increasingly slippery descent off Hebog,<br />

where the clag also introduced just a hint of<br />

doubt as to the optimum line.<br />

There were two real alarms for me on this<br />

leg – and no doubt for my support too – first<br />

when I stopped dead, only for about ten<br />

seconds or so, but stopped dead nonetheless,<br />

on the unforgivingly steep ascent of the lower<br />

slopes of Hebog, at the point that we were<br />

first disappearing into the clag. And second,<br />

when one too many slivers of banana<br />

precipitated my second, and yet more<br />

spectacular chunder of the round, close to the<br />

summit of Y Gyrn. It’s all too easy at such<br />

moments to project one’s frustrations onto<br />

your support, and it did for a moment on Y<br />

Gyrn feel just a little unnervingly like a<br />

claggy wartin’ night on Bleaklow, as Dave<br />

headed off on his own special line, whilst<br />

Mark tutored David in the finer arts of<br />

navigation; but the three amigos did a fine job<br />

of keeping me moving forwards at my lowest<br />

point, and even managed to drip feed me the<br />

occasional morsel of food. As it transpired,<br />

the thorough purging of my undigested<br />

stomach contents had a largely positive effect<br />

on my mood and mobility, so that, having lost<br />

fifteen minutes or so on the leg to that point,<br />

we were now able to maintain the rest of my<br />

advantage as far as Mynydd Drws-y-coed.<br />

Here though, the dampness of the rock on<br />

the tricky section to Y Garn finally took its<br />

revenge. I knew that this was likely to cost<br />

time, but equally was confident this needn’t<br />

be too damaging, having slithered pathetically<br />

over the same verglas-covered rocks with<br />

Richard Hakes back in February. Though the<br />

going was slow, it was time-limited, and we<br />

lost only another eight minutes or so –<br />

nothing disastrous given our previous gains.<br />

So, notwithstanding a final slight confusion<br />

over the line off Y Garn, and a brief moment<br />

of intemperance on my part, (sorry David),<br />

we were in the forest soon enough where, just<br />

as Brent Lindsay had seemed to do on his<br />

successful round two weeks earlier, I quite<br />

enjoyed the run in to the changeover. I even<br />

managed a brief chuckle when Dave H<br />

performed a particularly fine keystone cops<br />

manoeuvre, appearing stage right and flashing<br />

across our track, having evidently taken a<br />

previous wrong turning in the trees.

