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635 Questions & Answers [539]<br />

After all, Oswald was a former U.S. Marine who had ostensibly<br />

"defected" to the Soviet Union—not a common venture, by any means. So<br />

obviously the CIA would have had an interest in Oswald–whether he was a<br />

genuine defector at the time or not. And if Oswald's defection was genuine,<br />

it is entirely conceivable that he did a turn-about and then went to work for<br />

the CIA rather than against it.<br />

So as much as I am sorry to say, I don't think that John Newman has<br />

contributed anything substantial in his new book. Everything he's told us<br />

we've already known about for years. People have been arguing for years<br />

that Oswald was recruited as a Marine to work for the CIA. And there are<br />

those who say that he was not actually recruited as a phony "defector" by<br />

the CIA but instead by the Office of Naval Intelligence. Then again, it's<br />

entirely possible that he was working for some other secret government<br />

agency that was running agents into the USSR.<br />

Was Oswald an FBI contract operative of some sort? Because of<br />

Oswald's profile as a "defector"—whether genuine or not—it is no surprise<br />

that the FBI would have an interest in Oswald. If Oswald was a CIAsponsored<br />

"defector" the FBI might not necessarily have known that and<br />

may have believed that Oswald was "the real thing," so to speak, and upon<br />

his return may have put him under surveillance for that very reason. And if<br />

Oswald had been a genuine defector who ultimately recanted upon his<br />

return to the United States, it is possible that he volunteered his services to<br />

the FBI or was actually recruited by the bureau.<br />

Shortly after the assassination a story circulated that Oswald may have<br />

been on the FBI's payroll as an informant, but there's a good deal of<br />

evidence to suggest that this story simply isn't true at all. However, if the<br />

story isn't true it has still taken on a life of its own and frequently pops up<br />

in literature about the JFK assassination.<br />

The very fact that Oswald was working for Guy Banister in New<br />

Orleans does put him in the FBI's sphere of influence, inasmuch as Banister<br />

was a long-time high-ranking FBI official. The Banister connection also<br />

puts Oswald in the CIA's sphere of influence, not to mention that of Naval<br />

Intelligence (ONI), inasmuch as Banister was also not only a CIA contract<br />

operative, but, additionally, formerly with the ONI.<br />

There have been those who have suggested that perhaps Oswald was<br />

even working as a Treasury Department informant, investigating the interstate<br />

sales of firearms. There have been some who have devoted a great deal<br />

of research to this topic.<br />

My own inclination is that the CIA connection (through Banister) is the<br />

area that we need to focus on and I will discuss that further in a moment.<br />

However, it is likely that if Oswald's work for Banister was being<br />

coordinated by the CIA, Oswald himself didn't know it.<br />

Ultimately what we find is that Oswald was operating in many spheres<br />

of influence and for that reason alone he was an ideal patsy since he could<br />

be pinned to any or all of the different groups which then, in turn, would<br />

have reason to want to cover-up their association with an alleged<br />

presidential assassin.

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