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Tasio, the Sage, who was walking about there thoughtfully, murmured: "Perchance some day when this<br />

edifice, which is today begun, has grown old and after many vicissitudes has fallen into ruins, either from the<br />

visitations of Nature or the destructive hand of man, and above the ruins grow the ivy and the moss,--then<br />

when Time has destroyed the moss and ivy, and scattered the ashes of the ruins themselves to the winds,<br />

wiping from the pages of History the recollection of it and of those who destroyed it, long since lost from the<br />

memory of man: perchance when the races have been buried in their mantle of earth or have disappeared, only<br />

<strong>by</strong> accident the pick of some miner striking a spark from this rock will dig up mysteries and enigmas from the<br />

depths of the soil. Perchance the learned men of the nation that dwells in these regions will labor, as do the<br />

present Egyptologists, with the remains of a great civilization which occupied itself with eternity, little<br />

dreaming that upon it was descending so long a night. Perchance some learned professor will say to his<br />

students of five or six years of age, in a language spoken <strong>by</strong> all mankind, 'Gentlemen, after studying and<br />

examining carefully the objects found in the depths of our soil, after deciphering some symbols and<br />

translating a few words, we can without the shadow of a doubt conclude that these objects belonged to the<br />

barbaric age of man, to that obscure era which we are accustomed to speak of as fabulous. In short,<br />

gentlemen, in order that you may form an approximate idea of the backwardness of our ancestors, it will be<br />

sufficient that I point out to you the fact that those who lived here not only recognized kings, but also for the<br />

purpose of settling questions of local government they had to go to the other side of the earth, just as if we<br />

should say that a body in order to move itself would need to consult a head existing in another part of the<br />

globe, perhaps in regions now sunk under the waves. This incredible defect, however improbable it may seem<br />

to us now, must have existed, if we take into consideration the circumstances surrounding those beings, whom<br />

I scarcely dare to call human! In those primitive times men were still (or at least so they believed) in direct<br />

communication with their Creator, since they had ministers from Him, beings different from the rest,<br />

designated always with the mysterious letters "M. R. P.", [93] concerning the meaning of which our learned<br />

men do not agree. According to the professor of languages whom we have here, rather mediocre, since he<br />

does not speak more than a hundred of the imperfect languages of the past, "M. R. P." may signify "Muy Rico<br />

Propietario." [94] <strong>The</strong>se ministers were a species of demigods, very virtuous and enlightened, and were very<br />

eloquent orators, who, in spite of their great power and prestige, never committed the slightest fault, which<br />

fact strengthens my belief in supposing that they were of a nature distinct from the rest. If this were not<br />

sufficient to sustain my belief, there yet remains the argument, disputed <strong>by</strong> no one and day <strong>by</strong> day confirmed,<br />

that these mysterious beings could make God descend to earth merely <strong>by</strong> saying a few words, that God could<br />

speak only through their mouths, that they ate His flesh and drank His blood, and even at times allowed the<br />

common folk to do the same.'"<br />

<strong>The</strong>se and other opinions the skeptical Sage put into the mouths of all the corrupt men of the future. Perhaps,<br />

as may easily be the case, old Tasio was mistaken, but we must return to our story.<br />

In the kiosks which we saw two days ago occupied <strong>by</strong> the schoolmaster and his pupils, there was now spread<br />

out a toothsome and abundant meal. Noteworthy is the fact that on the table prepared for the school children<br />

there was not a single bottle of wine but an abundance of fruits. In the arbors joining the two kiosks were the<br />

seats for the musicians and a table covered with sweetmeats and confections, with bottles of water for the<br />

thirsty public, all decorated with leaves and flowers. <strong>The</strong> schoolmaster had erected near <strong>by</strong> a greased pole and<br />

hurdles, and had hung up pots and pans for a number of games.<br />

<strong>The</strong> crowd, resplendent in bright-colored garments, gathered as people fled from the burning sun, some into<br />

the shade of the trees, others under the arbor. <strong>The</strong> boys climbed up into the branches or on the stones in order<br />

to see the ceremony better, making up in this way for their short stature. <strong>The</strong>y looked with envy at the clean<br />

and well-dressed school children, who occupied a place especially assigned to them and whose parents were<br />

overjoyed, as they, poor country folk, would see their children eat from a white tablecloth, almost the same as<br />

the curate or the alcalde. Thinking of this alone was enough to drive away hunger, and such an event would be<br />

recounted from father to son.<br />

Soon were heard the distant strains of the band, which was preceded <strong>by</strong> a motley throng made up of persons

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