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308 Double Cross in Dallas? [247]<br />

Incredibly, the French connections come full circle. It was the CIA's<br />

QJ/WIN who used his influence to secure the release of one Thomas Eli<br />

Davis III from a Moroccan jail after Davis was arrested in North Africa for<br />

supplying arms to the OAS. And it was Jack Ruby (who killed Lee<br />

Harvey Oswald) who mentioned to his lawyers his connection with Davis.<br />

681<br />

Ruby said that he and Davis had run guns and jeeps to Cuba.<br />


That Charles DeGaulle would have had an interest in getting to the<br />

bottom of the JFK assassination is evident, inasmuch as there were multiple<br />

French connections to key players in the conspiracy.<br />

DeGaulle clearly discovered that elements of French intelligence and/or<br />

agents of his sworn enemies in the OAS had been brought into the JFK<br />

assassination conspiracy by the Mossad.<br />

It seems apparent that one or more of the French assassins who played a<br />

role in the events in Dallas were recruited by the Mossad through its allies<br />

within DeGaulle's intelligence service.<br />

In addition, those in the CIA-connected New Orleans faction of the<br />

assassination conspiracy—those framing Lee Harvey Oswald as a pro-Castro<br />

agitator—were tied directly the OAS network and the Mossad's Permindex<br />

operation that had conspired against DeGaulle.<br />

And at CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia there was the Mossad's<br />

devoted friend and longtime associate of top SDECE officials, James J.<br />

Angleton, engaged in intrigue that clearly points to his own involvement in<br />

the conspiracy and the subsequent cover-up.<br />

Even the CIA's E. Howard Hunt was tied directly to the French<br />

connection as CIA liaison to the OAS. In the end, Hunt's apparent visit to<br />

Dallas just prior to the assassination—evidently at Angleton's<br />

orders—where he met with longtime Mossad asset Frank Sturgis, put Hunt<br />

squarely in the middle of the intrigue. The later attempt to publicly link<br />

Hunt to the assassination reaches directly back to Angleton.<br />

These details, taken together with all that we have<br />

examined in the pages of <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Judgment</strong>, explain the socalled<br />

"French connection" to the JFK assassination,<br />

although, as we have seen, the origin of the conspiracy to<br />

kill the American president was not, in fact, French.<br />

There were, very clearly, many, many people involved in the periphery<br />

of the assassination conspiracy—whether as active conspirators or not.<br />

French President DeGaulle had a direct interest in finding out how his own<br />

intelligence service and/or individuals connected thereto had been<br />

manipulated by the Mossad and a direct interest in covering it up.<br />


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