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CHAPTER L 232<br />

her. One day she disappeared, and it was in vain that I sought everywhere, in vain I made inquiries about her.<br />

About six months afterwards I learned that about that time, after a flood on the lake, there had been found in<br />

some rice fields bordering on the beach at Kalamba, the corpse of a young woman who had been either<br />

drowned or murdered, for she had had, so they said, a knife sticking in her breast. <strong>The</strong> officials of that town<br />

published the fact in the country round about, but no one came to claim the body, no young woman apparently<br />

had disappeared. From the description they gave me afterward of her dress, her ornaments, the beauty of her<br />

countenance, and her abundant hair, I recognized in her my poor sister.<br />

"Since then I have wandered from province to province. My reputation and my history are in the mouths of<br />

many. <strong>The</strong>y attribute great deeds to me, sometimes calumniating me, but I pay little attention to men, keeping<br />

ever on my way. Such in brief is my story, a story of one of the judgments of men."<br />

Elias fell silent as he rowed along.<br />

"I still believe that you are not wrong," murmured Crisostomo in a low voice, "when you say that justice<br />

should seek to do good <strong>by</strong> rewarding virtue and educating the criminals. Only, it's impossible, Utopian! And<br />

where could be secured so much money, so many new employees?"<br />

"For what, then, are the priests who proclaim their mission of peace and charity? Is it more meritorious to<br />

moisten the head of a child with water, to give it salt to eat, than to awake in the benighted conscience of a<br />

criminal that spark which God has granted to every man to light him to his welfare? Is it more humane to<br />

accompany a criminal to the scaffold than to lead him along the difficult path from vice to virtue? Don't they<br />

also pay spies, executioners, civil-guards? <strong>The</strong>se things, besides being dirty, also cost money."<br />

"My friend, neither you nor I, although we may wish it, can accomplish this."<br />

"Alone, it is true, we are nothing, but take up the cause of the people, unite yourself with the people, be not<br />

heedless of their cries, set an example to the rest, spread the idea of what is called a fatherland!"<br />

"What the people ask for is impossible. We must wait."<br />

"Wait! To wait means to suffer!"<br />

"If I should ask for it, the powers that be would laugh at me."<br />

"But if the people supported you?"<br />

"Never! I will never be the one to lead the multitude to get <strong>by</strong> force what the government does not think<br />

proper to grant, no! If I should ever see that multitude armed I would place myself on the side of the<br />

government, for in such a mob I should not see my countrymen. I desire the country's welfare, therefore I<br />

would build a schoolhouse. I seek it <strong>by</strong> means of instruction, <strong>by</strong> progressive advancement; without light there<br />

is no road."<br />

"Neither is there liberty without strife!" answered Elias.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> fact is that I don't want that liberty!"<br />

"<strong>The</strong> fact is that without liberty there is no light," replied the pilot with warmth. "You say that you are only<br />

slightly acquainted with your country, and I believe you. You don't see the struggle that is preparing, you don't<br />

see the cloud on the horizon. <strong>The</strong> fight is beginning in the sphere of ideas, to descend later into the arena,<br />

which will be dyed with blood. I hear the voice of God--woe unto them who would oppose it! For them<br />

History has not been written!"

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