Healthy NHS Board: a review of - NHS Leadership Academy

Healthy NHS Board: a review of - NHS Leadership Academy

Healthy NHS Board: a review of - NHS Leadership Academy


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Author Title Year Summary<br />

Fulop, N. et al.<br />

Goodall, A. H.<br />

Goodrich, J.<br />

Guest, D. E. &<br />

Woodrow, C.<br />

Implementing changes to hospital<br />

services: Factors influencing<br />

the process and ‘results’ <strong>of</strong><br />

reconfiguration<br />

Physician-leaders and hospital<br />

performance: Is there an<br />

association?<br />

Schwartz Center Rounds:<br />

Evaluation <strong>of</strong> the UK pilots<br />

Exploring the boundaries <strong>of</strong> human<br />

resource managers' responsibilities<br />

2012 Research presenting three case<br />

studies analysing factors influencing<br />

implementation <strong>of</strong> hospital<br />

reconfigurations, with a focus on internal<br />

and external stakeholders<br />

2011 Cross sectional study <strong>of</strong> top 100 US<br />

hospitals, examining influence <strong>of</strong> physician<br />

CEOs<br />

2011 Report describing background to Schwartz<br />

Centre Rounds, and the effects their<br />

introduction was perceived to have in two<br />

English hospitals<br />

2012 Review <strong>of</strong> the literature exploring the<br />

extent to which HR managers can<br />

implement ‘ethical’ HR management<br />

Healthcare Financial<br />

Management<br />

Association<br />

<strong>NHS</strong> Audit Committee handbook 2011 Guidance on the Audit Committee’s<br />

purpose and role. Also features<br />

information on the Assurance Framework<br />

and the overall risk assurance system<br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> Chartered<br />

Secretaries and<br />

Administrators<br />

Jacobs, R. et al.<br />

Jha, A. K. &<br />

Epstein, A. M.<br />

Maben, J. et al.<br />

Mapping the gap: highlighting the<br />

disconnect between governance<br />

best practice and reality in the <strong>NHS</strong><br />

The relationship between<br />

organizational culture and<br />

performance in acute hospitals<br />

A Survey Of <strong>Board</strong> Chairs Of<br />

English Hospitals Shows Greater<br />

Attention To Quality Of Care Than<br />

Among Their US Counterparts<br />

Exploring the relationship between<br />

patients' experiences <strong>of</strong> care and<br />

the influence <strong>of</strong> staff motivation,<br />

affect and wellbeing<br />

2011 Report based on survey and observation<br />

data, analysing the extent to which board<br />

behaviours reflect best practice (including<br />

the original <strong>Healthy</strong> <strong>NHS</strong> <strong>Board</strong>)<br />

2012 Analysis <strong>of</strong> the relationship between<br />

senior management team culture<br />

(assessed using the Competing Values<br />

Framework) and organisational<br />

performance in over 100 hospitals across<br />

three time periods between 2001/02 and<br />

2007/08<br />

2013 Survey <strong>of</strong> 132 chairs <strong>of</strong> English <strong>NHS</strong><br />

organisations covering board quality<br />

governance, compared with a previous<br />

survey conducted in the US<br />

2012 Mixed methods study in 4 <strong>NHS</strong><br />

organisations (high and low performing),<br />

drawing on interviews, observations, and<br />

staff and patient surveys<br />

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