Alessandro and Rosa Maria liked each other but Alessandro's ex-girlfriends didn't want him to be happy because he is a womanizer. Alessandro's parents didn't like Rosa for his social status they were one of the richest families around the state and Rosa Maria's parents didn't like Alessandro because his title of womanizer, and they didn't want her to be hurt. For his problem Alessandro attended a special treatment with an exclusive psichologist his parents hire, finally he could change and without any problem was accepted by Rosa Maria's parents even if they parents disagreed, Ursula and Morgana Alessandro's ex-girlfriends gave up and they started a strong relationship. Alessandro and Rosa Maria liked each other but Alessandro's ex-girlfriends didn't want him to be happy because he is a womanizer. Alessandro's parents didn't like Rosa for his social status they were one of the richest families around the state and Rosa Maria's parents didn't like Alessandro because his title of womanizer, and they didn't want her to be hurt. For his problem Alessandro attended a special treatment with an exclusive psichologist his parents hire, finally he could change and without any problem was accepted by Rosa Maria's parents even if they parents disagreed, Ursula and Morgana Alessandro's ex-girlfriends gave up and they started a strong relationship.

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The Price of Love<br />

Intermediate English Students<br />

CE ®<br />

Cristian’s Editor<br />

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INDEX<br />

Characters<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4<br />

Chapter 1<br />

“Womanizer in skin-deep”<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7<br />

Chapter 2<br />

“Feelings left”<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10<br />

Chapter 3<br />

“The new teacher at high-school”<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12<br />

Chapter 4<br />

“A girl never seen”<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14<br />

Chapter 5<br />

“Unexpectedly fighting”<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16<br />

