The Astrology of Space - Matrix Software

The Astrology of Space - Matrix Software

The Astrology of Space - Matrix Software


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Astrology</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Space</strong><br />

LMi | Leo Minor, Leonis Minoris<br />

Lep | Lepus, Leporis<br />

Lib | Libra, Librae<br />

Lup | Lupus, Lupi<br />

Lyn | Lynx, Lyncis<br />

Lyr | Lyra, Lyrae<br />

Men | Mensa, Mensae<br />

Mic | Microscopium, Microscopii<br />

Mon | Monoceros, Monocerotis<br />

Mus | Musca, Muscae<br />

Nor | Norma, Normae<br />

Ocr | Octans, Octantis<br />

Oph | Ophiuchus, Ophiuchi<br />

Ori | Orion, Orionis<br />

Pav | Pavo, Pavonis<br />

Peg | Pegasus, Pegasi<br />

Per | Perseus, Persei<br />

Phe | Phoenix, Phoenicis<br />

Pic | Pictor, Pictoris<br />

Psc | Pisces, Piscium<br />

PsA | Piscis Australis, Piscis Australis<br />

Pup | Puppis, Puppis<br />

Pyx | Pyxis, Pyxis<br />

Ret | Reticulum, Reticuli<br />

Sge | Sagitta, Sagittae<br />

Sgr | Sagittarius, Sagittarii<br />

Sco | Scorpius, Scorpii<br />

Sci | Sculptor, Sculptoris<br />

Sct | Scutum, Scuti<br />

Ser | Serpens, Serpentis<br />

Sex | Sextans, Sextantis<br />

Tau | Taurus, Tauri<br />

Tel | Telescopium, Telescopii<br />

Tri | Triangulum, Trianguli<br />

TrA | Triangulum Australe, Trianguli Astralis<br />

Tuc | Tucana, Tucanae<br />

UMa | Ursa Major, Ursae Majoris<br />

UMi | Ursa Minor, Ursae Minoris<br />

Vel | Vela, Velae<br />

Vir | Virgo, Virginis<br />

Vol | (Piscis) Volans, Volantis<br />

Vul | Vulpecula, Vulpeculae Of modern origin.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Abbreviation (as used by astronomers), Name<br />

(nominative case), and Genitive case <strong>of</strong> each<br />

Constellation is given in the above table. Note that the<br />

abbreviation <strong>of</strong> the zodiacal constellations differs, in<br />

some cases, from that used by astrologers. Bright<br />

stars are designated by a Greek letter followed by the<br />


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