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CHAPTER XIX 94 among them a change of curates, so I took new hope and made another attempt to the end that the children should not lose all their time and should, in so far as possible, get some benefit from the floggings, that such things might at least have some good result for them. I pondered over the matter, as I wished that even if they could not love me, by getting something useful from me, they might remember me with less bitterness. You know that in nearly all the schools the books are in Spanish, with the exception of the catechism in Tagalog, which varies according to the religious order to which the curate belongs. These books are generally novenas, canticles, and the Catechism of Padre Astete, [65] from which they learn about as much piety as they would from the books of heretics. Seeing the impossibility of teaching the pupils in Spanish or of translating so many books, I tried to substitute short passages from useful works in Tagalog, such as the Treatise on Manners by Hortensio y Feliza, some manuals of Agriculture, and so forth. Sometimes I would myself translate simple works, such as Padre Barranera's History of the Philippines, which I then dictated to the children, with at times a few observations of my own, so that they might make note-books. As I had no maps for teaching geography, I copied one of the province that I saw at the capital and with this and the tiles of the floor I gave them some idea of the country. This time it was the women who got excited. The men contented themselves with smiling, as they saw in it only one of my vagaries. The new curate sent for me, and while he did not reprimand me, yet he said that I should first take care of religion, that before learning such things the children must pass an examination to show that they had memorized the mysteries, the canticles, and the catechism of Christian Doctrine. "So then, I am now working to the end that the children become changed into parrots and know by heart so many things of which they do not understand a single word. Many of them now know the mysteries and the canticles, but I fear that my efforts will come to grief with the Catechism of Padre Astete, since the greater part of the pupils do not distinguish between the questions and the answers, nor do they understand what either may mean. Thus we shall die, thus those unborn will do, while in Europe they will talk of progress." "Let's not be so pessimistic," said Ibarra. "The teniente-mayor has sent me an invitation to attend a meeting in the town hall. Who knows but that there you may find an answer to your questions?" The schoolmaster shook his head in doubt as he answered: "You'll see how the plan of which they talked to me meets the same fate as mine has. But yet, let us see!"

CHAPTER XX 95 CHAPTER XX The Meeting in the Town Hall The hall was about twelve to fifteen meters long by eight to ten wide. Its whitewashed walls were covered with drawings in charcoal, more or less ugly and obscene, with inscriptions to complete their meanings. Stacked neatly against the wall in one corner were to be seen about a dozen old flint-locks among rusty swords and talibons, the armament of the cuadrilleros. [66] At one end of the hall there hung, half hidden by soiled red curtains, a picture of his Majesty, the King of Spain. Underneath this picture, upon a wooden platform, an old chair spread out its broken arms. In front of the chair was a wooden table spotted with ink stains and whittled and carved with inscriptions and initials like the tables in the German taverns frequented by students. Benches and broken chairs completed the furniture. This is the hall of council, of judgment, and of torture, wherein are now gathered the officials of the town and its dependent villages. The faction of old men does not mix with that of the youths, for they are mutually hostile. They represent respectively the conservative and the liberal parties, save that their disputes assume in the towns an extreme character. "The conduct of the gobernadorcillo fills me with distrust," Don Filipo, the teniente-mayor and leader of the liberal faction, was saying to his friends. "It was a deep-laid scheme, this thing of putting off the discussion of expenses until the eleventh hour. Remember that we have scarcely eleven days left." "And he has staved at the convento to hold a conference with the curate, who is sick," observed one of the youths. "It doesn't matter," remarked another. "We have everything prepared. Just so the plan of the old men doesn't receive a majority--" "I don't believe it will," interrupted Don Filipo, "as I shall present the plan of the old men myself!" "What! What are you saying?" asked his surprised hearers. "I said that if I speak first I shall present the plan of our rivals." "But what about our plan?" "I shall leave it to you to present ours," answered Don Filipo with a smile, turning toward a youthful cabeza de barangay. [67] "You will propose it after I have been defeated." "We don't understand you, sir," said his hearers, staring at him with doubtful looks. "Listen," continued the liberal leader in a low voice to several near him. "This morning I met old Tasio and the old man said to me: 'Your rivals hate you more than they do your ideas. Do you wish that a thing shall not be done? Then propose it yourself, and though it were more useful than a miter, it would be rejected. Once they have defeated you, have the least forward person in the whole gathering propose what you want, and your rivals, in order to humiliate you, will accept it.' But keep quiet about it." "But--" "So I will propose the plan of our rivals and exaggerate it to the point of making it ridiculous. Ah, here come Señor Ibarra and the schoolmaster."

CHAPTER XIX 94<br />

among them a change of curates, so I took new hope and made another attempt to the end that the children<br />

should not lose all their time and should, in so far as possible, get some benefit from the floggings, that such<br />

things might at least have some good result for them. I pondered over the matter, as I wished that even if they<br />

could not love me, <strong>by</strong> getting something useful from me, they might remember me with less bitterness. You<br />

know that in nearly all the schools the books are in Spanish, with the exception of the catechism in Tagalog,<br />

which varies according to the religious order to which the curate belongs. <strong>The</strong>se books are generally novenas,<br />

canticles, and the Catechism of Padre Astete, [65] from which they learn about as much piety as they would<br />

from the books of heretics. Seeing the impossibility of teaching the pupils in Spanish or of translating so many<br />

books, I tried to substitute short passages from useful works in Tagalog, such as the Treatise on Manners <strong>by</strong><br />

Hortensio y Feliza, some manuals of Agriculture, and so forth. Sometimes I would myself translate simple<br />

works, such as Padre Barranera's History of the Philippines, which I then dictated to the children, with at<br />

times a few observations of my own, so that they might make note-books. As I had no maps for teaching<br />

geography, I copied one of the province that I saw at the capital and with this and the tiles of the floor I gave<br />

them some idea of the country. This time it was the women who got excited. <strong>The</strong> men contented themselves<br />

with smiling, as they saw in it only one of my vagaries. <strong>The</strong> new curate sent for me, and while he did not<br />

reprimand me, yet he said that I should first take care of religion, that before learning such things the children<br />

must pass an examination to show that they had memorized the mysteries, the canticles, and the catechism of<br />

Christian Doctrine.<br />

"So then, I am now working to the end that the children become changed into parrots and know <strong>by</strong> heart so<br />

many things of which they do not understand a single word. Many of them now know the mysteries and the<br />

canticles, but I fear that my efforts will come to grief with the Catechism of Padre Astete, since the greater<br />

part of the pupils do not distinguish between the questions and the answers, nor do they understand what<br />

either may mean. Thus we shall die, thus those unborn will do, while in Europe they will talk of progress."<br />

"Let's not be so pessimistic," said Ibarra. "<strong>The</strong> teniente-mayor has sent me an invitation to attend a meeting in<br />

the town hall. Who knows but that there you may find an answer to your questions?"<br />

<strong>The</strong> schoolmaster shook his head in doubt as he answered: "You'll see how the plan of which they talked to<br />

me meets the same fate as mine has. But yet, let us see!"

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