Chapter 6<br />

“The treatment”<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19<br />

Chapter 7<br />

“Overcoming the problem”<br />

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21<br />

~ 3 ~

Characters<br />

Cristian as Alessandro: a womanizer guy, “handsome”,<br />

one of the richest guys at high school, easy going, and<br />

a dumb guy.<br />

He is always trying to catch the pretties’ girl at high<br />

school, but anyone wants to date with him because he<br />

always lie to them._<br />

Ana as Rosa Maria: A poor pretty girl with<br />

the most beautiful feelings at high school,<br />

one of the most intelligent girls and loved<br />

for everyone._<br />

Elsy as Morgana: An amazing and incredible girl she is the<br />

latest ex-girl of Alessandro. He broke up with her and<br />

she is still in love with Alessandro.<br />

But is not out of her mind to help Ursula with the<br />

revenge against Alessandro._<br />

Karina as Ursula: A gorgeous girl is one of the million<br />

ex of Alessandro, they are classmates at high school.<br />

She was hurt by him and now she wants the revenge and she won’t<br />

let Alessandro be happy._<br />

~ 4 ~

David as Don Guillermo: Alessandro’s father one<br />

of the richest men in the state, married with<br />

Lucrecia.<br />

He is so lovely with his son, he does for<br />

him anything he wants to._<br />

Keila as Lucrecia: Alessandro’s mother, a<br />

woman who doesn´t want any girl for<br />

Alessandro and a possessive mother with<br />

a lot of money.<br />

She is hateful with every girl appears in<br />

Alessandro’s life, but if the girl has money she isn´t._<br />

Carlos as Don Pancho: Rosa Maria’s father, a farmer<br />

man and humble, someone who works for his<br />

daughter.<br />

He does everything to see his daughter<br />

happy and doesn´t want anyone to hurt<br />

her feelings._<br />

Crisia as Doña Concha: Rosa Maria’s<br />

mother, a decided housewife, someone<br />

who teach her daughter how to treat<br />

people.<br />

She´s careful mother and she wants the best for<br />

her daughter._<br />

~ 5 ~

Gabriela as Miss Landaverde: The<br />

teacher at high school the one, who<br />

teaches good things to Ursula,<br />

Morgana, Rosa Maria and<br />

Alessandro.<br />

Someone who wants to advise them<br />

to do the right things in life._<br />

Patricia as Dra. Guerrero: The exclusive<br />

psychologist of Alessandro, the one who advices<br />

the mental problems of Alessandro.<br />

She is obsessed to change the thoughts and way<br />

of thinking of Alessandro._<br />

~ 6 ~

Chapter 1<br />

§ Womanizer in skin-deep §<br />

Ursula was crying! Alessandro broke up with her, because she was<br />

jealous and possessive…<br />

Alessandro was so happy while Ursula was suffering for him.<br />

He didn’t waste time, during the relationship, he tried to call<br />

Morgana’s attention are of the most beautiful girls at high-school.<br />

Yes! Morgana said.<br />

Alessandro smiled at her with a deep look,<br />

- Since I saw you knew that I will be yours – she said.<br />

- Of course you will be mine- He said.<br />

Those words made Morgana felt crazy about him.<br />

Alessandro knew that, he will never fall in love with her, he wanted to<br />

play only.<br />

Morgana started to talk around the whole school about the<br />

relationship she has already begun with the most handsome guy right<br />

there.<br />

~ 7 ~

The rest of her classmates thought she was an extra girl of his list. Of<br />

course that was totally true!!<br />

“Poor girl” -they said.<br />

That man never takes something serious.<br />

Ursula hated Morgana, she couldn’t stand that Alessandro changed<br />

her for Morgana.<br />

In that moment, Morgana didn’t realize, those bad feelings she felt<br />

for her.<br />

Alessandro was for her the cream of the crop. The center of the<br />

universe, the cherry of their cake, the apple of her pie, her everything.<br />

From the bottom of her heart, Ursula knew, Alessandro will hurt her<br />

feelings. That was the consolation!!<br />

The cellphone rang.<br />

Hello! -answered Don Guillermo.<br />

I need some Money, I have a date with my new girlfriend. -<br />

Alessandro replied.<br />

I’ll call you later, I’m busy I’m an in important meeting. His father<br />

said.<br />

He decided to call his mother.<br />

Hi honey! -Lucrecia answered.<br />

Pretty mom, can you give some money because I have an important<br />

date with my new girlfriend. He said,<br />

My little teddy bear!<br />

How many times do I have to tell you, that I’m not going to spend my<br />

money on your pets? -she said.<br />

~ 8 ~

Please, you won’t regret it! – He beg.<br />

Oh, my baby! How much do you need?<br />

She asked.<br />

Alessandro made a happiness jump.<br />

He ran away to buy a bouquet of roses.<br />

That romantic dark color covering the sky became the night ever<br />

lovelier but just for Morgana.<br />

Alessandro acted like a little kid, those kids who only play with toys,<br />

but in this case his toy was Morgana.<br />

They arrived to villas restaurant, it looked like the perfect night she<br />

ever had before.<br />

This is just for you, my little doll! - He said.<br />

I feel speechless! - She said.<br />

They were talking so long.<br />

~ 9 ~

Chapter 2<br />

§ Feelings left §<br />

The coming summer vocation, Alessandro’s parents decided to send<br />

him, to another country in order to study a foreign language.<br />

Morgana cried a lot for him! Obviously he was happy to travel<br />

outside, and he didn’t care her feelings. They kept in touch but<br />

Alessandro met knew people and about one week and a half he forgot<br />

