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CHAPTER LXII 286<br />


Padre Damaso Explains<br />

Vainly were the rich wedding presents heaped upon a table; neither the diamonds in their cases of blue velvet,<br />

nor the piña embroideries, nor the rolls of silk, drew the gaze of Maria Clara. Without reading or even seeing<br />

it the maiden sat staring at the newspaper which gave an account of the death of Ibarra, drowned in the lake.<br />

Suddenly she felt two hands placed over her eyes to hold her fast and heard Padre Damaso's voice ask merrily,<br />

"Who am I? Who am I?"<br />

Maria Clara sprang from her seat and gazed at him in terror.<br />

"Foolish little girl, you're not afraid, are you? You weren't expecting me, eh? Well, I've come in from the<br />

provinces to attend your wedding."<br />

He smiled with satisfaction as he drew nearer to her and held out his hand for her to kiss. Maria Clara<br />

approached him tremblingly and touched his hand respectfully to her lips.<br />

"What's the matter with you, Maria?" asked the Franciscan, losing his merry smile and becoming uneasy.<br />

"Your hand is cold, you're pale. Are you ill, little girl?"<br />

Padre Damaso drew her toward himself with a tenderness that one would hardly have thought him capable of,<br />

and catching both her hands in his questioned her with his gaze.<br />

"Don't you have confidence in your godfather any more?" he asked reproachfully. "Come, sit down and tell<br />

me your little troubles as you used to do when you were a child, when you wanted tapers to make wax dolls,<br />

You know that I've always loved you, I've never been cross with you."<br />

His voice was now no longer brusque, and even became tenderly modulated. Maria Clara began to weep.<br />

"You're crying, little girl? Why do you cry? Have you quarreled with Linares?"<br />

Maria Clara covered her ears. "Don't speak of him not now!" she cried.<br />

Padre Damaso gazed at her in startled wonder.<br />

"Won't you trust me with your secrets? Haven't I always tried to satisfy your lightest whim?"<br />

<strong>The</strong> maiden raised eyes filled with tears and stared at him for a long time, then again fell to weeping bitterly.<br />

"Don't cry so, little girl. Your tears hurt me. Tell me your troubles, and you'll see how your godfather loves<br />

you!"<br />

Maria Clara approached him slowly, fell upon her knees, and raising her tear-stained face toward his asked in<br />

a low, scarcely audible tone, "Do you still love me?"<br />

"Child!"<br />

"<strong>The</strong>n, protect my father and break off my marriage!" Here the maiden told of her last interview with Ibarra,<br />

concealing only her knowledge of the secret of her birth. Padre Damaso could scarcely credit his ears.

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