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 35<br />

A Rose Between Two Thorns<br />

The final changeover featured baked beans,<br />

noodles, and a certain amount of haggling<br />

with Big Bob Berzins as to whether I’d be<br />

allowed to take my windproof Pertex with<br />

me. It transpired, the following morning,<br />

that Bob had peremptorily discarded said<br />

item from my pack at the Bwlchgwernog<br />

changeover.<br />

Nicky hadn’t been able to get to Pont<br />

Cae’rs in time – a more reliable supporter<br />

would of course have finished first and not<br />

third at Ennerdale, allowing those extra few<br />

minutes necessary to get to the start of the leg<br />

on time – so Bob took full charge, as I had<br />

known he would, dragooning first Steve and<br />

then Mark into additional support duties. Bob<br />

and Steve set off up Craig Wen at a fair old<br />

lick, following the line the Penistone boys<br />

had introduced me to a few weeks earlier. I<br />

was grateful therefore when Mark appeared at<br />

my rear, having had to race to catch us up,<br />

bearing much needed liquid. I was feeling<br />

thirsty, but still struggling to eat anything<br />

substantial, so Mark’s role in drip feeding me<br />

pieces of orange and banana cake all the way<br />

to the summit of Snowdon was pretty crucial<br />

to keeping the fires burning.<br />

We made up eight minutes against the<br />

schedule to the first summit, which was<br />

reassuring, but as dark fell off Yr Aran the<br />

weather rapidly closed in, and my prediction<br />

to Nicky the previous evening that I was<br />

prepared to “tough out” the last leg if this<br />

happened was due for a severe testing. With<br />

the possible exception of Steve, I think we<br />

were all pretty cold climbing the exposed<br />

ridge to Cribau Tregalan. I was<br />

characteristically and, as became clear with<br />

time, unduly cautious on the rock, struggling<br />

a little to juggle poles, foot and hand-holds.<br />

We stopped about two thirds of the way up to<br />

add another layer, and Mark and Steve did a<br />

magnificent job of coaxing me forward,<br />

whilst Bob stood out like a beacon, towering<br />

above us all and taking an increasing urgent<br />

lead up the mountain.<br />

The fifteen minutes lost on this split tells<br />

its own story, but I still felt confident I had<br />

enough to get me to the end, provided I could<br />

just drip feed enough fuel. Topping out on<br />

Snowdon and across to Crib y Ddysgl, the<br />

weather was foul and we were a little<br />

wrong-footed, I think, by Nicky’s absence. I<br />

took a wrong turn off Snowdon, retracing the<br />

steps down to the summit café, and was then<br />

expecting that we would drop to the railway<br />

track. Bob, however, was taking no chances,<br />

sticking to the walkers’ path, so whilst I<br />

chuntered my disgruntlement from behind he<br />

turned briefly to tell me to ‘f***ing shut up<br />

and just get on with it’; not something I was<br />

about to argue with and a timely reminder of<br />

the need to keep my focus.<br />

From this point onwards, I felt I was<br />

moving pretty well again, so when Bob<br />

insisted we were still losing time to the<br />

schedule I was doubtful enough of his<br />

motivational tactics to suggest to Mark that<br />

he might be bullshitting me. In all honesty, I<br />

think the weather was too grim for any of us<br />

to really know what was happening relative to<br />

the schedule at that point, and getting down to<br />

lower altitudes had become something of an<br />

imperative for us all. Mark peeled off down<br />

the Llanberis track, having done an<br />

impeccable job as my rose between two<br />

thorns, keeping me going at the toughest of<br />

moments, and shortly thereafter, Bob’s love<br />

of rocks took us over one final bouldery<br />

traverse to the relative safety of the fence-line<br />

below Clogwyn D’ur Arddu. The wind was<br />

now at our backs and, better still, as we<br />

emerged out of the clouds a solitary head<br />

torch presented itself a little above Bwlch<br />

Cwm Brwynog where, it transpired later,<br />

Nicky had been jogging up and down the<br />

Snowdon Ranger track for the past forty<br />


<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 36<br />

There was no real time for pleasantries,<br />

but it was of course fantastic to see Nicky,<br />

and not a little humbling to know she’d<br />

driven all the way from the Lakes and then<br />

hiked up into this weather just to lead me<br />

over the final few peaks to the finish. It was<br />

also quite a relief to note that her sense of<br />

urgency to keep me moving was not so great<br />

that I was to suffer the double-whammy, of<br />

which I’d heard tell but never witnessed:<br />

Messrs Berzins and Spinks in simultaneous<br />

bad cop flow, driving their contender on to a<br />

skin-of-your-teeth finish. Indeed, Bob and<br />

Steve now dropped off the back a little on the<br />

climbs, chatting happily enough it seemed,<br />

whilst I focussed on keeping as steady a pace<br />

as I could muster. The grassy running was<br />

much more accommodating and, whilst I was<br />

still cramping up on occasion when overextending<br />

my calf on the downslopes, I knew<br />

I had just enough now so long as I just kept<br />

pushing.<br />

There was just one last comedy moment as<br />

we left the summit of Foel Goch and I<br />

dropped my poles as I climbed the stile, only<br />

to have to retrace my steps back over the stile<br />

when I realised Steve and Bob had cut the<br />

corner, taking a more direct line back to the<br />

ridge fence. So reliable was my support that<br />

I’d become fully attuned to dropping the<br />

poles at any whim, secure in the knowledge<br />

that one of my minions would be on hand to<br />

clear up my mess. My thorns might be<br />

willing to guide me through the foulest<br />

weather over the highest ground of the entire<br />

round, but they were rightly drawing a line at<br />

this stage; and whilst Steve denied it in the<br />

Ladybower Inn a few days later, I think Ruth<br />

probably had it right when she noted that, had<br />

anything untoward come to pass on the hill,<br />

between the two of them they’d simply have<br />

picked me up and carried me to safety. I<br />

might be a wuss on wet rock, but at no point<br />

during that final night section did I feel in the<br />

least bit intimidated by the conditions with<br />

Steve and Bob in close attendance.<br />

The splits suggest that I lost a small<br />

amount of time on the final climb, but Nicky<br />

had already seeded the one final piece of<br />

encouragement certain to ensure I didn’t blow<br />

it now: “C’mon Willy, you don’t want to have<br />

to come back to do it all again now”’. It was<br />

one last fillip to meet Carl and Ian Fitz on the<br />

final summit. We paused briefly for photos<br />

and were then off down the fence-line, Ian<br />

hard by my side and lighting my way with his<br />

torch in hand – a good thing as my own<br />

head-torch, (actually Nicky’s replacement for<br />

my failing spare), was all but hopeless in the<br />

watery gloom.<br />

I’m not sure whether Ian realised this, but<br />

I was especially pleased to run the final<br />

descent to Llanberis with him, because of two<br />

particularly choice pieces of advice and<br />

implied moral support that he’d offered at<br />

different points in my Paddy Buckley journey.<br />

I passed him on the steepest section of the<br />

Crookstone Crashout descent in June 2010, a<br />

few days after my successful BG, (we were<br />

both out taking pictures of the race). “What<br />

time did you do?” he asked; and in response<br />

to my reply: “Ah, well, you’ll need that extra<br />

hour for the Paddy”. His second pearl,<br />

sometime in autumn 2011, was to make sure<br />

that the people who mattered knew what I<br />

was up to over the winter; so we can, in part<br />

at least, blame him for my shameless display<br />

of Facebook self-promotion over the past<br />

nine months.<br />

When push comes to shove, supporters<br />

may not always put themselves out in quite<br />

the way they all did for me, if they don’t<br />

believe that you’ve fully earned it, or that<br />

you’ve unquestionably got the round in your<br />

legs. And more importantly, perhaps, when<br />

they’ve seen what you’re capable of, they’re<br />

also able to reinforce your own self-belief at<br />

times when you might otherwise wobble. I<br />

cannot thank all my wonderful support<br />

enough for their help on and off the hill – and

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 37<br />

look forward to doing something similar with<br />

you all in years to come – but in the<br />

meantime, I should just acknowledge two<br />

other seminal contributions. Jim Twohig’s,<br />

for giving up a perfectly good day’s climbing<br />

when I nearly blew the entire escapade before<br />

it had begun, (a tale that will have to wait for<br />

another time), and father-confessor Peter<br />

Haem, for his unwavering generosity with<br />

advice and encouragement in the build-up to<br />

my round.<br />

The Paddy is, in my view, a finer round<br />

than the BG, (but I would say that, wouldn’t<br />

I), simply because it is as much an intellectual<br />

puzzle as it is a physical endeavour. The<br />

variety of its terrain means that no one line<br />

will suit all runners, and to take too many<br />

wrong lines can cost even the most<br />

consummate of athletes more time than they<br />

can afford to lose. I can point, on every<br />

negative split, to the point at which I didn’t<br />

quite get the line I had intended. That is, with<br />

the exception of the two most weatheraffected<br />

splits – run on wet rock as part of a<br />

calculated gamble, rather than the result of<br />

bad luck. So my advice to you is to get out on<br />

the route of the Paddy and take a look for<br />

yourself. If nothing else, you’ll have one<br />

helluva time on some fine Welsh hills.<br />

Willy Kitchen<br />

Willy on an earlier PB recce – if this couldn’t put him off nothing could

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The Urban Nights Series<br />

I’ve been meaning to organise this for several years. Some of the older road running fraternity<br />

of the club will recall the Reebok Racing Club formed by Reebok when they used to make<br />

reasonable gear. It had such illustrious members as Steve Jones of London Marathon-winning<br />

fame. Hence the play on words with the organiser of the Urban Nights series being ‘Roebuck<br />

Racing Club’. Roebuck Road has seen many athletes come and go – Matt Crane, Mark Bown,<br />

