January 16-31, 2011 p. 26 - Tempoplanet

January 16-31, 2011 p. 26 - Tempoplanet January 16-31, 2011 p. 26 - Tempoplanet

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AVERAGE people meter Grace Knights-Ward British FUN LIVELY ECCENTRIC CLEVER CAREFUL EMOTIONAL OLD-FASHIONED MYSTERIOUS BITTER-SWEET CRAZY Afifa Rafique Pakistani The thing you most love about living in the UAE? That you can make friends anywhere you go and that people here surprise you. The enforcement of law and order - makes you feel safe and secure. The thing you most hate about living in the UAE? The hot hot summer! Racism (in some quarters). Everyone deserves the right to be respected. Your happiest moment? Spending a month trying to float an old car seat with my sister down a river in England when I was nine. The day when it finally floated and we were on it was the happiest moment. When I held my 13 day old niece for the first time. Your most painful memory? My most painful memory is sitting on a plane, watching the wheels leave the runway, not knowing when I would be able to see my family and friends again, Hmmm. Nothing so painful so far....Alhamdolillah What inspires you most in Abu Dhabi? The change, and that people are not afraid of it. It’s a peaceful city to live in. What is your pet peeve living in this city? People staring at my blonde hair and judging me Our rent rising day by day.. If there was something you could improve about this place, what would it be? I would improve the way maids are treated in this country, and the driving people are crazy drivers here! More job opportunities, greater accommodation choices, and lower rent costs. 18 Tempo January 16 - 31, 2011 Tempo January 1 15, 2011

By Dave Solomon a DOC in the house (aka a doctor from New York speaks on the state of public wellness in Abu Dhabi) Your 2011 New Year’s Resolutions So its 2011, and of course one of your resolutions for this year, is in some form or another to get healthier. Everyone does it... Now, besides this broad goal, did you make any plans as to how you might actually achieve this goal? Possibly, more exercise, lose weight, watch what you eat, smoke less, drive more carefully, stress less, etc... All of these are great ideas, and kudos to you for even proposing them and setting the bar, but now comes the hard part........ You have to go out and do them. These things just don’t happen on their own, you must make an effort, and this is where (for alot of people) it all falls apart. So, why should you care? Well for one, the fact that you may have proposed these changes for yourself, probably demonstrates that you have some form of self concern (or you may be subject to peer pressure, but lets assume, you are aware that its not good to weight 300 pounds). For many people these goals are often set at improbable heights and unlikely to be achievable by most mere mortals. Maybe you have kids, maybe you hold a job and even possibly, you have both to contend with. How can you possibly find time to look after yourself? Well this is where the work comes into it and the failure starts- before you even start. But realize, you don’t have to go down this common pathway and that you alone have the power to make this choice. You know yourself and your limits and you should recognize this and respect it. Set realistic achievable goals. this is real life, not reality TV. There are no camera crews following you, no TV audience who are interested in seeing this “amazing transformation” ( that should be the name of some form of sadistic reality show). Its all you... It might feel lonely, but you have the power to set the “bar” and you alone are and should be the sole judge of the results. Lets take a single resolution as an example. It’s a common one, and I know it’s somewhere on your new years list. Exercise. You want to exercise (more)? Go ahead!!!! You only need to set aside a small amount of time several times a week. This could be the amount of time you spend wandering aimlessly around a mall ( mall window shopping is NOT a sport and does NOT replace any sport that I know of, so if this is your idea of your best effort, I can assure you, that you CAN do better). In fact, even better, because this is only a small amount of time you are starting out with, you may still be able to do that new found exercise routine AND still hit the mall. Consider how much better you might actually feel about yourself by making this simple transformation of behavior. Alre ady an improvement. There is plenty of scientific evidence that supports the notion that improved physical health, also leads to improved mental health. WOW, an added bonus, and who doesnt want improved mental health? It’s certainly a better side effect, than those associated with, for example smoking, right? ( high blood pressure, lung disease, cancer, death) We live in a busy society full of distractions, we hold jobs, we have families and responsibilities and sometime we feel overwhelmed, so why not be good to yourself and feel good about it? For those who are not particularly athletic, (don’t be ashamed to admit it, most people are not born athletes) be fair to yourself and make these goals realistic. Are you really expecting to be UFC champion fighting fit after one year of light exercise? Why even set your goals so high? This is not going to happen and you must be aware of this. Get real, people!!! But on the other hand, this should by no means be a deterrent, either. Exercise was just example of one often failed resolution and how we can do this in an achievable manner. Exercise is a broad term. Go out and experiment to find what activity suits you. This could be swimming, biking, jogging, power walking, or just a nice casual, but routine, evening stroll along the Corniche. But bear in mind that there are ALOT of actvities out there, and “the limit is between your ears” ( to steal a quote from one of my favorite old school skateboarders, Tony Alva). And of course, advance your intensity as tolerated. To summarize- find your activity, set your personal goals but keep them fair, and get out there!!! You’ll feel it and others will too- they may notice your improved mood, outlook or your improved physique. Be consistent in your approach and don”t rush it. You are doing this for yourself and you alone will set the goals and limits. Keep it that way. I can promise you when I say this, that you wont see me at the hospital, having to tell you that the chest pain you are feeling is indeed your worst fear or that your incessant smoking is now leading you to impending lung failure. Believe me, this happens, I see it far too often.... Hopefully I will see you “out on the field” sometime. Happy New Year and lets talk health sometime soon. 19


people meter<br />

Grace Knights-Ward<br />

British<br />

FUN<br />

LIVELY<br />


CLEVER<br />






CRAZY<br />

Afifa Rafique<br />

Pakistani<br />

The thing you most love about living in the UAE?<br />

That you can make friends anywhere you go and that<br />

people here surprise you.<br />

The enforcement of law and order - makes you<br />

feel safe and secure.<br />

The thing you most hate about living in the UAE?<br />

The hot hot summer!<br />

Racism (in some quarters).<br />

Everyone deserves the right to be respected.<br />

Your happiest moment?<br />

Spending a month trying to float an old car seat with<br />

my sister down a river in England when I was nine. The<br />

day when it finally floated and we were on it was the<br />

happiest moment.<br />

When I held my 13 day old niece for the first time.<br />

Your most painful memory?<br />

My most painful memory is sitting on a plane, watching<br />

the wheels leave the runway, not knowing when I would<br />

be able to see my family and friends again,<br />

Hmmm. Nothing so painful so far....Alhamdolillah<br />

What inspires you most in Abu Dhabi?<br />

The change, and that people are not afraid of it.<br />

It’s a peaceful city to live in.<br />

What is your pet peeve living in this city?<br />

People staring at my blonde hair and judging me<br />

Our rent rising day by day..<br />

If there was something you could improve about this place, what would it be?<br />

I would improve the way maids are treated in this country,<br />

and the driving people are crazy drivers here!<br />

More job opportunities, greater accommodation<br />

choices, and lower rent costs.<br />

18<br />

Tempo <strong>January</strong> <strong>16</strong> - <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong><br />

Tempo <strong>January</strong> 1 15, <strong>2011</strong>

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