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Ito Integral - Gauge-institute.org

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<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

<strong>Ito</strong> <strong>Integral</strong><br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

vic0@comcast.net<br />

March, 2013<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

Abstract We show that <strong>Ito</strong>’s integral X(,) ζ t dB(,)<br />

ζ t ,<br />

∫<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

where X(,)<br />

ζ t is a Random Process, and B(,)<br />

ζ t is Random<br />

Walk is ill defined because it<br />

• violates Riemann’s Oscillation Condition for<br />

Integrability: The Oscillation <strong>Integral</strong> is not an<br />

infinitesimal.<br />

• violates the Fundamental Theorem of the <strong>Integral</strong><br />

Calculus: Reversing the integration returns a function<br />

different from the original integrand.<br />

• depends on the partitions of [ ab] , , and on the choice of<br />

the intermediate points in them. Thus, the Random<br />

Variable has an undetermined Expectation.<br />

Consequently, the <strong>Ito</strong> <strong>Integral</strong> does not exist, and formulas<br />

that include that integral do not hold.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

Keywords: <strong>Ito</strong> <strong>Integral</strong>, <strong>Ito</strong> Process, <strong>Ito</strong> Formula, Stochastic<br />

Integration, Infinitesimal, Infinite-Hyper-real, Hyper-real,<br />

Calculus, Limit, Continuity, Derivative, <strong>Integral</strong>, Delta<br />

Function, Random Variable, Random Process, Random<br />

Signal, Stochastic Process, Stochastic Calculus, Probability<br />

Distribution, Bernoulli Random Variables, Binomial<br />

Distribution, Gaussian, Normal, Expectation, Variance,<br />

Random Walk, Poisson Process,<br />

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification 26E35; 26E30;<br />

26E15; 26E20; 26A06; 26A12; 03E10; 03E55; 03E17; 03H15;<br />

46S20; 97I40; 97I30.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

Contents<br />

Introduction<br />

1. Hyper-real Line<br />

2. Hyper-real Function<br />

3. <strong>Integral</strong> of a Hyper-real Function<br />

4. Delta Function<br />

5. Random Walk B(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

6. Integration sums of B(,)<br />

ζ t with respect to B(,)<br />

ζ t .<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

∑<br />

7. B(,) ζ t dB(,)<br />

ζ t is ill-defined.<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

∑<br />

8. B(,) ζ t dB(,)<br />

ζ t depends on the choice of the<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

intermediate points in the partition of [ B(<br />

ζ, a), B( ζ, b)]<br />

9. The Myth that Lebesgue <strong>Integral</strong> generalizes Riemann’s<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

∑<br />

10. B(,) ζ t dB(,)<br />

ζ t violates the Fundamental Theorem of<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

the <strong>Integral</strong> Calculus.<br />

11. <strong>Ito</strong>’s Process and <strong>Ito</strong>’s Formula<br />

References<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

Introduction<br />

In [Dan5], we defined in Infinitesimal Calculus the Wiener<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

<strong>Integral</strong> ∫ f () tdB(, ζ t)<br />

, where f () t is integrable hyper-real<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

function, and<br />

B(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

is a Random Walk.<br />

In [<strong>Ito</strong>], <strong>Ito</strong> argued that f () t can be replaced with a Hyperreal<br />

Random Process X(,)<br />

ζ t .<br />

We argue here that his claim fails for X(,) ζ t = B(,)<br />

ζ t .<br />

We show that <strong>Ito</strong>’s approach through Lebesgue Integration,<br />

ignores the basics of Integration set by Riemann.<br />

The <strong>Ito</strong> integration sums do not converge to an <strong>Integral</strong>.<br />

The <strong>Ito</strong> integral<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

∫<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

B(,) ζ t dB(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

is ill defined because it<br />

• violates Riemann’s Oscillation Condition for<br />

Integrability: The Oscillation <strong>Integral</strong> is not an<br />

infinitesimal.<br />

• violates the Fundamental Theorem of the <strong>Integral</strong><br />

Calculus: Reversing the integration returns a function<br />

different from the original integrand.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

• depends on the partitions of [ ab] , , and on the choice of<br />

the intermediate points in them. Thus, the Random<br />

Variable has an undetermined Expectation.<br />

Any integration is an infinite summation. Then, we cannot<br />

tell the difference between<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

∑ X(,)[ ζ t X(, ζ t + dt) −X(,)]<br />

ζ t ,<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

∑ X(, ζ t + dt)[ X(, ζ t + dt) −X(,)]<br />

ζ t ,<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

and any summation in between them<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

∑<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

⎡λX(,) ζ t (1 λ) X(, ζ t dt)[ ⎤<br />

⎣<br />

+ − +<br />

⎦<br />

X(, ζ t + dt) −X(,)]<br />

ζ t<br />

It is not up to us to choose the sum with<br />

1<br />

λ = , and it is<br />

2<br />

meaningless to say that we did that.<br />

The infinite summation yields a definite value, only if all<br />

these –impossible to distinguish between- results, are all the<br />

same.<br />

Furthermore, when we encounter uncertain outcomes, our<br />

first measure of certainty is the average. The average is<br />

what we expect, give or take some deviation.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

