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691 <strong>Final</strong> Word? [593]<br />

nations, as well as their strongest ally. It is not out of<br />

the question that we could have even declared war<br />

against them. They stood to lose far more than they<br />

could ever gain.<br />

Clearly, this argument against Mossad involvement in the conspiracy<br />

simply does not wash. As I have pointed out, time and again in <strong>Final</strong><br />

<strong>Judgment</strong>, the Mossad was insulated from exposure not only through its<br />

widespread contacts in the media, but also through its collaboration with the<br />

CIA, not to mention the very apparent effort by the Johnson administration<br />

and by the Warren Commission to keep the truth under wraps.<br />

What's more, under LBJ, Israel had a dedicated long-time ally in the<br />

White House, one who had benefited directly from JFK's assassination. So<br />

there was never any question that—if I am correct that the Mossad was<br />

involved, as I believe it was—the truth about Mossad complicity would<br />

never be exposed by any official U.S. investigation.<br />

For all his trouble, Harris ended up making history by getting sued for<br />

his attacks on other targets of his wrath. The New York Times of June 11,<br />

1999 featured a story describing how Harris had been sued for<br />

inflammatory remarks that he had directed toward another person with<br />

whom he had engaged in debate on the Internet. Yet, Harris is undaunted<br />

and continues to make his presence felt. More power to him. He'll probably<br />

be delighted to know that he's been mentioned in this new edition of <strong>Final</strong><br />

<strong>Judgment</strong>.<br />

Another of my critics, Clint Bradford—who operates what is actually a<br />

very good web site of JFK-related material—formally declared that "it is<br />

my personal opinion that your book is 'anti-Jewish hate prose'" on a<br />

posting on March 16, 1999. Bradford preferred to call me a bigot rather than<br />

to address any of the specific allegations made in <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Judgment</strong>.<br />


Another rather colorful Internet news group participant, John<br />

Bevilaqua, came up with the remarkable accusation that the building on<br />

Capitol Hill in which my publisher's office is located was the headquarters<br />

of the German-American Bund during World War II.<br />

In fact, the building was owned by a Chinese-American businessman at<br />

the time, but Bevilaqua's allegations do reflect the nature of the effort to<br />

repudiate my thesis through the contorted process of guilt by association,<br />

although, in this case, there was no such association!<br />

Bevilaqua also spent much energy trying to suggest that <strong>Final</strong><br />

<strong>Judgment</strong> was a modern-day manifestation of the statement made by a<br />

Georgia man, Joseph Milteer, to a police informant, Willie Somersett, that<br />

in the days following the JFK assassination an "international underground"<br />

of which Milteer claimed to be a part would orchestrate "a propaganda<br />

campaign" to "prove to the Christian people of the world" that "the Zionist<br />

Jews had murdered Kennedy."

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