Boonton Township School District

Boonton Township School District

Boonton Township School District


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Student Records and Progress Reports<br />

Parents may request to see the contents of their child's records at any time and may submit a challenge<br />

to any of the material contained within. Pupil record information is available to employers and educational<br />

institutions at parental request or for research, guidance, social work or State personnel with the approval<br />

of the Board of Education and notification of parents.<br />

All students in grades K-8 receive written report cards four times year. In addition, teachers in Grades 4-8<br />

are encouraged to issue mid-marking period student progress reports at least twice a year to indicate to<br />

parents a child's strengths and areas needing improvement. If a student is doing poorly in a subject area,<br />

these mid-marking period notices may also indicate that the teacher is requesting a parent conference.<br />

When you experience a problem with your child and it involves the teacher, please speak to that teacher<br />

by arranging a conference. If this does not resolve your problem, call the Assistant Principal or the<br />

Superintendent/Principal. Individuals on the Board of Education should not be contacted about school<br />

problems unless the regular chain of command has been completed. (Board members are not “official”<br />

until they are seated with the board at a regular meeting.) In fairness to everyone, the teacher should be<br />

given the courtesy of hearing a complaint firsthand.<br />

Honor Roll<br />

Students in Grades 5-8 participate and are eligible for earning Honor Roll and High Honor Roll status with<br />

each marking period. To earn Honor Roll a student must have all A’s and B’s. To earn High Honor Roll a<br />

student must have all A’s. Students who maintain honor roll status consecutively for all four years will<br />

receive the Scholastic Excellence Award from the Home and <strong>School</strong> Association and will wear a gold<br />

tassel on their cap at their 8 th Grade graduation. Their names will be placed on an award plaque, which is<br />

exhibited on the wall by the school library.<br />

Extra Help/Make Up Work<br />

Teachers will announce their availability for extra help and assistance before and after school hours. The<br />

student must initiate appointments for this service. In this manner, your child can make up work, obtain<br />

extra help, use the library, and prepare for future assignments.<br />

Homework Policy<br />

Homework, which is properly designed, carefully planned, and geared to the development of the<br />

individual pupils, meets a real need in the educational process. It shall be assigned to help the pupil<br />

become more self-reliant, learn to work independently, improve the skills that have been taught, and<br />

complete certain projects such as book reports and research papers. Home study assignments shall also<br />

afford a way for parents/guardians to acquaint themselves with the school program and their children's<br />

educational progress. Teachers should inform parents/guardians when assignments are not being turned<br />

in.<br />

The following is a list of recommended nightly homework times for each grade level:<br />

Grades 1 & 2 15 - 30 minutes<br />

Grade 3 20 - 40 minutes<br />

Grades 4 & 5 30 - 50 minutes<br />

Grades 6, 7 & 8 45 minutes - 2 hours<br />

These times do not include long-term assignments and projects, such as book reports, etc. The length of<br />

the project should be developmentally appropriate for the age of the students. Although, on a<br />

few occasions during the school year, homework time may exceed the suggested time, this should not<br />

occur on a regular basis. It is also recommended that teachers assign some recreational reading and<br />

writing as part of homework.<br />

Due to individual differences, the actual time it takes each child to complete his/her assignments will vary.<br />

If you feel that a child is spending significantly more than the recommended time on homework, please<br />

contact the child's teacher to see if they are aware of the situation.<br />


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