Andy Middleditch, Ralph Street, Neil Northrop, Pete Hodges and Dave Holmes - leaving yours<br />

truly the permanent resident. “It must be them hills that you live on,” some say about the<br />

Roebuck residents’ running prowess. Or it could just be the good beer in the Dram shop at the<br />

top of the road and the local Rajput curry house.<br />

And so to the races themselves. Andy M used to organise the North Stand and Seven Hills<br />

races before moving down under, and I have organised the Springvale Spiral before. Bringing<br />

them together in a series and adding the Great Urban <strong>Fell</strong> race just seemed an obvious thing to<br />

do. Running them at night allowed the weekends to be kept free and added to the navigational<br />

element. Andy’s races have always been run on winter evenings so it continued that theme too.<br />

Adding the Kelham Island urban orienteering race - the last in the series -continued the ‘urban’<br />

night theme and took the navigational challenges of the earlier races to the next level, with the<br />

chance to drown one’s sorrows in the Fat Cat afterwards.<br />

An important element of each race was the social afterwards – BBQ, fish and chips, curry,<br />

pizza, pie and peas followed by a local hostelry. Is this saying something about the runners or<br />

the organiser?<br />

And so the series was born:<br />

• The Great Urban <strong>Fell</strong> Race (night version)<br />

• The Springvale Spirals<br />

• The Seven Hills of Sheffield<br />

• The North Stand Race<br />

• The Kelham Island rrban orienteering event<br />

The Great Urban <strong>Fell</strong> Race<br />

The first running of the night version of The Great Urban <strong>Fell</strong> Race, a somewhat quirky<br />

reinvention of Alan Yates’ first run back in 1990 from Tha Sportsmen. The race itself has<br />

only been run about 10 times before and apart from the first two races, all have started in the<br />

Crookes area. The previous race reports – penned by the Great Yettie - make an amusing<br />

read, (see DPFR website), with stories of visits to lesser known spots in Sheffield, (unless you<br />

already know them, that is, through dogging or other ‘urban’ pursuits).<br />

Anyway, on to the race. There were three variations on the traditional 15km day race: a<br />

short course, (9km), visiting Crookes and Shirecliffe, an early and a late start (so as not to be<br />

late for the BBQ), and the rule that controls could be visited in any order with two compulsory

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 39<br />

crossing points of the railway. About 30 runners turned up, with just two or three opting for<br />

the early start. People set off in various directions, either recognising their strengths and<br />

weaknesses or just blindly following someone who looked like they knew where they were<br />

going! The clear skies did not grace us with a moon and so headlights were necessary although<br />

some had forgotten them, necessitating some too-close-for-comfort peletons along the unlit<br />

footpaths of Parkwood Springs.<br />

There were fears expressed before the start about wandering through graveyards, tips and<br />

the Northern General Hospital, not to mention avoiding the youthful gangs of Fir Vale and<br />

Wincobank. In the end the youthful gangs urged us on – at least I think that was what they<br />

were doing. Brave knight in shining lurex, Sir Roy, gallantly chaperoned Sarah Broadhurst<br />

through Fir Vale and Wincobank, (or Wonky Bonk as it was referred to by some - maybe<br />

something to do with the dogging community?) In Wonky Bonk Woods wild dogs barked<br />

wildly and owners barked louder. Headlights were seen crossing the railway near the graveyard<br />

and more headlights were seen roaming amongst the headstones – nobody knows whether they<br />

were atop the heads of the competitors or the aforementioned doggers.<br />

From the tops of the Wonky Bonk, Shirecliffe and Crookes ‘fells’, the views of Sheffield<br />

will be remembered until next year.<br />

At the sharp end Little Rob won convincingly, beating his daylight record by over a minute.<br />

For someone who rarely knows where he is going, this was a great achievement. The short<br />

version attracted a few women, (only one has completed the course before), and one – Sarah<br />

- even completed the long course.<br />

The race was followed by a cracking BBQ with burgers and bangers aplenty, washed down<br />

by mulled wine and several excellent bottled beers from the Dram shop.<br />

The Springvale Spirals

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The Spirals race was first run on a much shorter course by Nick Forwood of Warwick Street<br />

way back in the earlier 80’s and has been a route that a few students have used in hill training<br />

sessions. It’s ideally suited to fell runners and orienteers. It has eight hills, including Blake<br />

Street, the steepest in Sheffield. The record was just under 30 minutes.<br />

Either the weather, the thought of the climb, (see profile), or not being able to fathom the<br />

route from the map meant only a select hardy and/or foolish folks ran. At least two people<br />

failed to navigate back to the start/finish and one of these had recce’d the course on the<br />

Monday - shame on you Mr Tuckett!<br />

At the sharp end Rob Little, who didn’t think<br />

he could run under the half hour, ran 29:14, just<br />

beating my 2004 record of 29:24 - ba$%^&”d!<br />

If anyone was going to threaten the record it was<br />

going to be Rob who was in great form at the<br />

time. I still claim the old man’s record though –<br />

I was a V40 when I chalked up that 29:24!<br />

Good to see a few women out and a good<br />

inaugural women’s record of 41:29 going to local Swedish au pair Amanda. She doesn’t have<br />

hills where she comes from in Sweden so her time was very impressive.<br />

Several pizzas and much quaffing of Thornbridge White Swan post-race finished off a great<br />

evening.<br />

The Seven Hills of Sheffield<br />

The format of the Seven Hills race – seven William Hill betting offices visited in any order – is<br />

no surprise when you appreciate it was devised by Andy Middleditch of poker face fame. The<br />

record is around 45 minutes – nobody could remember the exact time.<br />

The wet and windy weather had abated and an evening of pleasant running awaited us –<br />

except for those who were overdressed! Not so much route choice in this race – it was the first<br />

time I had run it. Maybe I’ll use a different set of William Hill betting offices next year, or even<br />

the real seven hills of Sheffield, (but that would take rather longer and might better suit a<br />

Sunday morning).<br />

We set off up Springvale Road to Crookes with four people reaching the first ‘Hill’<br />

together– myself, Rob Baker, Oli Johnson and Rob Little a few yards back. From then, the<br />

event was notable for varying degrees of navigational incompetence with everybody going<br />

wrong at some stage and various top “orienteers” following anybody who looked vaguely as<br />

though they knew what they were doing. Neil and Zanthe visited the wrong William Hill off<br />

the moor and so eventually visited eight in total. Andy Moore, along with a couple of others,<br />

managed to miss both the finish and the start, which led to lots of last-minute recalculations.<br />