Thus, our first measure is the Expectation of the Random<br />

Variable, and our second measure is the Variance, which<br />

over time will limit the Expectation within a band.<br />

If we cannot tell the Average of our outcomes, our Random<br />

Variable is undefined, and should be discarded.<br />

Thus, a Random Process<br />

X(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

may not be integrated with<br />

respect to a Random Walk<br />

B(,)<br />

ζ t , and an <strong>Integral</strong> in which<br />

f () t is replaced by<br />

X(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

does not exist.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

1.<br />

Hyper-real Line<br />

The minimal domain and range, needed for the definition<br />

and analysis of a hyper-real function, is the hyper-real line.<br />

Each real number α can be represented by a Cauchy<br />

sequence of rational numbers, ( r , r , r ,...) so that r → α .<br />

1 2 3<br />

The constant sequence ( ααα , , ,...) is a constant hyper-real.<br />

In [Dan2] we established that,<br />

1. Any totally ordered set of positive, monotonically<br />

n<br />

decreasing to zero sequences<br />

family of infinitesimal hyper-reals.<br />

( ι1, ι2, ι3,...)<br />

constitutes a<br />

2. The infinitesimals are smaller than any real number,<br />

yet strictly greater than zero.<br />

1 1 1<br />

3. Their reciprocals ( , , ,...<br />

ι 1<br />

ι 2<br />

ι 3<br />

) are the infinite hyperreals.<br />

4. The infinite hyper-reals are greater than any real<br />

number, yet strictly smaller than infinity.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

5. The infinite hyper-reals with negative signs are<br />

smaller than any real number, yet strictly greater than<br />

−∞.<br />

6. The sum of a real number with an infinitesimal is a<br />

non-constant hyper-real.<br />

7. The Hyper-reals are the totality of constant hyperreals,<br />

a family of infinitesimals, a family of<br />

infinitesimals with negative sign, a family of infinite<br />

hyper-reals, a family of infinite hyper-reals with<br />

negative sign, and non-constant hyper-reals.<br />

8. The hyper-reals are totally ordered, and aligned along<br />

a line: the Hyper-real Line.<br />

9. That line includes the real numbers separated by the<br />

non-constant hyper-reals. Each real number is the<br />

center of an interval of hyper-reals, that includes no<br />

other real number.<br />

10. In particular, zero is separated from any positive<br />

real by the infinitesimals, and from any negative real<br />

by the infinitesimals with negative signs, −dx .<br />

11. Zero is not an infinitesimal, because zero is not<br />

strictly greater than zero.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

12. We do not add infinity to the hyper-real line.<br />

13. The infinitesimals, the infinitesimals with<br />

negative signs, the infinite hyper-reals, and the infinite<br />

hyper-reals with negative signs are semi-groups with<br />

respect to addition. Neither set includes zero.<br />

∞<br />

14. The hyper-real line is embedded in , and is<br />

not homeomorphic to the real line. There is no bicontinuous<br />

one-one mapping from the hyper-real onto<br />

the real line.<br />

15. In particular, there are no points on the real line<br />

that can be assigned uniquely to the infinitesimal<br />

hyper-reals, or to the infinite hyper-reals, or to the nonconstant<br />

hyper-reals.<br />

16. No neighbourhood of a hyper-real is<br />

n<br />

homeomorphic to an ball. Therefore, the hyperreal<br />

line is not a manifold.<br />

17. The hyper-real line is totally ordered like a line,<br />

but it is not spanned by one element, and it is not onedimensional.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

2.<br />

Hyper-real Function<br />

2.1 Definition of a hyper-real function<br />

f () x is a hyper-real function, iff it is from the hyper-reals<br />

into the hyper-reals.<br />

This means that any number in the domain, or in the range<br />

of a hyper-real f () x is either one of the following<br />

real<br />

real + infinitesimal<br />

real – infinitesimal<br />

infinitesimal<br />

infinitesimal with negative sign<br />

infinite hyper-real<br />

infinite hyper-real with negative sign<br />

Clearly,<br />

2.2 Every function from the reals into the reals is a hyperreal<br />

function.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

3.<br />

<strong>Integral</strong> of Hyper-real Function<br />

In [Dan3], we defined the integral of a Hyper-real Function.<br />

Let f () x be a hyper-real function on the interval [ ab] , .<br />

The interval may not be bounded.<br />

f () x may take infinite hyper-real values, and need not be<br />

bounded.<br />

At each<br />

a<br />

≤<br />

x<br />

≤b,<br />

there is a rectangle with base<br />

dx<br />

[ x − , x + 2<br />

], height f () x ,<br />

dx<br />

2<br />

and area<br />

f ( xdx. )<br />

We form the Integration Sum of all the areas for the x ’s<br />

that start at x = a, and end at x = b,<br />

∑ f ( xdx ) .<br />

x∈[ a, b]<br />

If for any infinitesimal dx , the Integration Sum has the<br />

same hyper-real value, then f () x is integrable over the<br />

interval [ ab] , .<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

Then, we call the Integration Sum the integral of f () x from<br />

x = a, to x = b, and denote it by<br />

x=<br />

b<br />

∫ f ( xdx ) .<br />

x=<br />

a<br />

If the hyper-real is infinite, then it is the integral over [, ab] ,<br />

If the hyper-real is finite,<br />

x=<br />

b<br />

∫ fxdx ( ) = real part of the hyper-real . <br />

x=<br />

a<br />

3.1 The countability of the Integration Sum<br />

In [Dan1], we established the equality of all positive<br />

infinities:<br />

We proved that the number of the Natural Numbers,<br />

Card , equals the number of Real Numbers,<br />

2 Card <br />

Card = , and we have<br />

2 Card<br />

2<br />

Card <br />

Card = ( Card) = .... = 2 = 2 = ... ≡ ∞.<br />

In particular, we demonstrated that the real numbers may<br />

be well-ordered.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

Consequently, there are countably many real numbers in the<br />

interval<br />

[,] ab<br />

, and the Integration Sum has countably many<br />

terms.<br />

While we do not sequence the real numbers in the interval,<br />

the summation takes place over countably many f ( xdx. )<br />

The Lower <strong>Integral</strong> is the Integration Sum where f ( x ) is<br />

