Boonton Township School District

Boonton Township School District

Boonton Township School District


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dose not less than one month after the first dose. Children who present Documented Laboratory<br />

Evidence of measles immunity shall not be required to receive the measles vaccine.<br />

Hepatitis B<br />

Three (3) doses prior to entry to school.<br />

Meningococcal Vaccine<br />

Every child born on or after January 1, 1997 and entering or attending Grade Six on or after September 1,<br />

2008 shall have received one dose of a meningococcal-containing vaccine<br />

Varicella<br />

Every child born on or after January 1, 1998, shall have received one dose of varicella vaccine on or after<br />

the first birthday; documented laboratory evidence of varicella immunity, a physician’s statement, or<br />

parental statement of previous varicella disease is also acceptable.<br />

Pre-school students are required to also have:<br />

Hib<br />

A minimum of one dose on or after the first birthday.<br />

Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine<br />

One dose on or after the first birthday.<br />

Influenza Vaccine<br />

A minimum of one dose of influenza vaccine between September 1 and December 31 of each year.<br />

New Immunization Requirements for Sixth Grade Students:<br />

Please note new requirements of Tdap and Meningococcal Vaccines prior to entry into the sixth grade.<br />

Medical Exemptions<br />

A child shall not be required to have any specific immunization(s), which are medically contraindicated. A<br />

written statement from a physician is required indicating that an immunization is medically contraindicated<br />

for a specific period of time, and the reason for the medical contraindication, based upon valid medical<br />

reasons.<br />

Religious Exemptions<br />

A child shall be exempted from mandatory immunization if the parent or guardian objects thereto in a<br />

written statement submitted to the school signed by the parent or guardian, explaining how the<br />

administration of immunizing agents conflicts with the pupil’s exercise of bona fide religious tenets or<br />

practices. General philosophical or moral objection to immunization shall not be sufficient for an<br />

exemption on religious grounds.<br />

*Children with medical and/or religious exemptions from receiving immunizing agents may be excluded<br />

from the school during a vaccine-preventable disease outbreak or threatened outbreak as determined by<br />

the NJ Commissioner, Department of Health and Senior Services.<br />


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