The après race curry was a great success with 12 people enjoying the Rajput for several<br />

hours afterwards.<br />

The North Stand<br />

The North Stand race visits the three football grounds of Sheffield: Wednesday, United and<br />

Hallam, (the second oldest football club in the world). Again, the controls could be visited in<br />

any order, which predictably resulted in people charging off all over the place. The record for

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this race is 57 mins, although only two or three people have ducked under the hour.<br />

A brave and hardy bunch – or “stupid idiots” as one spectator suggested – toed the ice,<br />

snow, sleet and hail to venture forth into the mists of urban Sheffield, (the weather having<br />

relegated the wimps to the sofa). Routes were wide and varied and great debate followed over<br />

fish, chips and beer about which was the best. It remains a mystery, which is what makes this<br />

race so intriguing. Little Rob got knocked off his perch – having won the first three races in the<br />

series – by a great run from Neil Northrop, fresh (?) from his victory the night before in the<br />

Rivelin Landmarks race. Rob B and Oli were racing head-to-head for much of the way but<br />

diverged several times only to meet up again and finish two seconds apart. Injury and an<br />

unavoidable call of nature took out Tim and Will respectively, and Roy continued his dominant<br />

‘sweeper’ role at the back.<br />

The Kelham Island urban orienteering event<br />

How quickly four months goes by! Several hardy souls ran all five races and it was particularly<br />

pleasing to see several fell runners sticking it out to the end. As one was keen to say upon<br />

finishing: “I haven’t got a clue where I’ve been but it was thoroughly enjoyable” (which is<br />

what it’s all about). The courses visited several industrial heritage artefacts, a preserved ‘dig’<br />

beneath a glass slab, the local Tesco, the law courts and a dash through one of Sheffield’s red<br />

light areas. Several runners were offered dubious substances, several were cheered on by the<br />

public and at least one was warned loudly via a loudspeaker that he had been filmed on CCTV.<br />

Urban orienteering offers more than you would care to think!!<br />

At the sharp end, several of the top orienteers in the country fought for the glory of first<br />

spot. Ralph Street, fresh from his, (some would say), idiotic exploits of two weeks earlier<br />

leading the national country championships for the first half mile, showed the field that perhaps<br />

he does indeed have a turn of speed to respect. Others would say he was just the lucky one to<br />

pick the only route to 24 that wasn’t blocked by an 8ft fence. The split times show the lead<br />

changing several times during the race.<br />

One of the problems with planning city races is you never know when building works will<br />

come and go. One builders fence was removed two days before the race, a new one went up in<br />

the week before, and one previously spotted fence was moved to block the obvious route<br />

choice. Luckily it was just a fun event and everyone took it in their stride – a certain Kris Jones<br />

climbing two fences to reach the control and Oli Johnson limbo’ing under another.<br />

For at least four of the orienteers, this was their first night event and certainly a first for the<br />

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong>ers. It’s a relatively safe way to begin, with lots of urban glow to help - perhaps too<br />

much with Rhys and Karl having light failures and using street lights and map memory to get<br />

round.<br />

The Fat Cat rewarded us with some excellent home cooking and a fine selection of real ale.<br />

Overall series<br />

Three people completed all five events: Rob Little, Roy Small and Neil Northorp. Rob won<br />

the series with three individual wins. Roy almost managed a clean sweep with four last places.<br />

Several more managed to complete four races and over 50 people participated in at least one.<br />

The series will be repeated next year due to popular demand!<br />

Tim Tett, DPFR, SYO and Roebuck Racing Club

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 42<br />

To the top of North Africa<br />

With delusions of Hillary, two aging <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong>ers decided to do<br />

something silly on their holidays. Then they decided to write about it...<br />

Jebel Toubkal and its family of High Atlas<br />

mountains form a teasing backdrop to the<br />

baking slumber of the Moroccan plains.<br />

In the searing heat of the day, their blurred<br />

outline hovers almost dream-like in the far<br />

hazy distance, just the merest suggestion of<br />

another world, of higher ground. But on a<br />

clear evening their sharp outlines cut through<br />

the still air, catching the colours of the<br />

falling sun and speaking more loudly of their<br />

grandeur and ruggedness.<br />

Dress them up with a substantial cap of<br />

springtime snow, top it all off with a mighty<br />

rising moon and no self-respecting fell runner<br />

could resist the charms of these magnificent<br />

peaks. And so it was that we sat in the garden<br />

of fellow <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong>er Kay Whittle and her<br />

family on the outskirts of Marrakesh and<br />

began to think silly thoughts as we gazed at<br />

the horizon.<br />

At 4,167m, (or 13,671ft in real money),<br />

Toubkal is the highest peak in North Africa.<br />

Nothing but hot air between it and<br />

Kilimanjaro nearly two thousand miles away.<br />

It is by no means a “technical” peak, but the<br />

guidebooks speak of crampons and ice axes,<br />

and of a two or three day trek, with overnight<br />

stays in one of the two alpine huts that sit at<br />

the head of the approach valley. We were<br />

thinking differently, and after two days of<br />

pancake-flat running on the dusty roads<br />

around Kay and Mohammed’s riad those<br />

thoughts began to snap at our ankles.<br />

Mohammed, a qualified and experienced<br />

mountain guide, was initially supportive,<br />

offering to organise the trip and arrange a<br />

guide for us. Diplomat that he is, he was<br />

struggling to mask his scepticism when Tim<br />

mentioned his holiday hobby of running up<br />

the nearest mountain, (while withholding the<br />

key fact that Toubkal would break his<br />

previous height record by 1,000m or so). Kay,<br />

a Bob Graham club member with a prolific<br />

orienteering background, was thankfully able<br />

to mediate, sketching out <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong>’s<br />

eccentric traditions and pronouncing herself<br />

satisfied that our goal of running up and down<br />

in a day was at least not wildly unrealistic.<br />

And so we crawled into our hire car at the<br />

crack of dawn, kitted out with two pairs of

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fell shoes, rucsacs of water and hill food, the<br />