replaced<br />

by its lowest value on each interval<br />

3.2<br />

∑<br />

x∈[ a, b]<br />

⎛<br />

⎜⎝<br />

dx dx<br />

2 2<br />

[ x − , x + ]<br />

⎞<br />

inf f ( t)<br />

dx<br />

⎠⎟<br />

x− ≤t≤ x+<br />

dx dx<br />

2 2<br />

The Upper <strong>Integral</strong> is the Integration Sum where f ( x ) is<br />

replaced by its largest value on each interval<br />

3.3<br />

∑<br />

x∈[ a, b]<br />

⎛<br />

⎜⎝<br />

⎞ sup f ( t)<br />

dx<br />

⎠⎟<br />

dx dx<br />

2 2<br />

x− ≤t≤ x+<br />

[ x − , x + ]<br />

dx dx<br />

2 2<br />

If the integral is a finite hyper-real, we have<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

3.4 A hyper-real function has a finite integral if and only if<br />

its upper integral and its lower integral are finite, and differ<br />

by an infinitesimal.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

4.<br />

Delta Function<br />

In [Dan4], we defined the Delta Function, and established its<br />

properties<br />

1. The Delta Function is a hyper-real function defined<br />

from the hyper-real line into the set of two hyper-reals<br />

⎧<br />

⎪ 1 ⎫<br />

⎨0, ⎪<br />

⎬. The hyper-real 0 is the sequence 0, 0, 0,... .<br />

⎪⎩<br />

dx<br />

⎭⎪ The infinite hyper-real 1<br />

dx<br />

depends on our choice of<br />

dx .<br />

2. We will usually choose the family of infinitesimals that<br />

is spanned by the sequences<br />

1<br />

n , 1<br />

2<br />

n<br />

,<br />

1<br />

n<br />

3<br />

,… It is a<br />

semigroup with respect to vector addition, and includes<br />

all the scalar multiples of the generating sequences<br />

that are non-zero. That is, the family includes<br />

infinitesimals with negative sign. Therefore,<br />

1<br />

dx<br />

will<br />

mean the sequence n . Alternatively, we may choose<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

the family spanned by the sequences<br />

1<br />

2 n ,<br />

1<br />

3 n ,<br />

1<br />

4 n ,… Then, 1<br />

dx<br />

will mean the sequence<br />

2 n . Once we determined the basic infinitesimal dx ,<br />

we will use it in the Infinite Riemann Sum that defines<br />

an <strong>Integral</strong> in Infinitesimal Calculus.<br />

3. The Delta Function is strictly smaller than ∞<br />

4. We define,<br />

1<br />

χ δ ( x) ≡ dx ( )<br />

,<br />

dx x<br />

dx<br />

⎡ ⎤ ,<br />

⎢−<br />

⎣ 2 2 ⎥⎦<br />

where<br />

χ ⎡<br />

⎢−<br />

⎣<br />

dx,<br />

dx<br />

2 2<br />

⎧ dx dx<br />

1, x ∈ ⎡−<br />

, ⎤<br />

( x)<br />

= ⎪ ⎢ 2 2 ⎥<br />

⎨ ⎣ ⎦ .<br />

⎪⎪ 0, otherwise<br />

⎩<br />

⎤<br />

⎥⎦<br />

5. Hence,<br />

for x < 0 , δ ( x) = 0<br />

at<br />

for<br />

dx<br />

x =− , δ( x)<br />

jumps from 0 to<br />

2<br />

dx dx<br />

⎢ ⎣<br />

,<br />

2 2 ⎥ ⎦ , 1<br />

( x)<br />

x ∈ ⎡−<br />

⎤<br />

δ = .<br />

dx<br />

1<br />

dx ,<br />

at x = 0 ,<br />

δ (0) =<br />

1<br />

dx<br />

at<br />

dx<br />

x = , δ( x)<br />

drops from<br />

2<br />

for x > 0 , δ ( x) = 0.<br />

1<br />

dx<br />

to 0.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

xδ ( x) = 0<br />

6. If dx =<br />

1<br />

, ( x) = 1 1( x),2 1 1( x),3 1 1( x )...<br />

n<br />

[ − , ] [ − , ] [ − , ]<br />

δ χ χ χ<br />

2 2 4 4 6 6<br />

7. If dx =<br />

2<br />

,<br />

n<br />

8. If dx =<br />

1<br />

,<br />

n<br />

1 2 3<br />

δ ( x) = , , ,...<br />

2 2 2<br />

2 cosh x 2 cosh 2x 2 cosh 3x<br />

−x −2x −3x<br />

[0, ∞) [0, ∞) [0, ∞)<br />

δ( x) = e χ ,2 e χ , 3 e χ ,...<br />

x =∞<br />

∫<br />

9. δ( xdx ) = 1.<br />

x =−∞<br />

k =∞<br />

1 −ik( ξ−x<br />

)<br />

10. δξ ( − x)<br />

= e<br />

2π<br />

∫ dk<br />

k =−∞<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

5.<br />

Random Walk B(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

The Random Walk of small particles in fluid is named after<br />

Brown, who first observed it, Brownian Motion. It models<br />

other processes, such as the fluctuations of a stock price.<br />

In a volume of fluid, the path of a particle is in any direction<br />

in the volume, and of variable size<br />

5.1 Bernoulli Random Variables of the Walk<br />

We restrict the Walk here to the line, in uniform<br />

infinitesimal size steps dx :<br />

To the left, with probability<br />

1<br />

p = ,<br />

2<br />

or to the right, with probability<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

