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194 Little Man’s Little Man [133]<br />

Harvey Oswald, was being set up as the patsy. (In Chapter 11, Chapter 14,<br />

Chapter 15 and Chapter 16 we shall examine that aspect of the JFK<br />

assassination conspiracy further.)<br />

Without question, New Orleans and the Marcello fiefdom were an<br />

integral part of the Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate. But to suggest that<br />

Marcello was the driving force behind the JFK assassination conspiracy is to<br />

ignore the whole picture.<br />


As a passing historical note, it is probably appropriate to refer to the<br />

demise of Huey Long and the role that Lansky and his associates played in<br />

that important political event.<br />

By 1935, Long had been elected to the Senate and had risen to national<br />

prominence. In fact, Long was generally considered a major threat to<br />

Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 1936 re-election chances. Long had made it<br />

clear that if he didn't run as a Democrat—or as a third party candidate—in<br />

1936, he certainly intended to play a major part in that election, and not on<br />

FDR's side.<br />

This, obviously, was of major concern to FDR. Thus, a Justice<br />

Department investigation of Long and his finances was unleashed. Such an<br />

inquiry was dredging up Long's tangled financial arrangements and<br />

threatened to break the back of the very profitable machine that Long had<br />

assembled. There were more than a few Louisiana political figures and Long<br />

associates who were frightened of their impending demise alongside Long at<br />

the hands of federal prosecutors.<br />

As Messick notes—and this is ironic—it was in a Dallas, Texas hotel<br />

room that the federal authorities made the decision to indict Long. The<br />

colorful Louisiana Senator was shot that same day by a "lone assassin" who<br />

was himself promptly shot to pieces by Long's bodyguards.<br />

To this day there are myriad conspiracy theories relating to Long's<br />

murder. Some say that the alleged assassin never fired a shot—instead, that<br />

he swung a punch at Long and that the "murder weapon" was planted on the<br />

scene afterward by the bodyguards who wanted to cover up the fact that it<br />

was one of them who accidentally shot Long when firing at his assailant.<br />

There are those, however, who say that Long was, in fact, deliberately shot<br />

by one of his bodyguards.<br />

The Giancana family, in their biography of the Chicago Mafia boss,<br />

say that Sam Giancana later claimed that "Some of our friends in New York<br />

had him hit—worked it out with a New Orleans [Mafia] boss. They figured<br />

it out so it would look like a loony did it." 360<br />

The real truth may never be known. Whatever the case, Long died in the<br />

hospital some hours after the shooting. What we do know is that Long's<br />

death removed from the scene a major threat not only to the Roosevelt<br />

administration, but to the Long machine which relied so heavily on the<br />

Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate. With Long out of the picture, the

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