her.<br />

It was so sad, she suffered, and she cried everything.<br />

She couldn’t overcome that Alessandro left her.<br />

Finally was missing only two hours, for his arriving time. He came<br />

more handsome, effectively he forgot Morgana.<br />

Honey! – She called him.<br />

Hello! - He answered.<br />

“I need you!” She said.<br />

”Excuse me. I don’t” He said.<br />

~ 10 ~

She started to feel something never felt. She was in love but she<br />

stopped talking to him.<br />

Beforehand, Ursula knew this will happen, she felt happy. She hated<br />

Morgana.<br />

A bittersweet feeling was inside of Morganas heart she didn’t know if<br />

love Alessandro or hate him.<br />

~ 11 ~

Chapter 3<br />

§ The new teacher at high-school §<br />

Next coming semester was close, they started so excited. Mss.<br />

Landaverde was entering to the door with a strong step, the security<br />

she showed each time, made the students pay attention to her.<br />

“Completely silence” – the classroom was quiet.<br />

Good morning! - She said in a polite way.<br />

Anyone answered.<br />

Good morning! – She said again louder.<br />

Good morning! – Students answered with the fear to talk.<br />

I can see you haven’t learned greeting your teachers. – She smiled.<br />

Meanwhile students were serious.<br />

My name is Elena Landaverde, I’m going to be your teacher during<br />

this semester. – She introduced herself.<br />

Suddenly, a gorgeous a girl appeared on the door.<br />

Good morning everyone! She said.<br />

~ 12 ~

I can see you’re late and the class has already started – Mss.<br />

Landaverde said.<br />

My bad, I’m new in this school and I couldn’t find the classroom, I’m<br />

sorry Mss.-The sweet girl answered. Her beauty left them speechless.<br />

Can you introduce yourself? – The teacher asked.<br />

Of course! My name is Rosa Maria.<br />

I’ve already came here to live with my parents I’m eighteen years old<br />

and I hope to stablish a good friendship with all of you guys and I’m<br />

more than glad to be here.<br />

Morgana and Ursula were inside, the envy was the first feeling they<br />

felt when they saw her.<br />

He sat down in the front, they were next to her. Alessandro ran out<br />

of words, he couldn’t stop looking at her dunning the whole class.<br />

“I have never seen that kind of girls in my whole life”. Alessandro<br />

thought.<br />

~ 13 ~

Chapter 4<br />

§ A girl never seen §<br />

Rosa M. was wearing such a pretty green dress, her beauty, was like a<br />

sunshine in the dark. When it was time for the break.<br />

She was coming out while Alessandro was coming upstairs, he saw<br />

her deeply, with hungry eyes. She saw him, she liked him but she<br />

didn’t show it.<br />

Alessandro continued walking, and she went to buy something to eat.<br />

She sat down on a bench in the hall, she started studying, she looked<br />

like an intelligent girls, and of course she was.<br />

When it was time to get in, she went upstairs and the place was full of<br />

students waiting outside for the beginning of the class. The first<br />

person she found was Alessandro, she saw him.<br />

Unfortunately, he was sat surrounded by three girls, one was writing<br />

on his hand the other was with a leg over his leg, and the last was<br />

kissing his neck. When he saw her, he stood up and waked through<br />

her way. Disappointed she went downstairs running as she could. He<br />

didn’t want it but that was impossible, that title of womanizer was<br />

running in his veins.<br />

As a wise woman she was, she went to think about it.<br />

~ 14 ~

It’s probably he doesn’t like me – she thought I won’t make houses<br />

in the air- she was ready to start the class.<br />

She got in - four eyes were over her, Ursula’s and Morgana’s eyes.<br />

Those eyes full of envy! They couldn’t hide those bad feelings.<br />

The day passed, at the end of the week, exactly on Friday, Rosa M.<br />

decided, kept inside the classroom during the break to finish the<br />

homework she had, for the coming Monday, Miss. Landaverde was<br />

working on her computer doing some tasks for the next class.<br />

This was the opportunity Alessandro had been waiting for, Rosa<br />

Maria was alone, Alessandro tried to start a conversation with her,<br />

and she tried to ignore him.<br />

~ 15 ~

Chapter 5<br />

§ Unexpectedly fighting §<br />

Ursula and Morgana were out, they spoke each other, they agreed to<br />

make Alessandro’s life impossible, they kept watching them talking.<br />

Pretty girl – Alessandro said.<br />

What are you doing so lonely? – He asked.<br />

What I have to do, my homework – She answered.<br />

Don’t be that cruel with me girl – he said.<br />

I’m not cruel I’m honest, don’t you see I’m busy?<br />

-She said kind of upset.<br />

Let’s get in! – Ursula and Morgana said, so excited.<br />

You didn’t waste your time – Morgana said (While laughing).<br />

You are a stupid boy because you just play with girls and you don’t<br />

care then feelings. - Ursula screamed.<br />

And you think you are the center of the world, little child, and you<br />

should realize you are nothing.<br />

~ 16 ~

-Morgana told Rosa Maria.<br />

Alessandro tried to stop them, but was impossible, Rosa Maria ran<br />

out and crying, I wish you could see who I really am. Exactly, in the<br />

door, she found Mss. Landaverde, who was at the entrance of the<br />

classroom. She realized it when she saw Rosa crying, she asked her,<br />

what was the matter? But she couldn’t speak, she felt sad.<br />

Immediately, she called their parents for a meeting.<br />