“best map there is” of the High Atlas national<br />

park, and Mohammed’s blessing. Our first<br />

destination was Imlil, a rugged mountain<br />

village squatting at the end of the road,<br />

1,740m above sea level. Fortified by a stiff<br />

black coffee from the Hotel Soleil, (not much<br />

around at this hour), we set off to splendid<br />

indifference from the few townsfolk around.<br />

They could see we were in no mood to buy<br />

tagines or leather goods and scarcely had the<br />

energy to even pester us.<br />

Twenty minutes later, after a strenuous toil<br />

up rocky zig-zags, we had a much more lively<br />

encounter with the local kids, who were no<br />

doubt highly oxygenated by their own climb<br />

to the school building on the outskirts of the<br />

village. Pigeon French on both sides<br />

established what we were up to and was<br />

enough to convey their view that we were<br />

crazy and amusing – the stereotypical<br />

Englishmen abroad. They cheered us on and<br />

pottered along beside us until the novelty<br />

waned, (which didn’t take long in the heat).<br />

Left to our own devices and the baking<br />

sun, we crossed the jagged bed of the<br />

low-flowing river and began the steady climb<br />

up to the alpine refuges, the snow-topped<br />

peaks now pushing in around us and<br />

revealing their sparse rockiness. It was hard<br />

graft, but given Tim’s determination to run all<br />

the way, we made good time, (Dave tucking<br />

in, gritting his teeth and vowing to get his<br />

own back on the way back down). After an<br />

hour or so we came across the bizarre<br />

spectacle of an isolated shop clinging to the<br />

mountainside in the middle of nowhere. The<br />

makeshift shack was stocked with the<br />

standard fare of the Moroccan souks –<br />

tagines, shoes, leather goods, gloriously<br />

coloured silk scarves and any number of mint<br />

tea sets. As we approached it seemed<br />

deserted, but the owner must have seen us<br />

coming for miles and was quickly at our side,<br />

extracting a breathless promise that we would<br />

at least pay him a visit on the way back down.<br />

We tried to follow Mohammed’s<br />

instruction to cross the stream “just to the<br />

right of the big boulder” but failed to see<br />

anything of it, the boulder presumably being<br />

under several feet of snow at this time of<br />

year. Not that it mattered; the path was clearly<br />

defined by boot prints in the deepening snow<br />

and we were soon zipping over levellish<br />

ground to the two refuges at the head of the<br />

valley. Tim was feisty when we arrived, Dave<br />

less so and struggling to hold off the bonk<br />

after a one-track intake of sugary food and<br />

energy drink. We pierced the troglodyte<br />

gloom of the Mouflon refuge to restock with<br />

as much bottled water as we could carry, put<br />

on all the clothing we had, (it was getting<br />

cold), rammed some food down and began to<br />

pick our way up the steep snowbound pass to<br />

the summit ridge.<br />

Here there was a marked difference of<br />

approach. Tim, bouncing and vitalised, pulled<br />

off ahead to see if he could run all the way<br />

up. Dave began fixating on the objective<br />

hazards we were facing. We were on a convex<br />

hardened snow slope, wearing worn fell shoes<br />

that were gaining scarcely any purchase, and<br />

we were wearing a full set of shiny, slippy<br />

waterproofs. One false move and we could<br />

rapidly find ourselves glissading over the<br />

sizeable crag at the bottom of the slope,<br />

(Ruth, you know where I’m coming from, Ed).<br />

Mohammed had told us it was possible to get<br />

up without an ice axe and crampons, but the<br />

few walkers we encountered were all wearing<br />

the latter – perhaps reflecting a difference<br />

between the European and Moroccan<br />

approach to high mountain gear.<br />

To cut short what seemed at the time like a<br />

very long story, Tim zipped to the top and<br />

Dave treated himself to a repeated dollop of<br />

combined bonk and altitude sickness, having<br />

to sit down every 100m or so on the final<br />

ascent ridge to recalibrate his heart rate and<br />

breathing. It was torture, but there was no

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 44<br />

turning back at this stage. Just before the<br />

summit plateau there was a short convex<br />

snow shelf above a mighty and indeterminate<br />

drop, again underlining the risk we were<br />

taking by doing this without a long axe as a<br />

handrail. With that behind us, it was a steady<br />

plod to the spray-painted multi-coloured<br />

metal triangle that marks the top.<br />

We took our time to admire the<br />

breathtaking views, to acclimatise to the<br />

altitude, to take photos for the English couple<br />

who appeared from nowhere in their<br />

crampons, and to say hello to the little bird<br />

who pecked around looking for titbits. We<br />

had climbed just under 8,000ft in about five<br />

hours and we were in no mood to relinquish<br />

that height too quickly.<br />

The cold made us realise we could not<br />

linger for too long and we were off back<br />

down, Dave wondering about those flimsy<br />

threequarters-worn studs on the snow slope<br />

back down from the col. When we got there,<br />

the worries about glissading quickly<br />

evaporated; the snow had softened to a<br />

maddening mush and we found ourselves<br />

clomping our way down in goofing, slumping<br />

poses from the Ministry of Silly Walks. By<br />

the time we reached the hut we were pretty<br />

done in and again had to plunder the stocks of<br />

bottled water to rehydrate with litres of<br />

energy drink.<br />

It was here that Dave’s sodden and<br />

battered PB Racers decided to protest. The<br />

right-hand shoe shed a good two inches of its<br />

sole and flapped all the way back down as he<br />

forced the pace, made Tim suffer for his<br />

relative youth and enthusiasm on the summit,<br />

and tried to fly past the shopkeeper before he<br />

could berate us for our broken promise. No<br />

chance. He was there as if by magic.<br />

Amazingly, his inbred determination to sell<br />

something was bypassed by his fascination<br />