q<br />

= 1 − p = .<br />

1<br />

2<br />

At time t , after<br />

N infinitesimal time intervals dt ,<br />

N =<br />

t<br />

dt<br />

, is an infinite hyper-real,<br />

the particle is at the point<br />

x .<br />

At the i th step we define the Bernoulli Random Variable,<br />

Bi (right step)<br />

Bi (left step)<br />

where i = 1,2,..., N .<br />

= dx , ζ<br />

1<br />

= right step .<br />

=−dx, ζ<br />

2<br />

= left step .<br />

Pr( B = dx)<br />

= ,<br />

i<br />

1<br />

2<br />

Pr( B =− dx)<br />

= ,<br />

i<br />

EB [ ] = dx⋅ + ( −dx) ⋅ = 0,<br />

i<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1 1<br />

2 2<br />

2 2 1 2 1<br />

i<br />

2 2<br />

2<br />

E[ B ] = ( dx) ⋅ + ( −dx) ⋅ = ( dx)<br />

Var[ Bi] = E[ Bi ] − ( E[ B ]) 0<br />

i<br />

=<br />

<br />

2<br />

( dx)<br />

2 2<br />

0<br />

5.2 The Random Walk<br />

B t B B B<br />

( ζ , ) =<br />

1<br />

+<br />

2<br />

+ ... +<br />

N<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

is a Random Process with<br />

EB [ ( ζ , t)] = 0,<br />

Var[ B( ζ , t)] = N( dx)<br />

.<br />

2<br />

Proof: Since the<br />

B i<br />

are independent,<br />

EB [ ( ζ , t)] = EB [ ] + ... + EB [ N<br />

] = 0<br />

<br />

1<br />

0 0<br />

Var[ B( ζ , t)] = Var[ B ] + ... + Var[ BN<br />

] = N( dx)<br />

.<br />

<br />

1<br />

( dx ) ( dx )<br />

2 2<br />

2<br />

5.3 B(, ζ t + dt) −B(,)<br />

ζ t is a Bernoulli Random Variable Bi<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

