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478 ”Deep Throat” [381]<br />

New York Times columnist William Safire as having said that for "the first<br />

time, a candidate for President has delivered a major address which he knew<br />

would disturb and dismay every American supporter of Israel." 986<br />

Rackman commented: "This is true. But does not this observation<br />

signify more than it says? Does it not mean that in Connally we have, for<br />

the first time, a candidate who in no uncertain terms is telling the American<br />

people that he does not want the support of Jews and that he wants to prove<br />

that one can be elected president without Jewish support.<br />

"Furthermore, does it not mean that at long last we have a candidate who<br />

hopes to get elected by mobilizing support from all who share his total disregard<br />

of how Jews feel about him and is this not an invitation to all anti-Semites to<br />

rally behind him? I am generally not an alarmist but nothing in American<br />

politics in recent years so disturbed me as Connally's subtle communication to<br />

Jews that they can `go to the devil.' Even the Nixon tapes were not so upsetting.<br />

"The American Jewish community must be alerted. If only we had<br />

stopped Hitler early enough, millions of Jews would still be alive. And<br />

Connally must be stopped at all costs. He must not even get near the<br />

nomination! He must be destroyed, at least politically, as soon as possible.<br />

It is sufficiently early to make Connally look ridiculous and destroy him<br />

politically without bloodshed.<br />

"Perhaps I am overreacting," said Rackman. "But if I have learned<br />

anything especially from the rabbinic view of Biblical history it is that we<br />

are less fearful and more forgiving of enemies who at least accord us a<br />

modicum of respect than we are of enemies who treat us with disdain, with<br />

contempt. That makes Arafat more acceptable than Connally." 987<br />

Rackman compared Connally with Amalek, another foe of the Jewish<br />

people: "'Remember Amalek,' we are told. 'Don't forget.' Eradicate him<br />

from the face of the earth. Simply because Amalek had no respect for us. He<br />

encountered us in his path and casually sought to exterminate us as vermin.<br />

It is my fervent prayer," said this Jewish religious leader, "that American<br />

Jewry will not minimize the importance of the challenge they have been<br />

given and will act speedily and with devastating effectiveness." 988<br />

John Connally was not eradicated as Rackman urged. But his political<br />

career came to a halt after the major media began a campaign against him.<br />

However, when John Connally died in 1993, the doctors said that<br />

Connally's fatal lung condition was a direct outgrowth of the chest wounds<br />

that he had received in the shooting in Dallas on November 22, 1963. So<br />

ultimately, in the end, John Connally did prove to be yet another victim of<br />

Israel—as much as if he had died on the same day as John F. Kennedy.<br />


But this isn't the end of it. There was yet another media-orchestrated<br />

political assassination—with covert intelligence connections—that has its

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