with our hill food. We bartered over what<br />

would be a fair exchange for us bypassing the<br />

shop, and he settled for some Shot Bloks, a<br />

sachet of energy drink and a few Extra Strong<br />

Mints.<br />

Battered, dusty, thirsty and knackered, we<br />

hammered it back to Imlil, trotted past the<br />

indifferent shopkeepers and slumped in the<br />

hire car, ready to rejoin Christine and Gill and<br />

take it easy for the rest of our holiday. Before<br />

leaving we had a pleasant if only semicoherent<br />

chat with an elderly mountain guide<br />

who told us how many times he had been up<br />

the mountain, (many!) and took an<br />

incredulous interest in what we had just done.<br />

Up and down in eight hours or thereabouts.<br />

Thirty two kilometres as the crow flies, but it<br />

felt more like 32 miles. It would have been<br />

lovely to explore the range in more depth, but<br />

Kay and Mohammed had laid on a fantastic<br />

itinerary that was about to take us deep into<br />

the Sahara.<br />

Next day, we realised our determination to<br />

travel light had extracted a heavy cost. Ice<br />

axes and crampons were not the only<br />

essentials missing from our kit. Sunglasses<br />

and sun cream would also have been a good<br />

idea. Tim woke up snowblind and Dave’s<br />

nose was so burnt it could have been seared<br />

with a flamethrower; cue several days with a<br />

plaster on it and a full facial mask of burn<br />

cream. As they basked by the pool, Christine<br />

and Gill were mightily amused.<br />

If you fancy it yourself, the High Atlas<br />

range has lots of opportunities and there are<br />

various guides that describe high altitude<br />

routes lasting from one to several days.<br />

There are a few high altitude refuges but<br />

plenty of accommodation in the local villages<br />

at lower levels. It’s very rocky underfoot and<br />

the paths don’t appear to be that well marked<br />

apart from those that are well trodden. And<br />

you do need to pick your time of year to<br />

avoid the extremes of snow and heat.<br />

We would recommend Kay and<br />

Mohammed as excellent hosts for anyone<br />

thinking of going to Marrakesh or the Atlas<br />

mountains. Contact details and further info

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 45<br />

can be found at:<br />

http://www.<br />

riadbledna.com<br />

We’ve also learned<br />

since our adventure<br />

that there are races to<br />

be done out there!<br />

That’s about as much<br />

as we know, but<br />

you’ll find more<br />

details here: http://<br />

www.epicmorocco.co.<br />

uk/tour/toubkal-ultramarathon-<strong>2012</strong><br />

Dave Holmes,<br />

Tim Tett<br />

Our heroes reach the<br />

summit. ‘Top of the<br />

world ma!’<br />

Dave’s training tips<br />

Number four: Lubrication<br />

Hi Guys, Dave here. Hope you are enjoying the<br />

summer and the hot weather. Sometimes tricky<br />

for running in, so make sure you have plenty of<br />

lubricants and you are well lubed up before setting<br />

off. Top tips for lubing up are Carling Black Label<br />

or Timmy Taylor’s Landlord. Both can be taken<br />

in orally, (yes, even Carling Black Label!), and<br />

can produce a very relaxed style if used in high<br />

concentrations. I appreciate this might not always<br />

work for professional runners like me. There are<br />

other options out there like Ralgex, Deep Heat<br />

and KY Jelly. I’ve been told the latter is the better;<br />

make sure you get it in every nook and cranny<br />

and you should slide and glide round the course<br />

no problems. Or if you’re feeling fruity why not<br />

try Durex Play, now available in Passion Fruit,<br />

Strawberry and Very Cherry. Cheers.<br />

David Gilchrist is a qualified barman

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 46<br />

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> <strong>Fell</strong> <strong>Runners</strong><br />

camping weekend<br />

THORNBRIDGE 31 August-2 September <strong>2012</strong><br />

Why go to Center Parcs or Butlins for the last weekend of the school holidays when the <strong>Dark</strong><br />

<strong>Peak</strong> Thornbridge weekend has it all?...<br />

• Beautiful camping in the grounds of Thornbridge Outdoor Centre situated next to the<br />

Monsal Trail - great to cycle through the recently opened tunnels to Millers Dale or to nip<br />

into Bakewell for a coffee!<br />

• Use of luxury classroom, (dare it rain), with hot water on tap and fridges.<br />

• Any number of exciting events and activities planned for this year:<br />

• Beer & whisky tasting quiz (adults only!). Friday night - start swotting up now as your taste<br />

buds and fell running knowledge will be tested!<br />

• <strong>Fell</strong> race. 11am Saturday. The classic Ashford in the Water route<br />

finishing in the water! (Leave the campsite at 10.30am to jog down<br />

to the village recreation ground for the 11am start).<br />

• Kiddies’ race. Saturday afternoon<br />

• Three-legged orienteering. Short score event around Thornbridge.<br />

• Cake & Cava in the afternoon. Bring your favourite cake to share<br />

and some fizz.<br />

• Saturday night BBQ and entertainment. Club provides some<br />

barrels of beer. Bring an instrument for a singalong plus follow the deadly<br />

pitch-black rope course later in the woods if you dare!<br />

• Sunday morning run. Up Longstone Edge and beyond.<br />

• Cyclo cross training/event. Back by popular demand - have a go or<br />

watch the experts and the carnage behind! (provisional)<br />

• <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> Highland Games/alternative Olympics. Do the wellie<br />

hurling champions from yesteryear still have form?<br />

• Rounders. Can the adults beat the kids?<br />

• Alternatively just chill out and let the kids/adults play and escape the<br />

hustle and bustle of the last holiday weekend!<br />

All <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> members welcome along with their family and friends.<br />

Cost: £10 per-adult per-night, £5 per-child per-night (over five-yearsold).<br />

Contact Kirsty (ladies captain link on website) to book or for more<br />

information. Numbers needed for the whisky/beer tasting - we don’t want<br />

to run out…!