6.<br />

Integration Sums of<br />

respect to B(,)<br />

ζ t .<br />

B(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

with<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

In [Dan5], we defined the <strong>Integral</strong> ∫ f () tdB(, ζ t)<br />

:<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

6.1 Integration Sums of f () t with respect to B(,)<br />

ζ t .<br />

Let f () t be a hyper-real function on the bounded time<br />

interval [ ab ,].<br />

f () t need not be bounded.<br />

At each a ≤ t ≤b, there is a Bernoulli Random Variable<br />

dB(,) ζ t = B(, ζ t + dt) − B(,) ζ t = B (,) ζ t = B (,) ζ t dt.<br />

We form the Integration Sum<br />

For any dt ,<br />

t= b t=<br />

b<br />

∑f () tdB(, ζ t) = ∑ f() tBi(, ζ t)<br />

.<br />

t= a t=<br />

a<br />

(1) the First Moment of the Integration Sum is<br />

⎡t= b ⎤ t=<br />

b<br />

E f() t Bi(, ζ t) = f() t E[ B (, ζ t)] = 0<br />

⎢⎣t= a ⎥⎦<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

∑ ∑ <br />

.<br />

(2) the Second Moment of the Integration sum is<br />

i<br />

i<br />

0<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

⎡<br />

2<br />

t= b ⎤ t= b τ=<br />

b<br />

⎛ ⎞ ⎡⎛ ⎞⎛<br />

⎞⎤<br />

E f() t Bi(, ζ t) E f() t Bi(, ζ t) f( τ) Bj(, ζ τ)<br />

=<br />

⎟<br />

∑ ∑ ∑<br />

⎜ ⎝t= a ⎠⎟<br />

⎢⎝⎜t= a ⎠⎝ ⎟⎜<br />

⎣<br />

τ=<br />

a<br />

⎢<br />

⎥<br />

⎟⎠⎥<br />

⎣<br />

⎦<br />

⎦<br />

t= b τ=<br />

b<br />

= ∑∑<br />

t= a τ=<br />

a<br />

f ()( tfτ) EB [ (, ζ τ) B(, ζ t)]<br />

Since the Bernoulli Random Variables are independent,<br />

j<br />

2 2<br />

j<br />

ζτ<br />

i<br />

ζ =<br />

i<br />

ζ =<br />

EB [ ( , ) B( , t)] EB [ ( , t)] ( dx)<br />

i<br />

only for t<br />

= τ . Then,<br />

⎡<br />

2<br />

t= b ⎤ t=<br />

b<br />

⎛<br />

⎞<br />

2 2<br />

E f() t Bi(, ζ t) = f ()( t dx)<br />

⎜<br />

<br />

t= a ⎟<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

⎢⎝<br />

⎠<br />

⎣<br />

⎥⎦<br />

(2 Ddt )<br />

∑ ∑ ,<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

= 2 D∑ f ( t) dt,<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

2<br />

= 2 D∫<br />

f ( t) dt,<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

2<br />

assuming<br />

2<br />

( dx) = (2 D)<br />

dt , and f () t integrable.<br />

Thus, for any dt , the Integration Sum is a unique welldefined<br />

hyper-real Random Variable I()<br />

ζ .<br />

We call<br />

I()<br />

ζ the integral of f () t , with respect to<br />

B(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

from<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

x = a, to x = b, and denote it by ∫ f () tdB(, ζ t)<br />

.<br />

t=<br />

a<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

6.2 Integration Suns of B(,)<br />

ζ t , with respect to B(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

To define<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

∫<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

B(,) ζ t dB(,)<br />

ζ t , we form the Integration Sum<br />

t= b t=<br />

b<br />

∑B(,) ζ t dB(,) ζ t = ∑ B(,) ζ t Bi(,)<br />

ζ t .<br />

t= a t=<br />

a<br />

(1) the First Moment of the Integration Sum is<br />

⎡t= b ⎤ t=<br />

b<br />

E B(,) ζ t Bi(,) ζ t ∑ = ∑ E[ B(,) ζ t Bi(,)]<br />

ζ t<br />

⎢⎣t= a ⎥⎦<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

2<br />

= ∑ EB [<br />

i<br />

( ζ, t)] = 2 Db ( −a)<br />

.<br />

<br />

=<br />

t a dx<br />

2 D dt<br />

( ) = (2 )<br />

(2) the Second Moment of the Integration sum is<br />

⎡<br />

2<br />

t= b ⎤ t= b τ=<br />

b<br />

⎛ ⎞ ⎡⎛ ⎞⎛<br />

⎞⎤<br />

E B(,) ζ t Bi(,) ζ t E B(,) ζ t Bi(,) ζ t B(, ζ τ) Bj(, ζ τ)<br />

=<br />

⎟<br />

∑ ∑ ∑<br />

⎜ ⎝t= a ⎠⎟<br />

⎝⎜t= a ⎠⎝ ⎟⎜<br />

⎢<br />

⎥ ⎢⎣<br />

τ=<br />

a<br />

⎟⎠⎥<br />

⎣<br />

⎦<br />

⎦<br />

This expression cannot be easily resolved, and we are not<br />

able to conclude that for any dt , the Integration Sum is a<br />

unique well-defined hyper-real Random Variable I()<br />

ζ .<br />

We shall see that for a variety of reasons the integral of<br />

B(,)<br />

ζ t , with respect to B(,)<br />

ζ t from x = a, to x = b, cannot<br />

be defined.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

7.<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

∑ B(,) ζ t dB(,)<br />

ζ t is ill-defined<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

Proof: The Expectation of the Oscillation <strong>Integral</strong> [Dan3,<br />

p.46], of B(,)<br />

ζ t with respect to B(,)<br />

ζ t is<br />

⎡t=<br />

b<br />

⎤<br />

E ⎡B(, ζ t dt) B(,) ζ t ⎤dB(,)<br />

t<br />

∑ ⎣<br />

+ −<br />

⎦<br />

ζ<br />

.<br />

⎢⎣t=<br />

a<br />

⎥⎦<br />

Since B(, ζ t + dt) −B(,)<br />

ζ t is a Bernoulli Random Variable Bi<br />

,<br />

the Oscillation <strong>Integral</strong> of<br />

B(,)<br />

ζ t with respect to B(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

equals<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

2<br />

∑ i<br />

=<br />

( ) = (2 )<br />

EB [ ] = (2 D)( b−a) ≠ infinitesimal ,<br />

t a dx<br />

2 D dt<br />

violating Riemann’s Oscillation Condition for Integrability of<br />

⎡ t−b<br />

⎤<br />

E B(,) ζ t dB(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

∑ .<br />

⎢⎣<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

⎥⎦<br />

⎡ t−b<br />

⎤<br />

Thus, E B(,) ζ t dB(,)<br />

ζ t ⎥ ∑<br />

diverges, and is not an <strong>Integral</strong>.<br />

⎢⎣t=<br />

a<br />

⎥⎦<br />

That is, the first Moment of the Random Variable<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

t−b<br />

∑<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

B(,) ζ t dB(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

does not exist, and the Random Variable is ill-defined.<br />

Consequently, the Random Variable diverges, and is not an<br />

integral.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

8.<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

∑ B(,) ζ t dB(,)<br />

ζ t depends on the<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

choice of the intermediate<br />

points in the partition<br />

Proof:<br />

To converge to an <strong>Integral</strong>, the Integration sum<br />

⎡t= b ⎤ ⎡t=<br />

b<br />

E B(,) ζ t dB(,) ζ t E ∑<br />

= ∑B(,) ζ t B(, ζ t + dt) B(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