Hello! Don Guillermo answered.<br />

I’m Mss. Landaverde, the teacher of your son.-She said.<br />

Tell me Mss. Landaverde, I’m all hears.-he said.<br />

Your son were in an uncomfortable talking this morning, with three<br />

girls, and actually I don’t even know what happened, I am calling you<br />

to ask if you can come today at three o’clock to have a meeting to<br />

discuss this matter.- she politely said.<br />

Of course, no problem I will be there. - He said<br />

He called his wife Lucrecia, to inform why Mss. Landaverde called.<br />

She dressed a lack outfit, she like to someone you couldn’t stand.<br />

Mss. Landaverde called Rosa Maria’s parents.<br />

Good Morning! - Doña Concha answered.<br />

I’m Mss. Landaverde, your daughter, had a problem with some girls<br />

and a boy here in the classroom, I scheduled a meeting at three<br />

o’clock, I would like to know if you are able to come, and deal with<br />

the problem. She said.<br />

It’s ok. I will be there, I have some work, but I will try to make, If I<br />

can’t go I will send my husband. –She answered.<br />

~ 17 ~

Don Pancho asked his wife what was the problem, she told him. They<br />

agreed they will go together.<br />

Meanwhile Lucrecia was arriving, with her car and went at highschool.<br />

Alessandro parents finally arrived, Rosa Maria’s parents arrived first,<br />

and everybody was sitting there listening the problem.<br />

The problem was Ursula and Morgana, but the four of them had to<br />

promised with the right hand, don’t discuss and fight for that again,<br />

from their bottom of their hearts Ursula and Morgana knew, their<br />

life to their selves because they would never stop making Alessandro’s<br />

and Rosa Maria’s lives easy.<br />

Alessandro’s parents didn’t agree with his son, because they thought<br />

Rosa Maria was not a good girl for him. They pretended their son was<br />

an angel who was not, and Rosa Maria’s parents disagreed because<br />

they though, Alessandro didn’t deserved a girl like her, pretty and<br />

intelligent, but when Alessandro parents said that they referred social<br />

status, because they were the richest family in that state.<br />

Not taking to account what his parents said, he continued flirting Rosa<br />

but Rosa was afraid to fall in love with Alessandro, because of what<br />

he was she liked him a lot of, but there were many obstacles.<br />

Ursula and Morgana did the impossible, they visited a witch, but was<br />

in vain. They fought for Alessandro but was in vain again. This time<br />

Alessandro wanted to cut his vain, because Rosa didn’t want to start a<br />

relationship with him.<br />

~ 18 ~

Chapter 6<br />

§ The treatment §<br />

Mss. Landaverde saw him, one day crying close to the window inside<br />

the classroom.<br />

What you cry? She asked<br />

I can’t live without her- He said.<br />

But why do you think it is? She asked.<br />

I don’t know maybe she think, I’m a womanizer- He answered.<br />

“I have the solution” he said.<br />

She went to call his parents again but this time to tell them their son<br />

felt depressed and needed a professional help.<br />

I’m talking with Mss. Lucrecia? Mss. Landaverde asked.<br />

Of course who I’m talking with? Lucrecia said.<br />

~ 19 ~

I been watching the process of your son, and this one hasn´t<br />

improved, I don’t know if you are willing to send him with a<br />

professional psychologist in order to treat this problem. -She said.<br />

I really appreciate your attention to my son and of course I will try to<br />

do something for helping him, right away I’m going to call my<br />

husband to tell him the matter happened and I will let you know what<br />

is going to be the result. – As a fancy woman said.<br />

Meanwhile in Rosa Maria’s home her parents were advising her.<br />

My piece of heaven I don’t want you to be hurt, because you are the<br />

only one I have- In a humble way her father said.<br />

That is totally true, as your parents we are we don’t want you to be<br />

suffered. Her mother said.<br />

~ 20 ~

Chapter 7<br />

§ Overcoming the problem §<br />

In the other hand, in Alessandro’s home they were treating how to do<br />

with the problem; they decided to hire an exclusive psychologist for<br />

him. They called Dra. Guerrero one of the most professional doctors<br />

around, they told her but Alessandro didn’t know, because is the told<br />

him would be a problem, it was probably he thought he wasn´t crazy.<br />

Baby I have arranged a date with you and a gorgeous girl this<br />

afternoon. - Lucrecia said.<br />

His eyes were shining, the reason was that he loves girls and in that<br />

way he couldn´t discover, what they were planning.<br />

Excuse me! He opened door. Coming in. - Dra. Guerrero said.<br />

You are in an appointment with me, so tell me what you feel?<br />

What can I say? He told her.<br />

Whatever you want. - She answered.<br />

~ 21 ~

Suddenly, he started to open his heart and telling her what was the<br />

problem.<br />

He was talking son long while she was quiet. Then he stopped and<br />

she started advising him. Those words relieved himself it was a big<br />

help, he understood what he had to do with the girl he liked, and he<br />

went to talk with her parents in order to ask for her hand.<br />

They didn’t agree but finally they did, Alessandro’s parents definitely<br />

didn´t agree, Morgana and Ursula gave up.<br />

Alessandro started a formal relationship with Rosa Maria and they<br />

finally could be happy.<br />

“Everything can be possible”<br />

---<strong>THE</strong> END---<br />

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