I recently bought a pair of the Cheviot fell shoes<br />

that are just coming on the market from a company<br />

in the north east called More Mile. They are<br />

marketed as a budget fell shoe and available for a<br />

snip of the price of some well-known brands. With<br />

this in mind I thought I’d spread the word as I’m<br />

very impressed with them.<br />

When they first came out of the box my first<br />

impression was of a very aggressive sole which has<br />

a 10 mm deep tread and a good space between the<br />

treads to slow the build up of mud but to allow<br />

very positive traction. The two front tread teeth<br />

when climbing were superb on the wet mud and<br />

grass and the shoe instantly felt secure even when<br />

contouring around on slippery terrain.<br />

If you were running on hard pack or flag stones<br />

for a long time the sole could become quite painful,<br />

but to be honest these shoes are not designed with<br />

roads and flagstones in mind so to me it didn’t<br />

seem worth worrying about – just something to be<br />

aware of. On gritstone the shoes proved very<br />

grippy. On smooth polished rock they did seem<br />

more lively, but no worse than the two previous<br />

pairs of trainers that I have used by Salomon and<br />

New Balance, so again not really anything to worry<br />

about.<br />

The midsole has a little bit of cushioning but is<br />

not over the top and keeps your feet nice and flat<br />

compared to other brands that have a high spongy<br />

heel that alters your heel strike.<br />

The weight was a very pleasant surprise<br />

because I was under the impression that budget<br />

meant heavy. Not in this case. They will never be<br />

an ultra-light shoe as the tread is very chunky, but<br />

for a 30 quid shoe the weight is no problem.<br />

The toe box is very spacious and also for those<br />

who wear the toes of shoes out it has a good rubber<br />

rand to protect it. The actual fit was nice – not too<br />

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 47<br />

Tried and tested<br />

More Miles fell shoe<br />

RRP: £30<br />

Appearance Value for money <br />

Performance OVERALL RATING <br />

cramped but not too sloppy either. I use a pair of<br />

size 8’s and my feet felt good in them.<br />

In terms of water shedding, even with the rand<br />

above the mid sole they didn’t hold excessive<br />

water and did manage to drain. There are better<br />

water shedding shoes out there but from my<br />

experience they are a lot less robust than the<br />

Cheviots and a sight more expensive.<br />

The shoes come in three colour schemes and on<br />

the internet look really good. The green shoes I got<br />

were definitely green when they arrived, although I<br />

did notice they turned brown within a minute of<br />

hitting Burbage North!<br />

The only gripe I have is with the laces. A very<br />

minor point but when they are clogged in mud they<br />

are a nightmare to undo as they are simple cotton<br />

trainer laces. As I say this is a little point but one<br />

that I will do something about for a couple of quid.<br />

I can’t believe how much shoe I have managed<br />

to get for my money. The designers have certainly<br />

done their homework and pulled off quite a feat to<br />

turn out such good shoes for the price.<br />

Cheap and nasty they are not. The build quality<br />

seems excellent, and they perform very well.<br />

All in all a cracking little product that does<br />

what it says on the tin for a very reasonable price.<br />

You can get hold of them online at www.<br />

startfitness.co.uk<br />

Carl Betts<br />

Since writing this piece a couple of months back I<br />

have found a slight manufacturing issue which in<br />

my opinions does not impact on the performance of<br />

the shoe but something you should be aware of. On<br />

the upper the material is protected by a thin layer<br />

of a fine plastic mesh. Where the shoe creases with<br />

movement this has frayed. I have just cut the mesh<br />

off as it does nothing other than protect the upper.

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 48<br />

10 years ago<br />

A largely incomprehensible account of the first ‘Karriless<br />

Mountain Marathon’ recorded that competitors were obliged to eat a full<br />

English breakfast at the Snake Inn, that runners with rucsacs weighing<br />

over 30lb were given an extra 30 points, and that those who camped<br />

by the Fairbrook river got an extra 25. The account also recorded that<br />

organiser Maurice Musson won the event. Hmm… The spring edition<br />

of <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News suggested a flurry of members wanting to emigrate:<br />

Bill and Susan Edwards had fled to New Zealand, Jenny James and<br />

Dave Peel to Belgium, (Belgium?!). Andy Harmer’s notes on the<br />

Marjery Hill said the route was fixed “for the time being at least”. Roy<br />

Small narrowly beat Chris Ledger’s dog to be elected club chairman<br />

after Dave Holmes retired. The agm voted in principle to purchase Andy Moore’s dad’s<br />

caravan. Alan Yates completed the Joss Naylor, succeeding at his fifth attempt and beating the<br />

12 hours by just six minutes. Alan’s notes recorded that Ken Jones also succeeded that day,<br />

five minutes ahead. A Buxton AC runner called Lloyd Taggart won the Edale Skyline in 2hrs<br />

54’40”. First <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong>er John Boyle was fifth in 3hrs 04’58”. Roger Baumesiter (sic) said<br />

he was touched by his 60th birthday celebrations on Kinder.<br />

20 years ago<br />

Jim Fulton and Dave Holmes staged the first ‘Warts Winter Challenge’<br />

on a fog-bound course starting and finishing at Redmires and taking<br />

in Stanage, Higger Tor and Burbage north bridge. Twenty started and<br />

16 “sort of finished”. International orienteer Pete Gorvett forgot his<br />

compass, had to stick to paths, and won by five minutes from Dave<br />

Holmes who led a group of four on the direct route over the moor.<br />

Andy Harmer allegedly led many others towards Rud Hill, which<br />

was not on the course. Frank Galbraith’s first report as Edale Skyline<br />

coordinator recorded a high drop-out rate due to severe weather.<br />

This prompted a safety debate at the agm, which considered whether<br />

the route should be changed to prevent someone dying. This was thrown out – a<br />

decision applauded by <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News editor Mike Pedley who suggested people wanting<br />

tapes and marshals every 400m should try 15 laps of Graves Park. Will McLewin instigated a<br />

curious story in ‘Ordnance Survey News’, which reported how DPFR had borrowed a full-size<br />

facsimile trig point, painted it in club colours, and carried it to various mock trig locations<br />

including the east coast.

