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Operation Haman?<br />

The Theory That Works.<br />

A Summary<br />

"Conspired All of Them Together." Nehemiah 4:8<br />

T he State o f I sra el h a d i nt egra l li n ks w it h a ll o f t he<br />

major power groups that wanted John F. Kennedy removed<br />

from the American presidency.<br />

Israel's global network had the power to orchestrate not<br />

only the assassination of Kennedy, but also the subsequent<br />

cover-up. Israel was indeed a key player in the JFK<br />

assassination conspiracy and, the evidence suggests, a<br />

primary instigator of the crime.<br />

All of Israel's co-conspirators—and those who had an<br />

interest in seeing Kennedy dead—had good reason to assist in<br />

the cover-up. They were protecting their own interests.<br />

By 1963, John F. Kennedy had made many enemies. His brother<br />

Attorney General Robert Kennedy's prosecutions of Mafia and Meyer<br />

Lansky-bossed Organized Crime figures had many in the crime syndicate<br />

very angry, to say the least. The early stages for the prosecution of Meyer<br />

Lansky himself were already underway. A case had already been made<br />

against Lansky's New Orleans front man Carlos Marcello. Lansky's West<br />

Coast henchman Mickey Cohen had been targeted as well.<br />


Lansky was the ultimate target: the enmity between the Kennedy family<br />

and Meyer Lansky went back decades. Not only was the President's father,<br />

Joseph P. Kennedy considered an enemy of the Jewish people, but he was<br />

also believed by Lansky to hold a grudge against him (Lansky) because of a<br />

Lansky-orchestrated hijacking of one of Kennedy Sr.'s illicit whiskeyrunning<br />

deals. Considering John F. Kennedy's secret alliance with the mob<br />

during the 1960 campaign, his war against Lansky's underworld syndicate<br />

was a double-cross that could not be tolerated.<br />


The president was also planning to drop his Vice President, Lyndon<br />

Johnson, from the 1964 ticket. It was possible that Johnson—long<br />

financed politically by Lansky and his New Orleans Mafia henchman,<br />

Carlos Marcello—could end up spending the remainder of his years in<br />

prison. The Kennedy brothers were interested in Johnson's deals conducted

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