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506 Quid Pro Quo? [409]<br />

patiently collecting all available information in a legitimate manner from<br />

scientific journals and conferences and analyzing the results.<br />

"These tactics," Deacon noted, "[enabled] the Chinese to catch up with<br />

the Western World to the extent of now possessing a powerful nuclear<br />

deterrent. Israel's ability to produce such a weapon," Deacon added, writing<br />

in 1977, "is now undoubted." 1019<br />

In fact, as Deacon pointed out, nuclear bomb production has indeed<br />

been a major part of the covert relationship between Israel and Red China,<br />

conducted through their respective intelligence agencies—although this is a<br />

critical point that has otherwise been carefully suppressed.<br />

According to Deacon: "[Nuclear bomb production] has been one of the<br />

spheres in which the Israelis and the Chinese have actually helped one<br />

another—not officially, but discreetly through Secret Service channels. The<br />

`third party intermediaries' involved in such deals have sometimes been<br />

non-Israeli Jews working for the Chinese and occasionally even<br />

1020<br />

Albanians."' What Deacon pointed out further is of equal<br />

significance: "This is a subject rarely touched upon by any writers on Middle<br />

East affairs, but such closely guarded contacts as the two Secret Services<br />

maintain have bonuses to both sides. On balance the Chinese may have<br />

gained most from these relatively low-key and cautious exchanges." 1021<br />

This covert nuclear relationship between Red China and Israel was one<br />

that cemented the ties between the two nations, so much so that they<br />

increasingly began cooperating in other spheres—and gradually moving<br />

toward open acknowledgment of their long-standing behind-the-scenes<br />

contacts through their two intelligence agencies.<br />


It was following Israel's role in the conspiracy that removed John F.<br />

Kennedy from the presidency and saved China's nuclear bomb development<br />

facilities from destruction by American forces, that the Chinese actually<br />

began engaging in intrigue against their former Arab ally, Nasser of Egypt.<br />

According to Deacon, writing of the Chinese: "In 1965 they were<br />

foolish enough to allow themselves to be implicated in an Arab Communist<br />

plot to assassinate [Nasser] and the Chinese Ambassador had to leave the<br />

country after the Egyptian police found links between the plotters and the<br />

head of the New China News Agency who was reported to have helped<br />

finance the coup. " 1022<br />

Deacon noted that, "The Israelis have always been quick to note<br />

dissensions in the Arab ranks and the Mossad has more than once exploited<br />

these." 1023 It is thus apparent that China's role in the conspiracy against<br />

Nasser was clearly working on behalf of its secret Mossad ally.<br />

What' s more, as Deacon pointed out, "It was partly through<br />

intelligence leaked to the Chinese and some Iraqis that Iraq cut its links with<br />

the KGB and quarreled with the pro-Soviet government of Syria." 1024

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