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 49<br />

The Dog’s Diary<br />

My master has been chatting to me about the importance of preparation and organisation<br />

in the final few hours before attempting a big 24-hour challenge like the Paddy Buckley.<br />

It seems you need to be systematic, thorough, and pay attention to detail. So, for example, if<br />

you’re going to fetch a hire car and then drive it to Wales it’s vital that you take along your<br />

own driving licence and not your wife’s, as Willy Kitchen did. Minutes later, high and dry and<br />

without a car, Willy was on the ‘phone to supporter Lewis Ashton, to ask where he was. Lewis<br />

duly explained that he was in Glossop, well on his way to Wales where he was due to support<br />

Willy’s successful attempt. It’s quite a long way from Glossop to a hire car depot in Sheffield,<br />

but Lewis knew where his duty lay…<br />

The <strong>Summer</strong> Sharpener series was designed to provide an exacting test of navigation at<br />

speed, albeit on the fairly familiar terrain of the Burbage Valley. The idea was that the<br />

familiar terrain would offset the challenge posed by a fairly fiddly orienteering map, and that<br />

most <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> members would be able to stretch themselves while not having to stray too<br />

far outside their comfort zones. It seems that some “top” orienteers have got the wrong end<br />

of the stick, staying so far inside their comfort zones that they might as well be sleepwalking<br />

round. Neil Northrop, for example, who was seen by me and the master, (and a very<br />

bemused rock climber), hammering down a potentially suicidal direct descent of Burbage<br />

South. His pluck would had been laudable had it not been so baffling; the next control lay<br />

at the end of the footpath that meandered gently along the top of the edge. He was then seen<br />

doing a bizarre 90° turn at the bottom of the valley. Only afterwards did he reveal he had<br />

“folded the control off the map” and was charging headlong towards the wrong one until he<br />

realised his mistake, (and the annoying thing is that he still won by a running mile).<br />

In passing, I should record that Neil is not the only “orienteer” to have cocked up in this<br />

series. Tim Tett found himself slumming it at the back of the field after trying to find the<br />

“Daz” boulder in this year’s second event without using, er, a compass. “Compass Sport”,<br />

Tim. There’s a clue in the title…<br />

It’s not nice to hear about a doggy damsel being driven to the end of her tether, (or should<br />

that be lead?). I refer to my good friend Tess, one of Chris Barber’s famous pair of bitches.<br />

She was dragged along against her better judgement when Chris and his oppo Mr Fulton<br />

decided to trot round the second <strong>Summer</strong> Sharpener course on the evening after the event.<br />

She watched in embarrassment while they failed to find the first control at Winyard’s Nick,<br />

(muttering something about it having been moved), then the second, and then the third, (“Daz<br />

rock” again – they claimed it was “hiding”). Understandably she decided to up sticks, lie<br />

down in the nearest comfortable garden at Moorseats House, and leave them to it. In the<br />

meantime Messrs Barber and Fulton triggered all sorts of panic, ringing and alarming any<br />

number of locals and even bringing the <strong>Peak</strong> Park Ranger into the fray. They flapped all night<br />

before “finding her” in the garden next morning. Bloody humans!<br />


<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 50<br />

The kit page<br />

With winter just around the corner, now is the time to tog up with the very best state-of-the<br />

art outdoor clothing from the <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> club shop. What you see is what you get, including<br />

the prices so don’t even think about trying to negotiate an FRA discount. And if you’re put<br />

off by Stuart Hales’ convoluted sock washing instructions on page 9, bear in mind that ours<br />

are so cheap you can afford to throw them away without even going through steps one to<br />

five. For more details of all gear, contact Equipment Officer Richard Hakes: 0114 2339912;<br />

kit@dpfr.org.uk<br />

Price list<br />

Vests £13<br />

Sizes small, medium, large, extra large.<br />

Shorts £16<br />

One size fits all. Metallic green cycling type,<br />

with “<strong>DARK</strong> <strong>PEAK</strong>” in yellow down left leg.<br />

Tracksters £20<br />

Blue or green, in medium, large and extra<br />

large. Yellow piping and “DPFR” down leg.<br />

Short-sleeved long-sleeved<br />

vest £17<br />

Aka. a running t-shirt. Lightweight silky<br />

synthetic material. In brown with purple and<br />

yellow bars on front. XS, S, M, L, XL<br />

Yellow t-shirt £10<br />

With club badge on breast. S, M, L<br />

Black t-shirt £10<br />

With “<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> <strong>Fell</strong> <strong>Runners</strong>” cartoon<br />

artwork on front. S, M, L, XL<br />

Fleece pullovers £22<br />

In blue or black, with club badge on breast.<br />

Toasty! S, M, L, XL<br />

Running Bear socks, two<br />

pairs for £5<br />

Brown above the ankle, white below.<br />

Guaranteed to be brown throughout after two<br />

runs over the <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> bogs<br />

Whistles £1<br />

Orange. Loud. Best used in combination with<br />

a map and compass.<br />

Metal badges 30p<br />

Collector’s items, all featuring exclusive <strong>Dark</strong><br />

<strong>Peak</strong> designs: ‘Running Man’, ‘DPFR trig<br />

point’, ‘Mountain hero’, ‘Warts’<br />

Vinyl sticker £1<br />

Now available as a 5cm vinyl sticker or 5cm<br />

car windscreen sticker (see below).

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 51<br />

Made in the <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong><br />

...being the page where we showcase notable <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong><br />

artefacts, oddities and curios...<br />

No 8 The <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> buns<br />

Proof, if it could possibly be needed,<br />

that <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> has the tastiest club<br />

vests in the land. Rachel Findlay-<br />

Robinson created these lavish buns as<br />

part of our new home-baked approach<br />

to the post-race meal at the Edale<br />

Skyline. They took pride of place<br />

alongside a veritable mountain of<br />

other cakes and buns to emerge from<br />

various <strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> ovens. Here you<br />

see the buns in all their glory, (raising<br />

questions like who ate the shoulder<br />

strap, and where can you get decent<br />

purple food dye), Rachel showing<br />

their uncanny resemblance to the real<br />

McCoy vest, and a shameless Tony<br />

Keddie snaffling a bun that really<br />

should been left for one of the runners.<br />

An unprecedented culinary triumph,<br />

and possibly one never to be repeated.

<strong>Dark</strong> <strong>Peak</strong> News February <strong>2012</strong> page 52<br />

Front page: Kirsty Bryan-Jones greets the adoring hordes on Higgar<br />

Tor in the Burbage race<br />

This page: Tom Saville is number one in the Edale Country Day race,<br />

not to mention being younger, fitter and better looking than his dad

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