⎢⎣t= a ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣t=<br />

a<br />

( − )<br />

should remain unchanged for any choice of the intermediate<br />

points between B(,)<br />

ζ t , and B(, ζ t + dt)<br />

.<br />

We check three different sets of intermediate points<br />

1<br />

(1) Intermediate points at ( B(, ζ t dt) B(,)<br />

ζ t )<br />

The Integration Sum becomes<br />

t=−<br />

b dt<br />

2<br />

+ + .<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

( B(, ζ t + dt) + B(,) ζ t )( B(, ζ t + dt) −B(,)<br />

ζ t ) =<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

2<br />

⎤<br />

⎥ ⎦<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

t=−<br />

b dt<br />

1<br />

2<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

( B 2 (, ζ t dt) B 2 (,) ζ t )<br />

= ∑ + − ,<br />

1<br />

2<br />

( B 2 (,) ζ b B 2 (, ζ a)<br />

)<br />

= − .<br />

(2) Intermediate points at B(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

The Integration Sum is,<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

∑ B(,) ζ t ( B(, ζ t + dt) −B(,)<br />

ζ t ) =<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

t=−<br />

b dt<br />

1<br />

∑ 2<br />

( B(, ζ t + dt) + B(,) ζ t )( B(, ζ t + dt) −B(,)<br />

ζ t )<br />

<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

<br />

1 2 2<br />

( B (,) ζ b −B (,) ζ a )<br />

Then,<br />

2<br />

t=−<br />

b dt<br />

1<br />

2<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

− ∑ + − + −<br />

<br />

⎡t=−<br />

b dt<br />

E B t B t dt B t<br />

⎢⎣<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

( B(, ζ t dt) B(,) ζ t )( B(, ζ t dt) B(,)<br />

ζ t )<br />

∑ (,) ζ ( (, ζ + ) − (,) ζ )<br />

⎥ =<br />

⎤<br />

⎥⎦<br />

B<br />

2<br />

i<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

1 ⎡ 2 2<br />

1<br />

ζ ζ ⎤<br />

2 ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ 2∑<br />

=<br />

= E B (,) b −B (, a) − E[ Bi<br />

]<br />

<br />

2<br />

t a<br />

2<br />

( dx ) = (2 D ) dt<br />

1 2 2<br />

= E ⎡B (,) ζ b −B (, ζ a) ⎤ −D( b a)<br />

2 ⎢⎣<br />

⎥ − .<br />

⎦<br />

(3) Intermediate points at B(, ζ t + dt)<br />

,<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

the Integration Sum is,<br />

t=−<br />

b dt<br />

∑ B(, ζ t + dt) ( B(, ζ t + dt) −B(,)<br />

ζ t ) =<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

t=−<br />

b dt<br />

1<br />

∑ 2<br />

( B(, ζ t + dt) + B(,) ζ t )( B(, ζ t + dt) −B(,)<br />

ζ t )<br />

<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

<br />

1 2 2<br />

( B (,) ζ b −B (,) ζ a )<br />

Then,<br />

2<br />

t=−<br />

b dt<br />

1<br />

2<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

+ ∑ + − + −<br />

<br />

⎡t=−<br />

b dt<br />

E B t dt B t dt B t<br />

⎢⎣<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

( B(, ζ t dt) B(,) ζ t )( B(, ζ t dt) B(,)<br />

ζ t )<br />

∑ (, ζ + )( (, ζ + ) − (,) ζ )<br />

⎥ =<br />

B<br />

⎤<br />

⎥⎦<br />

2<br />

i<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

1 ⎡ 2 2<br />

1<br />

ζ ζ ⎤<br />

2 ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ 2∑<br />

=<br />

= E B (,) b − B (, a) + E[ Bi<br />

]<br />

<br />

2<br />

t a<br />

2<br />

( dx ) = (2 D ) dt<br />

1 2 2<br />

= E ⎡B (,) ζ b − B (, ζ a) ⎤ + D( b a)<br />

2 ⎢⎣<br />

⎥ − .<br />

⎦<br />

⎡ t=<br />

b<br />

⎤<br />

Each of the three cases, has E B(,) ζ t dB(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

∑ that differs<br />

⎢⎣<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

⎥⎦<br />

from the others by non-infinitesimal number.<br />

Thus, the First Moment of the Random Variable<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

∑<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

B(,) ζ t dB(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

is undefined.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

That is, the Integration Sum is ill-defined, and does not<br />

exist.<br />

Indeed, for any intermediate point<br />

λB(, ζ t + dt) + (1 − λ) B(,)<br />

ζ t , 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1,<br />

the integration sum is different<br />

⎡t=<br />

b<br />

E ⎡λB(, ζ t dt) (1 λ) B(,) ζ t ⎤<br />

∑ ⎣<br />

+ + −<br />

⎦<br />

B(, ζ t + dt) −B(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

⎢⎣t=<br />

a<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2 2<br />

EB ⎡ ( ζ, b) B( ζ, a) ⎤<br />

⎢ − ⎥+ Db ( −a)<br />

⎣<br />

⎦<br />

( )<br />

⎡t=<br />

b<br />

⎤<br />

= λE B(, ζ t dt) ( B(, ζ t dt) B(,)<br />

ζ t )<br />

∑ + + −<br />

+<br />

⎢⎣t=<br />

a<br />

<br />

⎥⎦<br />

⎡ t=<br />

b<br />

⎤<br />

+ (1 − λ) E B( ζ, t) ( B( ζ, t dt) B( ζ, t)<br />

)<br />

∑<br />

+ −<br />

.<br />

⎢⎣<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

<br />

⎥⎦<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2 2<br />

EB ⎡ (,) ζ b B(,) ζ a⎤<br />

⎢ − ⎥−Db ( −a)<br />

⎣<br />

⎦<br />

1 2 2<br />

1<br />

= E ⎡B (,) ζ b B (, ζ a) ⎤ ( λ ) D( b a)<br />

2 ⎢ − ⎥ + − − .<br />

⎣<br />

⎦<br />

2<br />

⎤<br />

⎥⎦<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

9.<br />

The Myth that Lebesgue’s<br />

<strong>Integral</strong> generalizes Riemann’s<br />

<strong>Ito</strong>’s use of Lebesgue’s Integration, is consistent with his<br />

