cyperin 200 ec - Nulandis

cyperin 200 ec - Nulandis cyperin 200 ec - Nulandis


APPLICATION TABLE: CROP / PEST DOSAGE REMARKS ALL CROPS Cutworms APPLES & PEARS Codling moth, Leaf roller, American bollworm Ground Application: 100 ml/ha 0.33 ml/100 m plant row Aerial Application: 100 ml/ha 5 ml/100 l water High volume (125 – 175 ml/ha) Low volume (100 – 140 ml/ha ) Apply treatment either pre or post emergence when pests are noticed. Ensure that the top 3 cm of the soil is moist. Repeat treatment in case of re-infestation. 1. Overall spray Apply in 300 l water/ha. 2. Band spray (300 mm wide) Apply in at least 3 l water/100m row. Apply in 30 l water/ha. NB: Refer to “Warning against American bollworm resistance” under “Resistance Warning”. Apply first spray at 75 % petal drop and repeat at 14 day intervals. Apply as a corrective treatment not earlier than 75 % petal drop. Use 2 500 – 3 500 l spray mixture per ha. Caution: Toxic to bees. Banded fruit weevil (Snout beetle) BEANS American bollworm 10 ml/100 l water High volume (250 – 350 ml/ha) Low volume (200 – 280 ml/ha) 150 ml/ha High Volume Application Using 2 500 – 3 500 l spray mixture per ha. Apply two sprays, the first at 75 % petal drop. Repeat 4 weeks later. Further, either a low or high volume spray can be applied during mid-January to prevent late season damage. Low Volume Application Using ¼ or 1/8 of spray volume indicated for high volume application. NB: Refer to “Warning against American bollworm resistance” under “Resistance Warning”. Ground Application: Apply in 300 l water. Inspect lands regularly and if necessary repeat application. Apply as soon as eggs or larvae are noticed Aerial Application: Apply in 30 l water/ha. 6 Label submitted June 2012 – Approved 12.3.2013

CROP / PEST DOSAGE REMARKS COTTON American, Red & spiny bollworm, stainers & Semilooper (Plusia) 7-day Spray programme NB: Refer to “Warning against American bollworm resistance” under “Resistance Warning”. Cyperin 200 EC is primarily recommended for use as a preventative control measure against all bollworm larvae during the period of fruiting, i.e., from peak flowering until boll split (approximately 10 – 22 weeks after plant emergence). Treatment is based on regular scouting or a regular spray programme. Cyperin 200 EC may also be used correctively against bollworm larvae and leaf eaters if these are found during scouting. A bollworm spray programme will normally commence at the beginning of flowering but to ensure proper pest management Cyperin 200 EC should not be used from this period until peak flowering (10 – 12 weeks after plant emergence). During this period use profenofos for the control of American bollworm. Apply sufficient spray mixture to ensure good coverage of the plants. Ground Application: 75 ml/100 l water Ground Application: Apply 200 l mixture/ha. Aerial Application: Aerial Application: Apply in 30 l water/ha. 175 ml/ha NOTES: 1. Apply Cyperin 200 EC from week 12 when the following larvae and / or egg infestation levels are reached. American bollworm: 2 larvae or 12 eggs on 24 plants. Red bollworm: 2 larvae or 6 eggs on 24 plants. Spiny bollworm: 2 larvae 2. A set programme, at 7-day intervals may be followed. 3. Half the rate recommended above may be applied to cotton 600 mm and smaller i.e. 100 l spray mixture/ha in the case of ground application. 4. In case of high infestation – more than 2 bollworm larvae per 24 plants, it is advisable to increase the dosage amount. CRUCIFERAE American bollworm, Diamond-back moth larvae, Thrips 10 ml/100 l water NB: Refer to “Warning against American bollworm resistance” under “Resistance Warning”. Ensure good wetting of the plant. At first signs of pest commence spraying. Repeat 10- 14 days later if necessary. FORESTRY Pine emperor moth larvae -------------------------------- Willow tree emperor moth larvae ---------------------------------- Wattle bagworm Aerial Application: 50 ml/ha --------------------------------- Aerial Application: 100 ml/ha --------------------------------- Aerial Application: 100 ml/ha Apply in 30 l water/ha. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Apply in 30 l water/ha. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Apply in 30 l water/ha. Commence spraying during November / December. 7 Label submitted June 2012 – Approved 12.3.2013




Cutworms<br />


Codling moth, Leaf roller,<br />

American bollworm<br />

Ground Application:<br />

100 ml/ha<br />

0.33 ml/100 m plant row<br />

Aerial Application:<br />

100 ml/ha<br />

5 ml/100 l water<br />

High volume<br />

(125 – 175 ml/ha)<br />

Low volume<br />

(100 – 140 ml/ha )<br />

Apply treatment either pre or post emergence when<br />

pests are noticed. Ensure that the top 3 cm of the soil<br />

is moist. Repeat treatment in case of re-infestation.<br />

1. Overall spray<br />

Apply in 300 l water/ha.<br />

2. Band spray (300 mm wide)<br />

Apply in at least 3 l water/100m row.<br />

Apply in 30 l water/ha.<br />

NB: Refer to “Warning against American bollworm<br />

resistance” under “Resistance Warning”.<br />

Apply first spray at 75 % petal drop and repeat at 14<br />

day intervals.<br />

Apply as a corr<strong>ec</strong>tive treatment not earlier than 75 %<br />

petal drop.<br />

Use 2 500 – 3 500 l spray mixture per ha.<br />

Caution:<br />

Toxic to bees.<br />

Banded fruit weevil<br />

(Snout beetle)<br />

BEANS<br />

American bollworm<br />

10 ml/100 l water<br />

High volume<br />

(250 – 350 ml/ha)<br />

Low volume<br />

(<strong>200</strong> – 280 ml/ha)<br />

150 ml/ha<br />

High Volume Application<br />

Using 2 500 – 3 500 l spray mixture per ha. Apply<br />

two sprays, the first at 75 % petal drop. Repeat 4<br />

weeks later. Further, either a low or high volume<br />

spray can be applied during mid-January to prevent<br />

late season damage.<br />

Low Volume Application<br />

Using ¼ or 1/8 of spray volume indicated for high<br />

volume application.<br />

NB: Refer to “Warning against American bollworm<br />

resistance” under “Resistance Warning”.<br />

Ground Application: Apply in 300 l water. Insp<strong>ec</strong>t<br />

lands regularly and if n<strong>ec</strong>essary repeat application.<br />

Apply as soon as eggs or larvae are noticed<br />

Aerial Application: Apply in 30 l water/ha.<br />

6<br />

Label submitted June 2012 – Approved 12.3.2013

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