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164 Thick as Thieves [103]<br />

Lansky's European money laundering operation based at Mossad officer<br />

Tibor Rosenbaum's Banque de Credit International (first examined in<br />

Chapter 7).<br />


At the tender age of 27, Angleton—then stationed in Rome—was the<br />

youngest counterintelligence branch chief in the entire OSS and the only<br />

non-Briton in Italy cleared to share intelligence secrets of the top-secret Ultra<br />

program which was cracking Nazi codes. Italy, indeed, became a central<br />

point of contact for Angleton and his international intelligence connections,<br />

and particularly for his work on behalf of the state of Israel.<br />

By 1951 Angleton was engaged in "the underground Jewish network<br />

that ran down from Eastern Europe through Italy to the ports where<br />

shiploads of immigrants were loaded for Palestine." 285 It was this refugee<br />

network, according to Richard Deacon, writing in The Israeli Secret Service,<br />

a history of the Mossad, that was "paving the way for an ultimate<br />

intelligence network for the future state of Israel. " 286<br />

One of Angleton's Israeli contacts in the Jewish underground in Europe was<br />

Teddy Kollek (later to become mayor of Jerusalem). Kollek, in fact, emerged<br />

to become "a close personal friend." 287 Kollek, as we saw in Chapter 7,<br />

was the Haganah station chief in New York during the 1947-1948 period,<br />

engaged in arms smuggling to Palestine in conjunction with Meyer Lansky<br />

and Major Louis M. Bloomfield—whom we shall see in Chapter 15, was<br />

associated with not only the aforementioned Clay Shaw, but also with<br />

Tibor Rosenbaum's Banque De Credit International.<br />


But there is an even more pivotal contact between Angleton, Major<br />

Bloomfield, Shaw and Lansky: the same Tibor Rosenbaum. In Chapter 7<br />

we met Rabbi Tibor Rosenbaum of the Banque De Credit International. It<br />

was Rosenbaum, who went on to serve as Director General for Finance and<br />

Supply for the Mossad, who was one of the prime movers in the refugeeturned-intelligence<br />

network with which Angleton worked so closely.<br />

It was also during this same period that the terrorist Menachem Begin<br />

(who later became prime minister of Israel) was coordinating Israel's Irgun<br />

operations in Europe. In Chapter 13, we shall find, Begin was also<br />

operating in the United States in conjunction with a key figure in the<br />

Lansky Crime Syndicate in joint efforts on behalf of Israel—and against<br />

John F. Kennedy.<br />


Angleton's connections with the Lansky operations, however, go even<br />

deeper. It was through a secret CIA asset, one Jay Lovestone, that Angleton<br />

manipulated what his biographer called "an odd little operation that

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