ignorance of the basics of Integration, and suggests a belief<br />

in the Myth that Lebesgue’s Integration generalizes<br />

Riemann’s . But in [Dan6] we observed that<br />

• Riemann’s Function [Dan6] is Riemann-Integrable over<br />

a Non-Measurable set of Discontinuities,<br />

• the Lebesgue integral cannot be defined over the nonmeasurable<br />

rationals, while the Riemann <strong>Integral</strong><br />

may be defined over the rationals,<br />

Thus, we concluded that<br />

Riemann <strong>Integral</strong> generalizes Lebesgue’s, and the Lebesgueintegrable<br />

functions are a subset of the Riemann-integrable<br />

functions.<br />

Riemann’s requirements that<br />

o the oscillation integral must be infinitesimal, and<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

o the integral may not depend on the choice of the<br />

intermediate points,<br />

are the foundations of any treatment of integration.<br />

The misinterpretation of the ill-defined Random Variable<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

∑<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

B(,) ζ t dB(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

as different <strong>Integral</strong>s, named after <strong>Ito</strong>, for<br />

λ = 1, and after<br />

Stratonovich for<br />

λ =<br />

1<br />

2<br />

,.., misses the point that these<br />

different values prove that there is no integral.<br />

<strong>Ito</strong> never comprehended why f () t of the Wiener <strong>Integral</strong><br />

cannot be replaced by a Random Process f (,) ζ t , and believed<br />

that this can be resolved by applying the “more general”<br />

Lebesgue <strong>Integral</strong>.<br />

As demonstrated in [Dan7], Lebesgue’s theories of measure<br />

and integration are conducive to delusionary claims.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

10.<br />

t=<br />

b<br />

∑ B(,) ζ t dB(,)<br />

ζ t violates the<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

Fundamental Theorem of the<br />

<strong>Integral</strong> Calculus.<br />

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus guarantees that<br />

Integration and Differentiation are well defined inverse<br />

operations, that when applied consecutively yield the<br />

original function.<br />

It is well known to hold in the Calculus of Limits under<br />

given conditions. In the Infinitesimal Calculus, the<br />

Fundamental Theorem holds with almost no conditions.<br />

In [Dan5], we established<br />

10.1 Let f ( x ) be Hyper-real Integrable on[ ab] ,<br />

u=<br />

x<br />

Then, for any x ∈ [,] a b , p.v.D f ( udu ) = f( x)<br />

∫<br />

u=<br />

a<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

t=<br />

x<br />

Consequently, if Fx ( ) = ∫ ftdt ( ) ,<br />

t=<br />

a<br />

t= b t=<br />

b<br />

∫ ∫<br />

f () tdt= dFt () = Fb () −Fa<br />

( )<br />

t= a t=<br />

a<br />

Thus, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus requires that<br />

we have<br />

t= b t=<br />

b<br />

∫<br />

∫<br />

( )<br />

1 2 1 2 1<br />

2 2 2<br />

B(,) ζ t dB(,) ζ t = d B (,) ζ t = B (,) ζ b − B (, ζ a)<br />

t= a t=<br />

a<br />

2<br />

,<br />

and<br />

⎡t=<br />

b<br />

⎤<br />

1 2 2<br />

E ∫ B(,) ζ t dB(,) ζ t = E ⎡B (,) ζ b −B (, ζ a)<br />

⎤<br />

2 ⎢ ⎥<br />

⎢<br />

⎥ ⎣<br />

⎦<br />

.<br />

⎣t=<br />

a<br />

⎦<br />

Instead, <strong>Ito</strong> has an additional λ -dependent term<br />

⎡t=<br />

b<br />

⎤<br />

1 2 2<br />

1<br />

E ∫ B(,) ζ t dB(,) ζ t = E ⎡B (,) ζ b B (, ζ a) ⎤ ( λ ) D( b a)<br />

2 ⎢ − ⎥ + −<br />

2<br />

⎢<br />

⎥ ⎣<br />

⎦<br />

−<br />

⎣t=<br />

a<br />

⎦<br />

Thus, <strong>Ito</strong>’s ill-defined <strong>Integral</strong> violates the Fundamental<br />

Theorem of the integral Calculus.<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

11.<br />

<strong>Ito</strong>’s Process and <strong>Ito</strong>’s Formula<br />

11.1 <strong>Ito</strong>’s Process<br />

is defined as the solution<br />

X(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

of the differential Equations<br />

dX(,) ζ t = f (,) ζ t dB(,) ζ t + g(,)<br />

ζ t dt .<br />

Then,<br />

E ⎡dX(,) ζ t f(,) ζ t dB(,) ζ t g(,) ζ t dt⎤<br />

⎣<br />

−<br />

−<br />

⎦<br />

= 0,<br />

and<br />

⎡<br />

2 ⎤<br />

E ⎢ dX(,) ζ t − f(,) ζ t dB(,) ζ t −g(,) ζ t dt ⎥ = 0<br />

⎣<br />

⎦<br />

Summation over time of the first Moment equation yields<br />

the meaningless,<br />

⎡<br />

⎤<br />

τ=<br />

t<br />

τ=<br />

t<br />

E X(,) ζt −X(,0) ζ −∑<br />

f(, ζτ) dB(, ζτ) − g(, ζτ) dτ<br />

≈ 0<br />

∫<br />

.<br />

τ= 0 τ=<br />

0<br />

⎢⎣<br />

ill-defined <strong>Ito</strong> <strong>Integral</strong><br />

⎥⎦<br />

11.2 <strong>Ito</strong>’s Formula<br />

Let<br />

B = B(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

X = X(,)<br />

ζ t<br />

be a Random Walk<br />

be an <strong>Ito</strong> Process,<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

Then,<br />

and F = F( X, t)<br />

.<br />

dX = f (,) ζ t dB(,) ζ t + g(,)<br />

ζ t dt ,<br />

2 2 2 2 2<br />

( dX) = f ( dB) + 2 fg( dB) dt + g ( dt)<br />

,<br />

2 2 2 2<br />

E[( dX) ] = E ⎡ ⎢f ( dB) + 2 fg( dB) dt + g ( dt)<br />

⎣<br />

Substituting into<br />

2 2 2<br />

= Ef [ ] E[( dB) ] + 2 EfgEdBdt [ ] [ ] + Eg [ ]( dt)<br />

<br />

2<br />

( dx) = (2 D)<br />

dt<br />

2<br />

≈ Ef [ ](2 Ddt )<br />

⎡ F 2<br />

1 F 2<br />

( )<br />

F ⎤<br />

E ∂ ∂ ∂<br />

dF − dX − dX − dt<br />

⎢ ∂X<br />

2 2<br />

∂X<br />

∂t<br />

⎥<br />

⎣<br />

⎦<br />

we have, <strong>Ito</strong>’s Formula<br />

⎡ 2<br />

F ⎧ F F 2 F<br />

⎫<br />

⎢<br />

∂ ⎪∂ ∂ ∂<br />

− − ⎨ + + ⎪<br />

⎬<br />

2<br />

0<br />

2<br />

⎤<br />

⎥⎦<br />

≈ 0,<br />

⎤<br />

E dF fdB g f D dt<br />

⎢ ∂X ∂X ∂X<br />

∂t<br />

⎥<br />

⎣ ⎪⎩ ⎪⎭<br />

⎦<br />

≈ 0 .<br />

The Formula is stated loosely, ([Oksendal], [Kuo]), dropping<br />

the Expectation operator.<br />

In particular, the Variance of the Random Process has to be<br />

infinitesimal. That is,<br />

2<br />

⎡<br />

2<br />

∂F ⎧<br />

F F 2 F ⎫<br />

E dF fdB ⎪∂ ∂ ∂<br />

g f D ⎪<br />

− − ⎨ + + ⎬dt<br />

⎢ ∂X X 2<br />

⎪∂ ∂X<br />

∂t<br />

⎣<br />

⎩<br />

⎪⎭<br />

2<br />

⎤<br />

⎥<br />

⎦<br />

≈ 0 .<br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

So far, the Formula was applied after a summation over time<br />

that generated an <strong>Integral</strong> Formula with the meaningless<br />

∂F <strong>Ito</strong> <strong>Integral</strong>, ∑ f (,) tdB (,) t<br />

∂X ζ ζ .<br />

t<br />

That <strong>Integral</strong> Formula is referred to as “The Fundamental<br />

Theorem of the Stochastic <strong>Integral</strong> Calculus”…<br />

11.2 Example of the <strong>Ito</strong> Formula<br />

Taking FX ( ( ζ, t), t) = B( ζ, t)<br />

,<br />

X(,) ζ t = B(,)<br />

ζ t ,<br />

f (,) ζ t = 1; g(,) ζ t = 0<br />

⎡ ⎧⎪ ⎫ ⎤<br />

2<br />

2 F F F<br />

2 F<br />

E ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂<br />

d( B ) − f dB − ⎪<br />

⎨ g + f D + ⎬<br />

⎪dt⎥ 0<br />

∂X ∂X 2<br />

X<br />

1 0 1<br />

∂t<br />

≈<br />

∂<br />

⎢⎣<br />

2B<br />

⎪⎩<br />

2<br />

0 ⎪⎭<br />

⎥⎦<br />

2<br />

E ⎡d( B ) 2BdB 2Ddt⎤<br />

⎢ − − ⎥ ≈ 0.<br />

⎣<br />

⎦<br />

2<br />

This leads the books to<br />

2<br />

dB ( ) = 2BdB+<br />

2Ddt<br />

which is summed up over time to yield the “Fundamental<br />

2<br />

τ=<br />

t<br />

∑<br />

etc.”, B (,) ζ t = B(, ζ τ) dB(, ζ τ) + 2( D)<br />

t.<br />

τ<br />

= 0<br />

ill-defined <strong>Ito</strong> <strong>Integral</strong><br />


<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

References<br />

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[Dan2] Dannon, H. Vic, “Infinitesimals” in <strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal<br />

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[Dan3] Dannon, H. Vic, “Infinitesimal Calculus” in <strong>Gauge</strong> Institute<br />

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[Dan4] Dannon, H. Vic, “The Delta Function” in <strong>Gauge</strong> Institute<br />

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<strong>Gauge</strong> Institute Journal,<br />

H. Vic Dannon<br />

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